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Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
patch'den sonra yeni oynayabildim, hala duman çıkınca fps'm düşüyordu, şimdi fps problemim kalmadı gayet akıcı oynayabiliyorum mutluyum :)

2 oyun oynadım birinde oyun biter bitmez windows'a attı, diğerinde loading ekranı geldi atmadı windows'a anlamadım onu da umarım yeni problem çıkmaz karşımıza
Mesaj tarihi:
Oh be patch.

Patch notes:

Updates to Battlefield Bad Company 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

SecuROM is no longer present

Single Player
Fixed: Graphical issues on some systems on SP_03 (at start and when displaying background mountains at Up river)
Fixed: Character voice issue during cut scenes in SP_03b (only affected Spanish)
Fixed: Hang when killed using TOW Launchers in SP_05
Fixed: Graphical issue on some systems on SP_05 (displaying background mountains)
Fixed: Voice volume in cut scenes on SP_06
Fixed: Unexpected dialog at start of SP_08 (only affected Italian)
Fixed: Random crash in SP_09 cut scenes

Multi Player
Fixed: Server Browser - Joining a password protected server results in a connection timeout
Fixed: Server Browser auto updating server list when reopened causing a timeout issue
Fixed: Password issue during Friend invites
Fixed: Password text field issue on joining a password protected server
Fixed: Flickering ship on Arica Harbor
Fixed: Clan tags that use numbers in them displaying a 0 on the Select Spawn Point screen
Fixed: Display issue on long server names
Fixed: Mortar Strike icon not updating (Beta issue)
Fixed: No Exit Game menu option appearing at the end of some rounds.
Fixed: Flickering user rank icon (appeared as an animated gif) when user reaches rank 10.
Fixed: Flickering trees and Red Box on Laguna Presa
Fixed: User is logged out when failing to create a new soldier
Fixed: Zeus stationary weapon not appearing in stats
Fixed: Zu23 not appearing in stats
Fixed: BMD3 AA not appearing in stats
Fixed: Friend request displaying incorrect Veteran stats
Fixed: End of Round screen displayed incorrect UAV_Station now displays correct localized text.
Fixed: K/D ratio displays in the Front End
Fixed: K/D ratio displays correctly when comparing
Change: Server browser now defaults to list via Ping first
Change: News Ticker font support for Spanish, Polish, Russian and Japanese
Change: New message for server full (reported as I get no message when I try and join a server, it does nothing)
Change: New message displayed for attempting to join a password protected server without providing a password (reported as I get no message when I try and join a server, it does nothing;)
Change: Displays version number on Front End Legal Screen
Change: Display of weapon icon during loading screen
Mesaj tarihi:
Kojiroh bu patch 16sinda cikan degil mi ? Kafam karisti gerci, cunku daha once patch cikti denildiginde hic indirdigimi fark etmedim steamden. Acaba 16'sinda denilen simdi mi cikti ?
Mesaj tarihi:
During a load between levels there is a Crash to Desktop. We know several of you have encoutered this. We believe we found the issue to be related to a server configuration issue which Bazza described here: FAO All Server Admins

However, with more investigation we realised it wasnt and so the patch was delayed.

It will still be with you "soon" - and no we dont live on different timescale to everyone else and no we are not all going home.

Hope this explains a little.

DICE QA Manager

We are aware of the Turret Window issue and are working on a fix. I currently have no ETA on this but it should make the next patch (and no, I wont say when that is at this time).

Server releases happen more often than client releases - server side issues are addressed seperately.

There are currently 2 CTD issues that occur during loading of maps - we believe we have addressed them both.

Low VRAM will affect your performance, yes.
Mesaj tarihi:
Patch işinde bir saçmalık var. Oyunu direk exeden çalıştırınca patch yapmıyor, ea download manager dan açınca görüyor patchi:)Ayrıca oyun beyaz ekran şeklinde takılıyorsa, oyun klasörü içindeki battlefield2blabla.exe yi BF2 şeklinde düzeltirseniz problem düzeliyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
gleoddyn said:

Hahah o çok saçma bir olay. Millet kaybetmeye başlayınca direk taraf değiştiriyor, sen üç beş kişi ile kalıyorsun takımda.

oyunu su an benim icin lanet kilan tek sorun o. Her oyunda mutlaka bir taraf obur tarafa gore 2x falan insanla dolusuyor. Bir serverda admin olursa anca birilerini kickliyor falan.
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