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Heroes of the Storm [/join paticik]


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İki yeni hero açıklandı, Diablo 3 Wizard ve Diablo 2 Necromancer. Ayrıntılı bilgi:


Li-Ming, the Wizard

• Trait - Critical Mass: participating in a kill or assist lowers cooldowns of all skills (including Heroics).
• Magic Missile: skillshot that shoots three missiles at a target point. The missiles come from the sides of Li-Ming - not a conventional straight line skillshot.
• Arcane Orb: moderate speed projectile with very long range, dealing more damage the further away enemies are.
• Teleport: can be used to quickly move around and avoid skillshots - very short cooldown. Lower range than Bolt of the Storm or Valla's Vault, for instance.
• 1st Heroic - Disintegrate: channeling wave of energy that is aimed with the cursor (probably like Lightning Breath) and deals damage from long ranges. Good in narrow chokepoints.
• 2nd Heroic - Wave of Force: can detonate a ranged "telekinetic bomb", knocking enemies away from its center and cancelling channeling. Good against powerful backline characters like Morales to disrupt her healing, or Nazeebo to disrupt his Ravenous Spirit.
Xul, the Necromancer

• Trait - Skeleton Raise: raise up to 4 skeletons from dead minions for about 15 seconds.
• Spectral Reaper: it's a reverse skillshot, create a scythe in a target place and then comes towards him. Can curve as it travels towards him. Gives him some lane clear and poking ability.
• Cursed Strike: enhance his auto attacks so that they deal area damage and slow enemy attack speed by 50%. One of his core counter abilities.
• Bone Prison: targeted ability, not a skillshot. Roots an enemy hero after 2 seconds in a Bone Prison - gives up a warning when cast. Enemy heroes have to decide where they want to be stuck 2 seconds later.
• Bonus Ability (1 Key) - Bone Armor: gives you a shield for 25% of your health for 3 seconds. Gives him some much needed survivability.
• 1st Heroic - Poison Nova: big poison explosion that deals massive damage over time to enemies hit. Not very effective if it only catches 1 or 2 frontliners, but a major playmaker if you hit multiple heroes.
• 2nd Heroic - Skeleton Mages: works similar to Tassadar's Force Wall. Creates a line of mages that slows anybody they hit, allowing Xul to split enemy teams at a safer range. Do not impede movement.
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Abi gene Wizard ok de, bu kadar kötü necromancer yapılır mı? D2'deki en karizmatik amcalardan birini gidip "wow dual wielding undead barbarian" yapmışlar. Necro en sevdiğim ve beklediğim karakter olarak çok üzdü beni. Hayır yani çok basit abi, default görüntüsünü yapsalar bize yeterdi:

Hadi bunu yapmıyorsun, D3'te apprentice'i çıkıyor; Mehtan. Bari onun tipinde bir şey yap:

Onun yerine bu dediğin gibi iron maiden reject tip ile kalakaldık.

Daha skill seti hakkında yorum yapmıyorum bile. Umarım skin olarak D2 kostümünü verirler veya mastery skin'de yazık adama bir gömlek giydirirler.

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