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Mass Effect 3

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
şimdi bitirdim bende;

astroid e afterburner takmak(!?) brilliant idea (tu)

görünüşe göre reaperların işgal ettiği sistemdeki mass relay i bombalayınca problem çözülüyor,zira çok pis patlıyor.bele süpernova kalitesinde
Mesaj tarihi:
fikri cok eski, 1979 da gundam yapti zaten, arrival i yazan vitaminken zeon dunyaya leblebi ckeirdek gibi colony firlatio afterburnerlarla



ki ilk oyunda dlc cikardilar colony drop temali zaten ehuehu

mantik sey bu arada, ordkai mass relay alpha relay mis (alpha-omega ohh shit...), ona atlayip geliyorlarmsi galaksinin disindan, e mass relayler olmadan galakside bi clusterdan digerine yolculuk isik hizidna bile yuzyillar surebildiginden reaperlarin bi relaye ihtiayci var giris icin, ole alakasiz bi yere koymuslar iste galaksinin kosesindeki geri geldiklerinde kolay olsun
Mesaj tarihi:
caktirmiyoruz tabii ilk oyun itibariyle zaten asil alpha relay Citadel... Madem galakside baska relay var ne bu once Rachni ile indoctrination denemesi, sonra Sovereign ve Geth gazı, daha da sonra collector ile terminator kasmak falan. Mental Note: Lead Writer degistirmeyeceksin ucleme ortasinda :P
Mesaj tarihi:
bu dlc ile relay konusu kafa karıştırıcı oldu, anladığım kadarıyla bi relay den girip diğer bi relay den çıkma gibi bi olay yok, girilen relay objeyi diğer spiral kol daki relay in olduğu önceden belirlenmiş bi noktaya fırlatıyor,aksi takdirde bilinmeyen bi sistemdeki rachni ları 2 relayi birbirine linklemeden bulmaları mümkün olamazdı.ama buldular, ilk relayi random bi yere nişanlamak yetmişti

bu durumda reaperlar alpha relay patlamış olsa bile o sisteme gelecekler ve relayi bulamıyacaklar,hapsoldular orda, relayi olan başka bi spiral kol a seyahat etmek eski usül ftl drive ile yıllarca sürer, ozamana shepard mı kalır la

eğer alpha relay patladığında linkledikleri relay alarm verip offline oluyosa, ozaman o girecekleri relayi milkyway deki herhangi bi noktaya nişanlayacaklardır,(rachniları böle bulmuşlardı) yani bi bok değişmedi sadece 300k batarian öldü?
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
larger market dedigi shareholder'lara klise "durmak yok yola devam" mesajidir umarim. yoksa kalan 2 rpg olayini duzeltirlerse duz shooter olur oyun.

sene sonuna dogru baya oyun cikacak. eger skyrim'den once rpg oyunu cikaramiyorsan o tarihi bi kac ay ertelemek en dogrusu olur.
Mesaj tarihi:

So the magazine is out heres what I see so far (yes the scans are out there)

-Tali is confirmed squadmate
"Garrus, Liara, Kaidan, Ashley and (newly confirmed) Tali are all full
time members of your team if they survived the previous games."

"I asked point blank about Wrex and got as close to a 'no' as I think Bioware will come at this early stage: exceutive producer Casey Hudson simply re-emphasised that such characters canplay a role and fight alongside you without necessarily being permanent squad members."

-No new LIs in ME3

-Biotics are more potent in combat
"Biotics can use their Pull ability to rip a shield out of someone's hands" (I dont get this)

-Multi Layered combat areas
"The games combat spaces have graduated from the often-familiar open areas dotted with low walls. They're now multi layed encouraging you to seek high ground for a better vantage point...

-class Specific Melee attacks
Engineer: Omni-tool fire lash attack
Adept: Melee (biotic) attack that knocks everyone near them away and stuns

-Powers Evolve more than once
"In ME3 this is just the start. A Vanguard player can customise their devastating Charge move first to slam people harder, then do more damage, then to reduce the cooldown.

-Powers combine
Example given with Soldier: "Soldier still has an arcing attack called Concussive Shot, but it now behaves differently depending on the ammo ugrade he/she is using. Cryo ammo lets you use that same trajectory to deliver a blast of ice that canfreeze every enemy in the area."

-Story is more like ME1 than ME2

-Places being visited (at least what the Magazine reports):
[...]mission takes you to the Salarian homeworld, the Quarian homeworld, the Asari homeworld, and the human homeworld - Earth. You'll even go to Mars [...]

-Every major character you have met will play a role in the last game

-Why is Cerberus after Shepard? They are working with the Reapers
"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organisation in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions. They are wokring with the Reapers"

-Reaperized enemies include Asari, Krogan, Rachni
"In Mass Effect 3 we'll fight the Reapers other experiments, with other species.
One is a hideously bloated pregnant Asari, her gums stripped away and a robot skeleton showing through her rotting flesh"

"The Reapers take on the Rachni, who were already viscious insect monsters,are covered with bulging savs of lesser creatures. Rather than hitting their weak spot for massive damage, you want to avoid it like the plague: bursting any of these sacs before the creature is dead wit will unleash a swarm of horrible mini-rachni that crawl all over your body"

"The Reaperised Krogan wears heavy armor plates that can shear off with enough focused fire. Once you do the creature changes its behaviour to be more defensive clutching its lurid blue intestines to its stomach as its lumbers towards you"

"One Reaper creature draws life force from anything that dies near it.
The time-honoured strategy of taking out the easy enemies first ends up
being counter-productive: you make the creature stronger than it would
have been with its allies alive."

Casey Hudson summarizing ME3 (This is an article quote):
"Casey sums up Mass Effect 3 as being about victory through sacrifice, the scale of that sacrifice has been increasing with each new chapter" [Rest is authors speculation about saving(or not saving) Wrex and Rachni consequences]
Mesaj tarihi:
arkimod said:

bu durumda reaperlar alpha relay patlamış olsa bile o sisteme gelecekler ve relayi bulamıyacaklar,hapsoldular orda, relayi olan başka bi spiral kol a seyahat etmek eski usül ftl drive ile yıllarca sürer, ozamana shepard mı kalır la

Yolculugun o kadar da uzun surecegi soylenmiyor. Oyunda soylenen sure aylarca veya birkac yil.
Mesaj tarihi:
-Why is Cerberus after Shepard? They are working with the Reapers
"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organisation in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions. They are wokring with the Reapers"

"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organisation in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions. They are wokring with the Reapers"

They are wokring with the Reapers




-Reaperized enemies include Asari, Krogan, Rachni
"In Mass Effect 3 we'll fight the Reapers other experiments, with other species.
One is a hideously bloated pregnant Asari, her gums stripped away and a robot skeleton showing through her rotting flesh"


[...]mission takes you to the Salarian homeworld, the Quarian homeworld, the Asari homeworld, and the human homeworld - Earth. You'll even go to Mars [...]

welcome back to bioware FORMULA!!!!!

hikayemiz alakasiz tutorial bolumu iceren bir noktada baslar (normandy hasar gorup gormeyebilir, saldiri ile baslatr ama)

sonra citedale akariz, shepard akilli ol bakiyim, dunay tehdit altinda galaksiden yardim topla dunyayi kurtar

salarian vs krogan moralty choice gelebilir, salarianlardan yardim isteriz hikayenin yarisinda krogan gelir

asari dunyasina gideriz, ardath yakshi lerle justicarlar arasinda secim yapmamiz istenir, gene moralty choice onlarin sorunlarini hallederiz

sonra quarian dunyasina gideriz, quarianlarla geth arasinda secim yapmamiz istenir

marsta dunyaya baglayin XX YY gibi bi dalga var, onu kullanip dunyanin ylunu acalim, savunmayi kiralim klasik bioware sondan bir bolum oncesi

shepard heroic inspirational speech

dunyada buyuk ihtimal niv york filan son savas alani, sehirde ilerleriz bi onceki missionlarda hangi irki kurtarip yanimiza aldiysak summonlariz, yardim ederler

sonra archdemon reaper i keseriz, shepard kendini sacrifice eder veya morality choice ile baskasini oldurur

sonra credits

daha cikmadan seneryo sabit lol
Mesaj tarihi:
valla mass effect 2 gibi ana hikaye ile uzaktan yakindan alakasiz olan episodic content ile dandini daddy issue kisisel hikayeleri yerine bioware clichelerini tercih ederim yanniz. duzgun kisisel hikaye yazip ana hikayeyi uzerine kuramiyor iste Bioware, DA2'de de gorduk, ME2'de de gorduk, baya baya kapasitesizler o konuda.

onun disinda basindan beri belli 3'un Mass Effect: Origins olacagi. x vs. y secimlerine de cok sasirmamak lazim ilk ME'den beri butun lore'u ikili mucadeleler uzerine kurdu adamlar zaten. ME 2'de bile yegane evrenle alakali gorevler genophage ve geth. Reaperlar da ilk oyundan beri all powerful evil...
Mesaj tarihi:
Casey Hudson
Happy to confirm #ME3 supports wider options for love interests incl. same-sex for m&f chars, reactive to how you interact w/them in-game.

aha tali femshep incoming
Mesaj tarihi:
LethE said:

same selam

-Why is Cerberus after Shepard? They are working with the Reapers

Mesaj tarihi:
anlamadigim iki oyundur heteroseksuel olan shepard nasil birden homo olucak?
hadi lezbien god tier fem shep vardi zaten ilk oyundan beride, male shepard bu kadar zamandir neden gardropta saklaniyordu o zaman asdfasfd

ha bu arada male shepard i seslendiren "abimizin" resimleri




eh kader iste bir jenerasyonda kirmizi rangeri oyniyan aktorun gay pornosunda oynayacak kadar dusmesi ile yikilmisti
Mesaj tarihi:
RamsesII said:

tali neden o kaskın içinde ya neden öyle biri açıklayabilir mi?

oynamadın mı hiç oyunları?

kısaca: bunların bağışıklık sistemi kötü, o yüzden tüm ırk maskelerle özel kıyafetlerle dolaşıyor.
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