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Mesaj tarihi:
Evet o da absürd yani.
Oyunda hiç high level npc yok mu custom guild npcler haricinde?

Hadi oyunun konsepti o diyelim, çünkü Nazarick'ten dungeon olarak bahsetmişlerdi. Herhalde guildler kendi dungeonlarını yapıyorlar end game PvE o konsept üzerinden yürüyor diyelim. Diğer guildler nerede? Player olarak bir tek Momonga kalsa bile diğer guildlerin high lvl npclerinin çoktan olaylara karışması gerekmiyormuydu?

Gerçi daha erken, kesin karışırlar bir noktada. Hatta Momonga haricinde playerlar filan da çıkar mutlaka, çıkması lazım. Çünkü hikayenin bu şekilde gitmesi çok saçma olur.
Mesaj tarihi:
Yanliz ne gamsiz adammis. İnsan hic mi gercek dunyada noluyo diye dusunmez... Gerci sikayetci degilim oyle bi drama olmadan adamin direk dunyayla ugrasmasi daha keyifli.
Mesaj tarihi:

Deredere Evileye çok iyi ya ahahahah.
Kalıcı olur herhalde.

Yalnız bu bölüm de Albedosuz geçti.
Önümüzdeki bölüme de screentime vermezlerse dropluycam diyecektim de sezon bitti zaten ^^

Mesaj tarihi:
gecen sezonun bitisine gore bayagi sonuktu ama bu sezonki konulara gore makul bitti. cok daha beter olabilirdi fjsdklfjsad. reis ya.

Sam said:


buna da kahkaha attim.
  • 3 ay sonra ...
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  • 4 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:


Just a passing by Light Novel reader. Some things you wanna notice here.
1. The reason that Ainz fights as a warrior for the first half is because he's trying to level other class's to see if its possible to go over the level cap in the new world.
2. The main reason she threw up was due too ainz overflowing mana which at first sight gave her motion sickness.
3. Something else they don't mention is after arches death her parents sells her sisters into slavery and they die of overwork.
4. They changed the scene here a bit when momon is mentioned (i maybe wrong here) in the LN he brings out Momons helmet and says the same thing. They mistook this and they thought he already killed them.
5. That religous caster goes insane due to experimentation
6. The couple ends up being a breeding ground for a bug like servant they eternally serve as nests and get healed even when they get close to death.
7. Auras reaction to the mention of the bug servant is quite detailed in the LN he's shalltears subordinate but he needs to interact with Aura often due to her ranger class. But aura is grossed out by him so she usually sends her brother in her stead.

Mesaj tarihi:
Xenus said:


Just a passing by Light Novel reader. Some things you wanna notice here.
1. The reason that Ainz fights as a warrior for the first half is because he's trying to level other class's to see if its possible to go over the level cap in the new world.
2. The main reason she threw up was due too ainz overflowing mana which at first sight gave her motion sickness.
3. Something else they don't mention is after arches death her parents sells her sisters into slavery and they die of overwork.
4. They changed the scene here a bit when momon is mentioned (i maybe wrong here) in the LN he brings out Momons helmet and says the same thing. They mistook this and they thought he already killed them.
5. That religous caster goes insane due to experimentation
6. The couple ends up being a breeding ground for a bug like servant they eternally serve as nests and get healed even when they get close to death.
7. Auras reaction to the mention of the bug servant is quite detailed in the LN he's shalltears subordinate but he needs to interact with Aura often due to her ranger class. But aura is grossed out by him so she usually sends her brother in her stead.

şunu okumasaydım baya anlamsız bir bölüm olarak kalıyordu cidden. anime baya kopuk ilerliyordu son bölümler için...
Mesaj tarihi:

Bölüm çok iyiydi (tu)

Ainz böyle insanlarla iletişim kurayım, şuna merhamet gösteriyim, şunu cezalandırmıyim de ders vereyim filan derken aslında kötü değil, anti-hero algısı oluşturuyor bazen.

O yüzden bunun gibi bölümlerle o algıyı resetleyip izleyiciye Ainz villain'ın allahı lan diye hatırlatmaları gerekiyor işte :p


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