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3.3.2 Patch Notes

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
wowda ciddi bir şekilde hiç bir rakibi yenmiyoruz, archimonde illidan felan ölmelerine yardım ediyoruz, cthun u vulnerable state inde kesiyoruz, ragnaros tam material plane e geçemeden kesiyoruz, kiljaden ın yarısını anveena nın sayesinde kesiyoruz felan
Mesaj tarihi:
Ragnaros - Yardım yok
Nefarian - Yardım yok
C'thun - Vulnerable state falan da olsa yardım yok sonuçta, yine yardımsız kesiyoruz
Kelthuzad - Yardım yok
Thunderaan - Yardım yok

Bunlardan en şakşaklısı Cthun tabi old god olarak, sonra Ragnaros ve Thunderaan geliyordur kanımca (elemental lord ?), çok basit düşmanlar değil yani.

Vashj, Kael'thas player only
Archimonde, burada tree of life falan bişilerin yardımı vardı sanırım hatırlamıyorum
Illidan'da aldığımız yardımı (Maiev) yesinler : )
KilJaedan - Bunu zaten kesmiyorduk, geldiği yere postalıyorduk.

Falan filan
Mesaj tarihi:
seviye olarak bakarsak
en gucluler titanlar
yane sargerasi kesersek mesela bi gun o olcak algavonda titan ama yeto titan

sonra old godlar war
old god olarak cthun ve yogg saronu kesiyoruz bi tanesi zaten olu kemikleri war bi yerde bi taneside emerald dreamde 5 incisi kim hatirlamiyorum

sonra old godlarn yamaklari war
ragnaros ve thunderaan gibi

sonra titanlarin yamaklari war 5 aspect
malygos bunnar arasinda en cerez olan sanirim diek geberdi

sonra teorik olarak burning legion yamaklari war
iste illidan kel thuzad yada arthas yada iste hyjalda kestigimiz herif neydi o

sonracima 5 aspectin colugu cocugu war
neferiandan tutta onyxiaya kadar

en sonda mortallar war
iste sey buda dragon killer felan wardi ya buyuyen o felan
Mesaj tarihi:
ingilizceniz mi yoktu abi ragnarosu keserken

şunlara qq yapıyorsanız http://elitistjerks.com/f15/t30118-world_warcraft_lore_storyline_discussion_spoilers şunu okumanızı tavsiye ederim 300 sayfa
vanillada vay anasını nasıl keseriz denilebilecek bosslar cthun ve ragnaros sadece

hayır rpg polisimisiniz o nasıl kesilir bu nasıl kesilir ahkamı kesiyosunuz wc3 tft de son bölümde arthas vashj ve illidanı defalarca kesiyorduk spawn olup devamlı geliyorlardı yani nedir bu qq hevesi
Mesaj tarihi:
Ragnaros'ta nasıl yardım yok, Majordomo en babasından yardım ediyor, çok erken uyandırarak :p

Nefarian ile Onyxia bildiğin blackwing tayfası, çok da fifi.

Cthun - what Spark said.

Thunderaan - eh, Ragnaros gibi, ama çok tırt abi bu.

Bir kere bunların hepsi zaten 40m.

WC2'de 40 tane footman saldırtsan, alayını keser, oyunu bitirir.
Mesaj tarihi:
Ses dosyalarından alıntı

Arthas: So... The Light's flaunted(?) justice has finally arrived. Shall I lay down Frostmourne, and throw myself at your mercy, Fordring?
Tirion Fordring: We'll grant you a swift death, Arthas. More than can be said for the thousands you've tortured and slain!
Arthas: You'll learn of that first hand. When my work is complete... you will beg for mercy. And I will deny you.
Tirion Fordring: So be it. CHAMPIONS, ATTAACK!!!

Tirion Fordring: Light... grant me one final blessing... give me the strength... to shatter these bonds...

Arthas: I'll keep you alive, to witness the end, Fordring.
Arthas: I would not want the Light's greatest champion to miss seeing this wretched world remade... In... My... Image.

Arthas: Come, champions. FEED ME YOUR RAGE.

Tirion Fordring: THE LICH KING... MUST. FALL.

Arthas: No questions remain unanswered. No doubts linger. You are Azeroth's greatest champions.
Arthas: You overcame every challenge I laid before you.
Arthas: My mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught... Your unbridled fury.
Arthas: Is it truly righteousness that drives you? I wonder...
Arthas: You've trained them well, Fordring. You've delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known... right into my hands! Exactly as I intended. You shall be rewarded for your unwilling sacrifice.

Arthas: *laugh* I delight in the irony.

Arthas: Bah! You gnats actually hurt me! Perhaps I've toyed with you long enough. Now... taste the vengeance of the grave!

Darion Mograine: Father!
Alexandros Mograine: Darion! My son... At last, I am able to lay my eyes upon you again.
Darion Mograine: Father, I... I feared for your... your sanity...
Alexandros Mograine: The Lich King tormented me without end, Darion.
Alexandros Mograine: Endlessly... he sought to break my will. To force me to serve him. To bind me to his blade.
Alexandros Mograine: Finally... When events demanded his full attention, he left me.
Alexandros Mograine: The one memory I clung to Darion... the one thought that kept me from giving in... was your sacrifice, my son. That saved me from eternal peril.
Darion Mograine: Father, For you... I'd give my life a thousand times.

Jaina Proudmoore: (crying) What's this...? He... he kept it. All this time... he kept it. I knew!!!
Jaina Proudmoore: I sensed a part of him still alive... trapped... struggling.
Jaina Proudmoore: Oh Arthas... Perhaps... perhaps he might someday remember what he once was.
Jaina Proudmoore: By the light, may he at last find rest, free from the icy grip of that terrible Blade.

Muradin Bronzebeard: Oh, lad. How I miss those endless days in Lordaeron... sharpenin' yer skill with this dull blade. Forgin' ya' into a weapon meant to withstand the demands of a great destiny...
Muradin Bronzebeard: *Sigh* Sure put them skills to use, didn't ya' lad?
Muradin Bronzebeard: If only I'd been able to stop you that day... How different things might have been, if ONLY I'D NEVER DISCOVERED THAT CURSED BLADE.
Muradin Bronzebeard: Farewell Arthas... my brother.

Sylvanas Windrunner: So... it is done. I had not dared to trust my senses... Too many times has the Lich King made me to be a fool.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Finally... He has been made to pay for the atrocities he imposed upon my people.
Sylvanas Windrunner: May Azeroth never fail to remember the horrible price we paid for our weakness... for our pride.
Sylvanas Windrunner: But what now, hero? What of those freed from his grasp... but still shackled to their mortal coils?
Sylvanas Windrunner: Leave me. I have much to ponder.

Uther the Lightbringer: Arthas...
Uther the Lightbringer: Alas, hero of Azeroth. You give me a greater gift than you know. Long have I struggled to forgive the prince for his terrible transgressions.
Uther the Lightbringer: My soul has been wracked with unbearable anxiety, dark thoughts, distancing me from the light.
Uther the Lightbringer: I recall clearly... the gleam of pride in his eye as he stood before me, eager to defeat the enemies of the light.
Uther the Lightbringer: ...Eager to defend his people, no matter the cost.
Uther the Lightbringer: It is this memory of Arthas that I choose to keep in my heart.
Uther the Lightbringer: I shall always be in your debt, friend.
Uther the Lightbringer: Thank you.

Terenas Menethil: You have come to bring Arthas to justice... to see the Lich King destroyed?
Terenas Menethil: First... you must escape Frostmourne's hold, or be damned as I am... trapped within this cursed blade for all eternity.
Terenas Menethil: Aid me in destroying these tortured souls. Together, we will loosen Frostmourne's hold, and weaken The Lich King from within.
Terenas Menethil: Free! AT LAST!
Terenas Menethil: It... is... OVER, my son. This... is the moment of RECKONING.

Mesaj tarihi:
Sparkcaster said:

hayır bone, bosslara gelelim bosslar direk loot u versin diyen bir adamsın, kaç kere cthun kestin 60 ta merak ediyorum

server first kestim desem?
ahnquiraj serverinda
ally tarafinda
Mesaj tarihi:
valla arthasın ölüşü güzel olmuş , bolvarda miferi taktıktan sonra burayı terkedin diye kendini zorla zaptediyormuş gibi tehditkar şekilde konuşması karizmaydı ama scourgeyi kontrol eden nerzhuldu mifer falan değil
Mesaj tarihi:
Solaran said:

Walla ben ıkına ıkına 7k çıkarıyom onuda up tutmak mesele :>

Bide hunterın teki var whishli bi şey :P auto-shot'la 7k yapıyo fark bu...

9k npnpnp

nazar etme nolur, calis senin de olur
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