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Mortal Online

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
edit: yazılmış pardon xP
13 Temmuz'a eretelendi preordler. dolayısıyla beta. :/

Pre-orders will be on:

Originally Posted by Henrik Nystrom
2 weeks would be 13th of July

"On the 25th of June we brought you some good stuff, but today we have to bring you bad news. We have been working very hard to get the shop up and running and for it to accept different methods of payment, however it’s now obvious we have been too optimistic this time as we have encountered several last-minute problems.

Instead of taking the chance that the issues we are facing will all be solved on Monday (29th), and run the risk that one or several of them will remain unsolved, we have decided to delay the opening of the shop for another two weeks. Apart from giving us more time to really work out these issues, it will of course give us time to further prepare for the Beta launch.

More information and a new schedule will be announced on the Mortal Online Game Store soon.

We are obviously very sorry for this delay. We have failed to keep our schedule which we do take very seriously, and we apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you.

Thank you for your understanding,
The Star Vault Dev team"
Mesaj tarihi:
o zaman niye cevap yazma gereği hissedip trollüyorsunki ortalığı neyse,haberleri aldım zaten ,6-7 kişi tam rakam belli değil başlamayı düşünüyoruz,hayırlısı bakalım
Mesaj tarihi:
Kanuni said:

foruma soruyorsun, cevap alamiyorsun, kendin arastiriyorsun cevaplari buluyorsun, paylasmiyorsun. bu nasil forum uyeligi :(

protesto ediyorum.

foruma adam gibi sorarsan cevabını alırsın, ama gidip içinde kalsın yok patlasın yok bilmemde çocuk çocuk yazarsa veya yazarsan veya kim yazarsa cevap alamaz genelde
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