madcow Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 abi oyun sadece dps degilki. yanına bi tane pull monk al cok hızlanırsın. cunku aynı pull monk mobları toplayacak annihilationdan sana %30 movespeed vericek attack speed vericek. bi crusader al jugdementtan %80 crit buff + 6 sn root vericek %8 attack speed vericek taunt atıcak barb al herkese %20 aura vericek conduit gelince sprinti basıp baska yone kosup rift hızını arttırıcak wizard al archon patlatıp 2 sn de elite grubu kesicek.,, zaten grupla oynamak acayip bufflanmısken solo girip son bossa cagıranları baya anlamadım patide. ya da split farm yapmak varken tek basına canta kasıp sonra cantaya cagıranları falan aynı surede 5 canta kasıyosun. grup hem droprate artıyo hem xp gain artıyo hem de duzgun bi grup kurarsan ölme ratein azalıp kesme hızın artıyor.
Regalya Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 madcow said: diyorum ki oyunda 2 dakika achievementi var ve bunu yapmıs adamlar var. ortalama 5 dakikayı neden bu kadar garipsediniz anlamadım. Double rift açma buguyla yapıldı 99.9% u 2 dkk achilerinin özellikle moldan,kongor vs grpları biliyordur streamda gösterdiler zaten double rift aç ilk rifte 1-2 kat temizle çık gir tekrar geri rifte girdiğinde 90% larda başlıyor 3-5 mob kesiyorsun boss geliyor alıyorsun 2 dakika achievementini.. 5 dakika genede hızlı bi sürede ki benim dps/edps/eedps/pdps senin 2 katından fazla genede t4-5 riftler 5 dakika nadiren sürüyor.
madcow Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 zaten t1 suruyo 4 5 dakika. t1 i speedrunlıyorum dedim ilk mesajımda. t4 t5 10 15 dakika aralıgında suruyo. ki axedice ın da t1 t2 kostugunu biliyorum patideki quickjoinden onu konusuyoruz. su konuda neden yalan soyliyim anlamadımki herkes bu kadar tepkili.
scorch Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 5 dakika yapacağınıza bizim gibi yetoları boostlasanız 10 dakika sürse ne güzel olur sevaba girersiniz. hem item mitem düzdükten sonra bizde yardım ederik hem. şansımı deneyeyim dedim...
Regalya Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2014 O zaman biz yanlış anlamışız özür diliyorum ben t4 5 dakika sürüyor zannetim.
pronoit Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 27, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 27, 2014 t3 solo için resler kaç olmali ya var mi fikriniz?
LordVithar Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2014 Herhangi bir zorluk seviyesi icin su kadar AR olmali diye kesin bir kural yok bence cunku toughness'a etki eden birkac tane ozellik var, buna ek olarak bazi itemlardan yuksek oranda alabildigimiz reduce damage takenlar var. (string of ears, stormshield vs.) Ben crusaderimla T6 sololuyorum ve AR softcap seviyelerinde, 700-850 arasi degisiyor. T3 icin dengeli bir hp-loh-regen-armor duzeninde 600 ler yeter diye dusunuyorum.
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2014 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2014 1000 civarı tutmaya çalışıyorum, %75'e yaklaşana kadar fazla değildir.
Lind3r0th Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 Bu blade of pröpersi mi ne torment only item mi ya çok lazım bana :( yoksa bırakıcam paladinimi
pronoit Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 yalnız shattering shield bence sağlam nerf yiyecek ya. ben de kullanıyorum ama belli yani dengesiz.
Regalya Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 Bişi olmaz classın itemsiz sıyrılan skilli yok
Aluriel Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2014 gyrfalcon + jekangbord hile abi bildiğin
Frostbite Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 5, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 5, 2014 haha bende dün deneme şansım oldu resmen eriyor gruplar.ama boss ve tek kalan elitler de kıvranıyorsun resmen..
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 6, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 6, 2014 Şu salak silah bir çıkmadı bana be =D gerçi sonrada holy dmg için yırtınacağım herhalde.
Regalya Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 6, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 6, 2014 reaper bracerle wrath sustain yapip 3k dps strli 2h kullanmak daha iyi gibi 1h silah yerine en azından 15-20m e kadar critliyor blessed shieldler crd caplı az birazda holy dmg varsa. /edik: hatta ortalama bi blade of prophecy nede olsa holy gidiyorsun.
vaako51 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2014 Karakter bu halde, build yada itemlerle ilgili ne yapılabilir? t5 yapılıyor ama t6 da wrath problemi yaşıyorum akarath cd beklerken.
Tori Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Hellskull shieldiniz varsa veya bugün kadaladan falan çıkarsa direk kırmayın. Itemın affixi değişmiş heavenly strength de değişince, 2h kullanırken +%10 damage olmuş. Gerçi retroactive olur mu stashınızdaki hellskull da yenilenir mi bilinmez.
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 said: ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_695_x1 - Gain 10% increased damage while wielding a two-handed weapon (Previously Heavenly Strength no longer reduced Movement Speed) anladığım kadarıyla retroactive olacak aynı satırı değiştiriyorlarsa. inanılmaz bir yama olacak, bir de finalde %30 oluyormuş dmg reduction. ne eğlenirim belli değil. :D
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Sam said: inanılmaz bir yama olacak, bir de finalde %30 oluyormuş dmg reduction. ne eğlenirim belli değil. :D said: Crusaders should be the toughest class in the game and currently they are not. We've increased the 15% damage reduction to 30% to match that of the Monk and Barbarian. In addition we are removing the movement speed penalty on Heavenly Strength while also changing Fervor to be a very strong passive for Crusaders who want to play with a 1-handed weapon. Together these changes should solidify the Crusader fantasy of a powerful tank wielding a giant shield. Crusader Philosophy Crusaders should be the toughest class in the game and currently they are not. We've increased the 15% damage reduction to 30% to match that of the Monk and Barbarian. In addition we are removing the movement speed penalty on Heavenly Strength while also changing Fervor to be a very strong passive for Crusaders who want to play with a 1-handed weapon. Together these changes should solidify the Crusader fantasy of a powerful tank wielding a giant shield. To better support character builds based on a specific damage type we are changing the damage type of a few select runes. This is an ongoing goal - additional changes may be made in the future to any of our classes to make damage types an interesting consideration for character building. Akarat's Champion has been redesigned. Many of the runes were lackluster while Rally was both too strong but also promoted a style of play that consisted primarily of mashing buttons mindlessly. We've redesigned Rally and buffed the skill and all the other runes. Overall builds that used certain skills such as Judgment - Resolved could do solid damage (though somewhat inconsistent), but if you did not take specific skills or have access to specific Legendary items the damage would fall behind. We are nerfing Judgment - Resolved significantly. A change this large is never easy but this was a mistake we should have caught. To keep Crusader damage competitive we are buffing most of the Crusader's damage abilities across the board. While a few skills have come down slightly in damage, the vast majority are being increased, some by a large margin. Fist of the Heavens and Blessed Shield both fill a similar role of being ranged multi target skills. In order to provide better differentiation we are adjusting Fist of the Heavens to be better at damaging a single target, with the area damage component being a peripheral bonus. To this end the damage of the primary strike of Fist of the Heavens has been increased, while the damage of the secondary bolts has been decreased. Finally, we have done significant redesign to the Crusader's passive abilities. We feel there was an overall lack of interesting passive choices on the Crusader. Rather than try to simply change numbers on existing passives we've tried to provide interesting and compelling choices. General Crusaders now take 30% less damage from all sources Active Skills Akarat's Champion Has been redesigned: This skill now: Increases your damage by 35% Increases Wrath regeneration by 5 per second Makes you immune to crowd control effects Skill Rune - Embodiment of Power Has been redesigned: Now increases the bonus Wrath regeneration to 10 per second Skill Rune - Fire Starter Has been redesigned: Dealing damage now burns enemies with the power of Akarat, for 460% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds Skill Rune - Hasteful Has been redesigned: Now gain 15% attack speed while Akarat's Champion is active Skill Rune - Prophet Now also returns you to full health the first time you take fatal damage Skill Rune - Rally Has been redesigned: Now reduces the remaining cooldown of your other abilities by 12 seconds when Akarat's Champion is activated Blessed Hammer Weapon damage increased from 200% to 320% Skill Rune - Burning Wrath Scorched ground weapon damage increased from 150% to 330% per second Skill Rune - Icebound Hammer Explosion weapon damage increased from 75% to 380% Skill Rune - Thunderstruck Arc weapon damage increased from 40% to 60% Blessed Shield Weapon damage increased from 340% to 430% Skill Rune - Combust Explosion weapon damage increased from 270% to 310% Explosion radius increased from 8 to 10 yards Skill Rune - Divine Aegis Damage type changed from Holy to Physical Skill Rune - Shattering Throw Fragment weapon damage decreased from 333% to 170% Bombardment Rather than a random variance, there is now a static 0.35 second delay between Bombardment assaults. This should make the damage more consistent and more reliable. Skill Rune - Annihilate Damage type changed from Physical to Fire Skill Rune - Mine Field Damage type changed from Physical to Fire Skill Rune - Targeted Damage type changed from Physical to Holy Bug Fix: Fixed an issue causing the proc coefficient to be lower than intended Condemn Skill Rune - Reciprocate Damage type changed from Holy to Fire Skill Rune - Shattering Explosion Damage type changed from Holy to Physical Bug Fix: Fixed an issue causing the proc coefficient to be lower than intended Consecration Skill Rune - Shattered Ground Weapon damage increased from 95% to 155% Damage from this rune can now trigger procs Falling Sword Weapon damage increased from 1100% to 1700% Replaced the knockback effect with a small knock up Skill Rune - Flurry Sword weapon damage increased from 60% to 230% Damage type changed from Physical to Holy Skill Rune - Part the Clouds Cloud weapon damage increased from 165% to 605% Skill Rune - Rapid Descent Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning Skill Rune - Rise Brothers Avatar weapon damage increased from 143% to 280% Skill Rune - Superheated Superheated ground weapon damage increased from 200% to 310% per second Bug Fix: Fixed an issue causing the proc coefficient to be lower than intended Bug Fix: Fixed an issue causing the impact to always deal Physical damage, regardless of the Rune chosen Fist of the Heavens Explosion weapon damage increased from 340% to 545% Bolt weapon damage reduced from 340% to 255% Skill Rune - Divine Well Bolt weapon damage reduced from 80% to 40% Skill Rune - Fissure Fissure weapon damage increased from 400% to 410% over 5 seconds Arc weapon damage reduced from 185% to 135% Skill Rune - Heaven's Tempest Weapon damage reduced from 150% to 100% per second Damage type changed from Lightning to Fire Skill Rune - Retribution Pierce weapon damage reduced from 350% to 270% Explosion weapon damage increased from 150% to 435% Bolt weapon damage reduced from 350% to 185% Minimum cast range removed Damage type changed from Lightning to Holy Heaven's Fury Weapon damage increased from 1260% to 1710% Skill Rune - Ascendency Weapon damage increased from 1680% to 2766% Skill Rune - Blessed Ground Scorched ground weapon damage increased from 975% to 1550% Skill Rune - Fires of Heaven Weapon damage increased from 735% to 960% Skill Rune - Split Fury Weapon damage increased from 1440% to 1980% Skill Rune - Thou Shalt Not Pass Damage type changed from Holy to Lightning Bug Fix: Fixed an issue causing the proc coefficient to be lower than intended Iron Skin Skill Rune - Explosive Skin Weapon damage increased from 1050% to 1400% Judgment Skill Rune - Resolved Critical Hit Chance bonus reduced from 80% to 20% Justice Weapon damage increased from 240% to 245% Skill Rune - Burst Explosion weapon damage increased from 30% to 60% Skill Rune - Crack Additional hammer weapon damage increased from 175% to 245% Proc chance increased from 80% to 100% Skill Rune - Hammer of Pursuit Weapon damage increased from 300% to 335% Damage type changed from Holy to Physical Skill Rune - Sword of Justice Damage type changed from Holy to Physical Changed from 5 stacks of 3% Movement Speed to 3 stacks of 5% Movement Speed. Total bonus is still 15%, but can now be reached with fewer attacks. Laws of Hope Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds Laws of Justice Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds Laws of Valor Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds Skill Rune - Answered Prayer Has been redesigned: Now each enemy killed while the law is empowered increases the duration by 1 second, up to a maximum of 10 seconds Phalanx Weapon damage increased from 380% to 490% Enemies can now be hit by multiple Phalanx avatars Skill Rune - Bowmen Weapon damage increased from 160% to 185% Skill Rune - Bodyguard Weapon damage increased from 285% to 560% Skill Rune - Stampede Reduced the distance enemies are knocked back Skill Rune - Shield Bearers Reduced the distance enemies are knocked back Provoke Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that allowed Provoke to proc other powers Skill Rune - Charged Up Bug Fix: The chance to deal damage is now, properly, based on the damaging power's proc coefficient Punish Weapon damage increased from 270% to 335% Skill Rune - Fury Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning Skill Rune - Retaliate Weapon damage dealt when you block increased from 94% to 140% Damage type changed from Physical to Holy Skill Rune - Roar Explosion weapon damage increased from 40% to 75% Bug Fix: Fixed an issue preventing the base attack from dealing Fire damage Shield Bash Shield Bash should now more reliably hit targets close to the Crusader If Shield Bash causes the player to charge an enemy, the enemy will now be rooted for 1 second on cast Shield Bash now has smart targeting If you are targeting an area more than 10 yards away from you and click on nothing, the closest target to your click point, within 10 yards, will be charged Skill Rune - Crumble Damage type changed from Holy to Fire Skill Rune - One on One Damage type changed from Holy to Lightning 3 Second immobilize effect has been replaced with a 1.5 second stun Skill Rune - Pound Weapon damage increased from 740% to 1200% Damage type changed from Holy to Physical Should now always hit the chosen target Skill Rune - Shattered Shield Fragment weapon damage increased from 380% to 740% Skill Rune - Shield Cross Additional shield weapon damage increased from 135% to 155% Damage type changed from Holy to Physical Slash Weapon damage increased from 190% to 230% Skill Rune - Carve Should now more reliably hit targets next to the Crusader Skill Rune - Zeal Increased maximum number of stacks from 5 to 10 Smite Weapon damage increased from 165% to 175% to primary target Weapon damage increased from 125% to 150% to secondary targets Increased range to 30 yards Now destroys destructible objects, but prioritizes enemies Skill Rune - Shared Fate Damage type changed from Holy to Lightning Skill Rune - Shatter Explosion weapon damage increased from 20% to 60% Skill Rune - Surge Has been redesigned: Now increases the number of additional targets hit by 2 Steed Charge Duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds Steed Charge should now start its cooldown immediately when used Steed Charge now goes through and destroys destructible objects and doors Skill Rune - Draw and Quarter Damage type changed from Physical to Holy Skill Rune - Endurance Increases the duration to 3 seconds up from 2 seconds Sweep Attack Weapon damage increased from 440% to 480% Width of the cone increased from 120 to 180 degrees to match the visual Skill Rune - Blazing Sweep Additional weapon damage reduced from 170% to 120% Damage over time from Blazing Sweep can now stack with itself Skill Rune - Gathering Sweep Damage type changed from Physical to Holy Passive Skills Fanaticism New Passive Skill: Replaces Nephalem Majesty Increases the attack speed of Justice, Punish, Slash, and Smite by 15% Fervor Has been redesigned: While wielding a one-handed weapon, your attack speed is increased by 15% and all cooldowns are reduced by 15% Finery Has been redesigned: Gain 1.5% Strength for every gem socketed into your gear Heavenly Strength Removed the movement speed penalty Holy Cause Damage bonus now applies to all weapons, not just Holy weapons Indestructible Has been redesigned: When you receive fatal damage, you instead become immune to damage, gain 35% increased damage and (82,526 @L70) Life per Kill for 5 seconds This effect may occur once every 60 seconds Insurmountable Has been redesigned: Blocking an attack generates 6 Wrath Iron Maiden Has been redesigned: Your Thorns has been increased by 50% Nephalem Majesty Has been removed Towering Shield Has been redesigned: Increases the damage of Blessed Shield, Punish, and Shield Bash by 20% Reduces the cooldown of Shield Glare by 30% Vigilant Increased Non-Physical damage reduction from 5% to 20%
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 yanlız yeni pasiflere gelen buff kurtarmazsa kaptan amerika aslında nerflenmiş gibi duruyor esas dmg sekmelerden geliyor ve sekme dmgı çok pis nerf yemiş
mono Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Kaptan murica azcik nerf yemis oluyor, ama Combust (fire rune) + 1 hand atk speede abanilirsa tertemiz yapar t5-6 dinlemez. :) Ben 1 hand atk speed abanip, Zeal/Fanatic build alip spender'a Shield Bash almak istiyordum fakat malum Blizzard'in super aptal balance anlayisi izin vermiyordu...Yarin sahane olacak valla, bir suru build imkani dogdu..baksana Condemn/Bombardmenta bile elemental rune eklemisler sonunda. Ilac gibi yama crusaderlara.. O kadar ay beta testi hangi hiyarlara yaptirdilarsa artik..Esas beta release sonrasi biz yapmis olduk... Neyse umrumda olmaz OP OP gezerim yarin, buildden builde akarim :) Edit: %30 dmg reduction yeni gelmesi zaten inanilmaz ya, zorla elinde kalkani olup bu kadar dayak yiyen bir class olamazdi...Hadi %15 ile bir yere kadar toparliyordu..simdi tam oldu. Diyorum ya beta'da torment1 uzerini test etmemisler bile.. Edit2: Birde su Cindercoat'u azcik nerfleseler tam olacak eheh. :p
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 o alfaymış net, biz de üstüne beta oynamışız 1,5 ay. şuradaki değişikliklerin çoğunu ben oyun çıkmadan önce söylüyordum, ama işte illa millete kendi işlerini yaptıran şirketle bu kadar oluyor. kendi yamada bozduğunu geri koyan şirket diyorum 10 yıldır, şekil 2-a: said: Skill Rune - Fires of Heaven Weapon damage increased from 735% to 960% adamların elinin ayarı da yok, tasarım ve dengeleme kabiliyetleri de. "çok güçlü yaptık" deyip geri de alabilirler 1-2 haftaya bazı şeyleri, yarın direkt atlayıp maraton gibi oynamak lazım. :)
mono Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Oyle deme, o kadar bilimsel ve yuksek matematik ile ince ayar cekiyorlar ki, gecen patch ile 0.5sec nerf attiklari steed'e geri vermisler 0.5sec'i..Cooldown'ida mantikli seviye ye inmis oldu. Bu kadar kolpa balance ayari uzun suredir gormedim. Tabiki Steed - Sonuncu rune hala bir gizem..adeta RolePlay skilli. Bencede bir iki ince nerf yiyebilir ileride, community buff falanda var, oh tadini cikaralim.
pronoit Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2014 Crusaders should be the toughest class in the game and currently they are not. We've increased the 15% damage reduction to 30% to match that of the Monk and Barbarian. In addition we are removing the movement speed penalty on Heavenly Strength while also changing Fervor to be a very strong passive for Crusaders who want to play with a 1-handed weapon. Together these changes should solidify the Crusader fantasy of a powerful tank wielding a giant shield.""> "Philosophy Crusaders should be the toughest class in the game and currently they are not. We've increased the 15% damage reduction to 30% to match that of the Monk and Barbarian. In addition we are removing the movement speed penalty on Heavenly Strength while also changing Fervor to be a very strong passive for Crusaders who want to play with a 1-handed weapon. Together these changes should solidify the Crusader fantasy of a powerful tank wielding a giant shield." said: ya baya crusader'i toparlamişlar ama bence one handed'a verilen tek buff cdr ki hala o kadar iyi mi emin değilim. vigilant iyi olmuş. ama regeneration tamamen kalkti mi ? oyunun başindan beri fist of heavens kullanmaya çalişiyordum şimdi bakalim nasil olacak? gerçi büyük ihtimalle shield bash yaparim. yani oyun biraz mmorpg olmadiğini fark etmiş gibi o açidan güzel. biraz daha crusader'i kurcalamak lazım fanatism+fervor+towering shield güzel gözüküyor da base damage düşük kalir gibime geliyor. nese yarın gelirse patch thunderfurry var bi bakim : ))
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