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Divinity: Fallen Heroes

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Divinity: Fallen Heroes is a new tactical game oozing with RPG elements, developed as a co-production between Larian Studios and Logic Artists.

Faced with a new evil, we're calling on YOU to command The Lady Vengeance and continue the story of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Fallen Heroes marries rich tactical gameplay with RPG choices and consequences, and introduces a wealth of new features and mechanics to the D:OS 2 engine.

It will be released on multiple platforms later in the year. Delve deeper into the world of Rivellon as you command your troops aboard the Lady Vengeance. Explore new lands and wield new weapons and skills. Build your squad and vanquish never-before seen corners of Rivellon. Divinity: Fallen Heroes features two player cooperative play as well as a single player mode.

You'll lead your troops across 60 missions, visiting the Lizard Empire and Dwarven Kingdom. 30 different types of unit will be available, along with more than 200 skills. There's a revised combat system, to boot, along with technology that you can research and artefacts that can be used to buff your squad. 

Mesaj tarihi:

Fallen Heroes is a sequel to Original Sin 2, starring the same cast of characters but scaled down to, essentially, just the combat bits. There's a bit of an XCOM-like meta layer here, filtered through Larian's RPG systems. In between missions you'll click through story and dialogue options, and different rooms on the Lady Vengeance operate as simplified versions of XCOM's facilities. Don't go in expecting a sprawling base-building system, but there are upgrades to make to your ship and soldiers in between battles.

Combat looks a whole lot like Original Sin 2, but there are a few major changes for this game—if you've played as much Divinity as I have, that means you'll probably have to rewire your brain's strategy center a bit. In OS2, every character in battle slotted into the turn order somewhere based on their stats, but this time around you take a turn to control your entire team, and then the AI does the same.


* You'll be able to control up to six troops in battle

* Two player co-op support is back.

* Even though this isn't a full-on RPG, your decisions will impact the story, and especially how the characters respond to you. Lose their trust and bad things will happen.

* If you and your co-op partner are making different decisions, your followers will side with whoever's decisions they like more.

* There's a new "surface" type called sulfurium, and any kinetic force applied to it will trigger the surface, flinging characters or objects away and dealing damage.

* There are guns now.

* The Lady Vengeance can serve as your artillery. You'll be able to summon it in battle.

* Though I didn't see this part, you'll be able to position your characters before starting battles.

* The game is a co-production with Expeditions: Viking developer Logic Artists.

* Fallen Heroes is out this year.


Expeditions ı baya sevdi insanlar, logic ekibi iyi seçim gibi.


Mesaj tarihi:

divinity tactics dendi mi

permadeath falan hos olabilir replay value sahibi bir oyunsa.

revised combat system diye okuyup videoda ayni armor sistemini gorunce uzuldum. normal ustu zorluklarda scalingi HP agirlikli yapmakla baslamasi lazim butun revisionlarin.

Mesaj tarihi:

Nee ?! Her yerde mi satılacak? Kardeşim bu adamlar PC oyunculuğunu geliştirmek istemiyor mu? N'aptıklarını sanıyorlar !!! Bari 1 sene sırf Epic'de satsalardı da, istedikleri gibi bir oyun yapabilselerdi. Larian bu işten anlamıyor maalesef.

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