Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 oyundaki en absürd şeyin vanguard trooperın melee ağacı olacağını düşünüyorum, close combat daha doğrusu
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Sparkcaster said: vanguard trooperın melee ağacı
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 yanina gelenin azini kirmalidir o, melee trooper ne lan.
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Q. As a healer, how important was resource management? Particularly in a PvP environment. Could you go “OOM”? Or did Force function similar to energy? A. I never really had “force issues” or going “OOF” if you will. On the more difficult heroic quests Force can become an issue, but you aren’t without a way to get force back for long as you get an ability that around Nar Shadaa (20-25). Q. How does weapon speed function, with no auto-attack? Does it even exist? A. There is a global cooldown like most MMOs. This allows for the animation of the default “1 key” attack. The combat is nicely done. All I can say is, you have to play to know what im talking about. Q. How powerful are Companions in a Flashpoint? Are they able to effectively fulfill the roles as a Main healer or tank? A. It depends. Group size is 4. If you have 4 player characters, companions are not allowed. If you have 3 player characters, then only one is allowed and thats the group leader’s companion. The companions can fill the “3″ roles just fine, but in no way do they make up for a human player. The first flashpoint for the Sith Empire, the Black Talon… you can’t go in with yourself and a companion and solo it unless you outgear / out level it by a bit and are a solid player. You can go in with 2 players , with good coordination at the appropriate level and finish it. Hope that clarifies it. Q. Does Alignment have any effect on your abilities as BW has stated in the past? A. It will. It just was not int he build we were in. No different eye colors, abilities, visual effects, nada. They said its a Work In Progress. Q. As a Sorcerer/Sage Spec’d Inquisitor/Consular did you find yourself competing for lightsaber loot against Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors? or was there a nice diversity of stats on Lightsabers A. Nope. Its different stats. For a Sith Sorcerer Healer , I go for Presence which gives me “healing power”, companion health, and companion damage. This sets you up nicely as a healer to pick up a DPS or Tank kit for your companion. As a Sith Sorcerer DPS, I go for Willpower as it gives bonus damage and bonus force crit. There is no competition as they cannot gain any benefits from using these. Q. Is there a Bridging Flashpoint perhaps in the level 20 range between Black Talon/Esseles(level 10ish) and Taral V(level 32ish) A. Not as far as I recall. Between 10 and 30, your class story arc really takes meaning. I never noticed the lack of a flashpoint or instance because I was so engrossed in the story. Q. Other than Malgus, have any of the characters or Lore from the novel “Deceived” tied into the game? A. I didn’t pay attention to this really. If I remember, I’ll let you know. Q. What difference is there between dark side (alignment) gear and the light side gear, set bonuses, look, stats etc A. The difference is the name of the gear and the looks. The stats were the same as far as I saw. There is no advantage for one or the other. Q. Do you buy alignment gear from vendors? A. You can. It comes as quest rewards, from vendors, and world drops. Q. I’ve noticed in all the videos so far only the right 3 spots on the dialogue wheel have had options. Are there ever more than 3 choices, like in Mass Effect or Dragon Age 2? A. I seem to recall a time or two when I had more than 3. Could be wrong though, but im almost sure of it. Q. How do Story Areas work when in a group? How is the “owner” selected, and do players in the same “phase” get to participate in each other’s dialogue? A. For personal story, other players can help, but sometimes they cant and you have to solo. For world Arcs, you both have to be on the exact same part and its whoever zones in first’s instance. You do participate in story. Its one of their major (and best) features. You get social points if you win the “roll” and you have to have a certain Social Level like Social I, Social II, etc. to get certain loot from vendors. Q. Does grouping lower mob xp? And if so does the added kill speed / quest completion speed negate the lower xp? A. Haven’t noticed, but I think the speed makes up for it. Overall, if you plan on grinding mobs to level, you are going to be at it for a very long time. Q. About reverse engineering. Can any craft-skill reverse engineer any type of items or is it only item types that can be created by that craft-skill(such as armstech and blasters). Can mob/instance drops be reverse engineered? A. You can reverse engineer what your craft can make if that makes sense. If im synthweave, I cannot reverse engineer a weapon, but I can RE cloth bracers that just dropped or that I crafted. There are some restrictions. I don’t think you can RE normal gear and certain quest rewards. I dont exactly remember which ones they were. Q. Would a hybrid healer or tank be able to effectively heal/tank flashpoints as they level or will they be relegated to off-heal/tank duty? What about a dps spec’d healer/tank AC. A. On the easier stuff yea. You still want a pure tank / healer down the road though. Q. When you forge your first lightsaber (talking more specifically about jedi classes here) do you get a choice of colour crystal (blue/green)? Or is it just blue as shown in the trailer? A. I am pretty sure its blue. Afterall, those are the 2 “imfamous” colors when you look at Star Wars. Blue vs Red , Jedi vs Sith, Republic vs Empire. Its very symbolic. Q. Are there non combat “pets” as in warcraft- if yes, can you obtain them via crafting/questing/vendors? A. Have not seen any, but they would be nuts not to have vanity items. Actually, I think there was 1 on a vendor. I never bought it though. I think it was on Nar Shadda. Q. Any idea what’s approaching at E3? A. This has been announced. Advanced Class ability trees and a new Flashpoint, The Eternity Vault. Q. Are the dark / light items different on looks? So for example: is a dark sith warrior (with dark items) looks different then a light sith warrior (with light items)? A. Yep. Dark looks menacing, darker shades like Red, Black, etc. Light is the opposite. Q. I’ve seen the 3 hour or so beta play video, and noticed that the classes seem to have helmet and cloak slots. I haven’t seen any Jedi Knights use helmets for example, and assumed that a cloak/robe would go into a cloak item slot. What do Jedi/Sith put in the head slot? Am I way off base thinking that there is a helmet and a cloak slot? A. The helmets are a big part of your characters “elite” look. You start out with none and get them over time at later levels. Its part of the scale up process as you see in the progression vids. As for the cloak, im pretty sure you do get one. I just can’t remember off of the top of my head. Q. If you feel like answering another item related question, I was wondering if there are things like trinkets or special item slots for classes like there are in games like Warcraft, where paladins can have a book. Just wondering if you had seen anything like that in your testing. A. You get items called relics and implants. Q. Does each planet have it’s own token system for buying armor? If so, are the armors thematic to their respective planet? I.e. the Hoth armor looks like something you’d wear in a cold snowy climate, and give resistance to cold attacks? A. Yes they do. This is the commendation system. On Tython, there is a vendor that has gear ranging from 8-10 I believe. You have to buy these with commendations. Its a set without bonuses. It all goes together visually. You get commendations through quests and drops. You can exchange these commendations for other ones on the next planet progression wise normally at a 2:1 or 3:1 clip. Cannot remember which. There is armor on Hoth that you get that looks like it would be for cold weather. I don’t recall stat bonuses as I didn’t play on that planet that much. Q. I saw in the leaked videos some ranks on mobs such as STRONG or WEAK. Can you explain what those ranks are used for ? Or it is like in WoW, where some abilities only works against humanoids, beasts or undeads A. Thats their difficultly levels. You have Weak, Strong, Elite, Boss, and I think 1-2 more. Q. In what way do the healers differentiate? We have the Smuggler/IA wich has been revealed as the HoT healer. What do the others do? I imagine Troopers/Bounty Hunters do damage mitigation. And the JC/SI use bulk heals/reactives? A. The IA is a pretty HoT heavy healer, you are correct. SI was like a Discipline Priest from WoW imo. They have a bubble they put on their target to absorb dmg. They have great direct heals and they get some HoTs as well. I would think they are like the WoW set up. You will have your HoT healer, your direct heals, and your AoE heals. Q. Will there be a quest for the SI like the jedi knights, to get a lightsabre, or is it totally different??? If yes…… is it done??? Please spoiler me:-) A. You get your Saber as a reward from your “master” as an Inquisitor. I don’t really want to give away the story. Q. What rewards does underworld trading, Investigation, diplomacy, and treasure hunting give? A. I never did the underworld training or investigation. Diplomacy gives Light or Dark points and sometimes material for crafting. Same with treasure hunting. Q. Any cool bosses to fight in the class stories? A. There are some, yea. A part of the Consular story on Coruscant leads you to the Jedi temple where you take on a Sith Lord (if I remember right). It was a pretty epic fight for me. Q. I know you have told a little about the research system but can you go into detail about it, how it works and such? A. I only did the following professions : Artiface , Scavenging , Synthweave , Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy. Q. Are there any currently unannounced playable species in testing? A. Like I said, I don’t pay attention to the “Gleeb Glob and the Froopty Do” crowd. I pick a race and thats it. Normally the race I choose is based off of passive abilities that benefit me the most. I played a Zabrak Sith Inquisitor because it was the storyline I wanted, not because of the species or anything else. Q. My 2 favorite planets in the SW universe are Nar Shaddaa (cause the underground / lowlife / criminal feeling), and Hoth (cause the icy environment). So, at witch levels are they accessable, and how big they are? How much time players will spend at these 2 planets, and from the looks of it, what will players do here? Socialize, questing only, pvp? A. As A sith Inquisitor , I went in the following order : Korriban , Dromund Kaas, Balmorra, then Nar Shadda. I went to Nar Shaddaa about level 22 (I think the ideal level is 20). Nar Shadda is pretty big, but its like Coruscant. Its a city planet. You have “sectors” that you fly to and from. You quest like you do any other planet along with the first opportunity to see the opposite faction and open world PvP. Hoth is 35-40 I believe. I grinded a lot so I was already pretty much past this and didnt do much of it at all. Q. We all hate when 239892 players are questing for the same 3 mobs. How did you see this situation will be at SWTOR? Are the devs doing something to prevent players from “stealing” mob kills from each other just to finish a quest earlier? A. I didn’t have an issue with finding quest mobs. The first planets are “instanced” in the sense that you have “Korriban 1, Korriban 2, Korriban 3, etc”. There is always going to be mob stealing. I’ve never really called it that because, frankly, if I hit the mob before you do, its mine and you were just too slow lol. Also, a LOT of the quests are phased. You go through a green phasing (no load times) and its your personal area. Q. Flashpoints. I know you couldn’t use them yet, but have you seen the flashpoint entries, or anything related to them? Are they much like wow (an entrance, witch “teleports” you to another zone), or something else? A. I did a couple. You actually do zone in and load to them. Q. Does it look like SWTOR will have raid pve endgame? A. Yes, It will. They already have world bosses per zone. They are level appropriate as well. Im looking forward to the end game a lot actually. Q. Do rare gear pieces have more stats than common quality pieces? And if yes, what is the average difference (like +5% each grade or something). A. Of course they have more stats :) . I had a uncommon piece that had +10 to 2 stats. The rare had +12 to both stats + a modification slot. Q. How fast gear become obsolete? A. Good question. Every 5-6 levels. Maybe less. Maybe more. Im sure this is one of the things the devs are working on. Of course uncommon gear will become obsolete faster than rares and in turn rares will become obsolete faster than epics. Q. Leveling speed. A. Leveling speed depends on numerous things. In vanilla WoW, 1-60 took a month or two at a casual pace. In todays WoW, at the same pac, 1-60 takes takes a week? I don’t compare anything but vanilla WoW when I speak of leveling speed. In TOR, 1-10 (or the first planet) can take a couple hours or several hours. Lets say I want two Sith Inquisitors for both of the Advanced Classes. I played through the first one’s story, listening to every quest, soaking in every detail. It would take me 6-8 hours or maybe more to get through the first 10 levels. Now on my 2nd toon I do the same, but I skip all of the quest dialoge by hitting space, make the quick selections and just go area to area quickly. This could take me 2-3 hours and I would be done. You also have to take into account skipping / doing world story arcs, crafting, etc. Overall, I think the pace of the game is great. Q. Did you feel yourself poor while leveling? Can you afford to buy gear upgrades from vendors or auction house? A. I was kinda poor because I kept sending multiple companions to do missions. These cost credits and the higher you get up, they cost more. I had 3 companions, sending them out cost 700-1k for all 3 skills I had. The good thing is, the material you get can be vendored for a great deal. I vendored all material that I had already outleveled. I was able to buy the speeder no problem at all. The vendors really had commendation gear so all you had to have was the appropriate amount of them along with the right alignment. Q. Can your team (companions) level all available professions? Or do we have to choose one gathering and one crafting profession and finish the game with only those (just like in WoW)? A. Your companions do not learn the professions. You do. You can only have 3 of them period. You can drop and learn whatever though. You lose all progress of course if you do drop them. You can send all of your companions on one type of profession or different ones. There are some that require a workbench to do which is on your ship. Q. As you’ve previously stated, currently there are no rulesets in place (PvE, PvP, etc). Based upon the way the zones look like, do you think there will be RvR “lakes” in TOR for their PvE server? A. I could see them adding outdoor arenas for dueling purposes like the Arena in STV or Dire Maul in Feralas. They would actually fit in pretty good. Kinda like gladiator arenas. Q. Can you say a few words about all the frist companions that each class recieves? Name (not so important), species, and what type of character is that, what uses he/she/it has? A. The Inquisitor gets the Dashade. I used him for a tanking companion as he had a taunt ability kit. The Knight gets the droid, which also has the taunt kit (its pretty cool). The trooper gets a Lt. that he used to work for. The story behind this is great. The consular gets a “hunter” , which is pretty cool. I dont want to spoil the story, but they are all tied into the story line. Q. How is BW dealing with the fact, that two playercharakters of the same class and gender have the same voice? Should f.e. two jedi-knights NOT group together because of that or did you not recognize any disturbing clon-voices? A. These questions kill me. Look, its a game. This isn’t really life. What do you expect. The voice over work is astonishing. You really can’t grasp this until you play the game. Giving each PC 3-4 different voice overs per gender would cost a ton and would take too long. I did multiple quests with the same class and never felt like my clone or twin was talking. Its fine. Some people need to get over such childish notions / peeves. Q. Can you tell me about the SI’s Discharge spell? A. I did not play the melee line of the Sith Inquisitor so I dunno. From the tool tip of the talent, I am guessing as you swing you get charges built up. You hit the enemy with them and they move slower / cant move at all with the build up of stacks. Q. How would you rate the overall animations? A. Running, combat animations, walking, etc. have all had drastic overhauls / passes done on them since the earlier animations. The game looks a lot better animation wise than it did before (say a year ago). Q. Do you know anything about the “legacy system” that has been rumored? A. No. The only thing I have seen in game for it are a type of gear. Protyotype >> Legendary >> Legacy. I am guessing Legacy gear will be like BoA gear in WoW. Maybe not. It just depends. Q. Could you list all available lightsaber colors. Are there variations of the colors (light blue, dark blue, etc) A. Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange. These are the only ones I have seen and no, I havent seen variations. Q. Are we able to change the color of our lightsaber without effecting the stats? For example, we pick up a really good blue lightsaber, can we change the color to purple without affecting the stats? A. You wouldn’t want to. Lets say you want your saber to be red. You are a Sith Warrior who needs tanking stats. Well the color crystal is a modification. You would need to find a red crystal with +tanking stat on it. The color crystals are obtained through crafting , loot, and quests. If its a quest objective, you normally have a pic of 4-5 different items for the different specs. Q. Can blasters/rifles shoot different color bolts? A. Yes. Q. What was the level cap in your test, and did you feel like the higher level stuff was near finished in your build? A. 50. They had just implemented more planets. I am not sure tbh. Some felt complete. Others still needed work. Q. Any clue what the mysterious third binding type besides BoE and BoP might be? A. I am guessing its the legacy type. Probably BoA or a carry over to the legacy toon. diğerleri
Cacik Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 dün beta survey gelmiş yeni bakıyorum mailime
hamsilipilav Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 18, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 18, 2011 gunslinger açıcam çok büyük ihtimal ama jedi sentinele de kayıyor aklım. wannabeleri kesmek smugglerla aşırı zevkli olur ama aga bi jedi medi hikayeside akabilir
Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 19, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 19, 2011 Come to dark side, We have cookies.
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 19, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 19, 2011 yalnız o zamanlar sith askerleri şöyleydi:
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 SPOYLUR AHED said: Sith Warrior Impressions I have access to the beta and I am specializing in the Sith Warrior right now. I am going to just write information. I also enclosed 3 screen shots I took with my cell phone of the Sith Pureblood Sith Inquisitor, as well as a screen showing different things you can modify on the screen. Right now I am playing as a Sith Warrior. Korriban has changed heavily from KotOR 1 and 2. The academy interior is 3 levels and the majority is 'grey' texture. If you watch the Sith Warrior trailer at 0:50 you see your character kneeling before a Sith Master, that is the inside of the academy to get an idea of how it looks, compared to the previous games. Your Sith Master will not personally teach you any new abilities. You actually talk to a trainer for that in the Sith Academy. You do not even have him as your original master. I cannot recall his name off the top of my head, but that is him at 0:50 in the Sith Warrior video. It is Darth Baraus or something, but he looks different than the guy in the comics. He is in head to toe body armor, his mask has only one eye on the right eye, the left eye is non-existent and the mouth is sealed shut. Kind of creepy looking. Anyway when you start off in the Sith Academy, you have a training sword. Your first quest has you enter the tomb of Ajunta Pall to get a new sword. After getting it, you kill some mobs to cake the blade in the blood. Your first "Master" is a middle aged black guy with scars on his face. You have a rival as well, who is apprenticed to another Master that your master hates. Eventually your quests wins the attention of the leader of the academy, the Darth B. guy I mentioned. After talking to him, you get the option to go back and kill your first master, which I did. This had an effect later on. An early quest you also get you meet Vette for the first time, though she is in a cage. You basically talk to several prisoners and get the option to spare or kill them. I killed them. More quests, eventually around level 8 you get a quest to go retrieve a lightsaber buried inside the tomb of Naga Sadow. Vette has to show you how to access the room, as she was attempting to access it when she was captured. When you enter the tomb, your rival tries to ambush you. Both yourself and Vette fight him and defeat him, giving you the chance to spare his life or kill him. After that, you proceed into the tomb of Naga Sadow, push open his sarcophagus and find an ancient lightsaber. When you grab it, the statues come to life. You have to equip the lightsaber then fight back a few waves of statues. After this you return to your Master, as you approach him, the daughter of your previous Master ambushes you if you killed him. After that, you are given the lightsaber you reclaimed as your first weapon. Sith Warriors DO NOT construct their first lightsaber, like the Jedi Knight does. You just steal the lightsaber found in the tomb of Naga Sadow. You then are given a passcard to leave Korriban with Vette and go to the station above, where you encounter your first Flash Point if you want. This is as far as I have gotten so far. A few things about the game. When you make choices, if the choice is Light or Dark, it will tell you. When it gives you your options in the semi-circle seen in videos, there is a blue icon or red icon that will appear in the middle of the semi-circle. Naturally blue = good red = evil. These are not common, and you can be a total douche bag to NPCs or nice and it won't give you light or dark points. Vette seems to like it when you are nice to people. I noticed that when I started saying "Thank you" and "I appreciate it" to various NPCs, I was getting influence from Vette. I was not getting light side points by being nice by saying "Thank you" though. Naturally the downside when I killed an NPC for dark side points I lost reputation with Vette. This reputation was lost or gained even when she was NOT in my party inside the Flash Point. Early on you get the chance to score some dark side points by shocking Vette as punishment for talking. I did not do this as I was trying to be nice to her. I did not get light side points for not shocking her though. The QA you posted Friday had some information on gear when you go light or dark. You do not progress to light or dark quickly like you did in KotOR 1/2. There are "levels" to the light/dark progression. After making every dark side choice on Korriban (Save for mistreating Vette) I was only a level 1 Dark Side when I left Korriban. I think there are about 5 levels to the Light/Dark side from the look of things. Some gear is only available for light/dark side. I noticed the item I purchased that required my Dark Side to be level 1 had different stats than the Light Side one. The Dark Side item was more geared for the Sith Warrior, giving me Strength and Endurance (DPS and health). The Light Side one I think had Strength and Willpower if memory serves me. The Flash Point I entered was called the Black Talon. It was the flash point seen early on with the Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter. The Flash Point starts off before you approach the bridge, fighting Sith troopers. The flash point is also different later on, it doesn't progress as much. My character did NOT have access to Force Lightning to stun enemies like in the Flash Point. The server disconnected us before we completed it so I do not know how it ends. I actually ended up going over to the Republic ship, despite killing the Captain like in the Flash Point. A hologram of Satele Shan appears, pleading for you not to attack because the Republic will destroy your ship. After some insults of "Why are you still talking to us Jedi?" we invaded their ship. Shortly after it crashed, kicking us out and resetting the Flash Point. In the game if you d/c in a Flash Point it resets the entire thing, which is very annoying. I went to Dromund Kaas before logging out as well. This is the second area you quest at after Korriban. I noticed that there are instanced hangar areas that say "Sith Warrior" "Sith Inquisitor" "Bounty Hunter" and "Imperial Agent" for ships. You can't enter it until you get a ship. One final thing. Vette seems to be a ranged "tank" class. She wears medium armor starting out (Just like the Sith Warrior) and I believe they call her a "soldier" or "warrior" when you get her, I can't remember which one they say. Fairly certain he says "She is a fine warrior." The Imperial Agent also gets a ranged companion first, a Rattataki female, I think she was a smuggler or another agent. I only saw her briefly but she was carrying 2 pistols. I know the smugglers dual wield and the agents use rifles, but I did not get to see her in action to figure it out. Vette uses 1 pistol starting out though. You also get tokens that you can use to increase reputation with your companion character. You can also purchase things to give your companions that give them new moves for 5000 credits. For example you could teach a companion to have a flamethrower. It didn't say they were specific to a companion character, so I don't know if you could teach a Sith apprentice to shoot a flame thrower or not. I can give you more information later on if you would like. I will not be able to play tomorrow sadly as I have other plans but I can get some game time in Sunday and tell you more then. One more important thing I forgot to mention about companions. This might change (and I hope to God it does) as the game comes out, but gear you acquire from mobs randomly can be equipped to your companion. The reason I hope this changes is because I don't want to be in a Flash Point and a piece of heavy armor drops and someone rolls Need "so their companion tank could use it as an upgrade." I remember taking various green items I had acquired and equipping them to Vette after I got her. I know most people will say "humans before companions" on gear but every once in a while there will be a douche bag who will roll Need for a companion. Also when I left Korriban she got a new set of clothes. You get like 5 options, the stats are the exact same, but you can choose what she wears visually.
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Q&A 8 baya uzun SWTOR Tester Q&A #8 Q. My question is, are there racial traits or abilities like in wow? If so what are some? A. No. At least not currently. Q. Any cool bosses to fight in the class stories? A. They are a lot more liberal with having cool boss fights throughout the game. You don’t have to wait for Flashpoints or level 50 to see them. Q. Are emails generated in the game accessible through one of the game directories on your computer the way they were in SWG? A. Nope. Strictly in-game. Q. Does the game allow read receipts or something like that? A. Nope. Q. Is there a modding system in game, and what language is being used? A. Nope. No modding currently. Q. Both the Imperial Agent and Smuggler have stealth abilities, do you know if their stealth abilities is restricted to only one of their ACs (Scoundrel and Operative) or does Snipers and Gunslingers have stealth too even tho their play style wont depend on it. A. I know Imperial Agent can stealth in both ACs currently. But only the Operative gets the Concealment tree which has a lot of bonuses to stealth in it. I’m not 100% on the Smuggler, but I assume it’s true for them too. To my knowledge this info is already public though, so there’s info out there on it. Q. How often do you run into characters around the same level who look alike, gear-wise? Wondering if the gear really is so different that you don't see a lot of 'clones' of yourself. A. I have not run into a single-person with the same exact set of armor as me. There are more armor sets than I can count. Q. What are your impressions of any/all of the classes and AC's so far? Are there any that really stand out as cool/boring? A. Well I haven’t played the Republic classes, but all the Imperial classes have been fun. None of them seemed particularly boring compared to the others. Q. Can you interact with the world such as sitting down in a cantina booth? A. Nope. I haven’t been able to interact with any of the chairs or anything. Q. Which world do you think explorers will love the most? A. All the worlds are pretty well designed with a lot to see. Some are bigger than others. Some are actually really painfully big if you don’t have a mount. Q. Are there any speeder vehicles that look different from the segways? Ones you can actually sit on like a motorcycle maybe? A. The one I have currently is a Segway thing, but the icon for it looks like a speeder bike. I don’t know if that implies there are full speeder bikes somewhere. I doubt I’ve seen every vehicle in the game however. Q. Could you go into any detail regarding how guild management system works? When you can start one, what are the requirements, what kind of administrative powers you have, any indication of guild halls etc? A. You need to get a full group (4 players) together, and send one person to the guild formation NPC to pay 5000 credits. No minimum level currently. Nothing on guild halls, but it has the basic stuff you’d expect. Create ranks, etc. Q. How would you rate the character creation system for TOR out of 10, if ten were something like APB's character creation and 1 were WoW's? A. 5/10 or 6/10. APB is amazing, but there is quite a bit more choice than WoW. Q. Can you go into any detail regarding starship upgrades you can get that BioWare has only hinted on? A. Starship upgrades as far as I have seen are just for space combat. Not like player housing type stuff that people talk about. Your starship equipment and stuff shows up on your character sheet. Beam Generator Beam Charger Ship Armor Energy Shield Shield Charger Missile Magazine Photon Cannon Q. What would you say is the most popular class being played in beta? Any classes dominate in population while others are really low? A. The /who command syntax is either incomplete or undocumented, so I could only display 50 players at a given time per-planet. So these numbers might not be super accurate. Note that no “Vanguards” showed up in who, but there were “Specialists” showing up in the who list. This is either a bug or Vanguards have been renamed, though there haven’t been any posts about that, so it’s probably a bug. SI Sorcerer | 31 | 19.4% SI Assassin | 29 | 18.1% SW Marauder | 37 | 23.1% SW Juggernaut | 22 | 13.8% BH Mercenary | 16 | 10.0% BH Powertech | 7 | 4.4% IA Operative | 9 | 5.6% IA Sniper | 9 | 5.6% Empire Total [ 160 ] JK Guardian | 28 | 20.9% JK Sentinel | 33 | 24.6% JC Sage | 22 | 16.4% JC Shadow | 8 | 6.0% T Vanguard | 7 | 5.2% T Commando | 16 | 11.9% S Gunslinger | 12 | 9.0% S Scoundrel | 8 | 6.0% Republic Total [ 134 ] Q. If there were ONE thing you could change about TOR, what would it be? A. More Medium Armor rewards please! Q. What are the biggest topics on the BETA forums? A. Server status is the big one as you might imagine ;) But the threads are pretty varied. Nothing really stands out as a huge hot topic. Q. Do you find soloing to be a viable option at all level ranges? A. It’s viable, but you’re going to level more slowly. There are a lot of group quests which give great XP and loot and they can’t just be solo’d at an appropriate level. You have to basically come back 10 levels later if you want to solo those. I tried skipping some group quests and really regretted it later when I fell behind on levels. You absolutely want to group up and knock out every group quest in each planet. Q. If you're in a group with someone, and that player initiates a conversation, I know you can join in the conversation via "holo-phone." What happens during actions? Let's say you and cyborg Jedi Knight Bob have a choice to kill a sith apprentice or redeem him. If you're on the holo-phone and you win the roll to kill him, what happens? A. When you’re participating via the holocom you can’t choose options that require a physical action. Q. What are the system requirements of the game, what is your spec and how well did the game run on it. Could you also list some of the available gfx settings? I'm certain a lot of people are curious about it, especially those who are building a new pc. A. I’m still rocking a sub-3.0ghz dual core and an older Nvidia card and the game runs great. The options for video right now are pretty basic: Resolution, Refresh, Windowed Mode, Gamma, Clip Distance, Shadow Quality, VSync, Texture Quality. Q. Are the Flashpoints repeatable in a "heroic" version at level 50? It'd be a shame to let all those Flashpoints go to waste later in the game... A. I’m not 50 yet, but I haven’t seen or heard of anyone talking about heroic versions of low level flashpoints, so I’m going to assume they don’t exist. Q. Do all of the Jedi Guardian armor sets basically resemble the stuff we saw in the progression video, or are they more iconic looking sets as you progress (specifically, I mean to say sets that emphasize robes and tunics over heavy plates, etc)? A. Some armor sets look more armory than others, but heavy armor is always going to look fairly heavy. There really is a huge variety of armor though. More than I’ve seen in any other MMO. Q. You mentioned that people are rolling on heavy armor out of kindness, but that the combat stats Sentinels and DPS Guardians look for are the same. Is there any real purpose to the increased armor rating that heavy armor provides? Does it somehow add to DPS output through a Guardian talent (gain +X Attack Power for each Armor point you have, for example)? A. There is no benefit to DPS from armor generically. But I don’t have a Jedi Knight handy where I can look at their exact talent tree and rule out a talent like that. Q. The DPS Scoundrel, if you played one -are they using the cover mechanic and their normal blaster a lot, or are they almost entirely focused on the scattergun? Or something else? How "Han Solo"ish do they actually feel? A. I haven’t played one myself, but the weapon you use is based on the ability you’re using. Both Smugglers primarily use blasters, the Scoundrel with one, the Gunslinger with two, but the Scoundrel mixes things up quite a bit more. Q. Are there currently any major PvP imbalances between classes? A. Not that I’ve seen. I’m sure there are issues, but I don’t see a lot of griping. Q. It has been mentioned that the Smuggler tends to make the wisecracks, the Jedi Knight is more rigid when it comes to the multiplayer dialogue. Have you ever noticed if a Smuggler was ever serious on a winning roll for the option to speak? A. Haven’t really played Republic too much so I can’t say specifically for Smugglers, but there are definitely differences in tone between classes. Q. Is it possible to see your taget's target, and if so is it possible to automatically cast offensive, or defensive abilities on your targets target automatically as in Rift? A. No TOT right now. But there is a focus target option. Q. How many different flashpoints can we expect in the final game? Or how many are currently in the build you're testing. A. I’m not sure. To be honest most players are low level so the amount of information available on mid to high level content is pretty low. Where most players are at sub-20 they have only seen one or two flashpoints. Q. Can Inquisitors be Sith Purebloods? If so do you know anything about their story background? A. Currently yes. It’s actually funny, Bioware was quite vocal that the race/class combo list published in PC Gamer being “inaccurate” but even months later, the race/class combos available in testing are the exact same. No idea on their story. I imagine it’s the same as other Inquisitors. Race only plays a minor role in your story, an occasional mention basically. Q. Do advanced classes have any effect at all on the storyline? A. As Daniel Erickson has mentioned publicly, occasional mentions are all that exist of your AC in the story. Q. Do flashpoints have any interplay with your class quests? A. Yeah. For example the Black Talon flashpoint basically occurs on your travel to Dromund Kaas. You can take a normal shuttle, or you can take the flashpoint and also end up there. Q. How "epic" does the story get? Is it where you save the galaxy for another day from some villain or do we get to decide on the fate of worlds? Are there meaningful dialogue choices like this? A.There are big decisions and smaller decisions, but your class story is primarily about you. They don’t have everyone saving the entire galaxy, but you definitely feel like Big Damn Heroes. Q. Are the romances well suited to each class? A. I’m not entirely sure what you mean. Each class has a unique set of companions designed just for them, so I guess the romancable ones would be pretty hand-tailored to fit with your story. I haven’t done a lot of romancing though. Q. What do you spend most of your time doing? Does anything feel like it takes too long or there isn't enough of it? A. Right now, questing. Everything is pretty well-paced. The worlds are big so travel time can be a problem prior to getting a speeder at 25, but that’s about it. Q. There has been a lot of talk about gear requiring alignment, either Dark or Light. At higher levels do you know if these requirements are "pushed" to the extremes? A. So far I’ve seen only gear that wants Dark 2 or Light 2. The amount of points you end up with is roughly based on how far you’ve progressed through quests, so at higher levels they expect you to have higher Dark or Light side leanings to get the Dark or Light side gear. Q. Are class quests enough to get you to lvl 50, or can you do a lot of the world storylines and normal quests without overleveling? A. Not even close. You have to do the world and normal quests if you want to level at an appropriate pace, or find some other way to supplement your XP. I even found that skipping group quests was a mistake. Q. How many different lightsaber colors are there ingame right now? A. So far I’ve only seen Blue, Green, Red, Orange and Yellow. There’s probably more. I know there’s Purple out there somewhere. Q. Which storyline have you liked the most so far? Has any been disappointing? A. Sith Warrior is my favorite so far. No real disappointments yet. Q. How is the resource usage with different classes? Is the combat more 11131111214 or 142532153123? Assume that 1 would be a basic attack that costs little resources or generates some. A. Each class is different. For a Sith Warrior you build up, and then unload. Other classes work differently. Q. Can you confirm or deny any specific voice actors for the classes? For example Claudia Black for female Sith Warrior? Speculation at : A. No list of voice actors anywhere and I don’t really know voice actors well enough to be able to tell you my opinion. Q. What are the race/class combinations currently available in the beta? A. Identical to the PC Gamer list we’ve all seen. Again, that’s funny because Daniel Erickson told everyone it was inaccurate. Obviously this could change between now and release, but currently: Empire: Sith Warrior: Human, Sith Pureblood, Cyborg, Zabrak Sith Inquisitor: Human, Sith Pureblood, Twilek, Rattataki, Zabrak Bounty Hunter: Human, Chiss, Cyborg, Rattataki, Zabrak Imperial Agent: Human, Chiss, Cyborg, Rattataki, Zabrak Republic: Jedi Knight: Human, Miraluka, Twilek, Zabrak, Mirialan Jedi Consular: Human, Miraluka, Twilek, Zabrak, Mirialan Trooper: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Mirialan Smuggler: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Mirialan, Twilek Q. Do you know of any companion characters that have not been officially announced already? A. Lots. Here’s a copy pasta from the testing forums. Trooper: (1) Aric Jorgan -Ord Mantell -Ranged, Sniper Rifle -Heavy Armor -DPS Companion -Starting Kit: Concussion Round -Gifts: Ammunition Belt, Survival Gear, Padded Weapon Case (2) Elara Dorne -Taris -Ranged, Blaster Pistol -Heavy Armor -Healing Companion -Starting Kit: Medpack -Gifts: Republic & Imperial History Holo, Hutt Data Library, Republic & Imperial Banners (3) M1-4X -Nar Shaddaa -Ranged, Blaster Rifle -Heavy Armor/Droid Parts -Tank Companion -Starting Kit: Flamethrower -Gifts: ?? (4) Melee Tank, Heavy Armor, Tanno Vic, Balmora Notes: Rifle, Suppression, Grenade (5) Melee Dps Medium Armor, Bug Dude, Hoth Bounty Hunter: (1) Ranged Healer, Medium Armor, Mako, Hutta Notes: Blasters (2) Ranged DPS, Medium Armor, Gault, Tattooine Notes: Riffle (3) Melee Tank, Heavy Armor, Torian Caldera, Taris Notes: Mandalorian, Ground Slam Kit Default, AOE flame swipe taunt special. (4) Ranged Tank, Heavy Armor, Blizz, Hoth Notes: Suppressive Fire Special (Taunt), Default kit ???, Jawa Imperial Agent (1) Ranged DPS, Medium Armor, Kaliyo D'jannis, Hutta Notes: Dual Wield Pistols, Grenade Kit Default (2) Melee Tank, Medium Armor, Vector Hyllis, Alderaan Notes: Vibrostaff, AOE Swipe Taunt special, Gound Slam Kit Default (3) Doctor Lokin-??? (bugged) Taris (4) Ranged Healer, Medium Armor, Ensign Temple, Quesh Notes: Pistol and Shield Generator, Med Pack Kit Smuggler: (1) Ranged Tank, Heavy Armor, Corso Riggs, Ord Mantell Notes: Uses Blaster Pistols and Blaster Rifles, has a Taunt ability (2) Melee Tank, Heavy Armor, Bowdaar, Nar Shaddaa Notes: Wookie, uses vibroswords/blades/whatever (3) Ranged DPS, Heavy Armor, Akavi Spaar, Balmorra (Republic Side) Notes: Mandalorian, has a Flamethrower move (4) Healer, Medium Armor, Guss Tuno,-Hoth Notes: Mon Cal, uses blasters Sith Inquisitor: (1) Melee Tank, Khem Val, Korriban Notes: Da Shade(Force Eater) (2) Ranged DPS, Medium Armor, Andronikus Revel, Tatooine (3) Mele DPS, Unknown, Unknown, Taris Notes: Dual Light Saber (4) Ranged Healer, Unknown, Unknown, Hoth Jedi Consular: (1) Qyzen-Fess, male Trandoshan, Melee Tank, Heavy Armor, on Typhon Notes: Toggleable taunt-mode "lightning whip", Electrostaff or Vibrosword +5 BioChem, +15 Archaeology (2) Theran Cedrex, male Human, Ranged Healer/Techie, Medium Armor, on Nar Shaddaa Note: Pistol, toggleable healing mode +10 Cybertech, +10 Slicing (3) Zenith, Twilek male, Ranged tank heavy armor, sniper rifle, aoe ammo kit. Awarded toward end of Balmorra class missions. (4) Lt Iresso, Human male, Ranged tank, blaster rifle, taunt ranged skill. Awarded at the end of Hoth class storyline. Jedi Knight: (1) Ranged Tank, Heavy Armor, T7-01, Typhon Notes: Astromech Droid, Blaster Rifle, Grenade (AOE damage), Suppression (2) Melee DPS, Light Armor, Kira, Courscant Notes: Dual lightsaber, AOE sweep ability, AOE with a brief stun to surrounding enemy (3) Ranged healer, Unknown, Doc, Balmora Notes: Pistol, Special skill is healing (5) Ranged Tank, Heavy Armor, Unkown, Hoth Notes: Twilek, sniper rifle Sith Warrior: (1) Ranged DPS, med Armor, Twilek female, Korriban Notes: Dual Pistols (2) Ranged Healer, Malavi Quinn, Balmora (3) Mele DPS, Light Armor, Unknown, Hutta (4) Ranged Tank, Heavy armor, Unknown, Taris (5) Melee Tank, Heavy Armor, Unknown, Hoth Q. When levelling a character from 1 to 50, are you expected to see every single planet, barring the other 3 origin worlds and opposite faction capital world? In WoW, you generally have a choice of 2-4 zones for where to level next, and one zone alone is usually enough to push you to the next level range. Is that option available in TOR, or does every zone have a smaller level range so you hit them all on the way up? A. You pretty much see every planet that is available to you during the leveling process. The story kind of leads you along. Q. Going off that last question, could you give us a general idea of which planets are which level ranges? A. Tython: 1-10 Ord Mantell: 1-10 Korriban: 1-10 Hutta: 1-10 Coruscant: 10-16 Dromund Kass: 10-16 Balmora: 16-20 Nar Shaddaa: 20-24 Tatooine: 24-28 Alderann: 28-32 Taris: 32-36 Quesh: 36-37 Hoth: 37-41 Belsavis: 41-44 Voss: 44-47 Corellia: 47-50 Ilum: 50 Q. What can you tell us about light saber color restrictions? For example I want to be a JK but lightside, is it possible for me to use a purple saber? A. Emanuel Lusinchi made a post about this on the official TOR forums which can explain it better than I can. Check it out. Q. Did you ever kill one of your companions? If so (or even if not) did that put you at a disadvantage crafting wise to only have 4 companions instead of 5? A. No, but I wish I could end Vette. No chance to do so yet though. Q. As we know, each class has an equivalent on the other faction, Bounty Hunter -Trooper, Smuggler Imperial Agent and so on. How different are they from each other? Do they basically have the same abilities just with different names, or are they truly distinct from each other? A. They all play very differently, with different abilities, The idea that they are “mirror classes” is a fallacy. Q. How many GB is the current beta client? A. ~30GB. Q. Are there any surprises in store for space combat, or is the PAX demo that Daniel E showed us a good representation of what's in the game? A. Haven’t played it yet, but as far as everyone else is saying, it’s Starfox. Do a barrel roll. Q. Do you know the name or basic theme of any multiplayer dungeon/flashpoints that Bioware has not revealed yet? A. I don’t know. People are still mostly below level 20 so available info on what all exists at higher levels is pretty low. Q. Have you heard of any other raid/operations besides the Eternity Vault? A. Don’t know of any, but that’s not to say they aren’t there or won’t be added prior to launch. Q. Can you think of anything else that Bioware has not revealed yet that will have people doing a happy dance (or an angry dance)? A. Off the top of my head, no. Bioware’s talked about the vast majority of the mechanics now. At least the ones I have access to at my level and in this phase of testing. Q. How different are each advanced class? What is the approximate number of abilities you get from the base class, and what is the number from the AC? Do they play like different classes rather than different specs? A. There are a ton of abilities from base class. A lot of these are basic core class features like buffs, stances, and what-not. There are attacks and stuff too, that you’ll use in both ACs, but the ACs add abilities of their own, and how you spend points in your skill trees makes a big difference in how they play. Q. Not sure if you'll know this, but is the leveling in pvp on par with the leveling through the story line? A. Haven’t done enough PvP to be able to tell you with 100% certainty. I don’t get the impression they intend for people to purely level in PvP though, so don’t expect it to be quick. Q. Is the guild system still just basic like WoW pre Cata or do they have something more. A. It’s pretty basic stuff. No guild levels, advancement or guild halls at the moment. Q. Your rough guess on how long it takes to go from 1-50? A. A lot longer than 1-85 in WoW currently. We’re not talking EverQuest levels of grind here, but the leveling pace is slow. But it’s packed with content. There isn’t a lot of filler. Q. Is the combat more challenging than what is shown in videos from E3 and other conventions? A. Hell yes. They either have some kind of cheats on in those demos or have things tuned down, because you can get utterly destroyed if you’re at all careless. You gotta be on top of things if you don’t want to die a lot. You can’t just herpaderp your way through the leveling process like in WoW. Q. I plan on playing a Smuggler at launch. I plan on going Sawbones. What is combat like as a healing Smuggler? Is it viable solo? Does it use the cover mechanic? Is the class restricted to the shotgun or can you still use pistols? A. Haven’t played the Republic classes extensively so I can’t give you any personal impressions on that. Q. What lightsaber colors have you seen? Orange/Yellow? Any more eccentric ones? Also-how hard is it to keep a color you like? Say, I just want an orange lightsaber. Will I have to use a blue one because that has better stats, or is it easy enough to get the stats you want with the color you want? Via crafting or otherwise. A. Already answered about colors, but yeah if you find a blue saber with better stats you’re going to have to track down an orange crystal to put in it. You can’t transfer the crystal from your old saber. Q. How was your experience with open PvP? Any stories to share? Overall impression? A. Huge worlds, and not a lot of testers, so I haven’t world PvP’d yet. Q. Any comments on that "color-matching" thing we've heard about? Is that even still in the game? A. There’s an option where you can match the color of your armor to your chestpiece color. That’s it for now. Q. Population-wise: is everyone a force-user? How's the balance? A.It’s about like it breaks down on the forums. Force users are about two thirds of the population. Q. Are there any abilities that set apart the Sith Juggernaut and the Jedi Guardian? Such as Sith warriors only have force choke, and their Jedi counterpart does not. Or how about debuffs and buffs, are they different, like Sith Warriors only have debuffs and the Jedi Knights only buff? Does the Sith Juggernaut have any +DPS abilities? A. Don’t know the specifics on that. I’m not going to be able to answer a lot of these super-specific fiddly class things because there are a lot of classes, leveling pace is slow, and available info from other players is slim because they are almost all low level. Q. to my understanding, the starter levels are instanced, how about the rest of the planets? does it keep the immersion that WoW has (where all the players on the server are on and can be seen) or will there be multiple instances of the same server (LOTRO) or Age of Conan, STO(Where you can switch instances) -which kill how immerse/high traffic the game is? A. For all worlds, some parts are phased, others aren’t. Starter world is more heavily phased than other worlds though. They don’t have hard instancing like “Korriban 1, Korriban 2” There aren’t a lot of testers right now, but with a higher population you’d definitely see lots of other players. They haven’t really abused the phasing in my opinion. Q. Is there cross-faction communication? Meaning, can Republic talk to Empire? A. Currently yes, but they’ve already said publicly that this is something they are still trying to decide on. Q. The Lightsaber hilt customization was mentioned last Q&A. Does that mean a small change if hilt aesthetics or the entire hilt design itself? A. The appearance of the hilt is decided by the base saber. Modifications are all under the hood. If you want a different hilt, you have to get a different saber. Q. Can you name your starships? A. Nope. Your ship has a name that’s given to it by the story. But I haven’t heard any NPCs refer to starships by name yet in the voiceover. Q. Could you describe your classes "shared" tree? What shared trees resemble for a particular class could give a good idea about what they're about. A. The shared trees are a pretty solid mix of skills that have a lot of appeal for both ACs. At least for Sith Warrior. Q. Are last names in? A. No surnames. Various titles you can earn, though. Q. How about the the shared trees -Is it viable to spec fully in one for either AC such as Balance for Jedi Consular. How does it work for the Sage and Shadow? A. Can’t speak to those specific classes, but for Sith Warrior I would grab just some stuff out of the shared tree. Trying to fully traverse the tree wouldn’t be something I’d do. Obviously that’s going to vary from class to class though. Q. Are there any aditional Blur (or blur trailer style) cinematics in the game? If not in the form of epic story moments atleast in the form of cinematics for when you transit (arrive/depart a planet/station) as it was in the kotor series? A. No cinematics that I’ve seen. When you take off in your ship there is a cut-scene but it is rendered in-game. Q. Do you have any indication on the beta forums, that the animations are still going to improve or change? A. All that sort of stuff is constantly being tweaked and improved, but if you’re expecting a complete revamp or something, no. Q. Do they plan to revamp some of the effects that some abilities use? like the consular for example. A. It’s possible they might replace a graphic here and there, but nothing seems like an obvious placeholder. Q. How many vehicles (mounts) models did you saw till now? A. There are three that I know about. Not sure what else is out there. Q. Can you say anything about the galatic trade network (auction house), does it have anything unusual? A. Lots of search and filter options like you might imagine, but that’s about it. Works basically like WoW with a little better searching. Q. TOR devs have said that it's a lot to do in the endgame. Do you got enough information to confirm if this is right or wrong? A. Nobody really at 50 yet, so it’s hard to say. Q. Is the flashpoint you have diverse? I'm thinking about in looks, in boss fights, in story, in conversations. A. All the flashpoints are unique. Q. Have you played the vengeance tree of the Juggernaut, and if you have: was the DPS competitive with a marauder? A. Haven’t grouped with any DPS Juggs so I don’t know. Q. What is the population on the servers like at this moment? Are there tons of Jedi running around and very little force users or is it pretty evenly distributed? Any insight on what opening day faction populations will look like using beta as reference? A. Not a lot of people on, but the distribution plays out exactly like you see on the polls on the official forum. Q. Have you dueled anyone as the class of your choice yet? If so, was it fast paced or a slower fight than WoW ? (using it as reference is easy.) A. Haven’t dueled anyone yet. Q. What is your favorite planet so far? A. Tatooine easily. Q. How has cross faction communication worked out so far? I would assume it would be fairly cooperative in beta but I'm curious if you have any thoughts on the subject? A. You can’t even tell who is who in chat right now without doing a /who on them, so not much e-peening between factions. Who knows what’ll happen at release. Q. Please elaborate on why it is the "best game you've ever played." A. Uh, a billion reasons really. I suppose I could write an essay, but the basic reasoning here is that I have a lot of games I can play and things I could be doing, but the only thing I want to do is play this game. Q. Based on what you've played so far, what is your prediction for the release date of the game? A. October 4th. Q. Are all classes really equally viable in dps as the devs have stated? For example, is a dps Juggernaut just as good as a dps Marauder? A. Pretty balanced as far as I can tell. No DPS meter or anything obviously, so I’m just eyeballing it. Q. What are your impressions on the Shadow and Assassin ACs? A. Haven’t played these. Q. Could you tell us a little bit about the third/unrevealed warzone? A. The Pit on Nar Shaddaa. You join one of two teams in a kind of big epic game of hardcore rugby. There’s a ball in the middle and your goal is to grab it and dump it in the opponents goal. There are pits of fire, buffs you can pick up. Bunch of ramps, platforms, etc. Best of all, this warzone isn’t based on a Faction vs. Faction story. It’s like a sports game. Mascots, team logo, etc. You can actually end up with Imperial team vs. Imperial team, or Republic team vs. Republic team. I don’t know why no one has leaked this yet, because it’s epic as hell and way different from any PvP I’ve ever seen in any MMO. Q. Hey i've been wondering for a while now about the shared tree of some of these classes. Specifically the force users. For example, lets say i wanted to make a Sith Assassin, but i would really prefer to use a single saber (but i dont make a sorcerer because i dont want to be a caster, nor want to use heavy armor as a juggernaut).... SO, i was wondering if you could ask the tester if there is some extent of viability in putting points straight up the shared tree (as an assassin/shadow) and using a single saber? would this even work? and what kind of function role does doing this give you? A. The weapons you use are determined by your AC, period. If you’re an Assassin, you’re using a double bladed saber. Q. I was wondering if Rick Ross would be down for leaking talent trees. I know he doesn't want to post screenshots and that typing them out would be quite an undertaking, but I know the community would appreciate it! A. I’d have to level every class to 10 to do that, so it’s not really feasible. Q. BioWare has already confirmed that day/night cycles won't be handled like they are in most MMOs, and will be used for narrative purposes. Have you noticed any changes in day/night when you travel across a world (for instance, is one section of Coruscant day, while another section is night?), or is it always one set time of the day all across a world? A. No time of day changes that I’ve seen. There aren’t any loading screens or anything when you’re traveling around a world so it’s all one big world in one big time of day. I’ll keep my eyes open though. Q. How is EXP given when multiple people attack the same mob. Does the first one to attack "TAG" the mob for quest credit and exp? A. Works like in WoW. You hit it first, and it’s belongs to you and your group if you’re in one. Q. In PvP how is kill credit given? Most damage ? in the area? healing someone? A. Last blows give you badges, they are worth 50 valor and one token. Kill credit is given to anyone who participates in the fight. Q. Has anybody complained much about specific advanced classes in PVP? A. Not really. Q. "Color crystals have stats on them, and there are some restrictions. There is actually a post on the public forums from Emanuel Lusinchi regarding this. Check the Dev Tracker." Are you sure? From all i have heard and seen of (leaked screenshot) it seems, that colour-crystals and stat-crystals differ from each other. It would not appreciate it, if i could only use purple LS by accepting possible bad or useless stats. A. As I said, color crystals have stats. I’m looking at mine right now and it’s got Endurance, Strength, and Willpower on it. Q. As i seen mentioned in the recent Q & A is that by lvl 20 there were up to 20 flashpoints available.Is that true? A. The 20 Flashpoints thing was my bad. I misunderstood the question. I was including phased group quests too. Q. How long on average do flashpoints take to complete for a competent group ? A. It’ll vary from flashpoint to flashpoint. Black Talon was pretty quick for me, maybe a half hour. But Bioware has already said that something like Taral V is a 90 minute+ affair. Q. Is it possible to "program" the companions like in Dragon Age, where you tell the companion to heal if player is below 25%, attack target if player is above 75%, use granade if target is belov 25% and so on? A. Nope. Companions have preset behaviors you set them to. No fancy Dragon Age stuff. Q. Can you tell anything about pc requirements to play the game on “max detail”? or about the detail they had on e3? A. I don’t run on max, but it won’t take a very powerful rig. Q. Is there anything you know about how the sound is selected? i mean can you change the different languages of the voice over locally or is it server dependent? A. No idea. Right now they only give us the English voice assets in the download. Q. Do you know if there is any plan on tuning the robe animation of those rubber tubes the SI seems to wear? it didnt look as finished as the other classes skirt animations to me (e3 gameplay) A. Uh, no clue. People in testing don’t really obsess over every little animation like the public forums do. Bioware polishes stuff all the time, and they don’t put out a 5000 item to-do list about every tweak they are going to make. Q. No spoilers plz but would you say the class stories are more like “ah, ok, nice to know *yawn* “ or more like “damn, i wanted to sleep 5 hours ago but i need to know juuuust a little more” ? A. It’s really hard to put the game down. Q. We know almost nothing about Vanguard Tactics AC. We know that it's a melee/mid range class and there is a knife in the arsenal. That's it. Could you tell us about its mechanics, what sort of fish is it? Is it a full dps AC and if it so, can a Vanguard Tactics trooper wear the heaviest armour ? A. No idea about the fish you’re talking about, but AC determines your armor proficiencies and weapons, not your skill trees. Q. Can you give us more information about titles ? Will we have some intermediate titles like "Padawan", "Apprentice"or will we have only the "final titles" like "Dark" or "Master" ? When you have the title like "Dark" do you haveto choose a nickname ? Or do they just pick your name and add "Dark" in front ? A. There are a ton of titles and you start getting them at low levels. Q. Devs have commented that it is not likely an appearance tab will ever be implemented within SWTOR. They have also said that they have their own "Bioware" system for customization that they will be using and not to worry about it. Has this been implemented within this build and if so what or how is it done. ( to put into context i was wondering if i could "keep" a look if i liked it for the duration of the game ie. Bits and parts from factional armor and etc. without being punished stat wise) I understand that the a-tab is the lowest denominator for customization and if Bioware has a better system awesome i just want to know if i can look like how i want to look like in game without being horrible equipped. A. You look like what gear you have equipped. There is no way to swap appearance from one item to another currently or anything like that. You can put on the color matching, but that’s it. Q. What kinds of stats do tanks want? Is it just Endurance or are there other tank stats (like dodge and parry in other games)? A. Endurance for HP, Armor for mitigation, and then a mix of DPS stats I guess. I haven’t seen any dodge or parry rating or anything like that yet. Q. Is there still a lockout on the flashpoints where you can only do the same flashpoint once per day? A. Not that I’ve seen. I ran Black Talon twice the other day. I don’t know if that’s just for testing or what. Q. Do you know anything about variable difficulties for anything (e.g. harder mode flashpoints or quests)? What about something akin to heroic-mode instances in WoW (max level versions of the flashpoints with harder mechanics/better rewards)? A. No “heroics” that I’m aware of. Currently the raid UI displays 8 man Normal and Hard and 24-man Normal and Hard. But I don’t think those are final. Q. Do NPC's in the game have any sort of "resolve" bar where they become immune to the CC's overtime or can you just keep using them to chain-stun/cc the npc's? A. No diminishing returns on NPCs. Q. If you've done any PvP yet or have spoken to anyone who has: How does bolstering work (the powering up people to 80% for lower level/undergeared people -does it just raise stats or give abilities or what)? Do you think it works well or not? A. Just cranks your stats up. Didn’t get exact percentages, but you don’t get extra abilities or anything. Seems to work pretty well though. Balances things out nicely. Q. Does it seem like there is a specific tree for the classes that is more focused on PvP type abilities/ utility or are those kinds of talents spread out pretty evenly? A. PvP talents are spread out. There aren’t PvP-centric trees. Q. Have you run into any sorts of vanity items like pets? Can you give a couple examples? A. One guy had a mouse droid, another had a probe droid. Q. Is swimming in the game? A. Like BioWare has already stated, no swimming. Q. Are achievements implemented? A. Not yet. Q. What does the "Shield" stat do? Does it replace "Deflection" or does it do something different? A. Honestly I’m not really sure what it does. I don’t have anything like that on my gear though. Q. Is there a "Dodge" stat? I.e. attack hits, you have X% chance to dodge? A. No dodge stat on the character sheet anywhere. Q. Personal Shield Generators. Is this still an equippable item, and if so, can Guardians/Marauders still equip them? Does it add to armor? A. Shield generators take up a weapon slot. I think they are just for tanks. Q. Roughly how much mitigation do you get from equipping heavy armor? A. Don’t know. I can’t equip Heavy on any of my current characters. Q. How will items be repaired, by crafters? Can items break beyond repair and be useless? A. Any vendor NPC can repair gear. No perma-breaking. Q. Can we decorate our ships OURSELVES by dropping and dragging any items we want or will BW go the simple, boring, trophy collecting route as seen in Mass Effect 2? A. No decoration I’ve seen, other than collecting companions to sit around. Q. How will TOR encourage player interaction and gathering in cities such as at cantinas? specifically, are there are mechanics in place such as the Battle Fatigue system seen in SWG? A. Not much reason to go to a cantina really, other than to have a conversation with your companions. Q. Is there a system for small player made camps as seen in SWG? A. No. Q. How are new lightsabers acquired? looting, crafting through crew skills?, or created through a cinematic(seen in released video) by ourselves or mini game? A. Same as any other weapons. Loot one, get one from a quest, buy one off the AH whether it be BOE or Crafted. Q. How will lightsaber crystals be acquired? looting, cave explorations and gathering, crew skills gathering? A. Haven’t run into a color crystal yet, other than the one that comes with my sabers, but power crystals you can buy off commendation vendors, auction house, etc. Like any other items really. Q. Can we get mods for our guns such as extended clips for Troopers or larger gas tanks for Bounty Hunger flame abilities? or mods for better shielding abilities on armor? or do the mods simply affect accuracy, damage, etc. A. Equipment has mod slots, but they just modify stats that I’ve seen. Q. How many raids are in the game roughly? A. Only know about the Eternity Vault right now. Don’t know what else they have in store. Q. How does stealth work for the Sith Assassin? Such as, is it a % based roll off affected by your agility rating or based only on proximity to hostile targets? A. It works like in WoW. Q. Is there a "deathblow" after defeating a player or do they immediately 'die'? A. Your HP reaches zero, you’re dead. Q. What are the rewards for Space Combat, wearable armor/weapons? A. The rewards for space combat are apparently just equipment for space combat. Haven’t messed with it personally yet though. Q. Do you think a hybrid would be as valuable in a group as a pure dps or pure tank built AC in TOR? for example, a Firebug BH. A. You’re probably better off just bringing specialized characters. DPS specs for DPS, tank specs for tanking, heal specs for healing. But there isn’t any in-depth theorycrafting yet. Q. As we all know, the choices have an impact on the story. It's pretty important for some of us. Seeing the consequences of what I've done would be great. But what happens when your choices are different from those made by other players and you team up as a group to do a new story-based quest? Do the NPC's in conversations only mention the decisions of the leader? Are there any other problems with continuity in story-based quests that you could mention? A. What you choose affects your story. It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s actually pretty complex the way they have it set up. Q. How many lightsabre forms (Ataru, Shii-Cho and so on) have you seen and for which ACs are those forms? A. I’ve seen Ju-Yo, Ataru, and Shii-Cho. Don’t know what else is out there. Q. Can you have multiple chars on one account crafting, while offline? A. Yes. Q. Can you give an example of high end crafting items? A. Nope. No high-end crafters yet, really. Q. I was wondering if there's any indication as to how many characters we'll be able to create on one server. What's the limit in the beta currently? A. 8 character slots. Q. Darth Hater reported that there was no natural cover on Tatooine when they tested the game, and that holding down shift and hitting "r" like you are supposed to got an error message. They said only the portable cover worked. Can you confirm that natural cover is still in the game? Is it everywhere? Thanks! A. Daniel Erickson already answered this on the public forums. Tatooine hasn’t had full cover passes yet. But it’s coming. Q. In games like WOW, some areas are reused, such as cave interiors and buildings. Is there anything like this in TOR or is everywhere unique? A. So far every single area, phased zone, building, etc. has been unique and hand-crafted. None of that copy-pasted cave crap like in WoW. Q. What happens to a phased area after you have completed the quests involved with it? Does it just stay empty forever? A. Most of the time the Door turns red and you can’t go in again. Q. Are cover reliant Smugglers and Agents now viable in PVP or are they still having problems balancing them? A. I haven’t really seen people using cover in PvP. I imagine in some scenarios it could be useful, but people seem to prefer to stay mobile. As to whether that’s the smart thing to do, I don’t know. Companion Questions Q. Do you know if there is a male and female romance option for every class? What classes do you know that they are available for? A. No idea on the specific companion romances available to each class. Q. Have you heard of or met any annoying companions or are they all really cool so far? A. Vette needs to shut up and die. I didn’t join the Empire to hold hands and sing songs. Q. Supposedly, each class only gets 5 unique companions. Have you found any companions that are available for anyone? A. 5 unique companions for each class. No selection of generic companions. Q. Would you say that the amount of dialog from your companions is similar to the amount of dialog with your companions in Dragon Age or Mass Effect? A. There’s a pretty solid amount of dialog with them. Similar to other Bioware games. Q. For the character that you have gotten the farthest with: at what levels did you get your companions? Do you feel like you get them at good intervals or does it take a long time to get new ones? A. Pretty evenly spread out, about every 10 levels. Q. Do you know if Shae Vizsla is a possible companion? Have you met Shae Vizsla? A. Don’t remember who that is. Haven’t run into them. Q. Does every class have a big hulky companion, a droid, a cute companion, and a male and female love interest? A. Companions are pretty varied. Q. Don't tell me what it is, but have you ever seen any companion that is cuter than Blizz? A. No. Q. What are your thoughts on the female smuggler's voice? A. Haven’t spent much time around smugglers. Q. Are you allowed to have more than one character or do you just have to play one from start to finish in testing? A. You can do whatever you want. I don’t know what past phases were like, but this is like any MMO beta you’d expect. A really complete version of the game where you can just do whatever. Q. I know you haven't been able to play the Trooper, but did you happen to see any Commandos who are able to hide their weapons when out of combat? If yes, is that ability available to all classes? A. Weapon goes on your back, or on your waist, or wherever your class keeps it. Q. What is the difference between Armormech and Synthweaving? Is one for Heavy and one for Medium/Light? A. Armormech is armor for non-Force Users, Synthweaving is for Force User armor. Q. In your opinion, are you likely to get ganked a lot on PvP servers? What would you say is the biggest difference between them? A. You’re going to get rocked on a PvP server. Prepare accordingly. Q. I probably don't want to know the answer to this question...but do you know if Beta Testers will be given any special bonuses as thanks when the game launches? As if the rest of us didn't envy you enough already :D A. Our special bonus is that we get to play the game before everyone else. Come release everyone is equal as it should be. Q. Have you guys been given any information on when they might be bringing in more players to testing, even rumors? A. Nothing official. I’ve heard the same rumors you have. Q. Any idea what the recent survey-then-invite event was about, or what their role will be? A. They haven’t told us anything about it. Q. Tell me about the mail system. I would assume there is a way to mail other characters items, if so do they call it anything fancy? How frequent are mail boxes and what do they look like? What is the cost to mail items? A. Mail is like WoW. Mailboxes have a little hologram envelope floating above them. It costs 5 credits to send a mail, 10 if you’re sending items. Q. Any clue on how cross faction communication will be solved? A. It’s not really an issue in testing, but Bioware will do whatever they decide to do. Q. how many emotes are in the game? A. There are quite a few. Q. Can you set different moods for a different facial expression, walking and standing style ? A. No. Q. can you create chat channels on your own ? A. Not right now. Q. Can you make/write some "custom emotes" (with no special animation) ? like for example "Luke points at the the wookie next to han solo" which are in a different "emote-color" in the chat system? (like typing in swg a : and next to it your "emote") A. If its in, it doesn’t use the same command as WoW. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use it. Q. How many people can you invite to your ship A. Just your group. Q. Can you "launch" the ship into space with some others players and then play inside the ship or do you have to stay on the ground? A. You can travel from planet to planet with the people in your ship, but no you can’t just park in space somewhere. Q. Are you able to interacte with many people or are they just stuck in there own instances? A. There isn’t really any instancing outside of flashpoints. Just occasional phasing. Q. When you are on nar shaddaa or the other multi-faction-planets. are there areas only for imperials and only for republics or can you actualy be in the same area with the other faction? A. No faction restricted areas on those planets. Q. Is clothing restricted? I mean can a jedi wear smuggler clothes? Or can your class only equip the class clothing? A. You can wear whatever you have the armor proficiency for. Q. Is there neutral social clothing? Some stuff that looks like "everday normal guy" clothing? Not heroic? Clothing with no stats? A. No social clothing that I’ve seen yet.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 said: No idea about the fish you’re talking about, but AC determines your armor proficiencies and weapons, not your skill trees. Bu yanlış. said: Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc. Nası yeto bi beta testersın diye sormak istedim elemana. Bide kotor2de katarr ı miraluka homeworld olarak anlatmıyor muydu? Playable race olarak görünce şaşırdım ama home planet olarak alpheridies geçiyor. Neyse visas marr fetişistlerine gün doğdu, doya doya female miraluka açarsınız heh.
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Their adopted homeworld was Alpheridies, a planet the Miraluka migrated to when their original homeworld was rendered uninhabitable. A colony world of the Miraluka named Katarr was stripped of all life by Sith Lord Darth Nihilus in approximately 3,952 BBY, during a Jedi convocation.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Evet evet wookipediadan baktım bende şimdi, ama retcon mu merak ediyorum. said: "Atton said her planet was wiped out, that it was the only colony of her people in this sector of the galaxy." Galaksinin bu tarafındaki tek koloni olarak geçiyormuş katarr kotor2de. Retcon falan yok yani, devam edebiliriz sdf
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011 axedice said: said: No idea about the fish you’re talking about, but AC determines your armor proficiencies and weapons, not your skill trees. Bu yanlış. said: Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc. Nası yeto bi beta testersın diye sormak istedim elemana. Bide kotor2de katarr ı miraluka homeworld olarak anlatmıyor muydu? Playable race olarak görünce şaşırdım ama home planet olarak alpheridies geçiyor. Neyse visas marr fetişistlerine gün doğdu, doya doya female miraluka açarsınız heh. anırdım.
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 amanin 30 gunluk beta test geldi, niye bir suresi varsa :( sizlerde kontrol ediniz email larinizi
Soimyr Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 katarr ı sadece miraluka kolonisi diyor, homewolrd hiç demiyor ktoor2 de.
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 draedan said: amanin 30 gunluk beta test geldi, niye bir suresi varsa :( sizlerde kontrol ediniz email larinizi Detayları dört gözle bekliyoruz
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 revhas said: tebrikler draedan... sagol, account hepimizin :D
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2011 siraya girin, herkes bi gun oynasin.
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 22, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 22, 2011 draedan said: revhas said: tebrikler draedan... sagol, account hepimizin :D Teşekkürü ben de bir borç bilirim. ;)
hamsilipilav Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 22, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 22, 2011 özel bölüm açalım kilitli millet ispikleyemesin orda ss falan paylaş video koy sdfsdfs :D
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