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Warhammer 40k Online

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ben olurum abi orc
neden olmiyim
belirli bi arkadas grubun olduktan sonra
daocta mesela warbandler gexzerdi
30 40 kişi herp beraber
eger aktif olarak space marine sayısınıf elan limitliceklerse
Mesaj tarihi:
Mutlaka okuyun.Bu röportajtan sonra bu oyunu ciddi ciddi beklemeye başladım.Anlattıkları sistemler acayip hoşuma gitti açıkçası.

Oyunla ilgili çok ayrıntılı bir röportaj gerçekleştirmişler.Belli önemli kısımları buraya kopyalayayım ben.Hepsini okumak isteyen burdanokusun.

G: Where’s your focus for the game? More centered on PvP, more PvE-oriented, or balanced between the two?

M: Oh my god… (Editor’s Note: Yes, I know, that was an obvious question…) The game is 90-95% PvP, but it’s massive PvP. I’ll tell you the difference: let’s say you’re not a PvP player, but you play in a PvP battleground in an MMO. You go through the group finder and you’re matched with four other people you don’t know, and these four people are very good players and start screaming at you because you’re not doing it right. That’s the part of PvP that PvE players don’t like.
But when you talk about massive PvP, it’s quite different. When you have hundreds or even thousands of players on the same battlefield dishing it out on each other, for you as a PvE player, you don’t really care, because you’re part of thousands of people just killing each other. These people could very well be AI and you wouldn’t notice much difference, because no one is going to single out your mistakes between those thousands of people. So PvP is 90% of the game, but there’s a lot of stuff that you can do that is very different from the usual PvP battleground.
To let you understand, I studied war strategy in university and worked for the Canadian army when I was younger, so we are really applying real military strategy to the game and to the Warhammer 40K lore. For instance I’m not too keen about going into the big battles, I’m more of a sneaky guy, so I would create my squad of five to ten people and I would go through the enemy lines covertly, and I would try to destroy all the outposts around the main fortress, because they’ll represent the logistics feeding the fortress itself. I would also kill all the weapon manufacturers providing the enemy with equipment.
It’s still PvP, because I’m still fighting to defeat the other races, but I’m sabotaging their logistics instead of going to a larger front and just fighting hundreds of people.
The other way you can do it is by exploring the world, finding new resources, building outposts there to be able to extract them and help your friends in the war effort. Again, you’re not actually fighting, but you’re helping your race. There’s going to be tons of content to enjoy for people that actually don’t want to take part in your usual PvP. Even for people that want to try PvP, it’s going to be very different than the normal five versus five you find in other games, because it’s going to be hundreds of people fighting to push the frontline closer and closer to the enemy fortress and eating their territory one meter at a time, one kill at a time.

G: Is it a sandbox or theme park game, are there going to be quests at all? Any single player-focused storyline?

M: There’s a very small and general storyline. The types of quests…I don’t want to call them quests…The types of objectives in the game will be the same you have in an army.
Think about it: if I’m a general on a battlefield, do I tell some of my soldiers “Can you get this package and bring it to Mrs. Flowers that lives in this place?” or “Could you go in the woods and kill…” No, no. The way we’re going to do this is more similar to realistic military objectives. For instance there may be a Tyranid incursion on your southern border, and you’re sent to protect the outpost. That’s an example. Another may be that the Orks are getting close to find an artifact in a certain mine, and you have to make sure to get it first.
Most of the objectives you’ll receive will be coming from other players that have moved up the hierarchy in your race and have become squad leaders, chapter leaders or are part of the war council. The War council is ten players that basically set up all the main objectives for their race. These players have grown through the ranks and have been voted by other players to lead the war effort for the whole race. They will give the objectives to each squad leader. It works like a real war.
And I won’t be there to make sure that it’s balanced. I’m not there to tell each race how to wage their war. I’m just giving them the tools. This is a game we’re making for the players, so the players will decide how to wage war. That’s the reason why we’ll have campaigns up to three months long. We want to have a winner at the end of the day. I hate massive PvP where you fight and fight and fight but there’s never a real winner.
I say up to three months, because if a bunch of Navy Seals decide to form a guild or a chapter and play our game, most likely they will defeat everyone else very fast because they know military strategy, and our game will be a realistic representation of military strategy. If this happens, and it happens too fast, in order to keep the game somehow balanced we have the Tyranid. They will be a race that we at Behaviour will control in addition to the dynamic weather system that can affect territories and performance.
If near the beginning of a new campaign we find out that the Space Marines are about to wipe out the whole planet in a week, they will suddenly attract a lot more interest from the Tyranid and will need to protect their borders a bit more and allow the other races to gather their strength and provide a real challenge. We’ll intervene to keep it moderately balanced, without too much influence, just enough to make a campaign last at least over two weeks…

G: Can you tell us more about combat, and on how it’ll work? How important will cover mechanics be?

M: One of the things I really did not like in my other experiences in MMOs and MOBAs is that people always say not to expect visceral combat like on single player console games, because in MMOs it can’t happen. I say that’s bulls*it. We will have the best combat ever. I don’t mind poeople comparing the combat we’ll feature in our game with what you can find on consoles.
Our combat will be visceral, dirty, you’ll be able to duck behind obstacles, shoot from behind them, the obstacles will be destructable as well, we’re going to have dodging and rolling and melee mixed with ranged combat. It will not just be in sequence. A Space Marine will shoot you in the face with his gun at very close range and then slash you with his sword, and then shoot again. It’s going to be a mix between Gears of War and THQ’s Space Marine, from a third person over-the-shoulder point of view.
Depending on which class you’ll choose in the game, it’s going to be exactly the same as the tabletop, some classes are more sensitive to ranged attacks, while some will be more sensitive to melee. The same concept will be in our game, so you’ll have to build your army with other players in a way that will maximize both melee and ranged in the same way you’d do in the tabletop.

G: Did you choose the business model you’ll use with Eternal Crusade? Pay to Play of Free to Play?

M: That’s a very important point. One of the things I don’t like in the industry is that I feel that there’s always conflict between free players and committed players. These two types of players are both important to the industry, but they’re always conflicting with each other. Those that spend money feel that they’re being screwed over by the company because free players are able to play without having to pay a penny. They also feel that free players are disrespectful of other players and of the rules of the game, creating noise in the game. Do you see this?

G: I can definitely see that a conflict exists, and when a game goes free to play, paying players always complain about the deterioration of the community.

M: Exactly. My idea, and what I’m going to implement is very true to the lore. The game is free to play, but we have four races controlled by the player, while one is controlled by us. Only one of the playable races will be free to play, while the other three will be buy to play like Guild Wars 2.
Actually, all four playable races are buy to play, but the Orks have an option which is free to play: the Ork boyz. If you want to play our game and you don’t want to spend a single cent, you can still access the whole game and do whatever you want without restriction, but you can only be an Ork Boy. You can’t be an Ork Nob or above…Those are buy to play as well even if we’ll have very affordable pricing, definitely cheaper than Guild Wars 2.
That said, Ork Boyz are going to be free, and they will be able to progress horizontally with skills and everything, but vertically, if you want to become an Ork Nob, you’ll have to buy it. The reason for that is because in order to be responsible to give orders and objectives to other players, we want you to be a committed player. In order to become a leader in our game, you’ll need to pay.
Otherwise, if you’re ok with being a grunt and experience everything, then you can be an Ork Boy, and the reason for that is that you need at least three to five Ork Boyz in the Warhammer 40k universe to kill a Space Marine. If we made Ork Boyz as powerful as Space Marines, everyone would hate us, because it would fly in the face of the lore.
One of the strengths of Orks is numbers. You never talk about one Ork. You talk about hordes of Orks. Thousands of them. To represent that in our game we need our Ork Boyz to be way more numerous than the other races. Having them as free to play allows us to achieve that.
The other reason is because the difference in personality between committed players and free players is exactly the same difference between the culture of Space Marines and Orks.

G: I see, you expect many free players to be undisciplined like Orks.

M: Exactly! You expect them to be less disciplined. You expect them to be rude. You expect them to defy orders. You expect them to ignore objectives, and to insult you all the time, exactly like Orks would do. We’re taking something that is seen as bad, and we’re transforming it into something true to the IP.
On top of that, just imagine that you love Orks, and you bought the Ork Nob premium option, so now you’re an Ork general and you’re preparing to attack an objective. You’re going to have five times as many soldiers as the other races under your command, but once you give the order 30-40% of them might obey, while 60-70% will tell you “fu*k you!” and they’ll start running left and right and do whatever they want. And that’s exactly what true Orks would do.
When you die on the battlefield, you don’t really die immediately. You’re hurt on the ground and cannot move until one of your friends comes and heals you. Though, like in a real battlefield, you have a chance to be executed by the enemy as well. We have that feature and we’re going to provide players with a lot of lore-friendly race-specific executions for free, but we’ll also have hundreds of different microtransaction-based executions.
Just imagine: you spent two hundred dollars on the game. You won four campaigns, and you’re one of the top Space Marine players in your chapter in a huge battle, and suddenly you fail to pay attention and you end up wounded on the ground, and then you see a puny free to play Ork that just started playing the game running towards you and he executes you in a very humiliating way (because Orks are like that), for instance by choking you by sitting with his butt in your face with the teabagging execution he purchased for $1.
He also records it, because we have an API to post things like these on Facebook and Youtube, humiliating you in front of everyone. So all the free players that see that video will want to buy all kinds of humiliating executions to troll the space marines as much as they can. With this we’ll even be able to monetize trolling.
In response you’ll be so pissed, and I promise you, you’ll remember that Ork’s name and you’ll make it one of the next objectives of your chapter to obliterate that guy. He’s going to hide, because your whole squad is going to run all over the place to find him. Those free players that like to piss off other players and grief their gameplay will be trying to avoid contact and just wait for someone else to fall on the ground in order to run to them and execute them with another humiliating animation. And that’s what Orks would do in the Warhammer 40k universe. They would kill you while you’re defenseless, and then sit on your face and dance around you. This will be our approach to monetization.


Orklar tamamen f2p bir ırk olmayacak.Orklar ücretsiz oyuncuların oynayabileceği tek ırk olacak.Oyundaki 4 ırkda satın alınabilecek.Irkları satın aldığınızda premium player olacaksınız.Yani oyun aslında f2p opsiyonu bulunan b2p bir oyun.Orkların hepsi güçsüz diye birşey yok.F2p ork oyuncularına "Ork Boyz" diyorlar.Sadece f2p oynayan orklar güçsüz olacak.Eğer ork ırkını satın alırsanız ork general olacaksınız ve bu sayede diğer ırkların gücüne denk bir duruma geleceksiniz.Bu sayede hem lorea uygun bir ırk mantalitesi yaratılmış oluyor.Hem f2p oyuncuların önü açılıyor.Hem de oyun içi denge sağlanabiliyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Anlatılanlar güzelde bir yere kafam takıldı. Sen oyuna 200 USD harcamışsın, chapterdaki en babayiğit marinelerdensin. Bir an dikkatin dağıldı ve savaşta düştün. Oyuna 1 usd'lik execution zımbırtısıyla ork boy gelip seni kesebilir mi diyor?

Niye 200 usd harcıyorum oyuna?
Mesaj tarihi:
Sanguin said:

Anlatılanlar güzelde bir yere kafam takıldı. Sen oyuna 200 USD harcamışsın, chapterdaki en babayiğit marinelerdensin. Bir an dikkatin dağıldı ve savaşta düştün. Oyuna 1 usd'lik execution zımbırtısıyla ork boy gelip seni kesebilir mi diyor?

Niye 200 usd harcıyorum oyuna?

savaşta düşme olayından sonra fırsat bulan herhangi biri gelip seni öldürebiliyor zaten, 1 usd'lik execution derken bahsettiği şey düşman oyuncunun 1 dolar verip satın aldığı özel animasyon içeren bi execution ile seni öldürüp daha sonra seni cümle aleme rezil etmesi

yani oyunu free oynayan adam para vermiş olan adamla 1v1 kapışıp yere çalacak gibi bir şeyden söz edilmemiş, hatta böyle bir şeyin olamayacağı 3-4 kere filan tekrarlanmış
Mesaj tarihi:
Tamam da benim anlamadığım neden 200 usd harcansın oyuna. Bu söyledilerini zaten anladım yazıdan. Sanırım demek istediğii anlatamamışım.

@mori : göstereyim mi neremle okudum?
Mesaj tarihi:
abi su efsaneymis ya;

You’re going to have five times as many soldiers as the other races under your command, but once you give the order 30-40% of them might obey, while 60-70% will tell you “fu*k you!” and they’ll start running left and right and do whatever they want. And that’s exactly what true Orks would do.

bi oyunda f2p'in gameplay ve sagaya bu kadar iyi yerlestirilebildigini hic gormemistim :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Sanguin said:

Tamam da benim anlamadığım neden 200 usd harcansın oyuna. Bu söyledilerini zaten anladım yazıdan. Sanırım demek istediğimi anlatamamışım.

abi 200 doları nerde gördün ki
buy to play olucak ve gw2'den ucuz olucak demişler
Mesaj tarihi:
Sanguincim diyor ki adam 100lerce degisik micro transactionla alinan executionlar var. yarali adami bitirrme. Kafasina oturma vs. sen gidip bunlara 200 dolar vermis olabilirsin dio, icerisinde oyun parasi da dahil olsun 40dolar vs. bi orc gelio sadece 1 dolara en asagayici executioni satin almis sana yapip videoyu nete koyuo dio. Oradaki 200 e takilma yani

Bu arada inanilmaz begendim. F2p insanlari cok guzel implement etmisler. Orc oynasan bile para verip, yuksek bir rankte. Gorev verirken bilecen ki cogu askerin lamer olacak hehe. Bunun disinda ust ranklerin command vermesi bole su playeri oldur kadar customizable olmasi harika. Interfaceini fln cok merak ettim. Bi de o gorevler i birilerine assign mi edicen acaba yoksa bole 10 tane gorev yaratip bunlar bitmesi lzm gencler herkes begendigini secsin yapsin mi olacak. Sanki 2. Si mmo kulturune daha uygun gibi
Mesaj tarihi:
Sanguin said:

Tamam da benim anlamadığım neden 200 usd harcansın oyuna. Bu söyledilerini zaten anladım yazıdan. Sanırım demek istediğii anlatamamışım.

@mori : göstereyim mi neremle okudum?

abi honda gidip maymunun gotunde kuyrugu yeşil olsun mor değil diye 30 dolar veriyo millet
neden vermesin kş 200 dolar
Mesaj tarihi:
Saeros said:

Sanguin said:

Tamam da benim anlamadığım neden 200 usd harcansın oyuna. Bu söyledilerini zaten anladım yazıdan. Sanırım demek istediğimi anlatamamışım.

abi 200 doları nerde gördün ki
buy to play olucak ve gw2'den ucuz olucak demişler

Bak agali şöyle bir yazı var oradan gördüm ;

Just imagine: you spent two hundred dollars on the game. You won four campaigns, and you’re one of the top Space Marine players in your chapter in a huge battle, and suddenly you fail to pay attention and you end up wounded on the ground, and then you see a puny free to play Ork that just started playing the game running towards you and he executes you in a very humiliating way (because Orks are like that), for instance by choking you by sitting with his butt in your face with the teabagging execution he purchased for $1.

@Axedice : ben aptal mıyım bilmiyorum ama senin o lafı yüzüme söyleyemeyecek kadar delikanı olmadığını bilecek akdar akılıyım:) Tabi sen bu lafı anlayana kadar biraz vakit geçer ama olsun.

200 değilmiş yüzlerceymiş hatta, bir nevi f2p'ye daha çok yaklaştırıyor oyunu...
Mesaj tarihi:
yav 4 yildir mmo içmiyorum
adamlarin yaptiklarina bak
bide wh40k en sevdigim settinglerden biri
su yazıdan anladigim kadariylada rpye uygun bir oyuncu tayfasi olacak
allah belanizi versin ne diyim
kaosun piçleri
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