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Mesaj tarihi:
biz de birkaç arkadaş oynıycaz. 12x xp olayıyla sadece class quest yaparak karakterleri levellayabiliyormuşsun. class questleri merak ediyoduk zaten, onlara bi bakarız. raidlere de bakarız zevkliyse oynarız
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben de gaza geldim başladım tekrar ufaktan ufaktan. Class quest x12 exp olayı çok iyi olmuş. Ivır zıvır yan görevlerle uğraşmadan class hikayesine daha iyi odaklanıyorsunuz. Imperial agent storyline gerçekten başarılıymış.
Mesaj tarihi:
sleepingdeath said:

Beyler wowu bıraktım bunu bir denemek istiyorum size 1-2 soru;

Oyunu satın alacakmıyım?
Aylık ücreti var mı?
EU /US vs.. server ayrımı varmı?

oyunu almak zorunda değilsin. en azından bir kerelik sub olmanı tavsiye ederim çünkü class questlere 12x xp veriyor, side quest falan sevmem diyosan kaçırma bunu.

EU/US sunucuları wow daki gibi ayrı, fakat tek bir hesap üzerinden iki bölgeye de erişim sağlayabiliyosun.
Mesaj tarihi:
bizim 2011'de kurduğumuz Interstellar Corp guildi duruyo aslında. ama o zamanlar fena olmayan guild ismi interstellar filmi çıkınca baya boktan olmuş ahah. güzel bi isim buluruz ona.

class questlerle karakter kasıcaz. 8 adama tamamlayabilirsek de ekstra casual olarak raid yapabiliriz. vakit kısıtlı herkeste. 4 kişi kesin var, 3 tane ayak sürüyerek gelen var. gelmek isteyen olursa oynarız beraber.
Mesaj tarihi:
tiLi said:

bizim 2011'de kurduğumuz Interstellar Corp guildi duruyo aslında. ama o zamanlar fena olmayan guild ismi interstellar filmi çıkınca baya boktan olmuş ahah. güzel bi isim buluruz ona.

class questlerle karakter kasıcaz. 8 adama tamamlayabilirsek de ekstra casual olarak raid yapabiliriz. vakit kısıtlı herkeste. 4 kişi kesin var, 3 tane ayak sürüyerek gelen var. gelmek isteyen olursa oynarız beraber.

Hangi tarafdasiniz abi hangi server belki bende gelirim su an imparatorluk gozeme bi hos geliyor valla
Mesaj tarihi:
akşam güncellemeleri indirdim. bugün akarım. Rebel mi de edeyim yoksa sith mi açayım. BH açasım var. Hangi tarafta çok arkadaş varsa o tarafa devam ederim. Maksat eğlence ve muhabbet olsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
12x xp ile ilerlerken itemlar levelin cok gerisinde kaliyor alttakileri uygulayin. yoksa iskenceye doner oyununuz.


Take the commendation rewards from every class mission. Buy a full Trainee set (armor + weapon + offhand) from the new Level 7 Basic vendor on Fleet when you have enough comms.

Upgrade your Trainee gear at the Basic comm vendors on Fleet at levels 13, 29, and 41.

Every class mission under 12x will give you enough comms for a full refresh of 1-2 pieces of gear. You don't need to upgrade every 4 levels; every 8 or 16 levels should be often enough, especially if you're using a healing companion.

Head to Makeb as soon as you hit 47 to reach 55 in the shortest time. Your level 41 set should get you through to 47, and after that the bolster on Makeb will carry you from 47 to 55. As soon as you hit 55, play through [SOLO] Forged Alliances (also bolstered), which will give your first set of (162 rated) SoR leveling gear.

Continue on and play through Rishi, Yavin, and Ziost, and you'll wind up with a full set of blue 190 rated gear by the end of Ziost. The leveling sets from Yavin will work fine for Ziost, so just ignore the 186 and 192 comm vendors; all of their kit is now obsolete.

Pause anywhere between 56 and 60 to pick up some cheap Ruusan relics off the GTN. The greens are almost as good as the purples and cheaper, but the purples are usually affordable anyway. You could pick up a cheap earpiece and implants as well. All these slots can be left empty up to 60 if you like.

As /u/bstr413 pointed out: Don't forget your color crystals after level 55!

All level 56 and above gear comes with empty color crystal slots. For an economical slot filler, just grab the cheapest cartel market crystals you can find on the GTN in your preferred stats, then unlock in collections account-wide for a few CC, and you'll have an endless supply of crystals to fill out all of your 55-60 gear. If you got the recent sub promo crystals, those also work (not sure if they're collectible).

NOTE: As /u/IngloriousBlaster points out: If you're planning on doing any PvP, you should make sure to keep the 162 rated gear that you get from the [SOLO] Forged

Alliances story line, because it's the best and most bolster-friendly gear you can use in Warzones while you work on your Exhumed set.

NOTE: The 12x bonus ENDS as soon as you hit level 55, regardless where you are at in the storyline. At that point you should move on to SoR content to continue leveling and gearing at best speed. You can circle back later, once you hit 60 and have your Ziost gear, to finish any class missions you left behind.

NOTE: As /u/villige_idiot pointed out, the comm vendors on the planets did not get the new reduced comm pricing when 3.2 arrived, so always do your shopping on Fleet for the best prices.


For your first 12x playthrough, throw some cheap orange cartel market armor shells (or one of the free legacy bound armor sets, if you have them) and an orange weapon on your companion. Either hand down mods to them as you level, or upgrade the companion as well if you have enough comms. This works for all humanoid companions, but sadly not for droids, which can't wear regular armor.

The Level 7 Trainee gear is class locked, so companions cannot use it. But you can get orange offhands for all companions from the Nar Shadda comm vendor (requires level 20-something).

As you level up and upgrade your own gear, pull the mods out and put them into legacy armor shells to use on companions. Once you have a legacy set for each main stat at levels 13, 29, and 41, you will be covered for every companion in the game except the droids, for all future alts.

At level 60, you can get full sets of 192 rated legacy bound armor and weapons for all your companions, from the [WEEKLY] on Yavin IV. There also is a [DAILY] quest on Rishi that gives 192 rated legacy bound companion offhands. This gear is useable from 55 and still quite good at 60.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya bende de şimdi gidip geliyor daha indirmedim bile ama trailer çok iyi ya oynayasım geldi. hangi server millet nerede bi diyinde. benim level 48 char tomb of freedon nadd da idi.
Mesaj tarihi:
ben girdim 50 inqusitor vardı onu bi 60 yapayım bakarız sora.
1.5m escrow credit var ne işe yariyordu bide inventoryde 300k var
bankada mi oluyor gerisi hep unutmuşum.
bide teleport taşı gibi bişe yokmuydu inventoryde onuda bulamadım
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