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Star Citizen

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
3. In 2012, Defendants sought to develop a new game called “Star Citizen,” which was billed as an epic space adventure, trading, and dogfighting video
game. To make that game a reality, Defendants sought to use the CryEngine videogame development platform as its foundation. Crytek and Defendants agreed to preliminary license terms and invested significant time and expense in
creating impressive demonstrations and proofs-of-concept that were used to persuade the public to contribute financially to a “crowdfunding” campaign to support development of the video game. As a direct result of Crytek’s efforts, the crowdfunding campaign for Star Citizen was a monumental success, raising over 150 million dollars — a record for video game crowdfunding projects.
4. Crytek and Defendants subsequently formalized their relationship by
entering into a Game License Agreement. In that Agreement, Defendants promised, among other things, (i) to use the CryEngine game development platform exclusively and to promote that platform within the video game, (ii) to collaborate with Crytek on CryEngine development, and (iii) to take a number of steps to ensure that Crytek’s intellectual property was protected. Defendants utterly failed to follow through on those promises, and their actions and omissions constitute breaches of contract and copyright infringement and have caused substantial harm to Crytek.
5. By this action, Crytek seeks damages that will fairly and fully compensate it for Defendants’ breach and infringement. If this relief is not granted, Defendants will continue to profit unjustly at Crytek’s expense.
Mesaj tarihi:
asdsfd dava dosyasinda oyle bi anlatiyorlarki sanki crytek olmasa oyun 160 kusur milyon dolar crowfunding toplayamazmis. oyunun hangi engine'le yapildigi cok da umrundaydi backerlarin

crytek'in son cirpinislari batmadan once
Mesaj tarihi:
space sim hakkıyla, space sim böyle olur.
uzay gemisi olsa sadece spacecraft sim olurdu başganım

Bu komple paket böyle ve muhtemelen oyunda sadece ulaşım ve dalaşma amaçlı gemilere binicez lol.
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