Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 said: Richard “[Whichever title he's going by these days] British” Garriott has been to space. But whatever goes up must come down, and that includes rocketships. So now the legendary game designer/castle-owner is hoping to rekindle memories of a simpler time – you know, back when people were trying to assassinate him. Garriott’s certainly not keeping any secrets about his “spiritual successor” to Ultima Online. However, if all goes according to plan, that “spiritual” tag may get kicked to the wayside sooner rather than later. “We’ve actually talked to Electronic Arts about [Garriott leading Ultima Online again],” Garriott told Eurogamer. “I would love to have access to the Ultima property. We’ve had discussions at very high levels with Electronic Arts about access to the property.” “We’re in discussions with Electronic Arts even now about a possible marketing and distribution relationships and things of this nature.” That said, it’s not all sunshine, butterflies, and Siege Perilous shards. Garriott acknowledged that there’s “resistance” to the idea in certain parts of EA – especially where Garriott’s involvement is concerned. He noted, however, that the Ultima name is ultimately a very small piece of the puzzle. “What essentially makes an Ultima an Ultima is the principles of design,” he said. “And I’m very confident that when players sit down with this new world they will very quickly recognise that, whether or not we end up doing any deal with Electronic Arts. This is clearly the spiritual successor of the Ultima series.” Interestingly, he added that the game will be free-to-play and – in all likelihood – rooted in an isometric perspective like the original UO. That, presumably, will also make it a fair bit easier to accomplish Garriott’s goal of “[doing] the same game” across “download executable,” browsers, mobile, iPhone, iPad, and Android. So, are you head-explodingly thrilled at the prospect of having Ultima in your life again, or does that last bit make you want to grab your torchfork (pitchfork, torch, duct tape, etc) and storm Garriott’s castle in real life? tam yeri bilgisayar oyunlari degil ama ultima online bu bolumden bile eski olunca kisa bir sure millet gorene kadar dursa burda yeter bana ki ultimatr kuruldugundan beri milletin bekledigi bi haberdi bu :p (zaten 50 farkli oyun bolumu olmasina basindan beri karsiyim konular dagiliyor diye, gorende 4chan kadar traffic aliyoruz sanicak ki onlar bile tek boarddan yurutuyor heh) izometrik meselesini okuyunca sevindim ama ayfon, browser meselesi uzdu beni umarim vazgecer oyle bir cilginliktan garriot abimiz ha garriot ile EA arasindaki efsanevi boyuttaki kan davasindan sonra (ki eskiler hatirlar sektordeki en buyuk kan davalarindan biridir) EA ile garrioti karsilikl idavalarin settlement masalari disinda UO2 icin ayni masada gormek tuhaf bisi :p bakalim bisey cikicakmi bundan, stiv jobs ansil apple i kendi egosunun etrafian kurdu diyebiliyorsak ayni seyi garriot ve ultima serisi icinde rahatlikla soyleyebiliriz, ultima serisi canlanicaksa bunu yapicak adamda anca garrior olur (ne olur ayfon fikrinden vazgecsin :()
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 roportaji biraz daha acalim, EA dan izin alamasa bile bi RPG plani var garriotun said: "This is clearly the spiritual successor of the Ultima series," he said. A successor, but not a sequel - Garriott is keen for the setting to move on. "If you look back at Ultimas 1, 2, 3 - they weren't related to the rest [of the games]. Five of the later six games were all in literally the exact same world with the exact same characters and cities," he recalled. "I actually think it's time to move on from that regardless, so even if we were to have access to the properties of my historical work, I don't think I would change my current plans. I'm very confident of the current plans as the right way to evolve my creation, regardless." That setting will still be fantasy, although Garriott's understanding of fantasy spans science fiction as well as pointy-eared elves. "Throughout my career I've constantly been told by publishers around me, by sales and marketing around me, when they believe fantasy versus science fiction versus modern was alive or dead," he recalled. "When we first became a part of EA, I remember them telling that, 'Richard, you better give up on all this fantasy stuff because no adult male wants to run around dressed as a man in tights. You really need to abandon that and do something more like The Matrix. That's the only possible way there's going to be success in this genre.' "What I'm doing with the new world is I'm letting the story define the setting," he explained. "It's really not exactly traditional in any particular way. I'm also not trying to be nearly as wildly unique as we attempted with our first tries on Tabula Rasa, which were so unique - which is one of the reasons I don't believe people got it early on. "It is a world that is not Lord of the Rings, it is not Harry Potter, it's not Narnia, but a unique fantasy environment." "I'm trying to be very cognisant with visual iconography that people can relate to instantly. I'm also trying to tune it to make sure that it is truly a unique property, which means it is a world that is not Lord of the Rings, it is not Harry Potter, it's not Narnia, but a unique fantasy environment." The evolution of setting from Ultima Online to Ultmate RPG doesn't necessarily mean 3D. Ultima Online's isometric presentation will likely be preserved, Garriott revealed. "We're going to be building it in tools that would give us the option to go either way [3D or isometric]. But our current assumption is it would be isometric," he said. "All the tools we've been building to date, all the world building - they assume that it's isometric. But feasibly that decision could evolve, but pretty quickly that will be set in stone in a way that you can't change and presumably isometric." Richard Garriott's Ultimate RPG will be free to play, quick to access and straddle today's biggest platforms. "We are platform agnostic," Garriott explained. "We will do social media, we will do downloadable executable, we will do web browser and we will do mobile, iPhone, iPad, Android. "Our intention is to do the same game across all those. I don't want to do the game where it plays on everything except your iPhone and we'll do some miniature trading game or some hamstrung version. That's not my interest." Garriott doesn't want Ultimate RPG to be another FarmVille. But he is "fascinated" at how Facebook has made games about running a virtual businesses, like a farm, popular. The freedom to pursue life solely as blacksmith existed within Ultima Online, but has been neutered in games like World of Warcraft "where every player involved is first and foremost a combatant", said Garriott. "Ultima Online had a diversity of ways to play that has never even frankly been attempted to be repeated in the games on the arc from EverQuest through World of Warcraft," said Garriott. Garriott wants Ultimate RPG to support synchronous and asynchronous multiplayer - one of the "great discoveries" of the "Ville" era of Facebook games. "You need to give people positive ways they can impact each other both in a high bandwidth, high touch way if they're both online at the same time. But also make sure that even if we're not online at the same time ... we need to be able to interact with each other even if we have very different play habits and time frames," Garriott explained. Garriott also wants you engaged in Ultimate RPG from the off. He realises that, as you're not shelling out £40 up front, he's got to work harder to keep you playing. It will be his "biggest challenge", he admitted. "The next generation of virtual world game will not work if what it basically is, is a sophisticated free-to-play MMO-light that I have to spend five hours before I really know if the game's for me," Garriott said. His company Portalarium, which consists of 25 people, will build Ultimate RPG while people are playing it - a model "closer to the Minecraft route" than Star Wars: The Old Republic. "Building a giant MMO, for example the Star Wars MMO - which I really have no idea how good, bad or otherwise that was going to be - has been an enormous amount of money and time," Garriott said. "If I were the investors or the publishers, it's just scary - it's a lot of work and it's really scary. And that's definitely not the way that we are intending to go even if they have great success. I hope they're very successful - I know they've put a ton of work into it and I hear very good things. But that's not the route we're choosing. "As soon as we have a viable game, we will immediately get it into players' hands so that they can be a part of that creation process. "There are players in Ultima Online who have never left and who are devout believers in the Ultima process and the Ultima properties," he added. "I want to bring some fraction of both those new players and those traditional players in early to make sure that I can test these assumptions - platitudes - I've been stating. The real way to refine them is in concert with the players." Which leaves the question of when Ultimate RPG will be ready to play - in 2012, 2013? "One of those. Who knows? As soon as possible, but a year or two," said Garriott. "We'd be very excited if we could do it in a year. And if it took two years, then so be it." EA in "fantazide para yok, matrixe yonel" telkinine sasirmayan yoktur sanirim ehueheu, ucakalr hos oyuncaklar ama savasta kullanilmalarina imkan yok kadar talihsiz bir aciklama olmus
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 ea zaten bok eder, adam sahane bisey de yapsa.
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 freetoplay'den, facebooklardan felan bahsetmiş, ürktüm. stilize edilmemiş adam gibi bir fantasy oyunu görmeyi çok isterim. oyunlarda melek kanatlı elfler, kocaman kılıçlar taşıyan gnomelar, sayısal verilerden ibaret moblar, güney kore tarzı dizaynlar felan görmekten sıkıldım. klasik avrupa mitoloji tasarımları görelim biraz da.
jonq Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 İşin içinde EA olacaksa o projeden hiçbir şey olmaz.
hayspat Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Adamakilli oynadigim tek mmo uo. Facebookun lafinin bile gecmesi urkutucu ama tablet surumunu cok iyi harmanlayabilirlerse tabletimde oynamaya hayir demem. Kimse grafikleri icin oynamiyor zaten uo yu. Tabi soyle birsey de var; uo2 cikana kadar cok guclu donanimli tabletler piyasaya surulur zaten. Bilmedigimiz seyleri anlatan bir hikaye etrafinda gelistirilmis oyun dinamikleri yeterli benim icin. Ezberledik zaten butun hikayeyi, Sosaria ya atom bombasi dusse degisik seyler olsa hayir demem :p
senko Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 bu garriot bi oyun yapıp batırmamışmıydı zaten ya tabula rasa'mıyd neydi
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 minecraft tarzı bir serbestlik ve yaratıcılık sunabilecekse iyi olabilir ama bekleyip görmek lazım ne çıkıcak, ayrıca portalarium siteside çok feciymiş lolo
Lord_Argos Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Bence izometrik yapmasalar iyidi. İzometrik mmo birazcık zamanın gerisinde kaldığını düşünüyorum daha farklı mesela fps olsa çok daha güzel bir deneyim yaşatabilirdi. Telefonlardan ipadlerden oynasın diyede bu kararı vermiş olabilirler.
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 2011 yılındaki oyunun dizaynını garriot yapsa, scriptini avellone yazsa, müziğini inon zur yapsa, seslendirmeyi caponyadan getirseler, videolarını square yapsa, motoru nd yazsa gene bir halta benzemez merak etmeyin
BonePART Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 isometric yaparlarsa alırım aga acımam oynamasamda alırım
Komutan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Garriot'in sicili de cok iyi degil ki. Ultima 8 ve Ultima 9 rezaletti. Tabula Rasa'yi oynamadim ama o da basarili olmadi.
Seele Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 uo mu? ya bi git
Myshkin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 uo yu da yalan ederlerse gider stüdyolarını kundaklarım.
reampage Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Tabula Rasa guzel oyundu ama NCsoft batirdi onuda
Black-ice Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 güzel yeni bir uo gelse, herkes oynasa. çok beğenilse. ne güzel hayallerim var lan.
nutella yerim Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 bence 2. ye hic gerek yok adam gibi bi shard da uo oynamak yeter.
Black-ice Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 325'lik nebula günleri gibi server olsa bir saniye durmam lise yıllarıma dönercesine oynarım zaten ama yok.
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 isometrik güzel bişiler olabilir ama lütfen vampirler mitler ( özellikle kuzeyli mitleri ) kurtadamlar OLMASIN LÜTFEN YETER LAN
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