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bitcoin #2

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
LTC mtgox'a aralikta gelmiyo galiba, Jan 1, 2014 diyolla. Hatta ilerleyen vakitte NMC'de olacak diyolla.

"Trade Engine Midas Our new trading engine is finished and soon to be deployed after a couple of hardware updates. Code-named "Midas", we're currently bench-testing the engine at over 500,000 trades per second, but Midas is capable of much more than that. We're really looking forward to showing you what it can do, and are pretty certain you'll love it too.
UX Improvement While we're also working on some big-picture changes, Mt. Gox is also testing some new interface designs based on lots of user feedback. Selected customers are already able to see some of the changes, and we'll be rolling them out over the next weeks.
LiteCoin Update We hate to apologize yet again for the delay in implementing Litecoin, but the fact of the matter is that it depends on a variety of factors, including completing all of the above before we launch. We're looking forward to the rollout, but at this point are reluctant to speculate on when. We are sorry to keep Litecoin enthusiasts hanging."
Their October statement regarding emergency maintenance:
"Finally, the implementation of this new infrastructure is a prerequisite before we can initiate Midas. There is still a lot of work to be done before we can launch Midas but rest assured this is a priority project for us. Once Midas is up and running we will be able to offer the trading of other digital currencies."

Mesaj tarihi:
8-7 formasyonuna döndü

sabah gördü sabah şimdi 7 görüp 7.4-7.6 arası kitiler kendini bir süpriz olmazsa oradan da artık yatırım gelmezse 8-6 arası gider gelir günlerce gibime geliyor 5lerede düşebilir 8lerede gelebilir ama 5 altı 8.8 üstü çıkmaz
Mesaj tarihi:
imamizer said:

abi kimseden saklandığım kaçtığım yok asdfasd niye öyle diyorsun.
elin adamına, kim olduğunu bilmediğin adama atıyorsun bilgileri.

vergi vs. den dolayı dedim abi kaçma mevzunu.
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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