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Akito said:

ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

timura mı tapıyon lan

Hakaten ya :D
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ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.
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2 kitap bitirdim Timur hakkında , hala cahil insanların uydurduğu safsatalara inanlar var

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

Başka sorum yok sayın hakim.
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di said:

Kisi kimdir, ne kadar dogru anlatiyordur bilmiyorum ama bu osmanli mi? iyy" tavriniz baya komik zira tarih tarihtir. Bilmek ogrenmek lazim. Sadece Osmanli tarihi icin gecerli degil bu dedigim diye eklememe gerek yoktur diye umuyorum.

Osmanlı hakkında kötü konuşan yok zaten Ormanliyi yücelttiğimiz için bu şekilde Osmanlı ile savaşanları kötülüyorlar zaten , Kaynak göstererek konuşuyor zaten prof. bi Tarihçi , zaten öyle mantıklı açıklıyor ki kaynak sormaya çekinirsin, Soruyorlar"Timur Türk olmadığı için saldırıyor Ormanlıya , eğer Türk olsaydı böyle yapmazdı"
Cevap"Timur yarı moğol yarı Türk kanı taşıyor ancak kendisini Türk olarak tanımlıyor ve öyle hissediyor , Bir Türk gidip Fransız vatandaşı oldugunda Fransızım der, Siz hiç mahallede veya okulda kavga görmedinizmi 2 türk kavga edince diğeri Türklüktenmi çıkıyor? Önce savaşan olmamışmı ve sonra savaşan, Bir çok devlet savaşmışken Bunu Timura yüklemek yanlış " Adam her sorutu net ve detay vererek cevaplıyor.
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ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

iyi ki şunu görmüşüm topicte
yoksa videoları izleyecektim nerdeyse
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It is alleged that Timur's tomb was inscribed with the words, "When I rise from the dead, the world shall tremble." It is also said that when Gerasimov exhumed the body, an additional inscription inside the casket was found reading, "Who ever opens my tomb, shall unleash an invader more terrible than I."[87] In any case, two days after Gerasimov had begun the exhumation, Nazi Germany launched Operation Barbarossa, its invasion of the U.S.S.R.[88] Timur was re-buried with full Islamic ritual in November 1942 just before the Soviet victory at the Battle of Stalingrad


E tabi ortada mistik bir güç, bir ilahi adalet yok ama tesadüfü bu olayın Rusları yusuf yusuflatmamış olması zor o şartlar altında.
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(Possibly) The Twenty (or so) Worst Things People Have Done to Each Other:

Rank Death Toll Cause Centuries
1 66 million Second World War 20C
2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C
40 million Genghis Khan 13C
4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C
5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C
6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C
20 million Joseph Stalin 20C
8 18½ million Mideast Slave Trade 7C-19C
9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C-15C
10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C-19C
11 15 million First World War 20C
15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C-19C
13 13 million An Lushan Revolt 8C
14 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C
10 million Congo Free State 19C-20C
16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C
17 7½ million Thirty Years War 17C
7½ million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
19 7 million Fall of Rome 5C
7 million Chinese Civil Wars 20C

"Kan dökmeyecem dedim kan dökmedim, diri diri gömdüm. -Troll Lenk"

Timur Lenk (1369-1405) [make link]

Peter Ford, “Ex-Russian Satellite Enjoys Setting Its Own Agenda,” Christian Science Monitor, June 3, 1997: “Tamerlane… was responsible for the deaths of as many as 20 million people...”
Stephen Kinzer, "A Kinder, Gentler Tamerlane Inspires Uzbekistan," New York Times, November 10, 1997: “His Turkish and Mongol army is said to have killed 17 million men, women and children in his 14th century rampage…” [http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/53/107.html]
Dave Carpenter, "Barbaric Tamerlane anointed a whitewashed hero in Uzbekistan," Associated Press, January 5, 1998: “His armies… are estimated to have massacred as many as 17 million people.”
Colin McMahon, "The Rehabilitation of Tamerlane," Chicago Tribune, January 17, 1999: "...an estimated death toll of as many as 17 million people..."
Jonathan Fenby, "Crossroads of conquest," Hong Kong: South China Morning Post, November 20, 1999: "...a local warrior with a limp from arrow wounds marched north, east, west and south to found an empire of his own on some 17 million corpses."
H.D.S. Greenway, "New waves across the steppes," Boston Globe, May 27, 1998: "He is said to have killed 15 million people..." (incl. 90,000 in Baghdad.)
Allen Howard Godbey, The Lost Tribes a Myth: Suggestions Towards Rewriting Hebrew History, p.385 (1974): "Genghis Khan is estimated to have destroyed twenty million people, Tamerlane twelve million."
Israel Smith Clare, Library of universal history: containing a record of the human ..., v.7, p.2474 (1906): "... his ambition and cruelty brought twelve million human beings to violent deaths..."
Ian McWilliam, "Uzbekistan Restores Samarkand To Boost Nationalist Pride," Los Angeles Times, August 23, 1994: "... a ruthless conqueror who, by one estimate at least, caused the deaths of about 7 million people."
Individual events:
Delhi (1398)
James Trager, The People's Chronology (1992): 100,000 Hindu prisoners massacred at Delhi
Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage: 100,000 POWs massacred
Frank Smitha [http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h13tt.htm]
Isfahan: 70-100,000 massacred
Sabzavar: 2,000 slaves massacred
Baghdad (1401): 20,000
1 Feb. 2005 History Today: "At Baghdad he had 90,000 of the inhabitants beheaded so that he could build towers with their skulls. At Sivas in Turkey, where he promised no bloodshed in return for surrender, he had 3,000 prisoners buried alive and pointed out that he had kept to the letter of his oath."
9 Aug. 2004 Evening Standard (London) review of Marozzi's Tamerlane
Baghdad: 90,000
Isfahan: 70,000
outside Aleppo: 20,000
Delhi: more than 100,000 executions
The (London) Independent (1 June 1998): 5M k. in 6 mos. in 1398 in India

ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

döver bence.
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Sam said:

(Possibly) The Twenty (or so) Worst Things People Have Done to Each Other:

Rank Death Toll Cause Centuries
1 66 million Second World War 20C
2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C
40 million Genghis Khan 13C
4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C
5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C
6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C
20 million Joseph Stalin 20C
8 18½ million Mideast Slave Trade 7C-19C
9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C-15C
10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C-19C
11 15 million First World War 20C
15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C-19C
13 13 million An Lushan Revolt 8C
14 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C
10 million Congo Free State 19C-20C
16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C
17 7½ million Thirty Years War 17C
7½ million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
19 7 million Fall of Rome 5C
7 million Chinese Civil Wars 20C

"Kan dökmeyecem dedim kan dökmedim, diri diri gömdüm. -Troll Lenk"

Timur Lenk (1369-1405) [make link]

Peter Ford, “Ex-Russian Satellite Enjoys Setting Its Own Agenda,” Christian Science Monitor, June 3, 1997: “Tamerlane… was responsible for the deaths of as many as 20 million people...”
Stephen Kinzer, "A Kinder, Gentler Tamerlane Inspires Uzbekistan," New York Times, November 10, 1997: “His Turkish and Mongol army is said to have killed 17 million men, women and children in his 14th century rampage…” [http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/53/107.html]
Dave Carpenter, "Barbaric Tamerlane anointed a whitewashed hero in Uzbekistan," Associated Press, January 5, 1998: “His armies… are estimated to have massacred as many as 17 million people.”
Colin McMahon, "The Rehabilitation of Tamerlane," Chicago Tribune, January 17, 1999: "...an estimated death toll of as many as 17 million people..."
Jonathan Fenby, "Crossroads of conquest," Hong Kong: South China Morning Post, November 20, 1999: "...a local warrior with a limp from arrow wounds marched north, east, west and south to found an empire of his own on some 17 million corpses."
H.D.S. Greenway, "New waves across the steppes," Boston Globe, May 27, 1998: "He is said to have killed 15 million people..." (incl. 90,000 in Baghdad.)
Allen Howard Godbey, The Lost Tribes a Myth: Suggestions Towards Rewriting Hebrew History, p.385 (1974): "Genghis Khan is estimated to have destroyed twenty million people, Tamerlane twelve million."
Israel Smith Clare, Library of universal history: containing a record of the human ..., v.7, p.2474 (1906): "... his ambition and cruelty brought twelve million human beings to violent deaths..."
Ian McWilliam, "Uzbekistan Restores Samarkand To Boost Nationalist Pride," Los Angeles Times, August 23, 1994: "... a ruthless conqueror who, by one estimate at least, caused the deaths of about 7 million people."
Individual events:
Delhi (1398)
James Trager, The People's Chronology (1992): 100,000 Hindu prisoners massacred at Delhi
Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage: 100,000 POWs massacred
Frank Smitha [http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h13tt.htm]
Isfahan: 70-100,000 massacred
Sabzavar: 2,000 slaves massacred
Baghdad (1401): 20,000
1 Feb. 2005 History Today: "At Baghdad he had 90,000 of the inhabitants beheaded so that he could build towers with their skulls. At Sivas in Turkey, where he promised no bloodshed in return for surrender, he had 3,000 prisoners buried alive and pointed out that he had kept to the letter of his oath."
9 Aug. 2004 Evening Standard (London) review of Marozzi's Tamerlane
Baghdad: 90,000
Isfahan: 70,000
outside Aleppo: 20,000
Delhi: more than 100,000 executions
The (London) Independent (1 June 1998): 5M k. in 6 mos. in 1398 in India

ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

döver bence.

Bende diyordum Sam gelip nasıl Muhalefet olur diye düşünüyordum asdgfs , Geçen olayda adam Atatürk hakkında yazdığı için okumayıp bahaneler ürermiştin bu videoları izlediysen belki Timur ile düşüncelerin değiştiğini düşünüyorum , Tarihi romanlardan duyduklarının yanlış olduğunu anlamışsındır umarım , bu 20. bölüm,21. bölümde Timurdan bahsedilmekte yani orasıda ayrı güzel tavsiye ederim, bu kadar açıklamadan sonra hala ikna olmadıysan heralde videoları izlemediğini düşünürüm.
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Fistan said:

ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

iyi ki şunu görmüşüm topicte
yoksa videoları izleyecektim nerdeyse

Sen pek Tarih bilmesen de olurmuş demek , herkes gerçekleri bilecek diye kaide yok zaten
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ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

niye 3 gün abi?

lag mı varmış?
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Sam said:

(Possibly) The Twenty (or so) Worst Things People Have Done to Each Other:

Rank Death Toll Cause Centuries
1 66 million Second World War 20C
2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C
40 million Genghis Khan 13C
4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C
5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C
6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C
20 million Joseph Stalin 20C
8 18½ million Mideast Slave Trade 7C-19C
9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C-15C
10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C-19C
11 15 million First World War 20C
15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C-19C
13 13 million An Lushan Revolt 8C
14 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C
10 million Congo Free State 19C-20C
16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C
17 7½ million Thirty Years War 17C
7½ million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
19 7 million Fall of Rome 5C
7 million Chinese Civil Wars 20C

"Kan dökmeyecem dedim kan dökmedim, diri diri gömdüm. -Troll Lenk"

Timur Lenk (1369-1405) [make link]

Peter Ford, “Ex-Russian Satellite Enjoys Setting Its Own Agenda,” Christian Science Monitor, June 3, 1997: “Tamerlane… was responsible for the deaths of as many as 20 million people...”
Stephen Kinzer, "A Kinder, Gentler Tamerlane Inspires Uzbekistan," New York Times, November 10, 1997: “His Turkish and Mongol army is said to have killed 17 million men, women and children in his 14th century rampage…” [http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/53/107.html]
Dave Carpenter, "Barbaric Tamerlane anointed a whitewashed hero in Uzbekistan," Associated Press, January 5, 1998: “His armies… are estimated to have massacred as many as 17 million people.”
Colin McMahon, "The Rehabilitation of Tamerlane," Chicago Tribune, January 17, 1999: "...an estimated death toll of as many as 17 million people..."
Jonathan Fenby, "Crossroads of conquest," Hong Kong: South China Morning Post, November 20, 1999: "...a local warrior with a limp from arrow wounds marched north, east, west and south to found an empire of his own on some 17 million corpses."
H.D.S. Greenway, "New waves across the steppes," Boston Globe, May 27, 1998: "He is said to have killed 15 million people..." (incl. 90,000 in Baghdad.)
Allen Howard Godbey, The Lost Tribes a Myth: Suggestions Towards Rewriting Hebrew History, p.385 (1974): "Genghis Khan is estimated to have destroyed twenty million people, Tamerlane twelve million."
Israel Smith Clare, Library of universal history: containing a record of the human ..., v.7, p.2474 (1906): "... his ambition and cruelty brought twelve million human beings to violent deaths..."
Ian McWilliam, "Uzbekistan Restores Samarkand To Boost Nationalist Pride," Los Angeles Times, August 23, 1994: "... a ruthless conqueror who, by one estimate at least, caused the deaths of about 7 million people."
Individual events:
Delhi (1398)
James Trager, The People's Chronology (1992): 100,000 Hindu prisoners massacred at Delhi
Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage: 100,000 POWs massacred
Frank Smitha [http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h13tt.htm]
Isfahan: 70-100,000 massacred
Sabzavar: 2,000 slaves massacred
Baghdad (1401): 20,000
1 Feb. 2005 History Today: "At Baghdad he had 90,000 of the inhabitants beheaded so that he could build towers with their skulls. At Sivas in Turkey, where he promised no bloodshed in return for surrender, he had 3,000 prisoners buried alive and pointed out that he had kept to the letter of his oath."
9 Aug. 2004 Evening Standard (London) review of Marozzi's Tamerlane
Baghdad: 90,000
Isfahan: 70,000
outside Aleppo: 20,000
Delhi: more than 100,000 executions
The (London) Independent (1 June 1998): 5M k. in 6 mos. in 1398 in India

ExtraJudical said:

Timurdan banane diyebilirsin ama Stalin mezarından çıkartıp incelemek için Rusyaya getirtmiş ve Timurun "mezarımı açan büyük zarar görür" demesine rağmen götürmüşler , 3 gün sonra Almanya Rusyaya girmiş 10 milyon insan ölmüş ve geri mezarına götürüp Ruslar özel tören yaparak defnetmişler.

döver bence.

abi fall of rome 7 milyon dediği neyden bahsediyor ki?
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