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Red said:
ahahaha biraz küfürlü

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: naber canım
You: Aşkın yolunda tam yirmi yıl geçti...Ama yolun haritası hala çizilemedi.Bazen muzaffer oldum,çoğu kez fethedildim.Yirmi yıl geçti,hala birinci sayfasında aşk defteri...
Stranger: sus lan göt
You: Böyleyim diye ayıplama beni... Bir gün kendimi,sonsuzluğun koynuna bırakırsam;yaralı ve yenik bir asker gibi ,darılma...Unutma ki ; insan sevdiği kadar insandır...
Stranger: git kendini parmakla
Stranger: amk amelesi

You: İki kıyı gibiyiz..Bizi ayıran deniz aslında tek bağımız..Senin üstünden geçen bulut, benim yağmurum.İki kıyıyız hep biraz uzak ama sonsuza dek birarada
Stranger: sokayım kıyınada amınada
Stranger: kimin şiiri bu amk?

You: Sen en büyük sevgiyi hak edecek kadar mükemmel ama herkesin sevmeyi hak edemediği kadar özel birisin.
Stranger: yağlıyım geriyi

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ahahahahaha bune ya ahahahha :D:D site çok güzelmiş tam arada bir girip saçmalamalık
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Stranger: hi
Stranger: กรุอยากเย็ดมิงอ่ะ
You: hi there tatar ramazan is speaking..how can i help you?
Stranger: what is it -..-
You: he is a real hero
You: in tatar ramazan we trust
Stranger: which country ?
You: albania
Stranger: OH
Stranger: อัลบาเย็ด
You: ากเย็ดมิ
Stranger: do you can speak thai
You: how can u think that i can speak thai
Stranger: lol
You: well u must see tatar ramazan
You: you gonna like him
Stranger: -..- how can see him
You: http://www.bobiler.org/upload/photographs/130757645t.jpg
Stranger: what is he doing
You: fighting for poor ppl
Stranger: real or movie ?
You: he s a real legend but the photo from a movie about his life
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: do you ever see him
You: unfortunately not i m too young to see him
You: he lived in early 1900's
Stranger: :D
You: he s the symbol of freedom there
You: a worthy leader
Stranger: sry my english is bad what is symbol ?
You: i meant when his name is spelled "freedom" comes to minds
Stranger: and who r worthy leader
You: ofc tatar ramazan
You: he lead the war againts kingdom
Stranger: oh
Stranger: Kingdom ?
Stranger: who ?
You: albanian kingdom in early 1900's
Stranger: and Who is king of albanain in 1900's
You: gjergj kastrioti scandenberg..he was a dictator and racist
Stranger: gjergj kastrioti scandenberg is his name ?
You: yeah
Stranger: he's bad ?
You: like an asshole
Stranger: -..-
Stranger: why
You: i said he was a dictator..he forced ppl to work for him and he have no justice
Stranger: oh
Stranger: what is he want ?
You: money and power for his own
Stranger: tatar ramazan fight with gjergj kastrioti scandenberg ?
You: yeah he started the action against gjergj
Stranger: and who win the war
You: tatar ramazan and his freedom soldiers..they made a revolution and brought democracy to country
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: Umm ' and what your name ?
You: Kristi Vangjeli
Stranger: Ok i'm Pubes Viriyakupt
Stranger: thx very much
You: from?
Stranger: thailand
You: ok thx for conversation
Stranger: bye bye
You: by
You have disconnected.
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allan yetosu


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: are you turkish
You: why?
You: ?
Stranger: too many turkish here
You: so?
Stranger: ı want to talk to someone not turkish
You: turkum desene
You: niye yordun ki
Stranger: you seem to be speaking Turkish
You: o rly
Stranger: so tiring
You: sende noktasiz i olmadigini bilsen
Stranger: you are everywhere
You: baska alfabede
You: dunyada
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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BabacumMostors said:

You: hiasl
Stranger: hola
Stranger: senor?
You: you seem so strange you are not form around right
You: i like your boots
Stranger: i am spain
You: and I'm United Kingdom I'll conquer you!
Stranger: u r shit
You: commander prepare my armada let the invasion begin!
You: die to king philip!
Stranger: ur mother?
You: we will conquer your mother!
You: I got russel crowe as my 1st mate
You: he will kick your ass with chuck norris
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how are you
You: fine you?
Stranger: I am finnish girl
You: no you are not
You: you are either turkish brazilian or chineese 16 m
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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You: hi
Stranger: hi stranger.
Stranger: asl?
You: why you always ask that?
You: we are all equal
Stranger: felsefe yapma lan bana
Stranger: raconu bu bu şin
You: ok calm down :S
Stranger: calm down muş
You: wohooo what was that thing?
Stranger: yaa s.ktirgit çay koy
You: yaa
You: Ja?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from?
You: turkey u
Stranger: finland
You: nice
Stranger: are u boy or girl? :)
You: boy you
Stranger: girl
You: no you are not, you are either turkish brazilian or chinese 16 m
Stranger: whaaaaat?
You: like it or not statistically significant probability demands it
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: you have %76 probability of being one of those
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You: naber
Stranger: hi
Stranger: what is naber
Stranger: dh den mi
You: yok
You: paticik
You: sıkıldım ya.
Stranger: yav
Stranger: tam bi fillandiyalı ayarladım
Stranger: ingiliz diye tanıttım
You: yalan olm onlar.
Stranger: kız msn i veriyodu sonra vazgeçti
You: ahahaha
Stranger: yok ya baya konuştuk dün uyumadım filan dedi
Stranger: türküm dedim sonradan
Stranger: filan yatıyorum ddedi gitti
You: zorlasaydın biraz daha
Stranger: 16 yaşında
Stranger: 25 26 yaşında var
Stranger: kapıyolar
Stranger: show boobs diyorum
You: gfhfjklşi
Stranger: asdaslj badas
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