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Mesaj tarihi:
Abi Cataclysm patchlerine bakacaksın.

Şu anda maksimum level 83.
Maksimum 1 ay içerisinde tahminimce 85 olur.
Ekim'de de Blizzcon ile raid, vs. gösterip, Kasım sonu release tarihini verirler diye düşünüyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
allah belani versin blizz

hyjala bir quest koymuslar, spoil etmiyim hikayeyi bole buyuk magaramsi bir yere giriyoruz fire elemantal plane direk, bir tane adacigin ustundeyiz geniiiz bi magra gryphonlar duruyor

dedim allah super Q gelicek

weapon rack den lance al dedi gryphiona atla, joust yapican dedi


FUCKING KIDS!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111

ve normal joustingden daha igrenc, kus ucamiyor tek skill var kanat cipr diye, onu spamlayip ucurmaya calisiyoruz, kontrol rezalet zaten

sonra gelen diger ucanalri kes dedi, yuakrda yazdigim rezil ucma kontrolleri ile adamlara dgeip dusurmenizi istiyor oda iyi filan, sonra butun questing arkasindaki bayat espri cikti ortaya


diye mesaj gecti, tavandan ates toplari dusmeye basladi

bazen cidden GC nin espri anlayisi seviyesinin mortis seviyesinde oldugunu dusunuyorum :/

bu arada terbiyesizler yeni bi mekanik getirmisler, flying moutlarin ucmasini engelliyebiliyorlar, ucmaya kapali bolgelerde flying mount ile gezebiliyorsunzu (silvermoon misal), tek farki havalanmak istediginizde mount kalkmiyor, asagi iniyor

millet TBC den beri yalavrdi azerothda bole gezebilelim diye, teknik oalrak imkansiz cok is vs vs dediler, bi abidik questte ucan mountu frenlemek icin cozduler ama

Mesaj tarihi:
Hiç olmadı yeni zul-aman gibi exclusive mount/item run yapılabilcek 3 günde resetlenen bir instance koymalılardı, dalanda north bank'da 5 kişi duruyor akşam 9da, son arena sezonunun üzeriden aylar yıllar geçti, battleground sıraları nerdeyse yarım saati buluyor, daha ne denir ki :O
Mesaj tarihi:
IRVINE, Calif., Aug 17, 2010 said:
-- Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced plans for a limited-release Collector's Edition of World of Warcraft(R): Cataclysm(TM), the third expansion for the world's most popular subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game,* World of Warcraft. The special Collector's Edition package, which will only be available at retail stores, will include the following exclusive bonus items in addition to the game disc:

-- Art of the Cataclysm art book, featuring 176 pages of never-before-seen images from the archives of the Blizzard Entertainment cinematics department and the World of Warcraft development team, as well as progressive visuals from multiple stages of development.

-- Exclusive in-game pet: he may not be a breaker of worlds just yet, but Lil' Deathwing will still proudly accompany heroes on their struggle to save Azeroth from his much, much larger counterpart.

-- Behind-the-scenes DVD with over an hour of developer interviews and commentaries, as well as a special Warcraft(R) retrospective examining the rich gaming history of the Warcraft universe.

-- Soundtrack featuring 10 epic new tracks from Cataclysm, including exclusive bonus tracks.

-- Special-edition mouse pad depicting Deathwing menacing the ravaged continents of Azeroth.

-- World of Warcraft Trading Card Game cards, including a 60-card starter deck from the Wrathgate series, two extended-art cards, and two Collector's Edition-exclusive hero cards, marking the first appearance of goblin and worgen heroes in the TCG.

The first two World of Warcraft expansions, The Burning Crusade(R) and Wrath of the Lich King(R), each shattered PC game sales records upon their release. In Cataclysm, the face of Azeroth will be forever altered by the return of the corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing. Players will explore once-familiar areas of the world that have now been reshaped by the devastation and filled with new adventures. In an effort to survive the planet-shattering cataclysm, two new playable races -- worgen and goblins -- will join the struggle between the Alliance and the Horde. As players journey to the new level cap of 85, they'll discover newly revealed locations, acquire new levels of power, and come face to face with Deathwing in a battle to determine the fate of the world.

The beta test for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is currently underway. To set up a Battle.net account and sign up for a chance to participate, please visit the official Battle.net website at http://www.battle.net.

The World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Collector's Edition will be available on DVD-ROM for Windows(R) XP/Windows Vista(R)/Windows(R) 7 and Macintosh(R) at a suggested retail price of $79.99. The release date and other details for the game will be announced in the months ahead. For more information on World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, please visit the official website at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/cataclysm.

Mesaj tarihi:
Ya klasik CE içeriği işte. Dogtag verdiler bi kere, daha değişik bi şey vermeleri lazımdı onu da mouse pad ve tcg olarak düşünmüşler. İyi olmuş, acaba ne düşüyo o seriden.

Edit: Starter deck diyo ya, heralde booster pack içeriği yoktur onda? :(
Mesaj tarihi:
ehueh, tcg'yi, tbc cıktıgından beri veriyolar zaten, once 1 deck'di, sonra 2 deck oldu falan, mouse pad de wotlk ile vermislerdi, en azından bi figur falan versinler abi ne biliym yani =)...
Mesaj tarihi:
Pet çok anlamsız ya. İlgi çekici bir özelliği olsun bari petin. Bir tabard ver mesela, ya da bir shirt. Ya da Orb of Deception gibi, Orb of Sindorei gibi bir item mesela. Hiç olmadı consumable birşeyler....

Mesela şu raiddeki diğer adamlara random frost bolt atan mini-elemental pet var, bayılıyorum ben ona :D
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