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Legion Ana Konu

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Mesaj tarihi:
Reddit'te açılmış konusu ve direkt kapatılmış sanırım, sonrasında mmo-champion'a açmışlar konusunu, oradan aldım içeriği sızma deniyor ama sallama da olabilir ki baya güzel sallama olur eğer yalansa :). ; http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1820644-The-Dark-Prophet-Leak-on-4chan-and-reddit

Yeni sınıf geliyor, Shadowstalker, Shadow Hunter ve Dark Ranger var içinde dps olarak bir de heal olacakmış Spirit Mending.

Vol'jin üzerinden gidecekmiş senaryo, Malfurionla birlikte Night Elves ve Troll genişlemesi denmiş, gerisi aşağıda. Hayırlısı.

Zul and Azshara are the main villains.

After the last defeat Zul has asked Rastakhan for more support, but Rastakhan has lost the confidence in Zul and refuses support. In a big coup, Zul has Rastakhan assassinated and assumes control of the Zandalari.

The Zandalari trolls ally with the naga, whose goal it is to flood the continents and raise the ocean level.

The big focus of the expansion will be on night elves and trolls, with Malfurion and Vol'jin being the main heroes.

This is Vo'jin's big opportunity to prove himself as the warchief of the Horde.

A big emphasis will be on Vol'jin's loyalty to the Horde, despite the opportunity to be part of a newly risen troll empire. His story will be about resisting the temptation to join the Zandalari and stay with his family.

This is the South Seas expansion that so many players want.

New class will be Shadowstalker.

Trolls, Blood Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Forsaken, Humans, Dwarves, Worgen, Night Elves and Gnomes will be able to be this class.

The class will be a ranged class that uses bows, crossbows and guns, and it will have a heavier focus on magic attacks.

Specs are Dark Ranger, Spirit Mending and Shadow Hunter. Dark Ranger and Shadow Hunter are dps specs and Spirit Mending is a healing spec.

New Shadowstalkers will start at level 1, but players who buy The Dark Prophet will be able to create 1 Shadowstalker character at level 100.

New levelcap will be 110.

The expansion will have 8 zones.

The Valarian Depths, Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Kezan, Tel'Abim, Plunder Isle, The Rift and Broken Isles.

The two starting zones will be The Valarian Depths and Zandalar.

The Valarian Depths are an underwater zone with naga, similar to Vashj'ir, but smaller. It serves as the intro to the storyline revolving around the naga. The story in this zone deals with Ozumat and the kidnapped Neptulon.

Zandalar used to be the capital of the Zandalari, before it was destroyed in the Cataclysm. This zone is completely ruined. Players will get here and figure out what happened to the trolls, and what they are up to.

After the starting zone players in each zone will board a ship that will lead them to either Kul Tiras for the Alliance or Kezan for the Horde. These zones will serve as the capitals for the factions, Players will get their own ship here, which they will use to travel around the islands. Around the capitals there will also be some questing.

Tel'Abim is a tropical paradise. A group of peaceful trolls, the Sunspear tribe, live here. The zone is mostly light-hearted. Players have to help the Sunspear tribe against a new pygmy-like race that is giving them trouble.

Plunder Isle is a pirate island. Here people can recruit pirates for their crew.

The Rift will be the first of two endgame zones. Here lies the naga city of Nazjatar.

The Broken Isles are a group of islands, and it is the second endgame zone, that is overrun by a mix of troll and naga forces. Here the naga and trolls are going through the ruins of the Tomb of Sargeras in search for powerful artifacts. The Tomb of Sargeras will be a dungeon.

Players will not only be able to travel with their ship from island to island, but also be able to explore the open seas and hidden islands. They will be able to recruit a crew of pirates. Depending on what pirates you pick, they will contribute in different ways to your ship. For example you can get a cook for your ship, which will unlock exclusive cooking recipes and who will be able to cook for you. Other pirates might contribute with different abilities, like professions or as a barber on your ship, or by offering rare quests.

Blizzard returns to creating multiple dungeons per zone. Expect about 2-3 dungeons in most zones.
Mesaj tarihi:
abi lütfen intro dışında su altı olmasın ya.

bi de okçu shadow hunter enteresan olmuş. dark ranger ile shadow hunter aynı classta spec olarak nasıl yan yana gelmiş aklım pek almadı.

tarihle ilgili hiç leak fln var mı?
Mesaj tarihi:
tüm içeriği alıp koydum tam bir tarih yok maalesef, ama konuda 4chandeki konu başlığı da verilmiş kaldırılmadıysa belki altında konuşuyorlardır. Ben de su altından bezmiştim inşallah çok sürmez, TBC'de nagalarla olan bölümler iyiydi de şu Vash'ir falan rezaletti :(.
Mesaj tarihi:
vashjir kotu diildi o kadar, dizayn sahaneydide hani su alti herhangi bir oyunda anca o kadar cekilir oluyor, water temple in adi bosuna cikmadi ocarina of timeda :P

su genelde zaten iyi bir konsept degil ama gemi olayini duyunca sevindim, ultima gunlerim geldi aklima :D gemi kacirmak, gemide train yapanlari yakalyip oldurmek filan :D

su pygymy vs demisler ordan bi ikna oldum cunki ole aptal seyleri oyuna sokmak konusunda ustune yok blizzardin, azshara da mantikli baya cunki HotS datamine da mantikli gelmiyordu wowda direkt koymadiklari bir villain i hero yapmalari. yeni class ise inandirici diil kulaga hos gelsede. pure ranged bow ile dps yapan hero cok istedim ben son 10 yildir huntard ride yuzunden ama mekanigi nasil olucak bilemedim. focus mu yoksa manami cok onemli, mana ile yurumez ama daha cok magic based damage yapicak demisler zaten, hmmm bakicaz dogru ise. yeni healer eklemeleride spec ile guzel hihihi
Mesaj tarihi:
abi vajir i bende çok severdim. insanlar mob lootlamayı sorun etmişti görüntü açısından dolayı. ama oranın havası müziği falan ayrıdır bende. bide poseidus falan beklerdim 3 kez yakaladım sattım hatta mount u. ayrı severim orayı ben.
Mesaj tarihi:
Fake gibi geldi bana. Mesela bi spellbreaker veya witch doctor dururken shadowstalker ne ola ki?

Gerçi biri şöyle demiş ama bilemedim

it's from Geheimnis

that's the guy that leaked WoD on these very forums

just saying
Mesaj tarihi:
ben feyk oldugunu sanmiyorum bu defa cunki WoD da linklendiginde "ya bi git, time travel, gromm geri gelcek filan lel! hayatta yapmazlar o kadar lame bi exp" demisti millet. bu en azindan kagit ustunde guzel duruyor...

oh wait, bole iyi bir expansion yapamaz blizz safasdfsa
Mesaj tarihi:

ya ne kan kaybetmesı, siz oynamıyorsunuz dıye kan kaybediyor mu oluyor?

yeni expansion cıktıgında 8-10 milyon arası geziniyor, hevesini alanlar bırakınca standart 6m kemik oyuncusuna geri donuyor iste.

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