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Xunn's Investigation: The Bible Black Case

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Mesaj tarihi:
Lord_Argos said:

Hayır ama araştırmalarım sonucunda anladımki erotik bir anime.



Xunn's Journal 20:54, 11.01.2012:
My last encounter with Revangelis left a sour taste in my mouth. Served a cause but filth is filth. The information he belched was someone enigmatic, but I sure enjoy a good riddle.
His taste was a little different than what I am accustomed to, but it will have to do;

"Thread where nobility and ballsweat met, there you shall find what you most dread."

The phrase made no sense, at least at first. But knowing the simpleton Revangelis is, it had to be a pun; A mongrel's humor.

As the revelation hit me, I knew why the ignorant were the blessed, for the man I was to track was no other than the infamous Lord Argos Of A Thousand Plastic Surgeries. He had quite the reputation of a tight schedule, meticulous filth.

When he was not at the gym, he was at a surgery, getting a nosejob or a facelift. When he had to recover, the scum was right back to the gym.

It was a vicious cycle.

But what he was most dreaded for was his abdominal muscles, which were rumored to stare back at you if you made eye-tummy contact. And his brows...

Oh dem brows...

They were so bushy no one ever saw his eyes. Where his eyes were supposed shine there were two endless holes of abyss, making it impossible to determine what perversions running wild in that filthy mind.

This was too much for now, so I wait. Wait for him to slip first. Best thing about the perverts is that they keep giving you second chances.

Perverts don't change. And even when they do, it's always for the worse.

İlham için teşekkürler Lordum.

Mesaj tarihi:
Mum_Chamber said:

insanlarin fotograflarini asagilama amacli tekrar kullanmayin.

digital bullyingi de biraz azaltin.

Ulan hadi benim fotograflarım spamleniyor aynı bu şekilde ona laf etmiyorsun, 2 ay eski sevgilimin fotolarını da koydular albüme.

Yuh be drea.
  • 3 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
nomsaR said:

yalnız yanlız yanlış yalnış..

xunn türkçe yaz. dejenere gibi ingilizce yazıyosun. önemli olan anadilinde o feelingi yaratabilmek.

>Implying my native language isn't EN.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya boş şeyler derken anladın işte ne demek istediğimi, eğlenceli olmuş yoksa.

lan hala öğrenemedim yanlız yalnız olayını, boşuna düzeltmişsin beni gene karıştırmaya başlarım 1-2 haftaya.
Mesaj tarihi:
yanılmak -> yanlış
yalın -> yalnız

kökenine baktıktan sonra karıştırmıyorum artık, yoksa neydi la diye düşünüyordum bir şey yazarken
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