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South Park: The Stick of Truth


Öne çıkan mesajlar


PC, PS3, X360

South Park'a yeni taşınan bi çocuğun rolüne geçecekmişiz.
Matt Stone ve Trey Parker'la çalışacaklarmış.

sondaki The Game insanı tedirgin ediyor diğerleri gibi olur mu diye ama kolpa tower defense oyunu kadar da olamaz heralde.
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Bizden daha kötü karşılayanlar var

But this. This is appalling. South Park is right wing libertarian garbage made to feed the populace hate and rage towards queer people and minorities. By aligning yourself with them, you've proven your right wing libertarian allegiances and what you think of people like me. You've taken a hard line political stance with this. You have to know that.

You've now ruined my youth
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Ya adam drama queen takılmayın adama ehue. Da obsidian çarkı döndürme olayının cılkını çıkardı, southpark rpg tamam komikli şakalı olur ama baya low-tier obsidian için. Umarım yedirirler bana bu laflarımı diycem de, işte DS3 gibi obsidianla hiç bir ilgisi olmayan bi oyun gelecek yine.

Gerçi şu açıdan bakmak lazım. Obsidian bu tür ek işler alıp maaşları ödeyip gerçek rpg yapmaya devam ediyorsa, boş zamanlarında isterse futbol oyunu yapsın önemli değil.
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axedice said:

Gerçi şu açıdan bakmak lazım. Obsidian bu tür ek işler alıp maaşları ödeyip gerçek rpg yapmaya devam ediyorsa, boş zamanlarında isterse futbol oyunu yapsın önemli değil.

DS3un patlama yarıçapı düşünülürse çöp oyun yapmaları şirketi kapanmaya veya satışa götürür ancak.

SP the game diye bir oyunu alacak adam rpg meraklısı olmaz, rpg meraklısı da sp the game diye oyun almaz. Lose lose direkt. Kafalar guzelken karar verildi herhalde.
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Sam said:

DS3un patlama yarıçapı düşünülürse çöp oyun yapmaları şirketi kapanmaya veya satışa götürür ancak.

Yalnız DS3 patlamadı, 820k sattı. Ki 700k satan AP ile karşılaştırınca çok ucuza gelen bi yan projeydi. Square Enix $60m net kar öngörüyor bu senenin sonunda, DS3 de major releaseleri olmadığı için bi çeşit gemi yüzdüren.

SP the game diye bir oyunu alacak adam rpg meraklısı olmaz, rpg meraklısı da sp the game diye oyun almaz. Lose lose direkt. Kafalar guzelken karar verildi herhalde.

Skyrim ne kadar rpgyse, bi southpark oyunu da o kadar rpg olacaktır. Sonuçta cartmanin rolüne bürünüp southparkın geleceğini etkileyecek kararlar vericez lolol.

Bide bone adamlar hadi rpg yapalım o da southpark olsun diye yola çıkamıyorlar ehue. Benim ilk haberlerden anladığım Trey Parker'la Matt Stone özellikle obsidiana gidiyor, Feargus da kabul ediyor.
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oyunda kenny official exploit olacakmış, onu sürekli kesip lvl atlıyabilecekmişiz dsf.

kim ne derse desin sp isterse obsidian rpg'si olsun, isterse disney'in the game oyunlarından biri olsun. benim için belli bir çıtanın üzerinde olduktan sonra yine oynarım yine oynarım (işte o çıta da çocuk oyunu olmasın yeter civarında bişi). sp temasına sahip olması yeterli benim için, sonuçta oyunun batman gibi bir baş yapıt olmayacağını az çok tahmin ediyoruz. zaten marka sattıracak, full marketing oyunu olacak. sırf dexter diye iğrenç iphone oyununu bitirmiş adamım ben ya ehah.

bi kaç ayrıntı daha çıkmış bu arada: http://www.bolumsonucanavari.com/Haberler-South_Park_RPGsinden_Yeni_Ayrintilar-22370.htm
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-The first game Parker and Stone have directly participated in, writing the script and the dialogue.

-Parker has always preferred silent protagonists in RPG's, so the player’s character will be silent.

-The player’s character will be fully customizable.

-Your character has a smartphone that acts as the primary game menu and has a facebook-like app show your number of friends you have and your current standing with the various kid factions.

-There are five classes, which are wizard, paladin, adventurer, rogue, and a fifth unannounced class.

-Obsidian is using the Dungeon Siege III engine.

-Obsidian developed a dynamic lip-syncing tool to accommodate changes to the script.

-Parker and Stone gave Obsidian 15 years of assets used during the show and a detailed list of approved textures and colors.

-Critical hits, cash rewards, experience, and consumables are in the game.

-Parker hates unskippable cutscenes.

-The humor will be more focus on the games they have played in the past but Parker mentions that games have lampooned other games before so they don't want to do exactly that instead they are focusing more on RPG's on how big and bombastic they can get sometimes.


-The player will play as the new kid in town, the main theme of the game is fitting in and being accepted.


-Many elements of the combat system are like Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games.

-If player initiates combat they will attack first and vice versa.

-X button is for melee attacks, pressing it in well-timed succession will result in multiple hits.

-Timed inputs occur for defense as well for reduced damage.

-Obsidian doesn't want the player to have to sit and watch animations play out; they're incorporating dynamic camera angels at certain times, such as a Ro Sham Bo attack that stuns an enemy.


-Enemy encounters are visible on the map.

-Soda are health potions and Tweak's coffee is a haste item.

-There are melee and ranged weapons, as well as a lightning powered Okama Gameshpere that is a magic item.

-There is a Final Fantasy Materia like system in the game to augment weapons with various abilities like fire, poison, and electricity.

-There is a Summon System but they are not able to talk about it.


-When Obsidian were first coming up with ideas they show Parker and Stone a quest where you go into a cave and fight a giant bat boss that Ike is riding on, Parker and Stone said that the quest wasn't Southpark, that it was a generic video-game. Parker and Stone then mention a quest to get Kung Pao Chicken from City Wok, to readjust Obsidian focus.

-When they start making the town hub Parker and Stone realized that they did not have a true layout for the town, so they had fun figuring out where everything went.

-There will not be any platforming, they tried jumping early on but it didn't seem right.

-They talk about how they have had to scrap level because the perspective wasn't right because everything is hand illustrated and hand animated.

-They talk about the challenges of making a comedy driven game, Portal 2 is mention, they say if Portal 2 dialogue was on top of a shitty game it wouldn't be as good, so they want to make a game that is as good as the dialogue.
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Şurda fazladan bi iki bilgi daha var, sanırım orjinal kaynak da burası.


-The story begins with your character participating in a live action role-playing game that the neighborhood kids started, which eventually evolves into a real adventure.

-Eric Cartman will greet your character and help you decide your class, which are wizard, paladin, adventurer, rogue, and a fifth unconventional class made up by Cartman.

-An example of a collectible is a Chinpokomon doll and a magazine, Chinpokomon dolls are not all the same model Obsidian are using various models that appeared in the episode.

-Visual and Visual style seen in episodes like “Good Times With Weapons”, or the live action hamsters in “Pandemic” will not be in the game they want to keep a simple 2D style.

-Parker has been a lifelong gamers, he really likes rpgs because he like the singleplayer nature of them so he doesn’t like or get MMO’s. His favorite game is Oblivion.
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