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[Tavsiye] Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru

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Mesaj tarihi:
Ahahahah, aynen.
8man bu bölümde lafı dolaştırmadan filan direkt onayladı zaten.

sensei confirmed for best girl


Bölüm de genel olarak çok iyiydi. Yukinoshitanın sağlam bi dayak yemesi lazım ama. Çok baydı şu halleri.
Mesaj tarihi:
Yahari has changed. It's no longer about hating nice girls, becoming a bear or changing the world. It's an endless series of shitposts, fought by tripfags and memers. Yahari, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled general thread. Yahari has changed. Tripfags repost tripfag posts, use tripfag memes. Waifus inside their hearts enhance and regulate their shitposting. Anonymous control. Meme control. Emotion control. OP control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Yahari has changed. The age of /8maninhighschool/ has become the age of waifufag harems. All in the name of cute grills doing cute things. And he who controls the OPs, controls history. Yahari has changed. When the OP is under total control, Yahari... becomes harem.
Mesaj tarihi:
iroha counter

This episode: 2
Previous episodes: 9
Subtotal: 11

This episode: 6
Previous episodes: 28
Subtotal: 34

Total: 45

>"Are you making passes at me?..."
This episode: 1
Previous episodes: 5
Total: 6
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