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The Last Man on Earth - Fox (2015)

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2 tane teori buldum, özünde aynı şeyden bahsediyorlar ve hayvan gibi spoiler, ama gerçekten böyleyse izlenir.

özellikle reddit'teki bayağı iyi.


I'm sure other people have said this theory already but am curious as to who else watches the show believing this:
No one but Phil still exists on Earth. The pilot chronicles Phil's descent into madness after having been alone for over a year, during which time he took a trip around the U.S. and determined that there were no people left in the entire country. He Xed off every state on the map, dejectedly writing 'Alive in Tuscon' on billboards as he went. It was sort of a joke, more than anything, because surely he could have found someone in the last year, if anyone was left in the country besides him. If you believe what's happening in the show is real, then Phil went for over a year without seeing another human being and, within the span of a couple of weeks, three different people suddenly find his signs and show up. The odds of that are ridiculously small. (And, yeah, I know it's a sitcom but that doesn't mean it can't have a plot.)
What happened in reality is that Phil went from arguing with God to creating and talking to ball people a la Tom Hanks in Cast Away. This worked for awhile as a kind of light delusion, until Phil kissed the mannequin in the store window and her arm fell off. He says "you win" to God and the illusion is broken. He decides he can't keep up the charade anymore and stages a funeral for himself. If you watch the moment when Phil tries to kill himself, you can see the car turning to the left long before it hits the bullseye, and then it appears to continue to be heading towards the bullseye. This is the moment Phil's delusion changed into something else.
Because his ball people psychosis was shattered, Phil began imagining "real" people. The suicide attempt was sort of how he jumped into the next phase of his delusion-- part of the delusion is the OMG moment when he sees the smoke signal that saves him. Every single thing that has happened since the funeral for himself is in Phil's head. It's an elaborate stage play that he's set up for himself. The scene with Melissa where he brings her to see the ball people he created for himself shows how Phil's psychosis has become more elaborate. In reality, he's standing there talking to himself in a room full of ball people he's made.
There are some clues besides just the dreams/hallucinations that Phil has. One of the first is that Alexandria Daddario (the vision of a woman that Phil thinks has revived him before realizing the woman is Carol) is wearing the flowered blouse that the mannequin in the storefront window and looks a bit like what a real-life version of the mannequin would look like. This implies that when Phil talks to his ball people/the mannequin, he sees them as human people in his mind. He gives them physical attributes, voices, signature traits, etc.. We hear this, too-- "that's homophobic, even for you, Bryce", for example. When the mannequin broke so, too, did this stage of Phil's psychosis and he can no longer delude himself that inanimate objects are real, so he instead just starts imagining people. After all, he told the mannequin that he had come to realize that people were what made life living. His mind stops himself from killing himself and instead creates a life for Phil that is worth living because-- miracle of miracle!-- people start arriving in Tuscon.
Another thing that's interesting is that as "people" arrive, they remark on how they almost missed Phil. Melissa was driving around Tuscon for weeks before she found Phil & Carol. Todd nearly kept going to Mexico but for the stroke of luck of seeing Phil's fireworks. This is part of Phil's delusion-- the luck of it, the random chance, the miracle that they all found one another-- because the reality is that this is impossible and not going to happen once, let alone three times, let alone three times in a matter of weeks. Also, the elaborate setups of things like the "romantic" fireworks lawn, the Dunk the Skunk event, Carol & Phil's wedding... all of this involved getting stuff and putting together some elaborate game... just like what Phil was doing in the first episode. It's destroying stuff and playing around, since he has all the freedom in the world to do so. (Why does Carol have a crafting habit? So Phil's mind can justify making up the props for the game.) There was also a plot where he brings Carol along on one of his afternoons-- that was Phil imaging having a friend to play with. The most recent indicator that it's all in Phil's head? He's spying on Melissa and Todd's date when he remarks (out loud, apparently to himself, like he probably really is doing because he's acting the entire series out like a one-man play) that playing real golf at a minigolf is one of the first things Phil did when he got there. Yeah, exactly. That's where Phil's mind got the idea for this whole Melissa-Todd date in the first place. As a side note, the whole show being the meanderings of Phil's psychotic mind then also explains other stuff people have questioned about the series, namely the lack of animals and corpses. What we saw of the show before the bullseye turning point didn't venture very far into the world. We saw a couple of empty roads, Phil's bus, the inside of his old apartment, and part of the insides of the gated community into which he's moved. There could well be corpses everywhere. We just didn't encounter any before the show became entirely Phil's people-creating delusion and, since the show is then just totally in Phil's head, he can blot out for us anything that reminds him of reality-- like any corpses he finds along the way. Carol's raisin balls come from the fact that she says there is no meat anymore. Maybe there are animals but since Phil has no idea how to track, hunt, and kill any of them, he's decided that there is no meat anymore. That sort of thing. The delusion idea also accounts for a lot of Carol's inconsistencies. For a woman obsessed with order and maintaining society, she often pairs up clothes from her quirky wardrobe that look like they were put together by, well, an idiotic forty-year old man with a frat boy mentality while he's on a bender and without the lights on. There's also zero chance on the planet that Melissa would have ever agreed to sleep with Phil, even for the sake of humanity, no matter how horny she was, based on the Melissa created by Phil's own mind. But his delusion had to have a victory in there for a little while before another inevitable plot twist that creates more conflict and allows the story to continue. It's why Carol was the "reality" of Phil's delusion and not Alexandria Daddario's character. If Phil had really woken up to that perfect fantasy, that'd be it. No story, over and done. But when his mind creates Carol, throws in Melissa, and then Todd, right at the perfect moments? Now, it's a game worth telling his ball friends about.

ekşi sözlük

sezon finaline son bölüm kalan demedi demeyin spoilerını yazacağım. tabi ki şahsi fikir ve kanaatimdir.

--- fena ütopik ve teorili spoiler ---

phil abimiz gerçekten dünyadaki son insan olup, diğer tüm karakterler kafasında oluşturduğu karakterlerdir. dur hemen diğer entry'e geçme. bak sana da mantıklı gelecek.

phil heryeri dolaşıp tuscon'a döndü ve yalnızlıktan sıkılıp intihar etmeye karar vermedi mi? tesadüftür ki tam o sırada karşı cins ama kendisi de cins olan bir kadın carol ortaya çıktı. bu kadın kuralcı ve biokadar da saftır. bunun phil'deki tek rolü hayata tutunması için zayıf ama yeterli bir karakter olmasıdır.

2. olarak tam carol'dan bıkma ve artık tekrar hayattan soğuma aşamasına geldiğinde, karakter yaratmanın keyfine tekrar vararak ve carol'dan da ders alarak carol'ın tam ters karakteri bir afeti yarattı. melissa, phil için ana arzudur. fakat phil ve saplantıları yüzünden ve geçmişinde yaptığı her ne kötülüğün etkisiyse, carol'a ihanet edemedi.

3. olarak carol'a ihanet edemeyen ama melissa'yı da arzulayan phil, melissa için kendinden bir karakter de yaratıp onunla raşşırıraşşırı yaptırdı. fakat bunu bizzat phil olan kendine yediremeyip kendinden zayıf karakter olarak, şişman, kel, çirkin ve iyi niyet elçisi olarak oluşturdu. belli bir süre bunun savaşını verip en sonunda tekrar vazgeçti.

4. ve 5. olarak yine bu durumdan sıkılıp hayata yakınırken yeni bir şans dilemesi üzerine yine tesadüftür ki bu sefer çifte şans iki kadın olarak erica ve gail ortaya çıktı. phil için yeni bir deneme, doğru insan olma şansıydı fakat daha en başta yalan söyleyerek yani yine kendine ters düşerek işleri sarpa sardı. erica ve gail da, phil'den nefret edenler, yani aslında phil'in yıkamadığı tabularına yenik düşen hayali karakterlerden oldular.

6. ve son olarak, tabu yıkma adına verdiği birkaç yalnız geçen gece sonrasında carol ile boşandı yani artık kafasını serin tuttuğu anda, tüm dişi karakterlerin ilgisini çekeceği kimliğe büründü. tesadüftür ki bu egoyla geçireceği günde yine kendisinin düşünmesine dahi imkan vermeyen geçmişinden sebepli vicdanı ile yeni erkek karakter ortaya çıkardı. bu da hayalindeki ayaklı ego. yine ve yeniden tesadüftür ki adı da phil miller. çünkü onu kendinden daha üstün kıldığı için ismini ona verdi ve kendini silik olan tandy yaptı.

sonuç olarak aslında phil miller hala dünyadaki son adam ve bunların hepsi aklının oyunları. küçük toplarla konuşma halini hatırlayın. hayatta kalma için bu karakter olsa da geçmişinde yaptığı ve hala vicdanını sömüren durumdan dolayı kendisine pek fırsat vermeyip hayalinde oluşturduğu karakterlerle onları yaşıyor. birçoğunun soyadı bile yok.

gerçeği ya bu sezon sonu ya da dizinin genel bitiminde açıklarlar ama olan durum bu benden size söylemesi.
--- şimdilik bitti spoiler ---

hiç abarttım ya da saçmaladığımı düşünme. burada fersah fersah lost'a fringe'e teoriler ürettik. sokakta yürüyen kediye bile neden yürüyor diye anlam yükledik. o yüzden yazdıklarım az bile saşlfdkshj

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