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Patch 4.3

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Mesaj tarihi:
Patch 4.3+

The new 5 man dungeons will help to introduce the Deathwing Raid.
The current plan with the Deathwing raid is to have it all available immediately upon release.
The Deathwing raid will be smaller than Ulduar with many phases or encounters with Deathwing.
Patch 4.4 will bring a world event before the next expansion.
The next expansion should be released with a "meaningful difference" in timeline compared to previous expansions.

Future Changes and Features

Paid Guild Transfers are still in the works.
Battle.net account wide achievements are still in the works.
Armor dyes are unlikely to be included in the game, but mount customization is a possibility.
Class Quests are unlikely to return due to the amount of time it takes to design and implement them.
No gold sinks are coming soon because of the large variance in the amount of gold players have.
A real money Auction House is not planned for WoW.

Other Notes

RealID LFD grouping was originally going to be paid because of the similarity to Paid Character Transfers, but they decided it was the right thing for the game to offer it for free.
Cross realm RealID grouping is going to be expanded to cover Battlegrounds as well. Depending on how well that works it could be expanded to raids and rated battlegrounds.
There has been a drop in gold farming because phishing and hacking accounts is more profitable.
New players are still having trouble with the first 30 minutes and five levels of the game, more hand holding is coming.
Blizzard did a lot to save time while getting Cataclysm finished, but ended up happy with the final result.
The shared 10 and 25 man lockout has had both positive and negative effects, it solved the need to do both every week but removed some extra content that could be done every week. Some changes will be made in the future to make everyone happier with the solution.
Mesaj tarihi:
Muhtemel 2 boss, son kitaptan.


Chromatus is the first and only successfully formed chromatic dragon. Chromatus has the power of all five flights and one head per flight. Though the five-headed dragon appeared dead, because Nefarian never managed to deal with giving it life, the creature was reanimated (into life, not undeath) by the Twilight Father through the use of a surge needle. It was later rendered inanimate by the united powers of the Aspects, and its body was stored in an Arcane Prison.



Archbishop Benedictus

He is revealed to be the Twilight Father — leader of the Twilight's Hammer clan and working directly for Deathwing. After having failed in a plot to destroy the Dragon Aspects using the Chromatic dragonflight, Benedictus is returned to Stormwind, awaiting further instructions from Deathwing. In the novel he seems to wield considerable influence in the cult and may very well be higher than Cho'gall himself.


Mesaj tarihi:
Gangren said:

Yahu çok komik oldu bu Cata expaci.

2 recycled dungeon, 1 recycled en boss, 3 yeni dungeon, 1 final raid, meh.

Transmogrify olmasa...

iyi başladı ama kötü bitiyor gibi ben deathwing'ten sonra 1 raid daha bekliyordum.ulduardan küçük olacak denmiş bari fightları çok iyi yapsalar.
Mesaj tarihi:
metzen blizzcon'da kendisi açıklamadı mı n'zoth cata daki old god'ımız diye.

böyle birşey hatırlıyorum neyse artık gelmicekse,daşaklı abilerimizi yeni oyuna saklıyorlar kesin.

tbc remake patlatıp wow'uda bitirirler yakında sdfdfgdre
Mesaj tarihi:
bugun hem bulwark hem ashkandhi dustu, 1 senedir gicikligina dusmeyen t6 botlatimda dustu, full t6 + bulwark + lolipop mace kombosuna sahibim sonunda !!11

sunwell shieldlari ile muramasa yida aldimmi demeyin keyfime asdf

bide sirf koleksiyon icin t5 chesti almam lazim, o zaman tam olcak
Mesaj tarihi:
Allure- said:


veya gorehowl alırdım warriorıma. bir de brutal set ile eski eng googles.

abi gorehowlu o kadar istedim bir kez bile göremedim ya içimde ukte kaldı.
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