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Fps Tadında U.S Soldier


Öne çıkan mesajlar

" I got a hit a total of 4 times. My helmet cam died and i made it down the mountain on my own. I was also hit in the side of my helmet and my eye pro was shot off of my face. We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety."

"A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless. "
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yalnız herif malmış, niye öyle açığa çıkmış ki saklanıp bekleseler zaten bir dünya destek gelecek.

ayrıca yutub'dan bir yorum;

"What an idiot. As a former army scout, let me just evaluate this guy. Runs, correction walks, into enemy fire with no cover in sight. Reloads in the open. Gets shot in the vest, obvious by the fact that it knocks him on his ass because a penetrating hit won't do that. Yells I'm hit like its a game instead of evaluating his injury(or lack thereof) and picking up his weapon (with nothing tethering it to his body to prevent just this) and moving from where the enemy just proved he can hit you."
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konum tutucak galiba :D

vidyo yorumunda şöle diyo my team squad safelty get here i came in unsafety area.

yani diyo ki takımımın güvenle çıkması için ben sahaya inip yavaşça yürüyerek kursun menziline indim ve dikkat çekmey eçalıstım.

o menzilde kursun geçirmez yelegi delemiyomuş ama sonlarda çok fena.
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