Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 4, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 4, 2010 en güzel solo gene heavy tanklarla....
MaDOnos Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 5, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 5, 2010 Oyun halen closed beta olarak devam ediyor en son 2 haritada eklendi, herkes başlarda alışmadığı için haritaları kanıksadı ama sonra herkes beğendi :) Ve bazı ayarlamalar getirildi oyuna bazı tankların exp pointi degisti repair time ı vs bir anlamda daha fazla denge getirildi. Turnuvalar düzenleniyor su aralar ama türklerden katılan yok galiba :) Söylentilere göre oyuna amerikan, ingiliz ve japon tanklarıda eklenecekmiş :)
Mosquito Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 6, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 6, 2010 sıkıldım valla beklemekten adamları ben, sonra uzun süredir de girmiyorum. Büyük ihtimalle çoğu kişi bu durumdadır.
MaDOnos Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 6, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 6, 2010 Oyun su an close beta Sadece pvp var sıkması normal vede bazı günler ogleden sonra geceye kadar ttnetle cok lag oluyor 3g ile girince lag yok :) Belki benim sehrimde ttnette sorun vardır bilmiyorum. Sıkılmamak icin bir hedef koyun mesela ben bir tank koyuyorum hedefe onu alana kadar deli gibi oynuyorum onu alınca 4 5 gün günde 1 saat anca giriyorum. Bu oyun su haliyle bile bıraksanızda silmeyin arada bir girip kafa dagıtmak icin bence cok guzel bir oyun.
MaDOnos Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2010 Büyük bir yeni patch geldi su an serverlar aktif degil Torrent Olarak burdan indirebilirsiniz. Exe dosyası degil bu dosya. Forumda söylenene göre bu dosyayı wot klasörünün içindeki updates klasörüne kopyalayın sonra wot launcherı calıstırın oyun update edilecek su an bende indiriyorum daha yapmadım ve patch logunu göremedim forumda da bulamadım. Ama bir kişi amerikan tankları geliyor demiş ayrıca uzaktaki adamların radarda bir görünüp bir kaybolması sonucu normal gorus alanına girene kadar sanki ışınlanarak geliyormuş gibi görünmeside düzeltilmiş o adamın yalancısıyım ama bu oyuna göre bu patch boyutu baya büyük o yüzden kesin önemli değişiklikler vardır yükledikten sonra logu bulursam buraya koyacagım. ---------- Bir forumda patch notlarını buldum. Patch Notları v. - v. Due 11th November :) General: - Added new tech-tree - American tanks. 22 tanks + 3 premium tanks. Also added American tank crews. - Added two new maps: "Monastery" and "Sandy River". - Removed "teleports" of tanks at great distances when aiming at them. - Introduced advanced video settings. - Now for the first battle of the day on each tank (24h) player will receive double experience. - Fixed crash to the garage with 0 experience and credits. - Fixed almost all cases when tank gets "stuck" in battle. Balance of tank performance parameters and economy: - Cost of gold consumables reduced by 50%. - Increased effect of the following consumables "Chocolate", "Coca-Cola box", "Extra combat rations". - Increased shell dispersion for SPGs by 10%. - shell velocity decreased by 20% for all vehicles, including SPGs’ shells - Increased repair costs: Hummel (15%), Ferdinand (10%), JagdTiger (20%), SU-8 (5%), S-51 (20%), SU-152 (20%), ISU-152 (10%), T-43 (10%), IS (15%). - Reduce rate of ammo-rack burning for all tanks. - Improved fire extinguishers: manual fire extinguisher = +25% to firefighting abilities, automatic fire extinguisher = +50% to firefighting abilities - Added ability to pivot turn on a spot for tanks: Panther, VK3601H, Tiger, Tiger II. - Increased VK1602 gun’s angle of depression by 4 deg.. - Increased tracks repair speed by 20% for VK1602. - Rebalanced Pz38t: maneuverability, cross-country ability, turret rotation, accuracy, and aiming speed adjusted. - Removed AP rounds from the default ammunition of 152mm gun BR-2. - Fixed rate of fire for the stock guns of SU-152 (decreased) and ISU-152 (increased). - Reduced traverse speed of SPG "Bison" by 3 deg/sec. - Increased traverse speed of SPG SU-5by 8 deg/sec. - Changes to Porsche_Deutz_Typ180_2 engine of the heavy tank 4502: increased horsepower to 840 h/p, switched to diesel, decreased chance of fire. - Added match-making limitation on participation in high tier battles for tanks Valentine and T1 heavy. - Minor balance fixes to tank performance parameters. Damage models and game mechanics: - Fixed "ricochet" message when the damage is inflicted. - Set limitation on the distance of projectile movement inside the tank after the armor penetration. The limitation is set in order to reduce number of “was hit at the front and the engine got damaged”, etc. - Increased normalization effect when shell penetration value is twice as much as armor thickness value or more. - Fixed cases when projectile "disappears" after hitting the gun. - Reduced randomization in armor-penetration and damage from 30% to 25%. - Improved HE explosion: when exploding your HE on the static object near your tank, your tank will be damaged; when exploding your HE on the armor, the splash damage is distributed by the standard rules of splash damage. - Fixed repair kit when repairing fuel-tank. - Battle Hero "Steel Wall" is not awarded posthumously anymore. - Battle Hero "Sniper": the rule "no less than 10 shots, no less than 80% hits" replaced with "more than 10 shots, no less than 85% hits". - Fixed error with displaying reloading for guns with low rate of fire. - Fixed error with counting hits when shooting at destroyed tanks. Match-Making System: - Balance-weight of tanks does not increase when in a platoon. - Removed influence of modules on the balance-weight of a tank. - Added one more battle tier for the high tier vehicles: HT 10,9,8,7; MT 8,7; SPG 5,6; TD 7,8,9. Content: - Fixed several places where tank can get stuck on the maps "Himmelsdof", "Prokhorovka", "Lakeville", "Pagorki". - Fixed indestructible objects on the maps "Muranovka" and "Himmelsdorf". - Fixed crash states and models of some objects. - Added destruction of some objects. - Removed the dog yelping when driving over the dog houses. - Reduced size of textures of destroyed tanks. - Optimized tank models for display at long distances. - Tank Tiger I: redrawn tracks, fixed increased brightness of the 75mm in the second turret. - Fixed mantlet of 10.5cm guns on tanks VK3001H and VK3601H. - Fixed texture errors of the second turret of the VK3601H tank. - Fixed tracks model of Tiger II tank. - Fixed chassis model of SU-85B. - Fixed black tracks texture of the crash-state for "Marder II". - Fixed darkening of SU-5 guns at the far distance. Interface: - Reworked platoon creation interface. - Fixed error when not able to leave pre-battle room by invite. - Fixed error with “non-rotational” destroyed vehicle in battle UI after the battle start. - Added 2 tips. - Marked non-demountable modules in the module list with "lock" icon. - Added additional cursors. - Simplified tanker's panel in the hangar. The addition information is now displayed when pointing at the tanker. - Redesigned screens "Barracks", "Depot", "Store" to fit the general style. - Now when pressing Esc while in "Barracks, "Depot", "Store", "Statistics", "Research", etc. you will exit into the hangar - Fixed minor errors with re-education of the tank crew. - Added tank description in the tank's info-window (so far only for soviet and german vehicles). - Added crew description in the tank's info-window. - You can now mark your tanks as prime/primary and it is displayed at the beginning of the garage tank scrolling selection lineup. - Players, which haven't loaded into the map yet, now displayed with "connecting" status. - When generating a new tank crew, they will always have different faces. - Added additional statuses to the team lists in battle: connected to the battle, connected and in battle, destroyed and in battle, destroyed and left the battle. - Added clarification on the cost of transfer of the free experience for the gold. - Few fixes for vehicle research window. - When buying consumables, it is possible to set amount of consumables to purchase. - Crew members in the hangar and in the tank window in the battle are always displayed in the same order. - Added tank control when holding down mouse wheel. - Added voice messages when crew members injured. - Fixed error: "When researching a module, the amount of free experience in the hangar header does not change". - Fixed several interface errors in training room and invites. - Added button "E" to disengage auto-aim. - Removed possibility of bringing up marker "Attacking" on a destroyed enemy. - Fixed display of several repair notification when pressing "Repair" button multiple times. - Fixed cases of erroneous display of win and defeat percentages. - Fixed texts on some interfaces. - Added the elite-tank marking in the tank list in the hangar. - Limit on display of number of medals increased from 99 to 999. - Added description of the current battle mode under the button "Battle!". - Fixed error with displaying medals/achievements counter. - For SPG: moving mouse when RMB is pressed allows separating camera from reticule. - Added button "Maximize" in the window mode. Added ability to change window size with a mouse. - Multiple minor interface fixes and improvements. Miscellaneous: - Improved grass visualization - grass color fits better to the color of landscape. - Removed reticule fixation on some minor objects. - Reduced possibility of displaying movement of destroyed tanks. - Fixed tracks "jerking" effect when tracks moving. - Fixed error with SPG tracers splitting mid-flight. - Fixed sound of observation modules when they are being destroyed/repaired/damaged. - Removed unused modules from the Store. - Added new graphical post-effects. - Renamed executable file to WorldOfTanks.exe - Fixed error with displaying hanging sections of fences in some camera angles on different maps.
cambazct Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2010 Amerikan tanklari gelmis, su an update ediyo oyun kendini 659.07MB
batuhan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2010 Güzel olmuş aslında ışınma çözülmüş arada girilip 2 el atilir.
Osuran_boga Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 is3 , ferdinant , hummel aldıktan sonra sıkılıp bırakmıştım bi bakayım tekrar bari.görünmez olan tanklar filan çözülmüşse çok iyi olur da oyunun en büyük sorunu bi süre sonra elde edicek bişiy kalmıyor ve defalarca oynamak için de bi neden olmuyor. çok hızlı üst seviye tanklara geçilmesin die exp kısılmıştı sanırım ama bu seferde üst seviye bi tankla (misal benim ferdinantla) oynayıp seviye atlamak işkence .zaten atlasam nolcak ki. oyun daha güçlü tankları almak için uğraşırken eğlenceli aldıktan sonra sıkıcı
Buzx Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 Ben herşeyimi sattım ausfb aldım goldlarıda bozdurdum elde bi kurus para kalmadı tier 9 tanka 80mm topla oyun oynamaya calıstım oyundan sogudum bıraktım oh mis.
Buzx Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 10 shell e ısıtırım :D Gold verseler bari 8-)
Quel-Thul Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2010 sende gittin en olmayacak teklifi teptin hgacı ben tereddüt etmezdim
Osuran_boga Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 ahahah oyunda neyi değiştirdilerse artık ölümsüz gibiyim ya 6 maç yaptım ferdinantla 3-5 kill yapıyorum ölmüyorum .üstüne 4 defa düşman üssüne vardım sanki tanklar hızlanmış ya önceden kıçını kaldıramazdı bu ferdi. sanırım auto aimi değiştirmişler milet ıskalayıp duruyo beni :) komik olmuş .ağlaşıyolar chatte "auto aim not working" die. en önden charge yapıyorum koca tankla. bie en sonunda zırhı düzeltmişler galiba 200 lük ön zırhımla hiç sektiremiodum mermileri şimdi çat çut sekiyor :)
Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 millet %50 training ile başlıyo ıska normal benim %100 lük adamlar hiç ıskalamıyor ehuehe
batuhan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 Ya kotalida donmesem pathci indirirdim.Jagdpanther de is yapar ozmn.
zweisamkeit Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2010 evet autoaime bişi olmuş. normalde hareket eden tankın önüne nişan alması gerekirken tam üstüne nişan alıyor bu sayede hep arkasına atıyorsun mermileri :)
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 15, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 15, 2010 auto-aim evet biraz bozulmuş gibi, öte taraftan amerikan tankları da tahmin ettiğim gibi gudik göründü hayli. pek alan yok zaten, gene varsa yoksa is-4 furyası.
MaDOnos Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 16, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 16, 2010 Sitede challange bolumune players ve hall of fame sekmeleri eklendi. Playersda search ettiginiz oyuncunun incigini cıncıgını her şeyini görebiliyorsunuz örnek olarak ne kadar exp kazandıgı hangi tankla ne kadar savas girip kazandıgı ve klasmanalara göre kacıncı sırada oldugunu. Hall of fame bölümünde ise klasmanlara göre top 10unu ve isterseniz full list yaparak en iyi veya en kötü (başarılı, başarısız) görebiliyorsunuz; örnek olarak en fazla base ele geçiren ya da savunan en fazla tank patlatan vs.. Oyunda bir amaç yok gibi görünüyor tek amaç savaşıp daha iyi tank almaktı ama bu istatistik iyi oldu bence en azından bir bölümde yükselmeye çalışmak için biraz daha şevkle oynanabilir. Patchlerle ve gelişmelerle oyun daha iyiye gidiyor böyle giderlerse piyasada yer edinebilirler. Ayrıca sunu söylemem lazım son patchten sonra aktif oyuncu sayısı %50 arttı ama serverlar eskisine göre daha iyi durumda. http://game.worldoftanks.com/ burdan challange kısmından dedigim yerlere ulasabilirsiniz.
MaDOnos Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 30, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 30, 2010 Fransız tank tree duyruldu premium tanklarla birlikte 63 tank var. Tier 9 medium tank, tier 7 light tank ve tier 8 spg var oha yani :)
gleoddyn Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 30, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 30, 2010 Fransız tankları fenaya benzemiyor. Yalnız bazı tanklar palet içine şişme tekerlek koymuşlar haha garip..
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 4, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 4, 2010 baya eğleniyorum ya bu oyunda 4-5 gündür. baya sardı. iyi de oynuyorum ha, daha tier 2'lerdeyim ama 3-4 rakibi indiriyorum dan dun. Aeropostale nickim, contact olarak ekleyin yardıralım zaa.
MaDOnos Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 7, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 7, 2010 Soft Wipe yani eu serverlara gecildiginde kazandıgınız tüm expler ve elinizde bulununa tank fiyatlarıyla + nakit para size verilecek 0 dan kendinize bir yol seçme; aralıkta gelecek deniyordu ama son duyuraya göre aralıkta gelmeyecek düsük bir olasılıkla ocak ayında gelecekmiş. 20 - 24 aralık arası 6.2.5 patchiyle birlikte eu serverların acılması düşünülüyor. Aralık ayı içinde gelmesi gelen patchleri yapılan değişiklikleri ve düzeltmeleri aşağıda görebilirsiniz. Son gelişmeler bunlar. Aralıkta gelmemesi kötü oldu bu soft wipe ın :( 6.1.5 - 6.2.4 v. - v. Main: - Added new maps: "Ruinberg" and "El Halluf". - Added new battle mode: the "Tank Company Battle". A company of tanks with sum of tiers from 60 to 90 will get into a company waiting list where it will be randomly assign an opposing company. - Added voice chat based on the Vivox technology. It works only for platoons in random battle, for companies in tank company battles and for training battle. The feature is still in testing hence is implemented with minimal settings. - Added achievements: "Reaper", "Invincible", "Survivor", "Raider", "Master Gunner", "Kamikaze", - Added medals: Kolobanov's medal, Billotte's medal, Fadin's medal, Wittmann's medal, Orlik's medal, Oskin's medal, Halonen's medal, Burda's medal. - Added full dynamic shadows. The option is located in settings "Enhanced shadows". The shadows are in the testing mode so there is a possibility of artifacts. - Added new interface for repair and resupply of consumables - "Service": added possibility to automatically replenish consumables and to repair the tank after coming out of the battle, possibility to quickly replenish consumables, ability to change the sequence of shells. - Added controls settings in the game settings. Gameplay: - The doubled experience for the first battle (in a day) on each tank now is given not for the first battle, but for the first victory on the tank.. - Training battle does not count as the first battle anymore for the purposes of the doubled experience. - The chance of hitting an inner module (except gun) increased from 33% to 50%. - Removed possibility when any HE that explodes near a tank to damage internal modules, except crew members. - The damage to inner modules from an HE that exploded on the tank armor is reduced by 50%, exception - crew members. - Change experience transfer from a group of tanks. The experience from all tanks is collected so all tanks left with zero experience and then it is transferred. The remaining under 25 experience is placed on the last tank on the list. - "Scout" is now awarded only if the team won. - "Sniper" is now awarded if during the battle there was no friendly damage. - The top tanks in the battle roster are now balanced not by the level but by the match-making "value", which considers type of the tank. - The coefficient of heavy tanks for the match-making calculations is increased from 1.3 to 1.45. - Reworked tank distribution tiers in battles. - Fixed ability of lifting fallen trees with tank. - Removed possibility of driving beyond the edge of the map during lag spikes. - Fixed tank spawns considering type of the tank (SPG in Malinovka, etc.). System: - Fixed FPS drops during rendering of track prints. - Fixed lags when destroying objects. - Improved auto-configuration of graphic settings. - Experimental feature. Limited speed of rendering in the loading screen, this should improve loading time for slow computers. - Added some optimizations which suppose to end single sharp falls and dips in FPS. Content: - Multiple fixes of tanks' models and textures. - Set a normal speed of track rotation on all tanks. - Reworked and added destruction of some objects. - Fixed some spots on the maps where tanks would get stuck or couldn't pass. - Modified base flagpoles and flag animation. - Added removal of rendering for some small objects at long distances. - Reworked shot sounds of some guns. Interface: - Changed system notifications in the hangar. - Fixed changing music volume level which worked only for battles. - Multiple small interface changes. - Added hints-tooltips on interface elements in hangar. - Fixed purchasing a tank with a slot in hangar without warning. - Fixed bug with filter "Location" in barracks switches by itself. - Fixed invite notification, if the player is in the battle at that moment. - Added display of User Agreement after the client launch. - Added turning on/off of "after death" post-effect in settings. - Removed ability to lower camera beneath the water level. - Now after purchasing premium, hangar immediately updates to premium. - Fixed UI bug when researching several vehicles and/or modules in a row using free experience List of tank specs changes: Germany: Gun 75mm_KwK_40_L43: dispersion 0.41->0.4. Gun 75mm_StuK_40_L43: dispersion 0.39->0.38. Gun 75mm_KwK_40_L48: dispersion 0.4->0.39. Gun 75mm_PaK_39_L48: dispersion 0.38->0.37. Gun 75mm_PaK_40: dispersion 0.38->0.37. Gun 128mm_PaK44_L61: reduced visibility after firing, +20 damage to all shells. Gun 128mm_PaK44_L55: reduced visibility after firing. PzII Luchs: reduced visibility during movement. VK 1602: reduced visibility during movement. PzIII: reduced visibility during movement, dispersion reduced by 5% during movement and traverse. Pz III/IV: by 5% improved pass-ability on medium grounds, dispersion reduced by 8% during movement and traverse. Pz V-IV: chassis rotation is matched with Panther's. Tiger II: mantlet armor for top turret 65->100. JagdTiger: 128mm_PaK44_L55 reload (in seconds) 10.4 ->10.36, 128mm_PaK44_2_L61 reload (in seconds) 10.6->10.5. VK 4502: mantlet armor for stock turret 120->160, mantlet armor for top turret 120->180. USA: Gun 37mm_M-6_L53: price in credits 8350->2500. Gun QF_6_pounder_Mk_III: penetration: AP 89->110, APCR 145->180, accuracy 0.4->0.38. Gun 75mm_Gun_M3_L37: dispersion 0.38->0.4. Gun 75mm_Gun_M2_L28: dispersion 0.39->0.41. Gun 76mm_Gun_M1A1: reload (in seconds) 3.2->2.85, dispersion 0.37->0.38. Gun 76mm_Gun_M1A2: dispersion 0.34->0.35. Gun 90mm_Gun_T15E2M2: dispersion 0.33->0.32, reduced dispersion during turret traverse. Gun 105mm_Howitzer_M2A: reduced aiming time by 15%. Gun 105mm_Howitzer_M4: reduced aiming time by 15%, HEAT penetration 60->53. Gun 120mm_Gun_T53: aiming 3.0->2.4, reduced dispersion during turret traverse. Gun 155mm_Gun_T7: aiming 3.0->2.7, significantly reduced dispersion during turret traverse. Engine Wright_G200_m_781C9GC1 level 8->7, price in credits 72380->47600, chance of fire 0.2->0.25. T29, Т32, Т34, Т30: fixed error with discrepancy between displayed and actual hull armor. Actual armor decreased by 20%. M6, T1: reduced experience cost Wright_G200_m_781C9GC1 19800->10900. Т-57: pass-ability reduced by 10%, reduced traverse speed by 2 degree/sec, decreased accuracy during movement and turning by 3%. Т2 lt: reduced repair cost by 30%, increased ammunition capacity of 20mm gun. M7 Priest: 105mm_Howitzer_M - reloading time decreased 13.95->11.76 (in seconds). RamII: reduced repair cost by 20%. Т14: reduced repair price by 5%. T29: increased visibility of the tank, by 5% increased influence of movement and traversing on accuracy, 105mm_Gun_T5E1 - reloading (in seconds) 9.5->10, by 10% reduced speed of traverse for top turret, fixed display of frontal armor for both turrets, changed guns ammunition. Т32: by 5% reduced pass-ability on medium grounds, by 8% decreased accuracy during movement and traverse, by 6 deg/sec reduced traverse speed of first tracks, by 2 deg/secк - of second, 105mm_Gun_T5E1 reload (in seconds) 9.38->9.4, changed guns ammunition. Т34: changed guns ammunition. Т30: changed guns ammunition. USSR: Engine V-2-54: increased horsepower by 20 h.p. Gun QF_6_pounder_Mk_III: AP penetration 89->110, APCR penetration 145->180. Gun 76mm_S-54: dispersion 0.4->0.36. Gun 76mm_S-54_S: dispersion 0.37->0.34. А-20: decreased visibility during motion and rest, improved pass-ability of top tracks on medium and hard grounds. А-32: decreased visibility during motion and rest. BT-2: decreased visibility during motion, by 6% reduced influence of movement and traverse on accuracy. BT-7: reduced visibility during motion and rest, improved pass-ability on medium grounds, by 4% decreased dispersion during movement and traverse, view range for top turret increased by 15 meters. Т-26: reduced visibility in motion. Т-34-85: by 20% improved pass-ability on medium and good grounds. Т-43: by 9% decreased influence of movement and traverse on accuracy. Т-44: by 5% decreased influence of movement and traverse on accuracy, by 25% increased durability of tracks. IS-4: armor: hull-upper plate 120->140, driver's lug 120->160, rear-upper plate 120->100. 6.2.4 - 6.2.5 Added voice chat in the training battles, company battles, and in standard battles for platoons. In order to activate the voice chat it needs to be turned on in the settings. To use voice chat in game you have to press and hold button "Q' while speaking. - Reduce the chance of critical damage for internal modules from 50% to 45%. Chance of critical damage for ammo rack reduced from 30% to 27%. - Multiple fixes for maps "Ruinberg" and "El Halluf": floating objects, awkwardly placed objects, stuck points. - Fixed falling bushes on the map Ruinberg. - Fixed trees on the map Karelia. - Reduced "hang ups" in hangar. - Fixed the way scroll bar works for replenishing ammo. - Fixed settings set up when selecting "high" settings. - Added button in the controls settings for fixating tank hull. - Fixed the way buttons-arrows work for tank movement. - Removed "weird" nicknames in channels. - Returned displaying of the menu when pressing "Esc" after exiting the battle. - Increased display time for system notifications - Fixed filter "crew member is in such-n-such tank" in barracks. - Howitzer sights: now when shooting beyond the maximum distance, the trajectory is lit up with white color. - Fixed some typos in interfaces. - Fixed a star on ISU-152.
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