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Total War: Rome 2 #2


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Bactaria açılmış, benim gibi ara verip oynamayanlar için, ortalama askerleri var dengeli gibi duruyor...

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Season’s greetings!

Reflecting Julius Caesar’s Gallic War from 58 to 51 BC, Caesar in Gaul takes place over a shorter timeframe than ROME II. We’ve therefore extended each year to 24 turns, and reintroduced seasons to the campaign game. As the turns tick by, each season can bring positive or negative effects to your game, and you’ll see some beautiful changes happening to the campaign map. This screenshot gives you a taster of just how atmospheric it can look.
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sadece etrüsk ile savaşta baştan, bana başka kimse savaş açmamıştı normal zorlukta. fazla güçsüz bırakmışsan orduyu veya ağır yenilgi ardından askeri güç fazla düşmüşse belki ai zayıf gördü diye dalmış olabilir.

ama tam tersine etrüsk'ü yendikten sonra herkese çok rahat dayak atılıyor diye üzülüyorduk biz evvelden. belki yapay zekayı daha agresif hale getirmişlerdir sonra bu eleştiri yaygın olarak yapıldı diye.
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son yama ile neler yaptılar bilmiyorum ama en son selucia ile son seviye oynamıştım, dört bir yandan saldırdı adamlar, galat ermemini mısır falan rahat oluyırda eski doğulu satrapların getirdiği gibi orduları oyun sonlarına doğru bile görmemiştim,

ben zar zor torax kargsı almışım onuda bana sadık satrapın toprağından almışım diye seviniyorum, adam 8 tane torax pike, 8 tene torax kılıçcı 4 tanede median cavalaryi ile geziyor, ve 20. turn civarında oluyor bu, 80. turnlerde falan fil getirmeye başladı
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ehe promodan önceki savaşlar sayılmıyor sanırım? ohoo :o

peki diyelim savaş yaptık kazandık üstüne bide turn geçtik sonra load ettik?

haftayada yeni dlc geliyormuş ayrıca:

orthcoming DLC for Total War: ROME II – the Beasts of War unit pack, which will be available to buy next week.

Marshall your savagery, and strike primal fear into the hearts of your enemies. Comprising seven new battlefield units, Beasts of War brings further variety to ROME II’s already diverse unit roster.

Terrorise your enemies and slow their progress with beehive, scorpion and snake-pot ballistas, or crush them under the weight of heavily-armoured Cataphract Camels and Mercenary Syrian Armoured Elephants. And when their will is broken and they flee the field, run them down with two new breeds of ferocious war-dogs.

• Molossian Dogs

Can be recruited by: Epirus

A heavily muscled beast from western Greece, the now-extinct Molossian is considered to be the predecessor of many of today’s larger breeds, such as the Rottweiler and Great Dane. Used as both a guard dog and in battle, Virgil remarked “never, with them on guard, need you fear for your stalls a midnight thief, or onslaught of wolves, or Iberian brigands at your back.” These vicious dogs do not tire easily, and never lose the scent of an enemy.

• Beehive Onager

Can be recruited by: Rome, Athens, Epirus, Macedon, Sparta, and Syracuse

Whilst large-scale beekeeping for agricultural purposes was a later innovation, the humble honeybee nevertheless held an important place in ancient Greek culture. A trio of mythical nymphs, the Thriae or ‘bee maidens’, were loved by Apollo and Poseidon, bearing their children. Bees also have a practical application in battle, as a swarm of angry bees will always cause troops to stall and panic.

• Scorpion Pot Ballista

Can be recruited by: Pontus, Parthia

Home to the most lethal scorpions in the known world, whose sting can paralyse and kill a man within an hour, it was only a matter of time before a wily Middle Eastern general used them against his enemies. Spare a thought, then, for the Roman emperor Severus; whilst besieging the Parthian city of Hatra, his army was showered with pots of scorpions from atop the city walls. Like Trajan before him, Severus failed to breach the defences, even after two attempts.

• Snake Pot Ballista

Can be recruited by: Carthage

Perhaps the most famous use of potted animals was Hannibal Barca’s tactic against the fleets of Eumenes II of Pergamon. Hurling large clay pots full of venomous snakes onto the decks of Eumenes’ ships; he panicked the enemy fleet and won the day. Any unit struck by writhing, venomous snakes will pause to consider the wisdom of marching onwards!

• Camel Cataphracts

Can be recruited by: Parthia

The Roman general Macrinus was not noted for his experience, although had another fought the Battle of Nisbis in 217 AD, it’s hard to imagine he’d be any less stunned by the Parthian cataphract camels fielded that day. Wearing coats of tough, yet flexible, scale-mail, they made an awesome and terrifying sight as they punched through the frontlines and spooked the Roman horses with their camels’ earthy stench.

• Celtic Warhounds

Can be recruited by: Iceni, Cantiaci, Caledones, Demetae, Dumnonii, Brigantes, and Ebdani

Dogs have always been useful for guard, patrol and scout work. With skilled handlers they can also be used effectively on the battlefield. Attack dogs were specifically bred and trained to ignore the noise and chaos of combat. The Celtic tribes of the late Iron Age put them to great use. Their speed and ferocity made them ideal shock-troops, and perfect for running down fleeing stragglers.

• Mercenary Syrian Armoured Elephants

Can be hired as mercenaries in: Dura, Antioch, Tyros, and Palmeira

Indian elephants first came to the Middle East when Seleucus, one of Alexander the Great’s Successors, invaded India in 305 BC. 500 war elephants were handed over as part of the peace treaty between the Seleucid dynasty and the Mauryans of India, and the Seleucids went on to breed many more from this initial stock. War elephants remained an important part of the Seleucid army until their defeat by the Romans at Magnesia in 190 BC, following which they were forbidden from breeding more.


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Sam said:

unit pack dlc?

bu düşmana kedi-köpek salma işini eski oyunda da beğenmezdim. 10 sent olursa o zaman alırım sırf tamamlamış olmak için.

eğlenceli ünitlermiş ama. mod yapicilar bedavaya 2340734x ünit yapip modlarına koymuş durumda.

ama şu var modların da kendine göre tarih yorumlamasi var ki bi yerden sonra saçmalik oluyor

dei var çok güzel mod ama savaşta en elit birlikle en dandik birlik birbirine girince bile ölü sayısı cok yavaş artıyor. menzilli ünitler kimseyi öldürmüyor.

radious mu ne var o da güzel onda da campaing mapde oyun easye dönmüş ama tek şehirli devlet bile 3 full stack ünit getirebiliyor (upkeep düşmüş)

ondan ben vanillaya geri döndüm.çikarsa da alirim haha
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bundan başka 2-3 dlc daha vardı galiba steam listede isimsiz henüz, unit/faction dlc basıp basıp durucaklar heralde artık sdf

onun yerine eventler aksiyon bişiler ekleseler accık eski oyunlarda olan, koskoca imparatorlukta ne sel ne deprem ne barbarlar ne asi generaller hiçbişi olmuyo :p

bide steamde populer bi mevsimler modu var, kışları falan extreme geçiyor, kullanan var mı?
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ben total conversion değilse birim ayarlayan modlara dokunmuyorum, kesin ayarını kaçırıyorlar bir yerden. hatta total conversion'larda da her zaman isabetli değil, o koskoca europa barbarorum bile donsuz gezen adamlara hayvan gibi armor veriyordu neymiş kulağı kapayan miğferin verdiği armor yüzünden öyle hesaplıyorlarmış lmao.
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