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Epic Level Prestige Class:Void Incarnate

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  • Genel Yönetici
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Void Incarnate

The void incarnate specializes in "not being." He trains himself in the art of avoiding detection and escaping danger, and he steels his body and mind to resist harm. Eventually, the void incarnate extends this ability to the point where he can simply ignore a wide variety of physical and mental effects -- much as if he weren't there at all. Void incarnates are sometimes referred to as "blanks" or "untouchables."

Rogues and shadowdancers make the most common void incarnates. Few other characters have the talents to become a blank, though ex-monks who meet the prerequisites often find this class to their liking.

NPC void incarnates might as well not exist, for all that anyone can remember about them. You could live right next door to a void incarnate and not only would you be unaware of his talents, but you also might not even know you had a neighbor at all.

Hit Die: d6.


To qualify to become a void incarnate, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Skills: Bluff 24 ranks, Escape Artist 24 ranks, Hide 24 ranks.
Feats: Great Fortitude or Iron Will or Lightning Reflexes.
Epic Feats: Dexterous Fortitude or Dexterous Will.
Special: Evasion class feature, slippery mind class feature.

Class Skills

The void incarnate's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the void incarnate prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The void incarnate gains no proficiency in armor or weapons.

Blank Aura (Ex): The void incarnate (and any equipment he wears or carries) radiates no aura of any kind. Detect chaos, detect magic, and similar spells simply register him as a blank. The void incarnate cannot lower this aura.

For every four levels gained above 1st, the void incarnate can share this aura with one additional willing creature (and its equipment) within 30 feet of the void incarnate. Granting the blank aura to one or more creatures within range is a standard action; the effect lasts for 24 hours or until the void incarnate dismisses the aura as a free action. A creature sharing the aura must remain within 30 feet of the void incarnate (regardless of line of effect) to receive the benefit of the effect. If a creature sharing the aura leaves the range of the effect, the effect on the creature fades for the amount of time spent away from the void incarnate; moving back into range allows the creature to once again gain the aura's benefits for the remainder of the 24 hours or until the creature leaves the area again, whichever comes first.

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, when subjected to an effect that allows a Reflex save for half damage, the void incarnate takes only half damage on a failed save (and no damage on a successful save, just as with evasion). Improved evasion can be used only if the void incarnate is wearing light armor or no armor.

Void Presence (Ex): Opponents of a void incarnate unconsciously ignore the void incarnate's presence starting at 3rd level. They are always treated as flat-footed to the void incarnate (and thus may not apply their Dexterity modifier to AC). This lasts until the void incarnate attacks the opponent, but resumes again at the start of the void incarnate's next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.

You can also use Bluff to create a diversion to hide as a move-equivalent action, rather than as a standard action.

This ability has an interesting side effect. Anyone attempting to use Gather Information or similar methods to learn about a void incarnate finds the task very difficult. Increase the DC of such tasks by 20 plus the target's void incarnate class level.

Mettle of Fortitude (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, if exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Fortitude save for a partial or half effect (such as slay living), the void incarnate suffers no effect with a successful saving throw.

Blank Mind (Ex): At 5th level, the void incarnate is protected by a mind blank effect at all times. The void incarnate cannot lower this aura, even to accept a harmless mind-affecting spell.

For every four levels gained above 5th, the void incarnate can share this effect with one additional willing creature (and its equipment) within 30 feet of the void incarnate. Granting the blank mind to one creature is a standard action; the effect lasts for 24 hours or until the void incarnate dismisses the aura as a free action. A creature sharing the effect must remain within 30 feet of the void incarnate (regardless of line of effect) to receive the benefit of the effect. If a creature sharin
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi sağolasın da zaten epic level handbookta olayın aferdersin b.ku çıkmış zaten.8 tane filan epic-level prestige class var zaten ve gerçekten 350 sayfalık kitabın 200 sayfası sadece " OHANNES " efekti için yaratılmış :)

Kısaca daha abarmaya gerek yok :)[hline]What we do in life,echoes in eternity.
Mesaj tarihi:
e bu adam neyle ölüyormuş peki? t-1000 midir nedir neyle vursan yarım yamalak dimaj alıyor.. :)[hline]Agent Thompson: You!
Agent Smith: Yes, me.
[turns Thompson into another Smith]
Agent Smith: Me... me... me...
Agent Smith Clone: Me too.
Mesaj tarihi:
yaratıklar da ona göre tabe...

(Huge Outsider, Evil)
HD:52d8+572 (988 hp)
Speed 100ft
AC 70
attacks: 100xGreatswords 71/66/61/56 Melee or 100x Boulders +53 ranged
Damage:Greatswords 2d6+20/17-20 or boulders 2d8+20/19-20
SA: Superior Multiweapon Fighting, Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Hecatoncheires,
SQ:Abomination, electricity immunity, Regenration 40/holy or weapons that wich tempered with blood of a deity. fast healing 50. (roundda 90 iyileşiyo yani) SR 70 Damage Reduction 60/+12,
Saves:Fort 39, ref 30, will 27
Abilities:str50, dex 14, con 32, ınt 10, wis 8 cha 24
skills: bisürü skillde bisürü rank...
Feats:bisürü featin yanında multiweapon rend. kabus gibi...
organisation:Solitary or pair
alignment CE
Challenge Rating: 57

Spell-like abilities:at-will: Greater magic Weapon, fly, Shield

50 kafası 100 kolu olan bi yaratık bu...[hline]Endure. In enduring, grow strong...
Mesaj tarihi:
Buna benzer bi sehır vardı,sehır bınlerce ayak ustunde gıdıyodu...CR nın 57 olmasına bı sey demıyecem dıyemeyecem gormemısım ama genede Mechanus da falan bulurum bunu halletcek bı robot...
*Gızlı kutuphanesıne gıder....*[hline]A little less conversation a little more action please
Mesaj tarihi:
o şehir gidiyo sadece. başka olayı yok...

bu şehir diil. canavar işte olm. dövüyo...

ayrıca mechanusta bulacaan hiçbi yaratık buna bi halt edemez. primusu getirsen belki de gene de sanmıyorum yani...[hline]Endure. In enduring, grow strong...
Mesaj tarihi:
bu hecatoncheires denen arkadaşı baştan invulnerable falan yapsalarmış uğraşmalarına gerek yokmuş o kadar hesapla.. :)

bu öldürülebiliyor mu yahu?[hline]Agent Thompson: You!
Agent Smith: Yes, me.
[turns Thompson into another Smith]
Agent Smith: Me... me... me...
Agent Smith Clone: Me too.
Mesaj tarihi:
1- yahu buraya birşeyler yazacaksanız bari türkçesini yazsanız ya. kitaptan okumaktan farklı olmuyor. Direk c/p liyorsunuz.

2- Monster Manual II'ye bakarken "oluyun cılkını çıkarmışlar" diyordum. Burda b.kunu çıkarmışlar.[hline]You want a piece of me, boy?
Mesaj tarihi:
Zaten ozel bı yerı koruyodur buyuk ıhtımal Takhısıs ı falan salmak lazım ustune anca o.Yada ordu salıcaksın Hadesten Pandemonıum dan ancak ole olur bu gurp ıcın degıl :).Yada salalım bızım Xsaf ı oldursun gelsın :D[hline]A little less conversation a little more action please
Mesaj tarihi:
e epic level handbooktan işte
kazaada var...

void hedesi de wizards'ın sitesinden epic insgiths bölümünden alınmış...[hline]Endure. In enduring, grow strong...
Mesaj tarihi:
Grudge, 26 May 2003 14:28 tarihinde demiş ki:
xasfın necrosunu çiğ çiğ yer bu...

tanrıları öldürmek için salıyolarmış :)[hline]Endure. In enduring, grow strong...

gereksiz birşey bence.[hline]You want a piece of me, boy?
Mesaj tarihi:
Grudge, 26 May 2003 12:24 tarihinde demiş ki:
Daha kıllı ne gördün yawf?
57 CR diyoz olm alooooow...

...[hline]Endure. In enduring, grow strong...

Prismatic Dragon diyorum , Great Wyrm diyorum CR 66 diyorum baska bişi demiyorum :)[hline]What we do in life,echoes in eternity.
Mesaj tarihi:
mathias haklı prismati,c dragonun 100/+15 gibi bir DR si varsanırsam bu durumda o 100 tane kılıçla greater magic weapon bile yapsa hepsine yine vuramıyor ayrıca yaratık huge muş uzunca bi uğraştan sonra açtığın dev kuyuya düşürürsün üstünü örter gidersin :)
o da olmazsa adamantine golem getirirsin ztn onun da DR sini geçemez o ezique kılıçlarla ...[hline]Serve no one but Bane
Mesaj tarihi:
Grudge, 26 May 2003 11:14 tarihinde demiş ki:
yaratıklar da ona göre tabe...

(Huge Outsider, Evil)
HD:52d8+572 (988 hp)
Speed 100ft
AC 70
attacks: 100xGreatswords 71/66/61/56 Melee or 100x Boulders +53 ranged
Damage:Greatswords 2d6+20/17-20 or boulders 2d8+20/19-20
SA: Superior Multiweapon Fighting, Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Hecatoncheires,
SQ:Abomination, electricity immunity, Regenration 40/holy or weapons that wich tempered with blood of a deity. fast healing 50. (roundda 90 iyileşiyo yani) SR 70 Damage Reduction 60/+12,
Saves:Fort 39, ref 30, will 27
Abilities:str50, dex 14, con 32, ınt 10, wis 8 cha 24
skills: bisürü skillde bisürü rank...
Feats:bisürü featin yanında multiweapon rend. kabus gibi...
organisation:Solitary or pair
alignment CE
Challenge Rating: 57

Spell-like abilities:at-will: Greater magic Weapon, fly, Shield

50 kafası 100 kolu olan bi yaratık bu...Endure. In enduring, grow strong...

:)[hline]Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuklûk agh buzum-ishi krimpatul.
Wisdom is only possessed by learning.../Elminster
Mesaj tarihi:
DiaBoLiC, 06 June 2003 17:07 tarihinde demiş ki:
mathias haklı prismati,c dragonun 100/+15 gibi bir DR si varsanırsam bu durumda o 100 tane kılıçla greater magic weapon bile yapsa hepsine yine vuramıyor ayrıca yaratık huge muş uzunca bi uğraştan sonra açtığın dev kuyuya düşürürsün üstünü örter gidersin :)
o da olmazsa adamantine golem getirirsin ztn onun da DR sini geçemez o ezique kılıçlarla ...[hline]Serve no one but Bane

prismatic dragonla niye dövüştüresin ki bunu?
bence o seviyeye gelmiş playerları prismatic dragondan çoook daha fazla zorlar. Great wyrm diyosan zaten bunun da advancementi olduğunu hatırlatmak isterim (186 HD/colossal kadar)[hline]Pain is weakness leaving your body...
Mesaj tarihi:
Bonecrusher, 26 May 2003 15:50 tarihinde demiş ki:
Grudge, 26 May 2003 14:28 tarihinde demiş ki:
xasfın necrosunu çiğ çiğ yer bu...

tanrıları öldürmek için salıyolarmış :)[hline]Endure. In enduring, grow strong...

gereksiz birşey bence.[hline]You want a piece of me, boy?

Bakh dedikodum yapılmış hemen.. Siz de Strahd'ı ezdik die alemde ne kadar zebellah var üstüme salacaksınız :D[hline]"Only then They shall return, for That is Not Dead, which can Eternal Lie, yet with Strange Aeons, Even Death may Die.."

Arab, Abdul Alhazred;
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