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Mesaj tarihi:
Hello guys! ;)
"Thanks to the mod "/u/Ic3berg" for letting us know this isn't the end. I can only confirm this, with observations of yesterday."

Second, i myself am not affliciated with Popcorn Time's official team. But i though i would update you on what i know. You guys are awesome as a community, and deserve to be in the loop.

After losing about 5 regular dev members, i see this as a logical step, and welcome news. I can speculate away as to what will change, like for instance a change in the organisatinal structure, to make it more balanced. However, we should stick to "facts". A member on the forums publicly stated something "new" was coming out soon, that they had been planning for a while now.

As for the downtime
If nothing else interveanes, they will be up in the near future, depending on how long transistions take. There was no sign at all this would happen today, and it's something the current team decided was best. I am no place to say, it isn't justified. I am pretty sure it is, they have enough experience to plan out something like this. Glad to see that the Project is on the move, and not just staying still.

Who stated this?
The member is question was "Streger" (Regular Popcorn Time team member), he stated on the forum that "Some changes where coming, and he seemed happy about them" "Something they where planning for quite some time, according to him".

So we don't have to worry. I just don't think he knew, or he didn't want to reveal to much about the fact that it would happen today already, since he stated it yesterday ;)

Let's see what Popcholin is coming up with !

Yazmışlar reddite 3 saat önce filan.
Mesaj tarihi:
bingildak said:

lan patlama olayı fln yokmuş

domain i elinde tutan adamı takımdan atmışlar, adamda pislik yapmış işte. servisler geri gelecek, proje devam ediyornmuş.

of kesin türktür atılan ahahaha

aynısını çiçek sepetine yapmışlardı sanırım.
Mesaj tarihi:
aboovv en sevdiğim yerdi


It was a nice ride, but it's time to move on. I will be distancing myself from further development of BrowserPopcorn.

This was never intended to be a battle for piracy, more of an experiment with the streaming technology.

If you're looking for someone who is familiar with streaming technology, you might want to hire me.

If you're looking for a great alternative to piracy, check out iTunes or Netflix

And a shoutout to my friends at Simkl, the best movie tracking application in the world
Mesaj tarihi:
şimdi açıkladılar durumu https://www.reddit.com/r/PopCornTime/comments/3pw521/butter_project/

MPAA'nın yaptığı baskılar nedeniyle, daha onceden github'da ki code reposuna gitlab üzerinden kendileri host etmeye başlamışlardı, bu repo'ya katkıyı önemli ölçüde azaltmış.

Yeni bir yol izlemeye karar vermişler, copyright sıkıntısı çıkaran bütün kısımları çıkarttıktan sonra kalan bütün kodu - yani kısacası https://yts.to/ api'sini dışında ki kısımları github üzerinde butter adlı bir projeye taşıyorlar ( https://github.com/butterproject/butter ).

Butter, default vodo.net üzerinden indie movie'leri stream edebilecek. Butter ek olarak ekstra content providerları plugin vs vasıtasıyla destekleyecek, yani ileride yts.to destekli olan, eski popcorntime'la aynı ayarda recompilation'lar göreceğiz.

Kısacası copyright olayının çevresinden dolaşmaya çalışyorlar.

De sıkıntı şu, popcorn time'ın popcorn time olmasını sağlayan bütün olay yts.to api idi MPAA asıl ona çöktü diyolar, o kısım nasıl çözülecek bilemiyorum.

hoş yts'ciler dos yedik geri gelecez filan demişler ama inandırıcı gelmedi :/ https://www.reddit.com/r/torrents/comments/3plq22/is_ytsto_down/

update: yeni domaine geçmiş yts api; http://yts.im/
Mesaj tarihi:
Browser versiyonu da leş. Filme basıyorsun sinema çekimi filan çıkıyor bir de altyazılarda unicode değiştirilmiyor sanırım. Bu iş harbiden patladı gibi.
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