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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: abi sonra vurdum sopayı vurdum sopayı
Stranger: mal msın
You: olum öle böle değil
You: geri kalkıo puşt
Stranger: kafan mı güzel abazamısın nesin lan
Stranger: özürlü
Stranger: buraya onu anlatmayamı geliyorlar
Stranger: malsın olum sen
Stranger: abaza
You: ahauahah ney ney?
Stranger: çok mu komik
You: sopa dediğim bildiğimiz sopa lan
You: tahtadan
You: falan
Stranger: geri kalkıo puşt ne ya
Stranger: ayy pardon hahahahahahahahahaha
You: adama vurdum sopayla
You: adam geri kalktı
Stranger: haha
You: abaza diyene
Stranger: neden onu yazıosn direkki
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: 22/m/london
You: hello mate
You: I'm from venezuella
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: asl?
You: 19 F Vene.
Stranger: i love so much south america countrys
You: but you fail at typing in english
You: amk senin
You: :D
Stranger: bende senin amk:D
You: ahahadfkşdaşfa
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Stranger: Pogodi, sensin biliyorum.
You: ulan biri napape
You: napae sensin diye girer
You: biri pogodi sensin diye girer
Stranger: anasını sikeyim onun
Stranger: kimdi
Stranger: yakalayabildin mi soranı
You: kimle çarpıştık biz şmdi:D
You: yakalayamadım bilmiom
You: söylemedi
Stranger: KİM SORUYO
You: asagasaafsa

bu kim lan asdf
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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: inleyen nağmeleeeeeeeeeer
You: ruhumu sardııııı
Stranger: bir rüyaki orda heeeep
Stranger: siktir boolm
You: la yörö göt
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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oha çok ilginç bişi oldu.

bir taş attım pencereyee tık değdiii
ağnasııı çıktııı kizum evdeee yooğkk dediii

yazdım adamın tekine direk çıktı. sonra new dedim gelen adam şunu yazdı,

armut daldaa kız balkondaa sallanır vaay vaaay

nasıl tesadüf lan bu. adamın aklına gelmiş öyle söylüyomuş vay anasını.
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adriana klimadan girdik hayvanlıdan çıktık.. o dğeilde karı rp sini yapması gerekn ben oldum :(


You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: what were you writing?
Stranger: what is your asl?
You: ahaha my asl .. right my asl
Stranger: i am 20 M India
You: burak sen misin?
Stranger: probably
You: dur dur hatta
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: i suppose you find that pretty funny, don't you.
Stranger: anyway.
Stranger: lets start over.
You: ok ok
Stranger: what do you do?
You: ich studiere wirchshaft auf marmara university
Stranger: i do not comprehend german very well
You: sagen Sie mal, was tragen Sie?
You: what are you wearing?
Stranger: it would kind and considerate if you kept yourself to english. only.
Stranger: you want the truth or the lies?
You: ya lets lie its very hour of night
Stranger: eitherway- I'll get naughty
You: ok bring it on
Stranger: i am wearing nothing.
You: ok your sexuality is?
Stranger: what are you wearing?
Stranger: pretty straight, actually.
Stranger: you a guy/girl?
You: m f ?
Stranger: i am a guy. mentioned it in previous conversatiojn
You: ok I'll be girl then
You: and my name is petra
Stranger: line number 5
You: did you like it?
Stranger: i am arnav.
Stranger: petra, the name?
You: yes
Stranger: it makes my head think - "what kind of a name is petra:
Stranger: can't really come to a positive/negative conclusion regarding the name :|
Stranger: anyway-
You: hmm
Stranger: how old are you, petra?
You: let me pick a better name
You: what about..
You: adrşana?
You: adriana*
Stranger: adriana's a nice name!
Stranger: so tell me adriana, what flavoured condoms do you prefer?
You: ok so I'm adriana and I'm.. 23 years old lets say
You: I love "tırtıklı"
Stranger: whats tirtikli?!
You: pff..
You: like.. tenticle
Stranger: destroyer of ecstasies, maybe.,
You: tenticle is fine
Stranger: tenticle?
Stranger: or testicle?
Stranger: or tentacle?
Stranger: and whats the relevance/
You: I'm wearing a pink lingerie with lacework stitches
Stranger: the pink wet already?
You: yep
You: so I decided to take off all
Stranger: you shaven?
You: yes
You: after a sneak preview..
You: I wear my wizard hat and robe
Stranger: i am wearing just a tie.
You: I cast lvl 7 polymorph
You: you are now a sheep with a nice tie :)
Stranger: i bleat.
You: say ba-a-a-a-a-a
Stranger: pigs around me.
Stranger: scare me
Stranger: i am paranoid
Stranger: aaaaaaaaaaaa
You: ok I get around you to your back
Stranger: pigs with wings
Stranger: masquerading like men.
You: I cast lvl 18cm penisenlarger
Stranger: have you read english authors?
You: well some of them
Stranger: orwell?
You: I cat penis enlarger to myself wrongly
Stranger: haha
You: now I jahve a giagantic cock
Stranger: your clitoris blows~!
You: my hormonic metabolism failed
Stranger: lol
You: now I feel stragne things
Stranger: lol
You: ı think.. I just
You: I just want to use my cock inside something now
You: I see a cute sheep with acute tie
Stranger: you need female circumscision now- they take you to egypt for that- the old crone brings out her razor and sharpens it on a brazen stone
Stranger: hehe
You: I fuck the crone
You: and her teeths pop up from her mouth
Stranger: and the sheep- keeps braying.
Stranger: oh wait- donkeys bray
You: say ba-a-a-a-a-a
Stranger: what do sheep do?
Stranger: bleat!
Stranger: baa-a-a-a-a
Stranger: ba--a-a-a-a
You: run sheep run!
Stranger: bah
Stranger: this is killing me
You: a donkey is comig for you!
Stranger: borrrrrrrrrring
Stranger: bye
You: haha duer
You: bye m8
You: nn
Stranger: we are playin animal farm here
You: we fail I think
You: lol lets sleep
Stranger: we do
Stranger: we suck
You: zZzZzZzZzZz
Stranger: i swear
Stranger: where are you?
You: istanbul
Stranger: i c
Stranger: guy?
You: sure m8
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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