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Patch 3.0.8 PTR Notes

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World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.0.8

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/test-realm-patchnotes.html

The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/


Achievement: The Loremaster of Kalimdor Achievement has had its quest amount reduced.
Bonus Armor: The mechanics for items with bonus armor on them has changed (any cloth, leather, mail, or plate items with extra armor, or any other items with any armor). Bonus armor beyond the base armor of an item will no longer be multiplied by any talents or by the bonuses of Bear Form, Dire Bear Form, or Frost Presence.
Racial restrictions on mounts have now been lifted. Night elves on mechanostrider? Tauren on raptor? You’re not seeing things.
Tapping: All player spells which cause a creature to become aggressive to you will now also immediately cause the creature to be tapped.

Wintergrasp Commendations can now also be purchased for the low low price of 9 Wintergrasp Marks of Honor. Players can visit their respective Wintergrasp vendors and put those Marks of Honor to use!
Death Knight

Death Knights have access to unique death-knight only facial textures and skin tones. These can be selected at the character creation screen.
Raise Dead has now been split into two spells:

Raise Dead now raises a ghoul or pet ghoul (if talented). Requires corpse dust if no humanoid corpse is nearby.
Raise Ally now raises a fallen party member and has no reagent. Available at level 72.


Feral Attack Power: All weapons now have the potential to grant feral attack power based on their dps (as compared to the best superior-quality weapons available at level 60). Players will see their existing feral weapons grant roughly the same attack power as they did before (+/- 2 or so), but many new weapons will be options for the feral druid. Some feral weapons have had strength converted to attack power to be more appealing to other classes able to equip them. All druids will see the amount of feral attack power granted by an item in the item tooltip, if it grants any, but other players will not see that information.
Genesis: Now works with Tranquility and Hurricane.
King of the Jungle - The Bear effect is now physical, and thus cannot be dispelled.
Nature's Grace - Now also effects Revive.
Primal Tenacity: Now reduces the cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form by 17/33/50% in addition to its previous effects.
Protector of the Pack: No longer changes value based on party size.
Savage Roar: The buff now persists outside of Cat Form but only provides its benefits while in Cat Form.
Starfall will now be cancelled by any shapeshifting.
Survival of the Fittest: This talent now grants 22/44/66% bonus armor in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form in addition to all of its previous effects.
Swipe: Swipe (Cat) has now been added at level 71, dealing 260% weapon damage, costs 50 energy with no cooldown. All talents affecting the Bear Form version affect the Cat Form one as well.
Wild Growth now has a 6 second cooldown.


Aspect of the Wild - This aspect is now raid-wide.
Deterrence: Design changed to grant 100% parry and 100% chance to "deflect" spells coming from the front, but prevents the Hunter from attacking. Lasts 5 sec. 60 sec. cooldown.
Kill Shot – Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, down from 35 sec.
Steady Shot: Now gains 10% of attack power as damage instead of 20%.
Viper Sting: Now drains a percentage of maximum mana.

Slow Fall is now castable on others.


Avenging Wrath: Divine Shield, Divine Protection, and Hand of Protection, and Avenging Wrath cannot be used within 30 seconds of each other anymore. Forbearance removed from Avenging Wrath.
Divine Protection: The penalty has been removed.
Divine Shield: The penalty has been changed so that all damage done is reduced by 50% in place of an attack speed penalty.
Judgements of the Pure: This Holy talent now increases the damage done by Seals and Judgements.
Judgement of Wisdom: Now returns a percentage of base mana instead of a percentage of max mana.
Sacred Duty: Interaction with Divine Shield and Divine Protection removed, but stamina bonus increased.


Abolish Disease and Cure Disease can now be cast while in Shadowform.
Holy: Circle of Healing now has a 6 second cooldown.
Levitate is now castable on others.
Mana Burn: Now burns a percentage of maximum mana.

Shadowform: You can now shift into Shadowform while mounted or sitting.
Vampiric Embrace- Mana cost of this spell has been removed.


Fan of Knives: The cooldown has been removed. In addition, now deals 150% of weapon damage when used while daggers are equipped.


Fire Nova Totem: Now no longer generates threat.
Magma Totem: The damage and scaling has been increased and no longer generates threat.
Searing Totem (Rank 4) now does the proper damage for its rank.
Tremor Totem's duration has been increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.

Elemental Shields: This talent has been removed. It has now been merged with Elemental Warding.
Elemental Warding: Now reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%. Changed from only reducing Nature, Fire and Frost by 4/7/10%.
New Talent: Shamanism-Your Lightning Bolt spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% and your Lava Burst gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus damage effects.
Storm, Earth and Fire: This talent has been moved up in the tree, and it’s talent points have been reduced to 3 down from 5. Wind Shock is also included in the range increase (with Earth Shock). The damage bonus to Flame Shock has been increased, up from 10/20/30/40/50 to 20/40/60.
Unrelenting Storm: point cost reduced to 3, down from 5. Now does 4/8/12%


Drain Mana: Now drains a percentage of maximum mana.
Emberstorm: Now works with Conflagrate.
Ritual of Summoning: Will now create a summoning portal object which can be re-used for multiple summons for 5 minutes.


Bloodthirst: Charges have been decreased to 3, but the effect has been raised to 1% per charge.
Fury: Bloodsurge: Now has a chance to trigger from any hit with Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst, or Whirlwind.
Fury:Titan's Grip: The hit chance penalty has been removed.


All flasks no longer require an alchemy lab to create.


Reduced the spell power on the Titansteel Guardian to bring it in line with its item level.
Increased the material requirements to make high level frost resistance gear created with blacksmithing.


Engineers may now be able to properly engineer Centrifuge Constructs.


Glyph of Death Strike has also been reduced by 50% to 1% healing per 5 Runic Power.
Glyph of Holy Light now affects friendly targets in a larger radius.
Glyph of Deterrence: Now -10 seconds instead of -20.


Iceborne Belt pattern skill up range has been increased to the correct range.


Weakened Giants and Iron Rune Sentinels can now be correctly mined.


Increased the critical strike rating granted by ranks 5 and 6 of Master of Anatomy.
Carrion Fleshstrippers are now skinnable.


The quest, "Scare the Guano Out of Them!" now only requires 10 Darkclaw Guano, down from 15. Also, only the character that scared the bat, or their party, may now loot the guano.
Shoveltusk Meat obtained during the quest, "Shoveltusk Soup Again?" is now correctly flagged as a quest item with no sell price.
During the quest, "Scalps!", you can no longer use Ahunae's Knife to scalp kills that you aren't tapped to.
The path followed by the Har'koa's Kitten during the quest, "I Sense a Disturbance" has been improved.
Westguard Sergeants, Winterhoof Braves, and Ethereal Frostworgs should no longer attempt to attack their opposite faction counterparts unless the character controlling them is first attacked.
Westguard Sergeant and Winterhoof Brave demoralizing shouts will now only affect the Winterskorn vrykul and worgs at Skorn.
Various fixes to the Queen Angerboda event during the quest, "The Slumbering King".
The daily quest, "Shoot 'Em Up" now only requires 15 Jotunheim Proto-Drakes to be shot down, down from 20. As well, the harpoon now only costs 5 energy to shoot, down from 10.
Dungeons and Raids

The Obsidian Sanctum

Players will now be affected by Twilight Residue when they leave the Twilight Realm. Twilight Residue grants immunity to Fire and Shadow damage for a few seconds.
User Interface

For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros forum.


Amberglow Signet now correctly grants Hit Rating.
Deadly Gladiator's Staff has had the Agility and Critical strike rating restored to ratios consistent with other instances of the Gladiator's Staff.
Gifts and Pledges of Adoration for the capital cities are now soulbound.
The Flag of Ownership now has only a 60sec cooldown to match the 60sec duration of the flag.
The following crafted weapons have had their stats adjusted to properly reflect their intended power:

Corroded Saronite Edge, Corroded Saronite Woundbringer, Cudgel of Saronite Justice, Furious Saronite Beaststick, Saronite Spellblade, Saronite Shiv, Savage Cobalt Slicer, Notched Cobalt War Axe, Sturdy Cobalt Quickblade, Cobalt Tenderizer
Living Lashers can now properly be skinned with Herbalism.
Players can now open clams while riding a vehicle, sitting, mounted, stealthed, and invisible.
Reduced the stats on the Savage Cobalt Slicer to match the weapon's level.
Some low-level rogue pvp gloves were accidentally omitted from the patch 3.0.3 update. This has been rectified.
Some neglected creatures in Icecrown have found the contents of their pockets.
Totem of Hex now correctly grants 165 spell power to Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt, up from 85.
The white Polar Bear mount is now the proper (larger) size.
World Environment

Incapacitating Shout now has an 8 second duration.
Conquered Soul of the Blightcallers are no longer AE immune.
Corrected a raid emote in Violet Hold to display the proper creature name.
Corrected a redundant aura tooltip for Locust Swarm in Naxxramas.
Several creatures in the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas did not have Heroic values for hit points and damage.
Storm Peaks, Grom'arsh Crash Site - Peon Gakra is now an innkeeper and the zeppelin hull, an inn.

Bug Fixes

Druid: Savage Fury - Mangle (Bear) damage was being increased by a higher percentage than intended. This has been fixed, and in result Mangle (Bear) should see roughly a 16% damage reduction. Also fixed a bug with Savage Fury where the Rake bleed effect was not being increased.
Priest: Mind Flay - Fixed a bug with targeting where you would not deal damage if not facing the target while channeling.
Shaman: Elemental Shields was reducing flat physical damage, not a percentage. Now properly reduced by a percentage.
Shaman: Lava Lash - Fixed a bug which allowed you to use the ability even if you had a shield in offhand. Now requires a 1hand axe, fist or dagger to be able to be used. Bug #147699.
Shaman: Fixed a bug where Thunderstorm (Elemental) was knocking back 15 yards, instead of 20. It should now roughly knockback the correct length of 20 yards.


New spells

There are a few funny things in the new spells added with this patch.
We already know the 2 first one, they're rewards from the 100 mounts achievement. The black one drop location is still unknown.

Blue Dragonhawk Mount -- Summons and dismisses a rideable Blue Dragonhawk Mount. This is a very fast mount. This mount can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.
Red Dragonhawk Mount -- Summons and dismisses a rideable Red Dragonhawk Mount. This is a very fast mount. This mount can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.
Black Dragonhawk Mount -- Summons and dismisses a rideable Black Dragonhawk Mount. This is a very fast mount. This mount can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.

Pack Mule ?

Pack Mule -- Summons a pack mule, giving you access to any bank items for 3 min. The mule may only be summoned once.
Summon Faithful Mule -- Summons your faithful pack mule, giving you access to any bank items for 3 min.

New Glyphs


Glyph of Focus -- Increases the damage done by Starfall by 20%, but decreases its radius by 50%.
Glyph of Typhoon -- Reduces the cost of your Typhoon spell by 8%, but it no longer knocks enemies back.

Glyph of Blast Wave -- The mana cost of your Blast Wave spell is reduced by 15%, but it no longer knocks enemies back.

Glyph of Thunderstorm -- Increases the mana you receive from your Thunderstorm ability by 2%, but the spell no longer knocks enemies back.

New Death Knight Rune

Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle -- Affixes your two-handed rune weapon with a rune that increases Defense by 25 and total Stamina by 2%. Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold.

New trinkets effects?

Flow of Knowledge -- Your spell casts have a chance to increase your spell power by 590 for 10 sec.
Strength of the Titans -- Chance on hit to increase your attack power by 1000 for 10 secs.


New achievements rewards

Lil' Game Hunter - Collect 100 unique companion pets. - Reward: Little Fawn's Salt Lick
Mountain o' Mounts - Obtain 100 mounts. - Reward: Blue Dragonhawk Mount
Mountain o' Mounts - Obtain 100 mounts. - Reward: Red Dragonhawk Mount

Achievements changes

Loremaster of Kalimdor has been changed from 730 to 700 quests for the Horde, from 700 to 685 quests for the Alliance. It seems that they no longer include Silverpine Forest quests and now take Darnassus, Exodar, and Caverns of Time quests into account.
Not in My House has been changed from 10 to 2 Flags.
Mesaj tarihi:
Upcoming Mage changes

The buffs here are designed primarily to make Arcane more competitive with Fire / Frostfire builds in PvE. Because they could end up buffing Arcane in PvP, we are prepared to adjust the damage of say Arcane Barrage if needed, but we want to see these in action on the PTR first.

Mage PvE damage in general is something we are keeping a close eye on. With the recent hunter changes, many of which were nerfs to PvE damage, we want to make sure mages now don’t break away from the pack of damage-dealing specs.

Evocation – cooldown reduced to 4 min.
Arcane Flows – now also reduces the cooldown of Evocation by an additional 1 / 2 min.
Arcane Blast – overhauled. Will now increase the damage of your next Arcane spell by 30%. However using Arcane Blast itself does not consume the charge, but instead increases the mana of your next Arcane Blast, up to a maximum of 3 stacks. You can alternate Blast and Barrage to keep buffing Barrage, or you can build Blast up higher for a heavy mana cost.
Torment the Weak – now works with Arcane Blast and does bonus damage to targets afflicted by any kind of slowing effect (e.g. Thunder Clap).
Elemental Precision – renamed Precision and now works on all spells.
Improved Blizzard – snaring effect reduced to 20/40/50%

EDIT: We recently made the Arcane Blast stack 15/30/45% to your next Arcane spell

Upcoming Death Knight Changes

We have talked about making some of these changes and wanted to provide more details. You should be able to try these out yourselves on the PTR before they go live.

Our reason for most of these changes should be obvious, but some common themes are:

Making tanking still rely on cooldowns, but rely on them a little less.
Make Blood a more attractive spec, and particularly for tanking.
Chill out some of the defensive capabilities all DKs have in PvP.
Avoid having to use Death and Decay as an out-of-combat runic power generator.


All multi-rune abilities generate 15 runic power.
New runeforge rune -- Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle (two-handed only) now grants 25 Defense and 2% Stamina.
Many death knight glyphs have been changed. In many cases the negative consequences were removed.
New death knight sigils are now available, primarily from vendors, including a tanking-oriented sigil.


Rune Strike -- damage decreased from 200% to 150% but threat increased to 150% from 100%.
The healing of Blood Aura, Blood Presence and Death Pact has been doubled.
Heart Strike – we overhauled this ability. It no longer has a haste debuff but will now be able to strike two targets like a cleave. It still hits for more than Blood Strike, but you can still use Blood Strike if e.g. you don’t want to break CC.
Bloody Strikes – the bonus damage from Pestilence has been moved here to help Blood AE slightly.
Vampiric Blood -- in addition to its current effects, also adds 20% health temporarily.
Will of the Necropolis -- now reduces the damage of any attack that takes the DK below 35% health by 5 /10/15% instead of boosting armor when wounded,
Dancing Rune Weapon – cost reduced from 60 to 40 runic power.


Icebound Fortitude – now reduces damage by 20% instead of 50%. The amount of damage reduced increases with bonus Defense (to about 35% for 540 Defense, but it can go higher). The stun immunity is intended to be its primary role in PvP.
Frost Presence -- bonus armor increased from 60 to 80% and magic damage reduction increased from 5 to 15%. We wanted to reduce the effectiveness of cooldowns but bring up base mitigation to reduce damage spikiness.
Horn of Winter -- now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 30 sec cooldown.
Hungering Cold – cost reduced from 60 to 40 runic power.


Anti-Magic Shell -- cooldown lowered to 45 sec from 60 sec.
Bone Shield -- mitigation reduced from 40% to 20%.
Corpse Explosion -- damage increased substantially, added 5 sec cooldown, and changed cost to 40 runic power.
Night of the Dead -- now grants 40/70% passive area spell avoidance to your pet in addition to its current effects.
Outbreak – this talent no longer receive bonus damage from Pestilence. The bonus from Plague Strike and Blood Boil has been increased slightly.
Pestilence -- no longer has a 10 sec cooldown.
Raise Dead -- now split into two spells: Raise Dead now raises a ghoul or pet ghoul (if talented). Raise Ally now raises a fallen party member (at no reagent cost).
Shadow of Death -- duration reduced from 45 seconds to 25 seconds.
Unholy Blight – cost reduced from 60 to 40 runic power.

Upcoming Hunter Changes

Hunters of all specs, and particularly Beastmaster, are doing too much damage in PvE.

We tested this a lot internally in beta and knew hunters were high but we hoped other classes would be able to catch up in a way they have as yet been unable to do. We want to be careful not to hurt hunter dps too much in PvP, so we’re taking most of the damage out of Steady Shot and Volley. Beastmaster hunters are in addition losing some of their pet dps. We still want BMs to have the best pets, but pet dps numbers are a little high at the moment. We are also still concerned about hunter survivability in PvP and taking the opportunity to jazz up Deterrence into something that looks and plays a little more interesting.

These are not all of the changes we are working on for hunters, but those changes we feel are ready for testing. We hope to get these changes up on the PTR so players will have a chance to test them out and respond before they go live.

Steady Shot – now only gains 10% of attack power as damage (down from 20%).
Volley – reduced the damage by about 30% for all ranks. Note that AE damage from many classes is very high right now and we are looking at all of them. Volley in particular had reached the point where some hunters were using it to the exclusion of most other attacks.
Readiness – no longer affects the cooldown of Bestial Wrath.
Deterrence – has been completely overhauled. It now allows you to deflect 100% of incoming melee or spell damage for 5 seconds, but prevents you from attacking while active. You still must be facing the attacker to deflect the damage (this is a limitation we are trying and might end up removing). 60 sec cooldown.
Kill Shot – cooldown reduced to 15 sec (from 35 sec).
Kindrid Spirits – now only grants 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage.
Serpent’s Swiftness – now only grants 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack speed to pet.
All hunter pet abilities with a cooldown longer than 30 sec have been moved off the global cooldown.
Growl— threat generation increased by 20% (same for Voidwalker Torment).
Call of the Wild – now benefits only the hunter and his or her pet.
Rake and Scorpid Poison – slightly nerfed to bring them into line with other pet abilities.
Spirit Strike – reduced the period on the dot so it will work better with Longevity.
Improved Tracking – now benefits damage to all included creature types as long as you are tracking one of them. You don’t have to swap around what you are tracking as much.
Aspect of the Wild – now raid-wide.

EDIT: The "only" on Serpent's Swiftness meant 10% pet attack speed instead of 20%. The hunter bonus is unchanged.
Mesaj tarihi:
Fury: Bloodsurge: Now has a chance to trigger from any hit with Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst, or Whirlwind.
Fury:Titan's Grip: The hit chance penalty has been removed.

ehuehueu bildigin bufflan ahahaha super ya

bloodsurge hani gercekten coook manasiz bir talentti ama titans grip cilgin olmus. abarti gear kasmadan dps olabilicez
Mesaj tarihi:
Kaede said:
Çok ağır küfür edicem baydım bu priest nerflerinden

Bende priest oynuyorum yetenekli birçok priest BT/SWP'den itibaren encounter yapısına göre COH kullanmak zorunda bırakılarak resmen bayıltıldı, köreltildi. Bu nerf sonrası birçoğu bocalama yaşayacak orası kesin. Aynı zamanda yeteneksiz kişiler tek tuş spam yapmakla görevlerini bugüne kadar idare ettiler. Bu da bir tezat işte...

Ben bir priest olarak sevindim çünkü priest demek coh spam yapmak değil. Bugün wws raporlarını incelediğimizde %80+ healing done coh ile gelmekte. Hem smart heal oldu hemde glyph sayesinde etkilenecek kişi sayısına +1 eklenmesiyle beraber inanılmaz derece op oldu. Priestlerin bu oyundaki rolü bu değildi saçma bir şekilde bu role alıştırıldılar şimdi bu hatadan vazgeçiliyor.

Ghostcrawler'ın birçok izah mesajında altını çizdiği bu noktaya bende katılıyorum fakat yeni bir aoe healing spell şart aksi takdirde heroicler ve 10mlerde çok etkisiz olacaklar ya da eşit spot sayısında ağırlık shamanlara kayacak.

Casting time ve cd içeren yeni bir aoe healing spell ile tek tuş spam yapmaktan farklı speller kullanma alışkanlığına itilerek daha esnek daha değişken oynaması daha zevkli bir karakter ortaya çıkartılabilir. Bu patchle beraber eklenmesede kısa zamanda buna yakın bir değişiklik görülmesi olası. Şahsi düşüncem olsada görünen köy kılavuz istemiyor :)

pekaziz said:
Burada olmayan değişiklikler için:


Es geçilen bir değişiklik yok herşeye 2 mesaj içinde yer verdiğimi düşünüyorum :)
Mesaj tarihi:
CoH ve WG nerfleri için de söyleyecek birkaç sözüm var.

Resto druid oynayan birisi olarak çok memnunum. Abartı güçlü coh yüzünden wg bir halta yaramıyordu. Daha 2. ticki atarken 2 priest tum raidi healliyordu, harcadığımız manayla kalıyorduk.

Lifebloom nerfü sonrasında gerçekten diğer büyüleri de kullanmaya başladık ve oyun daha çekilir halde şu an. Umarım priestler de bu değişiklikten memnun kalırlar :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Pyromaniac now Increases chance to critically hit by 1/2/3% and allows 10/20/30% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting..

Of aman be süper oldu bu valla =D %30 mana regen hemde fire olarak, üstüne glyphli mage armor çek %80 mana regen =P
Mesaj tarihi:
Coh'e nerf gerekiyordu ama 6 sn cd iyimi oldu kesinlikle hayır.
Coh'e nerf yerine tamamen oyundan kaldırıp POH'e(şu an yalan bi spell mana cost'u olsun cast time'ı vs) el atmaları daha mantıklı olurdu.Tek tuş spam afk healing yapmamızı istemeyen blizz(BT'da başlayıp bizi bu yola sürükleyen de kendileri neden daha önceden el atmadılar ki oda ayrı bir konu...)böyle bir yola başvurdu ve holy priest'i gene yalan etti.Bundan sonra raiddeki rolümüz ne olucak mt healing? evet yaparız ama bu işi biz den daha iyi yapan holy paladin varken ne gerek var.Parmakları kopana kadar artık shamanlar ch spamlaya dursunlar sanki çok raid spot'u sorunu çeken bir class'dı totemleri olsun heroism vs olsun gayet yararlı bir class zaten e bir de üstüne aoe healer görevini de tek başına üstlenince raidlerdeki spotlarını daha da sağlamlaştırdılar.Druidlere gelen nerf de saçma sanırım raidlerde sadece healer olarak paladin ve shaman görmek istiyorlar şaka gibi pure healer class'ı ne hale getirdiler.

Bir shield'imiz kaldı elimiz de :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Haste debuff gitmesi biraz kötü olmuş heart strike dan ama 2 target a vuruyo şimdi güzel olmuş , aoe eksikliğini biraz olsa kapatır , aslında bloodın son talentini böle whirlwindimsi gibi bişi yapsalar daha güzel olur :D
Mesaj tarihi:
knox katılamıyorum abi sana. Resto shamanların geçmişteki günleri bugün yok artık, çok ama çok zayıflar.

Priestlerin de mt healer olma durumları yok, sadece geçmişteki aoe heal üstünlüğünü druid ve shamanlarla paylaşacaklar.
Mesaj tarihi:
pekaziz said:
knox katılamıyorum abi sana. Resto shamanların geçmişteki günleri bugün yok artık, çok ama çok zayıflar.

Priestlerin de mt healer olma durumları yok, sadece geçmişteki aoe heal üstünlüğünü druid ve shamanlarla paylaşacaklar.

Katılıp katılmama konusu tamam da şu yazdıkların hakkaten bu adam cidden shaman mı oynuyor diye düşündürdü beni açıkcası :D
Mesaj tarihi:
knox said:
pekaziz said:
knox katılamıyorum abi sana. Resto shamanların geçmişteki günleri bugün yok artık, çok ama çok zayıflar.

Priestlerin de mt healer olma durumları yok, sadece geçmişteki aoe heal üstünlüğünü druid ve shamanlarla paylaşacaklar.

Katılıp katılmama konusu tamam da şu yazdıkların hakkaten bu adam cidden shaman mı oynuyor diye düşündürdü beni açıkcası :D

Yok druidim ben :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Küfür şurdan geliyor

- Öküz blizzard önce mainhealing işini bizden alıp raid healinge vuruyor bizi eyw
- Sonra shamanı öyle bir duruma getiriyorki hem raid healing, hem raid buff konusunda bizden kat kat üstün oluyor eyw
- Sonra CoH geliyor ve encounterların nerdeyse yarısı buna göre tweakleniyor eyw
- Sonra işe yarıyan elimizdeki tek görevimizi yapmaya yarıyan işin 90% ını gören büyüyü neredeyse kullanılmaz hale getiriyorlar eyw

E afedersiniz de ne halt yiycez biz ? inner focus + glyphli poh + coh attık 5-6 kişinin hpsinin yarısı geri geldi. Şimdi ? Hem kendi kafalarına göre çizdikleri bir role zorluyorlar bizi hem de o rolu yaparken eşşek gibi handikap veriyorlar.

Yani şu priestlerin başına gelen her şey nerfleri sineye çekip en az QQlayan class olmasından kaynaklı. Olucaz mage gibi hunter gibi warrior gibi zırlayacaz alıcaz buffları. Yok yani başka çaresi yok bu işin. Manaburnün içine etmelerine hiç girmiyorum bile.
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