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Super Street Fighter IV

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Mesaj tarihi:
Bone said:

Ha Ibuki'yi ben de görmek isterdim o ayrı.

ssj4songoku said:
Ibuki,Mokoto ve Dudley gelebilirmiş. Mokoto ile Ibuki super olur valla. Super haber.

oha Ibuki gelmiş daha yeni farkettim.
Şahane bişi olmuş ya, enfes bir kadro oluşturmuş adamlar.
"eksik var" diyebileceğim biri kalmadı artık :D

  • 1 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
heh alacak olanlar için bir hatırlatma daha yapayım dedim. Dün Red Dead Redemption'ın Limited Edition'ında ön şiparişlerin kapandığını görünce buna da baktım da sdafsd


Bitmek üzere bu da, eğer ilgi duyuyorsanız hemen ön şipariş yapmanızda fayda var. Neyse ki ben ön şipariş çakalı 3 hafta falan oluyor asdf
Mesaj tarihi:
hakanla ilgili bikac hands-on info

The appearance of Hakan's hair is a pun, as he is Turkish and the Japanese word for Turkey is "Toruko", his hair resembles stone and the Japanese word for stone is "Ishi", and his hair color is turquoise and the Japanese word for turquoise is "Toruko Ishi"

Before you dismiss the greased-up Hakan as a completely unrealistic addition, let it be known that Turkish oil wrestling is a real martial art (as evidenced by several YouTube clips) and was found by the team behind Super Street Fighter IV. This was after producer Yoshinori Ono asked his squad to scour the Internet for interesting and unusual fight styles on which a brand new character could be based. Ono told GameSpot that with all of the other recent additions to the SSFIV roster being classic characters from the Alpha and III series, he wanted to introduce a new, wacky addition along the likes of a Blanka or a Dhalsim. Hence, Hakan was born.

But while Turkish oil wrestling may be real, Hakan’s looks and move set are definitely more on the fantastical side rather than realistic. A grappler at his core, the potency and range of Hakan’s basic moves are affected by how oily he is, with players able to add more oil to his body at any time via a dragon punch move along with any kick button. Like Zangief, Hakan’s most powerful moves are throws: the oil rocket (performed via a full circle stick move plus a punch button) sees Hakan grab his opponent in a bear hug, with the pressure of the hug and his greasy frame eventually squeezing out his foe; and the oil dive, which sees Hakan grab a combatant and slide around with him/her on the ground. Doing a half circle move with punch performs an oil slide, where Hakan slides along the ground to knock down foes (the oilier you are, the faster and longer the slide). This can be followed up with another body slam by pressing a punch button at the end of the slide.

Hakan’s comedic value really shines when he performs his super and two ultras. His flying oil spin super sees him running a short distance before grabbing an enemy and performing a combo, while his first ultra--the oil coaster--has Hakan throwing an opponent in the air before sliding him or her around his body at ever increasing velocity. His second ultra--the oil combination hold--is bound to draw laughs the first few times you see it. With this ultra (performed by quickly tapping down three times on the stick and pressing all three kick buttons), Hakan lays flat on his back. If an opponent happens to jump onto the prone Turk, he or she will slip on his oily gut, landing face down on the ground. Hakan then jumps on top and squeezes with an almighty effort, eventually popping out the hapless foe from between his legs and sending him or her shooting off across the stage. The move looks to be a purely defensive ultra and can be a little off putting but still a lot of fun to pull off.
Mesaj tarihi:
beğenmedim hakan'ı çok ağır kalıyor,

en son mesela ken ile kapışıyorum. ben bir kombo denemesi yapıyorum, bitirene kadar ken iki kere saldırıyor. O arada boş kalınca darbeyi alıyorum vs.

bakalım beceremedim de pek oynamayı, konsolda ilk defa oynuyorum bir dövüş oyunu sadfsda analogla kontrol çok zor.
Mesaj tarihi:
abi zaten hakan difficulty medium high diyo
genel olarak grapplerlar zaten cok zor oynamasi zangief de ole mesela
yane iyi oyuncu olmak lazim
bide ben tiksiniyorum abi konsol joystickinden
200 dolarda olsa destelicek keyboar dolsa alcam
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