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Grego ile Burası Neresi

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Mesaj tarihi:

gittiğim yerlerde öyle aslında çok gidilmesi gerekmeyen yerlere gidiyorum, onlardan başlık yapayım dedim, post post buraya bunun için mi gittin mekanları göreceğiz.

ilk mekan, londra da.
The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret
şansa bulduğum bir yer, daha doğrusu benzer bir yere gittiğimde burayı önermişlerdi.

şu pyramid in ( shard ) dibinde, bir kilisenin çatı katında uzun yıllar kapalı kalmış bir yer.


The patients were mainly poor people who were expected to contribute to their care if they could afford it. Rich patients were treated and operated on at home rather than in hospital. The patients at the Old Operating Theatre were all women.

ameliyat ortamı

Until 1847, surgeons had no recourse to anaesthetics and depended on swift technique (surgeons could perform an amputation in a minute or less), the mental preparation of the patient, and alcohol or opiates to dull the patient’s senses.

ameliyat ortamı 2

The risk of death at the hands of a surgeon was greatly increased by the lack of understanding of the causes of infection. Although cleanliness was a moral virtue, descriptions suggest that a surgeon was as likely to wash his hands after an operation as before. The old frock coats worn by surgeons during operations were, according to a contemporary, 'stiff and stinking with pus and blood'. Beneath the table was a sawdust box for collecting blood. The death rate was further heightened by the shock of the operation, and because operations took place as a last resort, patients tended to have few reserves of strength.


Little is known of its function beyond its name and the discovery of poppy heads in the rafters. It was presumably used to store and dry herbs for the hospital's apothecary. At about the same time as the operating theatre was built, the garret was reroofed and dormer windows inserted. It has been conjectured that this may suggest the garret changed use, perhaps becoming a recovery ward.


giriş çok pahalı değildi, öyle özellikle gidilecek kadar çok içeriği bulunmuyor ama merkezi bir yerde, geçerken uğranabilir.


Mesaj tarihi:
o zamanlar demirin, çinkonun çok yararlı olmadığı bilinmesine rağmen, pratik çözümler halk arasında yaygınmış. öyle açıklayayım da, gönlünü alayım.
Mesaj tarihi:

2. mekan da londra da,

Dennis Severs House

Dennis Severs' House in Folgate Street is a "still-life drama" created by the previous owner Dennis Severs as a "historical imagination" of what life would have been like inside for a family of Huguenot silk weavers.[1][2] It is a Grade II listed Georgian terraced house in Spitalfields, London, England. From 1979 to 1999 it was lived in by Dennis Severs, who gradually recreated the rooms as a time capsule in the style of former centuries. It is now open to the public.


tavan arası

evin tarihi 1700 lere kadar iniyor. içeride fotoğraf çektirmiyorlar, o yüzden kendi çektiğim fotoğraflar yok. böyle yerleri ben gayet fake bulurdum. böyle yerlerden kastım, experience museum tarzı şeyler. ama resmen yedirtti burası bana bu fikri.

her katı bir yüzyıla ait korunmuş. korunmuş derken, bildiğin korunmuş, gidip o yüzyıla göre döşenmiş değil.evde 1-2 ziyaretçi aynı anda oluyor, seni dış dünyadan soyutluyorlar. sen gezerken de biriyle karşılaşmıyorsun genelde. evde yaşanmış, daha az önce çıkmışlar gibi bir hava yaratmışlar, böyle ateşin üstüne su falan kaynıyor, öyle detaylı. yemekler vs.

dış ortam seslerini de ayarlamışlar, mesela mutfakta dışardaki at arabalarını dinliyorsun böyle uzaktan takır takır.

Woven through the house is the story of the fictive Jervis family (a name anglicised from Gervais), originally Huguenot (French Protestant immigrants) silk weavers who lived at the house from 1725 to 1919. Each room evokes incidental moments in the lives of these imaginary inhabitants.


spitalfields yıllarından kalan bina diyebiliriz, spital in geçmişi çok daha geriye dayanıyor gerçi, jack the ripper ların dolandığı yerler bunlar. o dokuyu size veriyor ev.

üst katlara çıktıkça, 1800-190lere gidiyorsunuz. evi special event olarak kiralayabiliyorsunuz, şarap ikram ediyorlar, şömine önünde vs. sevgili veya eş ile düşünülebilir.

Mesaj tarihi:

evet sıradaki mekan,

Bunker Valentin

burası hakkaten öyle yol üstünde gidilebilecek bir yer değil, o kadar önemli de değil. bremen de işim olduğu için yakında ne var diyerek bulduğum bir yer.

The Valentin submarine factory is a protective shelter on the Weser River at the Bremen suburb of Rekum, built to construct German U-boats during World War II. The factory was under construction from 1943 to March 1945 using forced labour, but was damaged by air-raids and unfinished by the end of the war. The Valentin factory was the largest fortified U-boat facility in Germany, and was second only to those built at Brest in France.

After completion, the bunker would have had a work–force of around 4,500 slave workers.[4] Under the management of the Bremer Vulkan shipyard, it would assemble U-boats. Each would be built from eight, large, pre-fabricated sections manufactured in other shipyards such as Bremer Vulkan, Deschimag AG Weser with its bunker Hornisse, Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven with bunker Wespe and Deschimag Seebeckwerft in Bremerhaven, and then shipped to Valentin on barges.

yani dışarıdan ve içeriden bakınca beton bir kutu aslında. brüt mimariye ilgili olanları biraz stimule edebilir. gittiğimde benden başkası yoktu zaten, dedim yalnız mıyız, ikimiz varız ya dedi görevli.
romantik başladık yani.

Most of the 10,000–12,000 people who built Valentin were slave workers,[6] who lived in seven camps located between 3 and 8 kilometres (1.9 and 5.0 mi) from the bunker. Some were housed in the nearby Bremen-Farge concentration camp, the largest subcamp of the Neuengamme concentration camp complex, with 2,092 prisoners as of March 25, 1945

terkedilmiş gibi duruyor, etrafında ufak canlılık emareleri var ama, psikolojik midir bilmem sadece bunun bulunduğu alan, insandan izole görünüyor.

Work on the bunker took place around the clock, with personnel forced to work 12-hour shifts from 7am to 7pm. This resulted in a high death rate amongst the prisoners. However, the identity of only 553 victims, mostly Frenchmen, has been confirmed.[6] The total number of deaths may be as high as 6,000 as the names of the Polish and Russian dead were not recorded. The worst work on the site was that of the so-called iron detachments (Eisenkommandos), responsible for the movement of iron and steel girders. A French survivor, Raymond Portefaix, stated that a prisoner's life expectancy fell dramatically on being assigned to one of these detachments. He described the Eisenkommandos as suicide squads

The Valentin factory was attacked by the RAF on 27 March 1945. The attacking force consisted of twenty Avro Lancaster heavy bombers of 617 Squadron which had, after the "Dambusters" raid, developed precision bombing methods. Simultaneously, a force of 115 Lancasters bombed the nearby fuel oil storage depot in the village of Schwanewede. The bombers were escorted by ninety RAF North American Mustang fighters of 11 Group[3]

bol bol beton, işlevi yok, tarihi olarak çok büyük bir şeyin parçası değil, uboat üretmek için yapılmış ama 1 tane bile üretememişler. bir yönetim tarafı varsa dahi, bürolar açık değil. sadece kocaman bir alanda yalnız hissederek ürpermek için ideal ama bunun için fikirtepe ye de gidilebilir elbette.

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