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Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Mesaj tarihi:
As a live service, we wanted to let you know about our strategy moving forward. Here’s a brief outline of two initiatives we’re working on, in order of priority.

Priority 1 – Patches

We’re committed to providing long-term gameplay and stability improvements. We have already released a Day 1 Patch, and in December we will release our second patch. We expect the patch to roll out on PC, PS3, PS4, and Xbox 360 on December 9, 2014. We are working hard to get Patch 2 out on Xbox One as soon as possible.
Patch 2 is focused on stability, but does include numerous improvements and fixes across the board. Full patch notes will be available soon, but generally Patch 2 includes fixes to:
Stability – Various crashes, freezes, audio/voice glitches, and many stability improvements.
Gameplay – Conversations, quests, plot states, combat, UI, camera, controls, follower/enemy AI and path finding, exploits, radar, and search.
Multiplayer – In addition to some of the gameplay improvements listed above, multiplayer fixes also cover areas such as animations, game mode bugs, stat reporting, and stability/crash fixes.
PC – Numerous control & UI fixes, fixes to some hitching, improved Mantle performance, graphical glitches. Beyond Patch 2 we’ll continue to release patches that focus on gameplay improvements. We’ve already lined up a number of improvements and fixes we’d like to include in Patch 3, and of course we’ll continue listening to you to make sure we’re addressing your concerns.
I wanted to call out a few specific topics as well, as they relate to patches:

Keyboard & Mouse controls – Patch 2 includes the first range of fixes towards addressing the feedback we’ve received on the PC controls; it cleans things up so you’ll see fewer problems with the current layout. This gives us a more stable base upon which to work. After Patch 2 goes out, our next priority is to improve the PC mouse/keyboard controls further. We’re investigating how to expand on PC usability and functionality to address specific requests from the community. Keep an eye on this thread by Mark Darrah for more updates. Some people have reported problems with party banter firing. To find out more about how the Banter System works please go here. We have also identified that in some edge scenarios, banter isn’t firing as often as we’d like, so we’ll be increasing the percentage chance of it happening. This increase will come after Patch 2.

Priority 2 – Features and content

As massive as Dragon Age: Inquisition already is, there were some things the team wanted to get in at launch, but we just ran out of time. We’ll be creating these new features and content and adding them into your game over time because we love our DAI players. Multiplayer will also be receiving regular content updates.
In closing, I’d like to thank you for your patience. We appreciate your feedback, so keep it coming! We’re going to keep working on these patches and content while you’re off adventuring in the world of Dragon Age. In the meantime, please visit EA’s help website for the latest workarounds and updates.
Mesaj tarihi:
pathfinding en kotu, pissing wastes dragonuna 2 kere sirf pathfinding yuzunden oldum, yerleri calilarla doldurmuslar acayip sacmaliyor AI, dragon en son bi tepeye dogru gitti kafasi yerin altina girdi 90 derece neredeyse egimde duruyordu

cikardigi addler bi havaya cikiyor bir asagi iniyordu filan ve melee karakter ile vuramiyordum yani, karakter onundeki bacaga vurmak icin dragonun altina girmeye falan calisiyordu atack verdigimde

en kotusun bioware
Mesaj tarihi:
valla 20 saatlik dombili oyunda önemsizde 342233 saat harcadıktan sonra corrupt save görmek koyabilir o açıdan :p tüm büyük oyunlarda yedeklerim ben saveleri.

my docs./bioware altında duruyor, screenshotlarda orda.
Mesaj tarihi:
patch notlarıda geldi:


Release date: December 9, 2014


-Fixed case where game would incorrectly think the player has more than one race/class/gender

-Fixed case where users who changed their voice off of default, would have their voice set back to default when interacting with Hawke’s chargen settings.

-Increased duration that search highlights things, and added highlighted items to radar while they are highlighted.

-Fixed several conversation lines which would take a very long time to advance to the next line unless they were manually skipped.

-Fixed case where followers could float above the ground after extended periods of play

[PC] Fixed some hitching in conversations.

[PC] Pressing the interact key (default “F”) will take everything from containers.

[PC] Hair should be less shiny on lower quality settings.

[PC] Improved push-to-talk functionality when using keyboard and mouse

[PC] Added ability to rotate character models with the mouse in UI’s that show character models

[PC] Added an option to enable / disable tactical camera on mouse wheel scroll out.

[PC] Hiding the HUD on the PC will now hide all UI elements

[PC] Fixed being able to drag abilities from a tree that was not selected onto the quickbar

[PC] Fixed being able to toggle UI state for the tactical camera on the quickbar when the tactical camera is unusable

[PC] Fixed case where clicking quickbar elements in Eyefinity would trigger attacks

[PC] fixed case where extra mouse-up events were triggering in UIs

[PC] Fixed issue where mouse-up events were missed when dragging off of UI elements and then releasing the mouse button

[PC] Fixed loading Icon not animating while Mantle creates shaders during load screens.

[PC] Fixed mouse cursor flashing while targeting AOEs

[PC] Fixed situation that could result in a hang on the start menu.

[PC] Fixed situation where war table could become non-interactive until users right clicked on it.

[PC] Fixed situation which could cause mouse-look to snap to a facing rather than turning smoothly

[PC] Holding right click and pressing the camera turn buttons in tactical camera will cause the cursor to strafe in the same manner the camera behaves outside tactical camera

[PC] Made some changes that should improve Mantle performance

[PC] quickbar indicator for pause state should no longer remain highlighted when game is not paused

-Fixed crash that could occur after some conversations

-Certain boss creatures are now immune to Disruption Field

-Creatures in rag doll will now pause when the game is paused

-Fix to Spirit Blade so it longer triggers combos

-Fixed a couple focus abilities to be weapon agnostic

-Fixed a few DA Keep world state import reactivity checks.

-Fixed a few situations that could result in there being no conversation selection indicator during conversations

-Fixed an issue caused by changing characters at the same as targeting an AOE ability

-Fixed Audio cutting out when using AOE abilities while radial menu is open.

-Fixed being unable to finish quest “Safe Keeping” if the user places key fragments in the forger, then leaves the zone without getting the finished key.

-Fixed camera shaking when making small camera adjustments during character creation

-Fixed case where blizzard would pause the game when it turns off

-Fixed case where controller rumble would get permanently disabled

-Fixed case where Imshael could end up in a location where players could not fight him.

-Fixed case where interaction text would not update in tactical camera

-Fixed case where mana or stamina was incorrectly displayed on mounted character’s portraits

-Fixed case where users could get stuck loading a save in a certain dragon combat area

-Fixed case where users could get stuck on an infinite “Connecting to Dragon Age Servers”

-Fixed Crippling Blows to have a 15% damage bonus instead of .15%

-Fixed Cullen’s hair having some strange shadows during cinematics

-Fixed exploit that would allow bypassing ability cool-downs in certain circumstances

-Fixed exploit that would allow users to take no damage.

-Fixed issue where orders to interact with trebuchets made in tactical mode were un-interruptable.

-Fixed issue where user loses control of the party if he enters tactical camera at the same time as a cinematic triggers

-Fixed issue which could cause potion counts to be reset due to party member changes.

-Fixed issue which could result in an infinite “Connecting to Dragon Age Servers” on the main menu.

-Fixed issue which could result in the Radial menu not staying open

-Fixed issue which could result in the screen re-sizing UI to stop working until exiting and re-entering the screen re-sizing UI.

-Fixed scripted autosave in the western approach which was made which if loaded could result in certain NPCs to not show up until after leaving the area and coming back.

-Fixed situation where followers could get stuck while pathfinding to the player.

-Fixed some of the collectible books being non-interactive in Skyhold

-Fixed slot types on several crafted items

-Fixed some item names getting cut off in stores

-Fixed weapon type on several crafted weapon parts.

-Ground rings scale on Dragons in Tactical Camera

-Radar will be shown during radar tutorial, even if the UI is set to be hidden

-Radar will show way points immediately after coming out of UIs, no longer requires player to move first.

-Target lock is cleared when entering tactical mode.
Unified sort order for stat listings during item modification

[PS3] Increased number of save slots to 30
[PS4] Improved conversation performance during fast install
[PS4] Increased number of save slots to 50
[360] Fixed case where movies sometimes decoded incorrectly
[360] Fixed Crash when selecting storage device when select storage device warning is present
[360] Fixed the online connection error being displayed twice when attempting to login to Origin with no Xbox live connection.

-Assorted stability improvements


-Fixed issue which could result in negative XP being granted in some
multiplayer matches

-Fixed crash that could occur while switching characters in some multiplayer menus

-Cursed chests in multiplayer no longer look different from un-cursed ones

-Fixed some missing information on end of match screens when servers are slow in Multiplayer.

-Fixed Players losing their ability to target when dying while recovering object in multiplayer

-Fixed situation where host migration after end of match would fail to show end of match details for the remaining players

-Fixed issue with players being interrupted while interacting with objects in Multiplayer

-Fixed issue where host can be returned to an empty lobby after quitting out of a match while in the operation failed state

-Improved appearance of ledge drop-downs in multiplayer.

-Fixed case which could cause keys to not drop in Multiplayer

-Fixed case in Multiplayer where players could attempt to use abilities while dead.

bakmadım gerçi daha geldimi diye ama bi ara bakıcam. gelmiş 274 mb. bunu yazarken bitti dl.

ayrıca patchledikten sonra taze save açın, eskinin üstüne yazmayın (bkz skyrimden öğrendiklerim).

bide simcity 2000 SE verio origin free, hazır girmişken onuda alın :p
Mesaj tarihi:




grafik ayarlarını resetlemiş bazılarında,
bide face complexity ve scars kısmı birbirine girmiş gibi,

bende bişi yok gibi şimdilik.
Mesaj tarihi:
oyunu beğendim. dragon age: origins'i hep bunun gibi bişey olucak diye beklemiştim release'de almıştım hayal kırıklığı olmuştu hafif. sonunda 3.cü oyunda becermişler.
Mesaj tarihi:
öfff, hiç guide fln okuma huyum yok sevmem ama burada mapte görev ikonları fln çok bir karışık olmuş gibi geldi. main quest hangisi, side questler nerede, o baklava şekli ne, camp nasıl oluşturucam fln tonla soru var kafamda
Mesaj tarihi:
Sonuncuya gelene kadar adam haklı beyler diye gidiyordum da, camp oluşturmak için camp işaretine gidiyorsun haritada, tıklıyorsun orada yerdeki zımbırtıya kamp oluyor.

Questler konusunda ise, journal dan set active yaparak ilerlemek belki daha sağlıklı olabilir.
Mesaj tarihi:
işte tıkladım da oluşturmadı kamp. Başka birşey mi yapmam lazım (dün gece geç vakitte baktım öyle google lamadım fln ondan) gerekli malzemeler de var (hani tent için malzeme gerekiosa galiba)
Mesaj tarihi:
Harita'ya bakınca karmakarışık oluyor her şey, doğru. Yok shardmış, x'miş, zortmuş. Neyse ortamı gezip tozan için çok sıkıntı değil ama. Bir şekilde bir yerlere varıyorsun. Doğaçlama da iyidir :)
Mesaj tarihi:
En uyuz olduğum şeylerdendi, grafik ayarları yüksek tonla foliage bilmem ne var, basıyosun search e var bir şey diyo, meğerse iki ağacın arkasında bir elfroot ama bak bak bak bak..
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi ben öyle haritada hiç ikon kalmasın her şeyi temizleyeyim kafasında adamım. Dün gittim shard bulucam diye, 4 tane buldum (öyle diodu) şimdi 9 tane görev var hangisi nerede fln.

Neyse alışıcam.

PEKİ SİZ PRO arkadaşlara soru;

1 karakterle combata girip diğerlerini AI mı bırakıyorsunuz, yoksa her aksiyonlarını siz mi yönetiyorsunuz tüm partinin sürekli?

sürekli manuel yönetmek ızdırap verir gibi de?
Mesaj tarihi:
Ya Tactics i bayağı retard-friendly yapmışlar, önceki hali olsa yazardım algoritmamı bırakırdım kendi hallerine de şimdi defend controlled character diyorsun etrafta kan gövdeyi götürürken mal gibi bana bakıyo partinin tankı, follow diyorsun mobun peşinden haritanın öbür ucuna koşuyorlar, arada bir değiştirip saçmalayanları yola getirmek mantıklı.

Defend self önermiş birisi, böylece kendi hallerinde savaşırlar filan diye ama o zaman da PvE realm oyuncusuna dönüyorlar kendilerine dalınmadığı zaman hiç sallamıyorlar benim maine ok mu atmışlar charge mı atmışlar.
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