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Total War: Rome 2

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yalnız lejyonerler kare formasyon alıyordu video sırasında, muhteşem olacak arttırdılarsa birimlere özel formasyon çeşitlerini, eskiden tek special ability vardı.
Mesaj tarihi:
knox said:

onlarin alayi var ama blood ve goreeeeeeeeeeeeeee yok oglu yok

sacma bir dlc cikarmasinlar yakarim romayi

Batı veya doğu roma demediğine göre genelleme yapman yanlış kardeş , ya batı ya doğu diceksin komple idare edilmediği gibi merkezi otorite zayıflamıştır
Mesaj tarihi:
Total War is one example of a "very different" gaming experience available on PC, Starr highlighted. But could Total War be on console? Series overseer Mike Simpson told me it wasn't an issue of controller input holding Total War back from console: it was an issue of raw machine power.

Cue PlayStation 4 which, among other impressive components, features a whopping 8GB of GDDR5 RAM. How about Total War on console now?

"I believe the canned-response to that tends to be it's always something that's being considered and it's a possibility, but beyond that no comment," responded Dom Starr.

herseyi gectim,seri konsol'a ciksa bile,10k anca satar lol.

When I asked Mike Simpson last summer about the future - the five years ahead - he said this: "We'll have a whole bunch of new games out there; we will have explored lots of areas we've not been in before, especially from a gameplay point of view and content point of view; we might have expanded out in some interesting directions."

One of those directions could be Warhammer. Creative Assembly announced a multi-game Warhammer deal in December 2012. CA may even get the Warhammer 40K licence; Sega bought Relic Entertainment from THQ earlier this year but the whereabouts of the W40K licence is unknown.

CA didn't say what it would do with Warhammer, but to me the obvious suggestion is Total War: Warhammer. When put to him, Dom Starr fidgeted nervously.

"I am not programmed to respond in that area!" he said. But is it a good fit (it obviously is)? "Well they're both about war..." he squirmed. "They both involve lots of things killing each other, so..."

40 K,cok istiyorum ama total war setting uymaz :(

kaynak das
Mesaj tarihi:
Last summer, 24-year-old James became the first outsider to play Total War: Rome 2 at Creative Assembly's HQ in Horsham, UK. Press had only seen a demo of the game running.

James toured the studio the day after Total War: Rome 2 was announced (in July). He saw all aspects of the game's creation, played code that was way off alpha stage and interviewed key people, even putting forward his own suggestions for the game.

James even became an important-looking Roman soldier in the game, his digital likeness recreated superbly for the Siege of Carthage.

But shortly after his visit, James lost his battle with liver cancer.

bu haberleri görünce seviniyorum, bir gün bile olsa mutlu etmeleri şöyle insanları çok güzel birşey.
Mesaj tarihi:
8 playable faction olacak başta eh 8'i de dolu.dlc yapabilirler tabi çünkü shogunda gördük ve belli ki adamlar sevdi bu işi.

işte bu kötü yani korsan alırsan bunlarla uğraşmiyorsun hiç. indir tüm özellikleriyle oynayabil.

neyse en azından bu sefer misirlilari çizgi film gibi yapmamişlar.
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