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3.1 PTR Patch Notes

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Shield of Righteousness i nerflemesinler 1k resilianceli adamın kafasına tok die 12-13k vurup "o.O" moduna girmesini izlemekden daha zevkli birşey yok :)

Edit: "Righteous shild" nedir yahu
Mesaj tarihi:
Longshanks said:
bu adamlar pvp yi hiç düşünüyolarmı acaba bu değişiklikleri yaparken. arenada manası biten bi druid bi pri var zaten. spirit nerfleniyo innervate de doğal olarak. şimdi bi de LB olayına böyle bişey. Bari Proc u bufflasınlar ya da nature's splindor mudur nedir o LB'un süreyi uzatmasın.

Resto shamanın mana regaini tam istedikleri gibiymiş ve tüm classları o seviyeye göre düzenliyorlarmış. Blue postta okumuştum.
Mesaj tarihi:
deadwoll said:
Longshanks said:
bu adamlar pvp yi hiç düşünüyolarmı acaba bu değişiklikleri yaparken. arenada manası biten bi druid bi pri var zaten. spirit nerfleniyo innervate de doğal olarak. şimdi bi de LB olayına böyle bişey. Bari Proc u bufflasınlar ya da nature's splindor mudur nedir o LB'un süreyi uzatmasın.

Resto shamanın mana regaini tam istedikleri gibiymiş ve tüm classları o seviyeye göre düzenliyorlarmış. Blue postta okumuştum.

Revitalize geldi rej ve wild growth %15 şansla %15 mana veriyor.. Dün sonradan gördüğüm için test edemedim ama baya kuvvetli olsa gerek..
Mesaj tarihi:

Lightweave Embroidery now give you a chance to increase your spell power by 250 for 15 sec when casting a spell.

of :|


Gift of the Naaru now also removes 2 harmful magic effects from the friendly target.
Stoneform no longer gives a 8 second immunity to disease, poison, and bleed effects

dwarfs gg.

Psychic Horror (New Skill) - You terrify the target, causing them to tremble in horror for 3 sec and drop all weapons for 10 sec. (16% of base mana, 30 yd range, Instant cast, 1 min cooldown)
Mesaj tarihi:
Fin said:

Stoneform no longer gives a 8 second immunity to disease, poison, and bleed effects
dwarfs gg.

Dıraf karakteri bırakma zamanı gelmiş bu patch de benim için ^^
Mesaj tarihi:
dEaThMooN said:
deadwoll said:
Longshanks said:
bu adamlar pvp yi hiç düşünüyolarmı acaba bu değişiklikleri yaparken. arenada manası biten bi druid bi pri var zaten. spirit nerfleniyo innervate de doğal olarak. şimdi bi de LB olayına böyle bişey. Bari Proc u bufflasınlar ya da nature's splindor mudur nedir o LB'un süreyi uzatmasın.

Resto shamanın mana regaini tam istedikleri gibiymiş ve tüm classları o seviyeye göre düzenliyorlarmış. Blue postta okumuştum.

Revitalize geldi rej ve wild growth %15 şansla %15 mana veriyor.. Dün sonradan gördüğüm için test edemedim ama baya kuvvetli olsa gerek..
ben baktığımda %1 di emin misin %15 olduğuna?
Mesaj tarihi:
Geriden geliyosun fin. Tekrar değişti onlar

In the current version of the data the racial changes are slightly different. Stoneform has a 2 min cooldown (down from 3), but otherwise keeps the break instead of the immunity. Gift of the Naaru is not a dispel, but an instant heal of the magnitude it had before.
Mesaj tarihi:
Longshanks said:
dEaThMooN said:
deadwoll said:
Longshanks said:
bu adamlar pvp yi hiç düşünüyolarmı acaba bu değişiklikleri yaparken. arenada manası biten bi druid bi pri var zaten. spirit nerfleniyo innervate de doğal olarak. şimdi bi de LB olayına böyle bişey. Bari Proc u bufflasınlar ya da nature's splindor mudur nedir o LB'un süreyi uzatmasın.

Resto shamanın mana regaini tam istedikleri gibiymiş ve tüm classları o seviyeye göre düzenliyorlarmış. Blue postta okumuştum.

Revitalize geldi rej ve wild growth %15 şansla %15 mana veriyor.. Dün sonradan gördüğüm için test edemedim ama baya kuvvetli olsa gerek..
ben baktığımda %1 di emin misin %15 olduğuna?

Mesaj tarihi:
Raids & Dungeons - The Immortal Q&A
- The Immortal, can be done by killing KT w/ out dying (if you have not be present for any other bosses in that reset)
Correct. If you do not die on any other bosses and get to Kel'thuzad, you could (conceivably) sell slots and bring in random people for Kel'thuzad and (assuming nobody dies), they would get the achievement.

- The Immortal, can be done by killing KT w/ out dying (even if the raid *w/ you not present* died on a boss)
If anybody died on any boss, the raid ID is no good.

- The Immortal, can be archived by wiping a boss that anyone dies on ... and deaths will only count against you on the attempt in which the boss is actualy killed
Wipes include deaths, so this makes the raid ID no good as well. Deaths on trash are fine, deaths on bosses nullify the raid ID for the whole week it is active. (Source)

bu şu anda da böyle mi?
Mesaj tarihi:
yeni günceleme

Gift of the Naaru is now instant cast but doesn't remove harmful magic effects anymore.

Stoneform cooldown has been lowered from 3 min to 2 min.

Death Knight
Howling Blast damage has been doubled (from 259-281 to 518-562 for max rank), cooldown changed from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.

Frost Presence now reduces spell damage taken by 10%. (Down from 15%)

Guile of Gorefiend now increases damage done by your Blood Strike, Frost Strike, Howling Blast and Obliterate abilities by 5/10/15%. (Old - Critical damage only, 15/30/45%)

Lichborne doesn't increase the chance of your enemies to miss you anymore.

Dancing Rune Weapon now lasts 20 sec (up from 10sec) and last 2 (up from 1 sec) sec per 5 additional runic power but attacks for ?% reduced damage.

Will of the Necropolis now cannot occur more often than once every 15 sec.

Might of Mograine now increase all damage done by your Blood Boil, Blood Strike, Death Strike, Heart Strike, and Obliterate abilities by 3/7/10%. (Old - Critical damage only, 10/20/30%)

Vampiric Blood cooldown has been increased from 1 min to 2 min.
Blade Barrier now decrease damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5% for 10 sec.

Bone Shield cooldown has been increased from 1min to 2min.

Ghoul Frenzy cooldown has been removed.

Blood-Caked Blade proc limitation has been removed. (Old - This effect cannot occur more often than once every 3 sec.)

Outbreak now Increases the damage of Plague Strike by 10/20/30% (Down from 15/30/45%) and Scourge Strike by 7/13/20%. (Down from 10/20/30%)

Necrosis now affects all your auto attacks. (Old - Only Main-Hand)

Starfall cooldown has been lowered from 3 min to 1.5 min.

Eclipse now gives you a 33% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 30% (up from 20%) when you critically hit with Starfire.

Owlkin Frenzy now affects all attacks. (Old - Physical melee and ranged attacks only)

Celestial Focus now reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Starfire, Hibernate and Cyclone by 23/46/70% and increases your total spell haste by 1/2/3%.

Nature's Grace now increasing your spell casting speed by 20% for 3 sec. (Old - Reduced the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec.)

Faerie Fire and Faerie Fire (Feral) now reduces the armor of the target for 5 min. (Up from 40 sec)

Tree of Life mana cost has been changed from 28% of base mana to 13% of base mana.

-Beast Mastery
Aspect of the Pack now affects the whole raid, range extended to 40 yards.

Animal Handler now increases the duration of your Master's Call effect by 3/10 sec. (Old - Reduced cooldown by 5/10 sec)

The wording on Auto Shot has been changed to reflect the 3.1 changes: Ranged attacks fired by a Hunter all have 15% increased attack speed.

Chimera Shot mana cost lowered from 16% of base mana to 12% of base mana.

Rapid Recuperation now gives you 4% of your mana every 3 sec while under the effect of Rapid Fire. (Old - Reduces the mana and focus cost of all shots and abilities by you and your pet by 60%).Effect on Rapid Killing remains unchanged.

T.N.T. now affects Black Arrow.

Trap Mastery now affects Black Arrow.

Fiery Payback changed to one rank with an additional effect.When below 35% health all damage taken is reduced by 10% and your Pyroblast spell's cast time is reduced by 1.75 secs while the cooldown is increased by 2.5 secs. In addition, melee and ranged attacks made against you have a 5% chance to disarm your attacker's main hand and ranged weapons.

Impact now gives:Gives your damaging spells a 4/7/10% chance to cause the next Fire Blast you cast to stun the target for 2 sec.

All paladins auras had their range extended from 30 yards to 40 yards.

Sacred Shield now cannot be on more than one target at any one time.

Infusion of Light no longer has a chance to reduce the casting time of Holy Light, but increases the the critical chance of your next Holy Light by 10/20% instead.

Hand of Sacrifice now lasts 12 sec or until the caster has transfered 100% of their maximum health.

Targets affected by Divine Shield, Hand of Protection or Divine Protection can no longer be affected by any of these spell for 2 minutes. (Down from 3 minutes)

Divine Sacrifice *New Talent* (Tier 3) - 30% of all damage taken by party or raid members within 30 yards is redirected to the Paladin (up to a maximum of 150% of the Paladin's health). Instant, 2 min cooldown.

Mental Agility changed from 5 to 3 Ranks. Now Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 4/7/10%. (Old - 2/4/6/8/10%)

Serendipity now reduces the cast time of your next Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing spell by 4/8/12%. (Down from 6/12/20%)

Body and Soul *New Talent* - When you cast Power Word: Shield, you increase the target's movement speed by 30/60% for 4 sec, and you have a 50% chance when you cast Abolish Disease on yourself to also cleanse 1 poison effect in addition to diseases.

Shadowform now gives the the periodic damage from your Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague, and Vampiric Touch spells the ability to critically hit for 100% increased damage.

Mind Melt now also increases the periodic critical strike chance of your Vampiric Touch, Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Pain spells by 3/6%.

Frostbrand Weapon damage has been increased. (From 442 to 530 damage for Rank 9, from 386 to 463 for Rank 8, etc ...)

Frozen Power now Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Lash and Shock spells by 5/10% on targets afflicted by your Frostbrand Attack effect

Flurry now Increases your attack speed by 5/10/15/20/25% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike. (Down from 10/15/20/25/30%)

Pandemic now Grants the periodic damage from your Corruption and Unstable Affliction spells the ability to critically hit for 100% increased damage.

Malediction now Increases your spell damage by 1/2/3%, and increases the periodic critical strike chance of your Corruption and Unstable Affliction spells by 3/6/9%.

Eradication changed to - When you deal damage with Corruption, you have 6% chance to increase your spell casting speed by 6/12/20% for 10 sec.

Siphon Life changed to - When you deal damage with your Corruption spell, you are instantly healed for 40% of the damage done. In addition, the damage done by your Corruption, Seed of Corruption and Unstable Affliction damage over time effects is increased by 5%.

Soul Siphon now Increases the amount drained by your Drain Life and Drain Soul spells by an additional 3/6% (up from 2/4%) for each of your Affliction effects on the target, up to a maximum of 9/18% (down from 24/60%) additional effect.

Ritual of Doom cooldown has been lowered from 1 hour to 30 minutes.

Decimation effect added - Soulfires cast under the effect of Decimation cost no shard.

Battle Stance now increase the armor penetration of all your attacks by 10%.

Shattering Throw *New Skill* - Throws your weapon at the enemy causing [ 50% of AP + 12 ] damage (based on attack power), reducing the armor on the target by 20% for 10 sec, and removing any invulnerabilities. 25 Rage, 30 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 5 min cooldown

Berserker Stance now increase all damage taken by 5% (Down from 10%)

Defensive Stance now reduces damage caused by 5%. (Down from 10%)

Disarm now disarm the enemy's main hand and ranged weapons.

Professions Changes

A lot (20+) of cooking recipes have been changed to allow players to skill up to 450 with them.


Enchant Weapon - Blade Ward *New Enchant*- Permanently enchants a weapon to sometimes grant Blade Warding when striking an enemy. Blade Warding increases your parry rating by 200 and inflicts 600 to 800 damage on your next parry. Effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts 10 sec. This enchantment requires the wielder is at least level 75.

New Pet
XS-001 Constructor Bot - Right Click to summon and dismiss Mimiron's XS-001 Prototype. He really hates water.
Mesaj tarihi:
Adamlar shamana root effect verdiler, bir hafta geçmeden aldılar geri. Mükemmel. Üstüne üstlük kağıt elemental için hala hiç bir değişiklik yok. Onu da geçtim, flurry'i nerflemişler şaka gibi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Dworgian said:
Raids & Dungeons - The Immortal Q&A
- The Immortal, can be done by killing KT w/ out dying (if you have not be present for any other bosses in that reset)
Correct. If you do not die on any other bosses and get to Kel'thuzad, you could (conceivably) sell slots and bring in random people for Kel'thuzad and (assuming nobody dies), they would get the achievement.

- The Immortal, can be done by killing KT w/ out dying (even if the raid *w/ you not present* died on a boss)
If anybody died on any boss, the raid ID is no good.

- The Immortal, can be archived by wiping a boss that anyone dies on ... and deaths will only count against you on the attempt in which the boss is actualy killed
Wipes include deaths, so this makes the raid ID no good as well. Deaths on trash are fine, deaths on bosses nullify the raid ID for the whole week it is active. (Source)

bu şu anda da böyle mi?

ya ben mi yanlıs anlıyorum bilmiyorum ama, raiddeki herhangi biri bossta ölse de, ben kt ölene kadar hicbir encounterda ölmesem alabilecek miyim immortal title?

yok boyle değil galiba sadece son bossa geldigimizde raide hic katılmamıs birini alıp devam edebilecegimizden bahsediyor.
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