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Ark Survival Evolved

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
bunu mmo diye lanse etmiyorlar zaten

official serverlar mevcut bir de işte senin kurdukların var. player sayısının düşük olacağını düşünmüyorum çünkü map çok büyük. official serverlarda limit olsa bile community serverlarında arttırırlar.
Mesaj tarihi:
tree of life'a hype yiyenler utansın asdasd


dat pvp, dat pve

ark'ı da almıyorum zaten, izlemeye aldım sadece. büyük ihtimal early access release baya patates olur. xaenin, kermit falan gelirse oynarım ancak işte.
Mesaj tarihi:
imamizer said:

ben şu trailer'ı izleyince ıslandım zaten hype'a gerek yok.

o görseller nedir abi. sırf arkadaşlarla haritayı keşfetmek için alasım var.

Ben de vazgectim almaktan bunu. Cok iyi grafikler 2gb 6950 calistirmaz bunu :(
Mesaj tarihi:
Oynayan varsa yorum yapsın biraz ya da sağda solda arastırma yapıp yorum okuyan. Bende e ufak bir kıpraşma oldu bu oyun için. Serverlar fln nasıl olucakmış dedicated server fln var mı ve kaç kisilik vs..
Mesaj tarihi:
Oha oculus destekli çıkıyormuş?

Will the game launch with VR support?

Early Access will launch with full Oculus Rift VR support. (and game-pad controls)

Beware, flying a pterodactyl with VR headset on may induce extreme fear of heights! (it certainly does Drake!)
Mesaj tarihi:

gece çok iyi ya

karanlıkta scorpion sokup, bayılıp tecavüze uğramak mı

minik hızlı dinoların poison tükürüp cenin pozisyonunda tecevüz etmesi mi

hepsini yapmışlar asdasd

kuşlar saldırsa keşke bi de asdasdasdasd
Mesaj tarihi:
alışıla geldik tecavüz değil ama bayıltıp fantezi tecavüzü.

bok yedirmeli, üzerine işemeli, suda boğmalı falan.

ölenlerin cesetleri de drag edebiliyorsun bu arada, çanta gibi taşıyorsun. adamlar piçlik ve küçük düşürme üzerine tasarlamış sistemleri. eskiden UO'da ceset parçalayıp, parçalardan yere sanat çalışması yapmak gibi asdasd.
Mesaj tarihi:
evet dün twitch'te en çok izlenen oyundu. bugün steam top seller olmuş. sabah alayım en kötü refund patlatırım dedim, sonra milletin yorumlarını gördüm. gtx 970 - 980 ile şaka gibi fps alınıyormuş, optimizasyon hiç yok diyorlar. öyle olunca why bother dedim. birkaç haftaya optimizasyon patchi gelir, o zaman bakarız artık.

dev açıklaması

State of the Game, Reporting Crashes, Making the most of your settings - Megathread
Hey guys!

I know we’re having some issues, but everyone is working hard to resolve them. Hopefully we’ll be able to have you all online on the Official servers relatively soon and then we can start resolving some of the other issues you have.

I’m going to compile a lot of information for a mega-thread that way we can have quick access to information and keep everything much more organised and easier to communicate.

Reporting a crash

If you get a crash or someone you know get's a crash please report it to us!

We can also make use of dump files that are created.

You can find them located here:


Please email any of the files or the crash logs to [email protected]

And we'll get to analyzing and fixing them as soon as possible


Single Player

Originally posted by Drake:
Despite the button's funky color, you can now access the "Host / Local Play" menu. (If you host from there, you'll launch your own dedicated server, you can pick a password etc).

That said, there is a bug with performance after loading a singleplayer save-game that we will be addressing tonight. As we mentioned, expect a significant update of bug fixes, new content, and new features usually every day, at most every 2 days :)

Let's do it!!!!

Mac and Linux Clients

These are currently not available to download, however we expect to have them ready to ship out to players towards the end of the month. Won’t have too wait too much longer guys!

Amount of servers

We’ve realise that there are a large number of you still trying to log on but find yourself unable to connect to a server, we’re hard at work to fix the issues with the unknown error as well as bring up some new servers for you to connect to. We’ll aim to do this as soon as possible and hopefully will have the fixes in place tonight.

Unknown Error

Originally posted by TheRightHand:
We're working on it, nobody is side-stepping you! There are just a lot of topics popping up and it's hard to get to them all!

Unknown error can happen for a number of reasons:

It can happen because the server is actually full, but the browser has not updated that yet.

It can happen because you have a firewall or a router which is blocking connections to the server.

It can happen because the remote server for some reason is not communicating with you correctly.

It can also happen if you're technically "offline" on Steam, so try re-starting Steam if you haven't.

We're looking into these issues right now very diligently, all of our engineers are on sorting out these connection and server browser issues!

Thanks for your support!

- The Right Hand.

Optimisation and FPS

We understand that there are a lot of optimisation issues with the game currently. We have always been transparent about this, the game is very demanding but over the course of the next few days and the upcoming weeks we will be dedicating a lot of time to performance and optimization. You will see rapid improvement. For now some of the heavy perf killers are resolution scaling, shadows, as well as the check boxes for Distance Field Ambient Occlusion, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, Dynamic Tessellation, Ground Clutter, and Sky Clutter sliders.

I would recommend that you guys turn your shadows down, disable both types of occlusion, tessellation and reduce your sliders. If you’re still having some perf issues, try reducing your resolution scaling down a bit and you’ll find yourself much more comfortable playing the game!

Don’t worry though, we’ll go along to improve this heavily in the upcoming weeks!

Founder Items

There will be an update that should be going out in the next day or so to ensure that every character receives their Founding items!

Setting up your own server

There are a few alternatives to setting up a server right now, UHostPro and BlueFangSolutions have begun providing their own ARK servers so check those out if you’re looking to play whilst we deal with the issues that currently exist with the official ones!

There’s also a thread here that may shed some light on starting your own server;


Thanks for being so patient everyone, we’ll be working hard to deal with the problems and hopefully have everything running swimmingly soon!

All the best,


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