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3.3.0 PTR Patch Notes

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
walla spriestlere ciddi buff lazim,gerci ayarliyor simdi bisiler gelsin gorucez,bu arada shamanlarin her spec pve icin gayet basarili,elemental biraz geride kaliyordu ama son 1-2 minor buff ile gene duzeldi,biraz once 7k dps yaptim voa da,keyfim yerine geldi koralon fight guzeldi baya ^^
Mesaj tarihi:
Victor +1

Aggro QQsu yapmışım, survival ability QQsu yapmışım, hangi sınıf olabilirim zun allasen :p

Bir de freemoon, abi işte ben de onu diyorum zaten hangi specin ikincisinin üçüncüsünün raide aman aman faydası var da sen burda "ARCANE MAGE SADECE DPS, LEAVE ARCANE MAGES ALONEEEE" diye diretiyorsun, aynı şeyi söyleyip sen başka oyun oynuyorsun diyorsun falan.

Wotlkun çıktığı günden beri warlockları ilk defa geçebildim diyorsan hiç başlamayalım bir diyaloga :p Ayrıca burdaki konu warlocklar değil, raid setupdan dolayı bir tane buffı eksik meleelerin çaresiz kalması, bütün diğer casterların damage done daha fazla olsa bile asla mageler kadar dpse yapamaması. İnsanlar şansız durumlarda rlden öldü diye fırça yerken bir iceblockla magelerin hiç bir probleminin olmaması. Naxx zamanından hard mode xtsine hodirine vezaxına heroic nbye twinlere herkes aman aggro aman threat diye bir göz omende oynarken magelerin bir tanesinin iplememesi. Sen tbc zamanında shadow bolt spamlayan warlocklara gıcık olurken burda oyunun 5. yılında %70 damageı aynı şeyi spamlayarak bu kadar rahat oynayan sınıf(ın)a en ufak birşey denince "BİR KERE DE BİZ OP OLALIM, GÖZÜNÜZE Mİ BATTI, HA? HAAA?" diye yardırmışsın ama.

Üstteki postta yazdığımın tamamını bile doğru düzgün okumadan, benim söylediğim bazı şeyleri çarpıtarak atar yapmışsın, daha da üstüne post atıp no offense kusura bakma demişim yine de gelmiş atar yapmışsın. Nasıl bir warlock takıntın varsa tbc günlerinden kalan, ne deyim ben daha.
Mesaj tarihi:
Benim warlock takıntım falan yok. Zamanında warlocklar yaparken nasıl ki herkez kabul etmişti tek tuş oynamalarını. (hemde 2 sene boyunca) 2 ayda siz dayanıverin. Yıllarca mage ezerken güzel 2 ay ezildiniz diye nerf çığlıkları bir araba gözyaşı.

Bu arada aranızda bir karar verin oyunda agro sorunu var mı yok mu? Hem agro sorunu var diyor biriniz hemde bu soruna en aza indirmiş 2 class'a (rogue-hunter) bir yararı yok geyikleri dönüyor.

Mage'in agro sorunu yok evet, ama bu sorunun olmaması yıllarca ezim ezim ezerken sizi hiç ilgilendirmiyordu da, 2 aydır küçük bir ezilme molası verdiler diye mi dert oldu başınıza.

Dahası fi tarihde mage'ler dps'de iyi idi geyiklerini geçiniz. Mageler kendi dps'leri içinde bir dönem iyi olması birşeyi değiştirmez. Bossun özel bir çalınacak bir buffı yada agro üzerine kurulmuş bir sistemi yoksa mage'leri hep ezdiniz geçtiniz. O bosslarda ortamda ki mageler sevinsin diye konmuş gibiydiler zaten.

1.5 sene hunterla bir oyun sitiline alışmak ne güzel birşey ya. Hem 1.5 sene, hem yardır allah yardır. 1.5 sene sonra nerflesinler arcane'i o zaman gel ağla buraya 1.5 senedir eziliyoruz diye.

Dahası ağzımı açıp ne skillden ne rotasyından bahsettim. Evet mage dengesiz iyi şuan ama allağını severseniz ya 5 boss eklenmiş bir ara contentte olmuş bir duruma bu kadar ağlanırmı ya.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi sallayın TBC yi en rezil dönemiydi bence dps balance mantığının.
Mesela locklar çok dps yapıyor diye shadow priest nerf (!)
Mavi/hc mixed epiclerle yapılan karazhanda sp çok dps yapıyor die 2x uzatılan swd ile oyunun en amaçsız nuke spelli haline gelmesi.Bloodlust rotation falan vs.
Mesaj tarihi:
bu oyunda hiç bi zman class dengesi olamaz.10 tane classla neyin dengesini getiricekler.Dk larda girdi işin içine
tam bir epic fail.Agro sorununa gelince oyundaki en saçma sapan
agro problemi yaşayan hep warlock olmuştur.Şimdi 3 dakka olan aptal bi shatter eskiden 5 dkkaydı.Fightta sadece 1 kere kullabiliosun üstelik %50 düşürüyor bu kadar saçma sapalak bir sistem olamaz.Burst damage vermen bile zor şu agroda ben başta gözüm omende oynarken yanımda mage allah ne verdiyse giriyor bosa bakmışsın 10 k dps yapmış hacım.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bir healer olarak Valithria Dreamwalker bossunu deli bir heyecanla bekliyorum. Blizzard'ın son zamanlarda yaptığı en orijinal tasarım bana kalırsa. :)


Bu yazıyı okumanızı öneririm.

Kısaca %50 cana sahip bir amcayı %100'e kadar heallememiz gerekiyor. Bu sırada da bilimum addler odaya geliyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
bloodjackal said:

bu oyunda hiç bi zman class dengesi olamaz.10 tane classla neyin dengesini getiricekler.Dk larda girdi işin içine
tam bir epic fail.Agro sorununa gelince oyundaki en saçma sapan
agro problemi yaşayan hep warlock olmuştur.Şimdi 3 dakka olan aptal bi shatter eskiden 5 dkkaydı.Fightta sadece 1 kere kullabiliosun üstelik %50 düşürüyor bu kadar saçma sapalak bir sistem olamaz.Burst damage vermen bile zor şu agroda ben başta gözüm omende oynarken yanımda mage allah ne verdiyse giriyor bosa bakmışsın 10 k dps yapmış hacım.

Eger WOTLK'de aggro sorunu yasiyorsan tanklari sucla. Bizim raidlerde herkes full abaniyor ve hicbir tankimizdan da aggro alamiyoruz.
Mesaj tarihi:
pekaziz said:

Bir healer olarak Valithria Dreamwalker bossunu deli bir heyecanla bekliyorum. Blizzard'ın son zamanlarda yaptığı en orijinal tasarım bana kalırsa. :)


Bu yazıyı okumanızı öneririm.

Kısaca %50 cana sahip bir amcayı %100'e kadar heallememiz gerekiyor. Bu sırada da bilimum addler odaya geliyor.

Okudum yazıyı, gerçekten iyiymiş aslaında... 4 yıl sonunda akıl edebildi gerizekalılar.
Mesaj tarihi:
o encounter icin health/mana ve haste i en yuksek healerlari vericeksin boss a 2 healer raid healliycek iste.. bence cok bayik bi encounter olucak we gereksiz zor olucak gibi gelio
Mesaj tarihi:
o placeholder ya o sayı. ben live izlediimde ptr de adamlar kesitler işte 10dakkadan az sürdü. çok uzun bi encounter deil sadece overwhelm oluosun zaman arttıkça addler tarafından, çok hızlı gelmeye başliolar.

tahminen o sayı 4-5 falan olur =)
Mesaj tarihi:
3.3 ne zaman gelir bu arada? Deli gibi boss test ediliyor falan.

3.3 gelirse yeni arena sezonu da maksimum 2, bilemedin 3 hafta sonra gelmeli itemlevel açısından.

Son arena sezonu da başlayalı 2 ay oldu daha çünkü.
Mesaj tarihi:
Belirli bir seviyeye gelmiş oyuncuları heroic dungeonlardan uzak tutan 3 sebep vardı.

1. Zindana kadar uçmak, milleti toparlamak işkenceydi.
2. Düşen itemlar işe yaramıyordu, sadece son bosstan gelen quest item peşindeydik.
3. 15dk çiş molası veren elemanları beklerdik.

Yeni sistemle bütün bunlara çözüm getirilmiş. Uzun bir aradan sonra ilk defa sıkılmadan her gün heroic dungeon yapacağım sanırım. :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi niye heroic farm yapılır ki hala? Yani o dediğin 1. si dışında diğerleri hala beni hc ye çekecek kadar ilgilendirmiyor. O derece bezmiş biri olarak bırak maini, altta bile daily hc yapmiyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
komutan said:

Eger WOTLK'de aggro sorunu yasiyorsan tanklari sucla. Bizim raidlerde herkes full abaniyor ve hicbir tankimizdan da aggro alamiyoruz.

Orda ben tankların buildlerini eleştirmedim.Shatterın yetersizliğini anlatmak istedim.Self buffınla zaten wotlkde iyi bir tanktan agro alamazsın zaten raidde...
Mesaj tarihi:

Icecrown Citadel voice files
IC_Arnath_Event01 - Even dying here beats spending another day collecting reagents for that mad man Finklestein.
IC_Arnath_Event02 - Never ... could reach ... the top shelf ...
IC_Arnath_Event03 - You miserable fools never did manage to select a decent bat wing.
IC_Arnath_Event04 - That was for bringing me spoiled spider ichor.
IC_Arnath_Event05 - Don't let Finklestein use me ... for his potions ... *argh*
IC_Arnath_Survived01 - The loss of our comrades was unpreventable. They lived and died in the service of the Argent Crusade.

IC_Lanathel_Add01 - Death is no escape!
IC_Lanathel_Aggro01 - You have made an unwise decision.
IC_Lanathel_Berserk01 - THIS! ENDS! NOW!
IC_Lanathel_Bite01 - Just a taste ...
IC_Lanathel_Bite02 - Know my hunger!
IC_Lanathel_Death01 - But ... we were all getting along ... so ... well ...
IC_Lanathel_Empower01 - Rise up brothers! And destroy our enemies!
IC_Lanathel_IntroPrince01 - Foolish mortals, you thought us defeated so easily! The San'layn are the Lich Kings immortal soldiers! Now, you shall face their might combined!
IC_Lanathel_Mindcontrol01 - Yes! Feed, my precious one! You are mine now.
IC_Lanathel_Reset01 - How... Unfortunate. Mwahahaha!
IC_Lanathel_Slay01 - Really? Is that all you've got?
IC_Lanathel_Slay02 - Such a pity!
IC_Lanathel_Special01 - Suffer!
IC_Lanathel_Special02 - Can you handle THIS?
IC_Lanathel_Special03 - Here it comes! (Giggles)


IC_BoneGolem_Event01 - The master's sanctum has been disturbed!
IC_BoneGolem_Event02 - I ... Awaken ...
IC_BoneGolem_Event03 - Who goes there?

IC_Captain Brandon_Event01 - No amount of healing can save me now... Fight on brothers ... *Argh*
IC_Captain Brandon_Event02 - What? This strength!? All the pain is gone ... You, must join me in the eternal embrace of death!
IC_Captain Brandon_Event03 - It doesn't hurt anymore ... does it?
IC_Captain Brandon_Event04 - I'm sorry ... *dies*
IC_Captain Brandon_Survived01 - You've done much in this war against the Scourge. May the light embrace you.
IC_Captain Brandon_Teleport01 - By the light! The transporter worked!

IC_Deathwhisper_Aggro01 - What is this disturbance!? You dare trespass on this hallowed ground? This shall be your final resting place.
IC_Deathwhisper_Berserk01 - This charade has gone on long enough.
IC_Deathwhisper_Death01 - All part of the masters plan! Your end is... inevitable!
IC_Deathwhisper_Event01 - Fix your eyes upon your crude hands! The sinew, the soft meat, the dark blood coarsing within! It is a weakness! A cripping flaw! A joke played by the creators upon their own creations! The sooner you come to accept your condition as a defect, the sooner you will find yourselves in a position to transcend it!
IC_Deathwhisper_Event02 - Through our master all things are possible! His power is without limit, and his will unbending! Those who oppose him will be destroyed utterly! And those who serve, who serve wholly, unquestioningly, with utter devotion of mind and soul? Elevated! To heights beyond your ken!
IC_Deathwhisper_Event03 - You have found your way here, because you are among the few gifted with true vision in a world cursed with blindness! You can see through the fog that hangs over this world like a shroud and grasp where true power lies!
IC_Deathwhisper_P2 - Enough! I see I must take matters into my own hands!
IC_Deathwhisper_Slay01 - Do you yet grasp of the futility of your actions?
IC_Deathwhisper_Slay02 - Embrace the darkness. Darkness eternal!
IC_Deathwhisper_SP01 - Take this blessing and show these intruders a taste of our master's power.
IC_Deathwhisper_SP02 - Loyal adherent! I release you from the curse of flesh!
IC_Deathwhisper_SP03 - Arise and exalt in your pure form!
IC_Deathwhisper_SP04 - You are weak, powerless to resist my will!

IC_Crok_Event01 - Ready your arms my argent brothers! The Vrykul will protect the frost queen with their lives!
IC_Crok_Event02 - Enough idle banter! Our champions have arrived. Support them as we push our way through the hall!
IC_Crok_Event03 - Draw them back to us, and we'll assist you.
IC_Crok_Event04 - Push forward!
IC_Crok_Event05 - Quickly, push on!
IC_Crok_Event06 - Our reinforcements will arrive shortly! We must bring her down quickly!
IC_Crok_Event07 - Eurrgh! I'll draw her attacks, return our brothers to their graves, then help me bring her down!
IC_Crok_LowHealth01 - (Sigh) I must rest for a moment.
IC_Crok_LowHealthBoss01 - Champions, I cannot hold her back any longer!
IC_Crok_Trap01 - That pressure plate activated a trap within the walls! We'll need to time our approach carefully to avoid being frozen.
IC_Crok_Warn01 - I'll remain and inform Tirion of our progress. You must press on, and bring down Sindragosa! Lok'tar champions!
IC_Crok_Wipe01 - Vengeance alone... was not enough!

IC_Darion_Comp101 - So, it has begun.
IC_Darion_Comp102 - Behold! The binding of Sacred and Corrupt, the forging of Shadow's Edge. A weapon of untold potential!
IC_Darion_Comp103 - Bend it to your will and you shall wield unspeakable power!
IC_Darion_Comp104 - Fail, and your soul shall forever be its slave.
IC_Darion_Comp201 - It is complete.
IC_Darion_Comp202 - Where most would falter, you have overcome.
IC_Darion_Comp203 - You have withstood the torment of the Lich King himself and now Shadowmourne is yours.
IC_Darion_Comp204 - Go now.
IC_Darion_Comp205 - Wield this mighty weapon! And direct the countless living souls that empower it!
IC_Darion_Comp206 - Go now, and defeat the Prince of Darkness.

IC_Dsaurfang_Aggro01 - By the might of the Lich King!
IC_Dsaurfang_Berserk01 - I have become... death!
IC_Dsaurfang_Blood01 - The ground runs red with your blood!
IC_Dsaurfang_Death01 - I... Am... Released.
IC_Dsaurfang_IntroAll01 - For every Horde soldier that you killed, for every Alliance dog that fell, the Lich King's armies grew. Even now the Val'kyr work to raise your fallen... As scourge.
IC_Dsaurfang_IntroAll02 - Things are about to get much worse. Come, taste the power that the Lich King has bestowed upon me!
IC_Dsaurfang_IntroAll03 - Hahahaha! Dwarves.
IC_Dsaurfang_IntroHor01 - Join me, father. Join me and we will crush this world in the name of the scourge. For the glory of the Lich King!
IC_Dsaurfang_IntroHor02 - Stubborn and old. What chance do you have? I am stronger and more powerful than you ever were!
IC_Dsaurfang_IntroHor03 - Pathetic old Orc. Come then heroes, come and face the might of the scourge!
IC_Dsaurfang_Slay01 - You are nothing!
IC_Dsaurfang_Slay02 - Your soul will find no redemption here!
IC_Dsaurfang_Summon01 - Feast, my minions!

IC_Festergut_Aggro01 - Fun time!
IC_Festergut_Beserk01 - Fun time over!
IC_Festergut_Death01 - Da ... Daddy ...
IC_Festergut_ExpungeBlight01 - I not feel so good *vomits*
IC_Festergut_GasSpore01 - *huge fart*
IC_Festergut_RotfaceDies01 - No! You kill Sticky! You pay!
IC_Festergut_Slay01 - Daddy! I did it!
IC_Festergut_Slay02 - Dead! Dead! Dead!

IC_FrostswornGeneral_Event01 - You are not worthy to face the Lich King!
IC_FrostswornGeneral_Event02 - Master, I failed.

IC_Geist_Event01 - You cannot escape us. Ha ha ha!
IC_Geist_Event02 - Quickly! We will ambush them from behind.
IC_Geist_Event03 - The living? Here.

IC_Captain Grondel_Event01 - Please... Please burn my remains. Let me live warm in the afterlife!
IC_Captain Grondel_Event02 - No! No! Why was I denied a death by flame? You must all burn!
IC_Captain Grondel_Event03 - Aaah ... Can you feel the burn?
IC_Captain Grondel_Event04 - What I have done? Noooo!
IC_Captain Grondel_Survived01 - What can possibly redeem this unholy place? Thank you...
IC_Captain Grondel_Teleport01 - The chill of this place freezes the marrow of my bones!

IC_Saurfang_Board01 - You dare board my ship? Your death will come swiftly!
IC_Saurfang_EndAll01 - Behind you lies the body of my only son. Nothing will keep me from him.
IC_Saurfang_EndAll02 - I will not forget this kindness. I thank you, highness.
IC_Saurfang_EndAll03 - (Orcish)
IC_Saurfang_EndHor01 - My boy died at the wrathgate. I am here only to collect his body.
IC_Saurfang_EndHor02 - We named him Draenosh. It means "Heart of Draenor" in Orcish. I would not let the warlocks take him. My boy would be safe, hidden away by the elders of Garadar.
IC_Saurfang_EndHor03 - I made a promise to his mother before she died, that I would cross the Dark Portal alone. Whether I lived or died, my son would be safe, untainted.
IC_Saurfang_EndHor04 - Today, I fulfil that promise.
IC_Saurfang_EndHor05 - (Sigh) You will have a proper ceremony in Nagrand. Next to the pyres of your mother and ancestores.
IC_Saurfang_EndHor06 - Honor, young heroes. No matter how dire the battle... never forsake it!
IC_Saurfang_EndHor07 - Kor'kron move out! Champions watch your backs, the scourge have been....
IC_Saurfang_EndHor09 - (Yelling)
IC_Saurfang_EndHor10 - (Coughing)
IC_Saurfang_EndHor8 - (Crying)
IC_Saurfang_Freeze01 - We're taking hull damage! Get a battle mage out here to shut down those cannons!
IC_Saurfang_Intro01 - The paladin still lives? Is it possible, High Lord? Could he have survived?
IC_Saurfang_Intro02 - Then we must save him. If we rescue Bolvar Fordragon we may quell the unrest between the Alliance and the Horde.
IC_Saurfang_Intro03 - Our mission is now clear. The Lich King will answer for his crimes, and we will save Highlord Bolvar Fordragon.
IC_Saurfang_Intro04 - Kor'kron, prepare Orgrim's Hammer for its final voyage. Champions, our gunship will find a point to dock on the upper reaches of the citadel. Meet us there.
IC_Saurfang_Order01 - Axe-throwers! Hurl faster!
IC_Saurfang_Order02 - Rocketeers, reload!
IC_Saurfang_Order03 - Reavers, sergeants, attack!
IC_Saurfang_Ship01 - Rise up sons and daughters of the Horde, today we battle a hated enemy of the horde! Lok'tar ogar!
IC_Saurfang_Ship02 - Kor'kron, take us out!
IC_Saurfang_Ship03 - What is that? Something approaching in the distance!
IC_Saurfang_Ship04 - Alliance gunship! All hands on deck!
IC_Saurfang_Ship05 - You answer to Saurfang now!
IC_Saurfang_Ship06 - You will know our business soon! Kor'kron, annihilate them!
IC_Saurfang_Ship07 - This is not your battle, Dwarf. Back down or we will be forced to destroy your ship!
IC_Saurfang_VictoryAll01 - Damage control! Put those fires out! You haven't seen the last of the horde!
IC_Saurfang_VictoryHor01 - The Alliance falter!
IC_Saurfang_Wipe01 - We have failed.

IC_Jaina_Event01 - *crying*
IC_Jaina_Event02 - *crying* It was nothing your majesty ... just ... I'm proud of my king.

IC_Keleseth_Berserk01 - (Laughing)
IC_Keleseth_Death01 - My queen! They ... come.
IC_Keleseth_Empower01 - Such wonderous power! The Darkfallen orb has made me invincible!
IC_Keleseth_Slay01 - Were you ever a threat?
IC_Keleseth_Slay02 - Truth is found in death.
IC_Keleseth_Special01 - Blood will flow!

IC_Marrowgar_Aggro01 - The Scourge will wash over this world as a swarm of death and destruction.
IC_Marrowgar_AreaEntry01 - This is the beginning and the end, mortals. None may enter the Master's sanctum.
IC_Marrowgar_Berserk01 - The Master's rage courses through me!
IC_Marrowgar_BS01 - Bound by bones!
IC_Marrowgar_BS02 - Stick around.
IC_Marrowgar_BS03 - Your only escape is death.
IC_Marrowgar_Death01 - I see ... only darkness.
IC_Marrowgar_Slay01 - More bones for the offering.
IC_Marrowgar_Slay02 - Languishing damnation.
IC_Marrowgar_WW01 - Bone storm!

IC_AllianceSlaveLeader_Event01 - Heroes! We will hold off the undead as long as we can! Even to our dying breath. Deal with the Scourgelord!
IC_AllianceSlaveLeader_Event02 - Brave champions, we owe you our lives, our freedom! Though it be a tiny gesture in the face of this enormous debt, I pledge that from this day forth all will know of your deeds and the blazing path of light you cut through the shadow of this dark citadel. This day will stand as a testament, not only to your valour, but to the fact that no foe, not even the Lich King himself, can stand when Alliance and Horde set aside their differences and...
IC_BloodElfFemale_Event01 - For the glory of the sunwell!
IC_Colosos_Event01 - My orders are simple. Stop all horde from getting through! No exceptions!
IC_DraeneiFemale_Event01 - Aye-aye!
IC_DraeneiMale_Event01 - You have my thanks. We were outnumbered until you arrived. Captain Muradin is waiting aboard the Skybreaker. We'll secure the area until you are ready for takeoff. Skybreaker infantry, hold position!
IC_DwarfFemale_Event01 - Aye-aye!
IC_GnomeFemale_Event01 - This ought to help!
IC_GnomeMale_Event01 - Aye-aye!
IC_HordeSlaveLeader_Event01 - Heroes! We will hold off the undead as long as we can! Even to our dying breath. Deal with the Scourgelord!
IC_HordeSlaveLeader_Event02 - Brave champions, we owe you our lives, our freedom! Though it be a tiny gesture in the face of this enormous debt, I pledge that from this day forth all will know of your deeds and the blazing path of light you cut through the shadow of this dark citadel. This day will stand as a testament, not only to your valour, but to the fact that no foe, not even the Lich King himself, can stand when Alliance and Horde set aside their differences and...
IC_HumanMale_Event01 - Thank goodness you arrived when you did heroes! Orgrim's Hammer has already left! Quickly now, to the Skybreaker! If you leave soon, you may be able to catch them.
IC_Mokra_Event01 - Alliance dogs! You shall not pass!
IC_Nerubian_Event01 - You must not approach the frost queen! Quickly, stop them!
IC_OrcFemale_Event01 - Lok'tar!
IC_OrcMale_Event01 - (orcish), brave warriors. The Alliance is in great number here. Captain Saurfang will be please to see you aboard Orgrim's Hammer. Make haste, we will secure the area until you are ready for takeoff. Orgrim's Hammer infantry, hold position!
IC_Slave_Event01 - Please... no more! I can't handle any more of this!
IC_Slave_Event02 - This way... We're about to mount an assault on the Scourgelord's location!
IC_TaurenMale_Event01 - Thank the spirits for you, brothers and sisters. The Skybreaker has already left. Quickly now, to Orgrim's Hammer! If you leave soon, you may be able to catch them.
IC_UndeadMale_Event01 - Dark Lady watch over you.

IC_Muradin_Board01 - What's this then? You won't be taking this and Ironforge's vessel without a fight!
IC_Muradin_Freeze01 - We're taking hull damage! Get a sorcerer out here to shut down those cannons!
IC_Muradin_Intro01 - Could it be, Lord Fording? If Bolvar lives, mayhap there is hop fer peace between the Alliance and the Horde. We must reach the top o' this cursed place and free the paladin!
IC_Muradin_Intro02 - Prepare the Skybreaker for an aerial assault on the citadel!
IC_Muradin_Intro03 - Heroes! You must fight your way to a clear extraction point within Icecrown. We'll try a rendezvous on the ramparts!
IC_Muradin_Order01 - Rifleman! Shoot faster!
IC_Muradin_Order02 - Mortar team! Reload!
IC_Muradin_Order03 - Marines! Sergeants! Attack!
IC_Muradin_Saurfang01 - A lone orc? Against the might of the alliance?
IC_Muradin_Saurfang02 - Chaaaaaarge!
IC_Muradin_Saurfang03 - Don't force me hand, orc. We can't let you pass.
IC_Muradin_Saurfang04 - I can't do it ... Get back on your ship and we'll spare your life.
IC_Muradin_Saurfang05 - Let's get a move on then! Move out!
IC_Muradin_Saurfang06 - (Long inhale)
IC_Muradin_Saurfang07 - That was Saurfang's boy. The horde commander at the Wrathgate. Such a tragic end.
IC_Muradin_Saurfang08 - What in the... There, in the distance!
IC_Muradin_Saurfang09 - Soldiers fall in! Looks like the Horde are coming to take another shot!
IC_Muradin_Saurfang10 - Right away, your majesty!
IC_Muradin_Ship01 - Fire up the engines, we've got a meeting with destiny lads!
IC_Muradin_Ship02 - Hold on to your hats!
IC_Muradin_Ship03 - What in the world is that? Grab me spyglass, crewman.
IC_Muradin_Ship04 - By me own beard... Horde, sailin' in fast and hard.
IC_Muradin_Ship05 - Evasive action! Man the guns!
IC_Muradin_Ship06 - Cowardly dogs! You blindsided us!
IC_Muradin_Ship07 - Not me battle? I dunno who ye think ye are, mister. But I got a score to settle with Arthas, and you're not gettin' in me way. Fire all guns. Fire! Fire!
IC_Muradin_Ship08 - Move your jalopy or we'll blow it out of the sky, Orc. The horde's got no business here!
IC_Muradin_VictoryAll01 - Don't say I didn't warn ye scoundrels. Onwards, brothers and sisters!
IC_Muradin_VictoryHor01 - Captain Bartlett, get us out of here! We've taken too much damage to stay afloat!
IC_Muradin_Wipe01 - This isn't looking good lads.

IC_HPutricide_Aggro01 - Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!
IC_HPutricide_Airlock01 - You can't come in here all dirty like that! You need that nasty flesh scrubbed off first!
IC_HPutricide_Berserk01 - Great news, everyone! (Roar)
IC_HPutricide_Dead01 - Terrible news, everyone, Rotface is dead! But great news everyone, he left plenty of ooze for me to use! Whaa...? I'm a poet, and didn't know it? Outstanding!
IC_HPutricide_Death01 - Bad news, everyone! I don't think I'm going to make it.
IC_HPutricide_FestergutDead01 - Oh, Festergut. You were always my favourite. Next to Rotface. The good news is you left behind so much gas, I can practically taste it!
IC_HPutricide_GasExp01 - Just an ordinary gas cloud. But watch out, because that's no ordinary gas cloud!
IC_HPutricide_RotfaceDead01 - Terrible news, everyone, Rotface is dead! But great news everyone, he left plenty of ooze for me to use! Whaa...? I'm a poet, and I didn't know it? Outstanding!
IC_HPutricide_Slay01 - Hmm... Interesting...
IC_HPutricide_Slay02 - That was unexpected!
IC_HPutricide_SlimeFlow01 - Great news, everyone! The slime is flowing again!
IC_HPutricide_SummonOoze01 - Two oozes, one room! So many delightful possibilities...
IC_HPutricide_Transform01 - Hmm. I don't feel a thing. Whaa...? Where'd those come from?
IC_HPutricide_Transform02 - Tastes like... Cherry! Oh! Excuse me!
IC_HPutricide_Valve01 - Good news, everyone! I fixed the poison slime pipes!

(The following are in a different voice.)
IC_Putricide_Aggro01 - Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!
IC_Putricide_Airlock01 - You can't come in here all dirty like that! You need that nasty flesh scrubbed off first!
IC_Putricide_Berserk01 - Great news, everyone! (Roar)
IC_Putricide_Dead01 - Terrible news, everyone, Rotface is dead! But great news everyone, he left plenty of ooze for me to use! Whaa...? I'm a poet, and didn't know it? Astounding!
IC_Putricide_Death01 - Bad news, everyone! I don't think I'm going to make it.
IC_Putricide_FestergutDead01 - Oh, Festergut. You were always my favourite. Next to Rotface. The good news is you left behind so much gas, I can practically taste it!
IC_Putricide_GasExp01 - Just an ordinary gas cloud. But watch out, because that's no ordinary gas cloud!
IC_Putricide_RotfaceDead01 - Terrible news, everyone, Rotface is dead! But great news everyone, he left plenty of ooze for me to use! Whaa...? I'm a poet, and I didn't know it? Astounding!
IC_Putricide_Slay01 - Hmm... Interesting...
IC_Putricide_Slay02 - That was unexpected!
IC_Putricide_SlimeFlow01 - Great news, everyone! The slime is flowing again!
IC_Putricide_SummonOoze01 - Two oozes, one room! So many delightful possibilities...
IC_Putricide_Transform01 - Hmm. I don't feel a thing. Whaa...? Where'd those come from?
IC_Putricide_Transform02 - Tastes like... Cherry! Oh! Excuse me!
IC_Putricide_Valve01 - Good news, everyone! I fixed the poison slime pipes!

IC_Rotface_Aggro01 - Whoeeee! Hahaha!
IC_Rotface_Berserk01 - Sleepy time! Ehehahaha!
IC_Rotface_Death01 - Bad news, daddy!
IC_Rotface_Death02 - Naooooooo!
IC_Rotface_Infection01 - Icky sticky!
IC_Rotface_Precious01 - What?! Precious?! Nooo!
IC_Rotface_Slay01 - I brokseded it!
IC_Rotface_Slay02 - Daddy make toys out of you!
IC_Rotface_UnstableOoze01 - I think I made an angry poopoo! It gonna blow!

IC_Captain Rupert_Event01 - Hurry, before that Val'kyr picks us off!
IC_Captain Rupert_Event02 - It was a worthy afterlife! Oh...
IC_Captain Rupert_Event03 - Hehohahahahoho, there's no escaping the Lich Kings will! Prepare for an explosive encounter!
IC_Captain Rupert_Event04 - So that's what happens when you stand too close to a bomb!
IC_Captain Rupert_Event05 - What an explosive ending!
IC_Captain Rupert_Survived01 - Beware the dangers that lie ahead! And do try to remain in one piece.
IC_Captain Rupert_Teleport01 - I can feel the Lich King reaching out! Watching us.

IC_Sindragosa_Aggro01 - You are fools who have come to this place! The icy winds of Northrend will consume your souls!
IC_Sindragosa_Arcane01 - Suffer, mortals! As your precious magic betrays you!
IC_Sindragosa_Berserk01 - Enough! I tire of these games!
IC_Sindragosa_Death01 - Free! At last!
IC_Sindragosa_Freeze01 - Can you feel the cold hand of death, upon your heart?!
IC_Sindragosa_LowHP01 - Now... Feel my masters limitless power, and despair!
IC_Sindragosa_Slay01 - Perish!
IC_Sindragosa_Slay02 - The flaw of mortality!
IC_Sindragosa_Special01 - Aargh! It burns! What sorcery is this?
IC_Sindragosa_Takeoff01 - Your incursion ends here! None shall survive!

IC_Svalna_Aggro01 - Come, Scourgebane! I'll show the master which of us is truly worthy of the title of champion!
IC_Svalna_CPTSlain01 - What? They died so easily! No matter.
IC_Svalna_Death01 - Perhaps... You were right... Crok.
IC_Svalna_Death02 - You must not approach the frost queen! Quickly, stop them!
IC_Svalna_Event01 - You may have once have fought besides me Crok, but now you are nothing more than a traitor! Come, your second death approaches!
IC_Svalna_Event02 - Miserable creatures, die!
IC_Svalna_Event03 - Foolish Crok, you brought my reinforcements with you! Arise, Argent Champions! And serve the Lich King in death!
IC_Svalna_Slay01 - What a pitiful choice of an ally, Crok!

IC_Taldaram_Berserk01 - Hahahaha!
IC_Taldaram_Death01 - Eugh!
IC_Taldaram_Empower01 - Tremble before Taldaram mortals, for the power of the orb flows through me!
IC_Taldaram_Slay01 - Worm ford!
IC_Taldaram_Slay02 - Beg for mercy!
IC_Taldaram_Special01 - Delight in the pain!

IC_Tirion_Intro01 - This is our final stand. What happens here will echo through the ages. Regardless of outcome, they will know that we fought with honour. That we fought for the freedom and safety of our people.
IC_Tirion_Intro02 - Remember heroes, fear is your greatest enemy in these befouled halls. Steal your heart and your soul will shine brighter than a thousand suns! The enemy will falter at the sight of you. They will fall as the light of righteoussness envelops them.
IC_Tirion_Intro03 - Our march upon Icecrown Citadel begins now!
IC_Tirion_Intro04 - Arthas! I swore that I would see you dead and the scourge dismantled! I'm going to finish what I started at Light's Hope!
IC_Tirion_Intro05 - By the light, it must be so.
IC_Tirion_Intro06 - The power of the light knows no bounds, Saurfang. His soul is under great strain, but he lives... for now.

IC_Valanar_Berserk01 - Bow down before the San'layn!
IC_Valanar_Death01 - (Dying noise)
IC_Valanar_Death02 - (Longer dying noise)
IC_Valanar_Death03 - (More dying noise) Why...?
IC_Valanar_Death04 - (Dying noise)
IC_Valanar_Death05 - (Dying noise, again)
IC_Valanar_Death06 - (Guess who's dying?)
IC_Valanar_Empower01 - Naxxanar was merely a setback! With the power of the orb, Valanar will have his vengeance!
IC_Valanar_Slay01 - Dinner is served.
IC_Valanar_Slay02 - Do you see now the power of the Darkfallen?
IC_Valanar_Special01 - My cup runneth over!

IC_Valithria_Aggro01 - Heroes, lend me your aid! I... I cannot hold them off much longer. You must heal my wounds!
IC_Valithria_Berserk01 - Failures!
IC_Valithria_DWOpen01 - I have opened a portal into the dream. Your salvation lies within, heroes.
IC_Valithria_HealthHigh01 - My strength is returning, press on heroes!
IC_Valithria_HealthLow01 - I will not last much longer.
IC_Valithria_Lose01 - Forgive me for what I do. I cannot stop. Only nightmares remain!
IC_Valithria_SlayBad01 - No rest for the wicked.
IC_Valithria_SlayGood01 - A tragic loss.
IC_Valithria_Win01 - I am renewed! Ysera grant me the favour to lay these foul creatures to rest!

IC_Varian Wrynn_DBA01 - Stand down, Muradin. Let a grieving father pass.
IC_Varian Wrynn_DBA02 - I... I was not at the wrath gate. But the soldiers who survived told me much of what happened. Your son fought with honor. He died a heroes death, he deserves a heroes burial.
IC_Varian Wrynn_DBA03 - Jaina... Why are you crying?
IC_Varian Wrynn_DBA04 - Muradin, secure the deck, and prepare our soldiers for an assault on the upper citadel. I'll send out another regiment from Stormwind.

IC_Vegard_Event01 - I hear and obey, master.
IC_Vegard_Event02 - The enemy shall suffer greatly, master.
IC_Vegard_Event03 - It is done, master.
IC_Vegard_Event04 - Master... I have... Failed.
IC_Vegard_Event05 - Fear not, master. I shall rend the flesh of your enemy.

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