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Age of Empires II HD Edition

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
An itibariyle discord'ta 2 kişi oynuyor görünüyor. Ben de gelsem 3. Şanssızşanslı gelse 4. (Onun elosu biraz yüksekti gerçi. Ona göre kurmak gerekir)

imam olsa 6yı 8i geçtim 10 adam bulurdu da... imam sattı davayı.
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
güzelmiş. bir de senin işçine saldıran domuzu durdurmak için boğanın üstüne house inşa edip iptal ettiğinde domuz işçiye atak vermeyi kesip orada kalıyor. canı azalan işçiyi kurtarmak için önemli bir detay.
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

Bugün ve yarın elimination maçları var.

An itibariyle tatoh viper maçı var. Çoook güzel maç oluyor. Nostalji isteyenler izleyebilir.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kimer'in range üniteleri dandik ya. Teoride skirm ile durdurabilirsin de skirm ile countera çıkamazsın.

Bir de Daut castleda hiç zarar veremedi. Asıl o yüzden kaybetti zaten. 3 conküstador rahat 10-15 knight/scoutı durdurdu.
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
LAAAAAN!! Hadi ama artık piliz yani. Land Nomad'ler bizi özledi. Gelin oynayın artık diyolar

Patch 5.3 has left open beta, and is now live for all players! Thanks to all who participated in this open beta; we really appreciate your patience, and your input has been essential to ensuring this build is ready for live release! We’ll post a new announcement here when the open beta for Patch 5.4 has begun, so keep your eyes peeled!

As always, we will continue to monitor the forums and we look forward to hearing your feedback in this discussion thread!

Below are the issues that have been addressed in this 5.3 update:

Improved Network Speeds:
Removed the added network delay on game start
Tuned the calculations involving network speed granularity to address the issue players were seeing where the game felt too fast or too slow
Lowered the minimum command delay to allow max performance on faster machines
Improved the throttling system to allow for faster network speeds (where applicable)
In game ping/lag icons have been updated to appear in the correct situations
Yellow ping circles appear for players above 200ms ping
Red ping circles appear for players above 400mp ping (previously 700ms)
Turtle icons appear for each player that cannot maintain 90% of the simulation frame rate (previously only showed for the slowest player)

Community Focused Bug Fixes:
Repeatedly pressing hot keys during loading screens will no longer crash
Using standard AI and the original dataset will no longer randomly crash
Removing a unit from a queue should no longer randomly crash
Spectators opening the tech tree in the game lobby should no longer crash
Repeatedly loading into treaty mode games will no longer crash
Monk tool tip should no longer crash in Russian localization
Saving during a game should no longer cause a desync when watching the replay
Unit selection circles now behave correctly when unloading transport ships
Line of site circles should now correctly follow units (in rare cases they would be misaligned)
Villagers should no longer stop and attack wolves (ordering a move command will now take priority so users can move villagers if desired)
Player units should be less likely to get stuck in forests or teleport through walls
Full Random should no longer select maps that players do not own
Rise of Rajas main menu music should now randomly be selected
Custom campaigns should now unlock in order rather that always being unlocked by default
Custom campaign instruction images should now display correctly
Custom campaign instruction scrollbar should now display correctly and not hide text
Loading a saved campaign file and completing the scenario should now correctly unlock the next scenario

Community Focused AI Improvements:
AI Huns housing bonus should now function correctly with the original dataset
AI pathing around walls and gates is improved to avoid teleporting through them
AI should now attack correctly and no longer freeze during a game
AI improvements when sn-enable-patrol-attack set to 1
Soldiers should no longer get stuck in animation loops
Soldiers should now attack the wonder correctly
Villagers should now respond to weak units attacking
Villagers should now attack towers correctly inside town-size

Campaign Fixes:
Saladin 2 trade carts now travel to the correct market
Dracula 4 should now advance correctly after completing the first objective
Dracula 4 no longer gets stuck due to an issue with the AI monk during the cinematic
Sforza 1 should now reward soldiers after completing the correct objective
Sforza 3 now has a clearing visual path to the monastery
Sforza 3 has improved resign logic so you should no longer have to destroy every pavilion
Dos Pilas triggers should now behave correctly
Prithviraj 2 should now finish correctly even if purple is the last to go
Sundjata 4 should now complete the rescue princess objective correctly
Sundjata 5 should now be easier
Yodit 2 AI should now function and attack correctly
Yodit 3 triggers should now function correctly when Dagnajan reaches the pass
Yodit 3 ending dialogue should now appear correctly
Yodit 3 cyan AI should not be easier to defeat
Yodit 4 should now complete the appropriate quest when conquering all nearby tribes
Yodit 4 Stelae should all provide resources now
Yodit 4 Stelae should now correctly change ownership to the AI when they’re next to it
Yodit 5 no longer triggers two petard triggers
Le Loi 5 AI should now attack correctly
Bayinnaung 1 cinematics should now appear correctly

Balance Improvements:
Malay cheaper fishing ship cost removed
Malay Battle elephants 25% cheaper (rather than 20%)
Malay age up bonus decreased from 100% to 80%
Elite Rattan Archers +1 bonus attack vs infantry removed
Elite Camel Archers +1 bonus attack vs infantry removed
Elite Karambit warrior pierce armor reduced from 2 to 1
Arquebus speed modifier on bombard cannons and bombard towers removed
Harbors reload time increased from 2.5s to 3s
Harbors HP reduced from 2200 to 2000 (docks are 1800)
Elite Arambai search radius increased by 2 (so they target easier)
  • 5 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
şu oyunu 2017 yılında lagsız oynayamamak üzüyordu. düzelttilerse oynanır. normalde akması lazımken komutlar falan 10 saniye geriden geliyordu.
Mesaj tarihi:
sabonis said:

Aceace said:

5.2 şu anda alpha'da. Dünden bu yana bayaa bir kişinin streamine falan da baktım. Prolar da denediler falan.

u wot mate? pro'su mu var aoe2'nin hsudfhuadsh.

Nations cup'ın prize poolu 30k olmuş.

(Tek sorun Norveç'in biraz op oyunculardan oluşması.)
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