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Mesaj tarihi:
şimdi ben bide level 58'de takılmıştım acaba başlasam level atlayabilir miyim yeni quest geldi dediklerinde accountu açmıştım yeni quest 1-2 tane bulmuştum level alamamıştım daha da oynamamıştım
kimler var şimdi server nasıl nedir ne değildir
Mesaj tarihi:
ROTGS alırsan eğer xp pot filan veriyor kasman daha kolay olur.
Crom'da oynayan epey bir Türk var açıkcası ama Fury'de de Türk Guildi var.

Oyun epey bi değişdi açıkcası daha halen gidipte göremediğim yerler katılamadığım factionlar var vakit bulamıyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
Made some changes to Improve client and server-side performance You should notice improved client performance in Northern Grasslands in particular.
Resolved several issues with the XP potions.
Fixed an issue causing the Quest tracker slider in the option panel to always revert to 0 for any characters that had the quest tracker disabled before the slider was introduced.


Prowess will now scale based on the duration of the minigame like PvP XP does.


The Magic Harp : Su-yin will now give back the item you need to finish the quest.
The Forgotten Gods and Milestones quests are now shareable.
Spawning The Emperor's Gift should now cost three hundred Life Essence
Receptacle of Acclaim should now give twenty-five Acclaim Tokens.
Fixed several typos in Expansion quests.

The Battle of Tortage: An issue where Valerius could spawn multiple times has been resolved.

Po-Sha and Yun Rau will no longer give experience halfway through the encounter to prevent exploits within the encounter.
Destroying the Dragon Powder Urns next to the tent of the Wolves of the Steppes faction vendors and faction Herald no longer places them in combat mode.
Gateway to Khitai: Damage auras will no longer cause Cang Jei to prematurely interrupt the dialog with the player.

A new confirmation box has been added when Faction Betrayal poster quests are offered to the player in order to prevent players accidentally resetting their faction.
The Scarlet Circle is now correctly giving faction points for turning in twenty-five insignias to the faction vendor.

Alchemist: A Strange Alloy - The recipe will now craft the correct quest item.
Mesaj tarihi:
RRa said:


Prowess will now scale based on the duration of the minigame like PvP XP does.

beni ilgilendiren kısmı burası. ne demek istemiş tam olarak şimdi.

hıı sanırım prowress puanıda pvp xp puanı gibi süreye dayalı olacak demek istemiş ki bu kötü haber oldu benim için pfff
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