Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2010 said: Nozdormu: MS ROLL [Sword of Mediocre, Elemental Awsomeness] Neltharion rolls 3 (1-100) Neltharion: Fuk Alexstraza rolls 97 (1-100) Neltharion: Aww come on! Ysera: GZ Malygos: Congratulations! Alextraza recieves loot: [Sword of Mediocre, Elemental Awsomeness] Alextraza: Ty Neltharion: Duude i totally needed that! thats bullshit! Neltharion has left the raid group To [Neltharion]: Hey this is Yogg Saron from we over here think you should totaly join our guild From [Neltharion]: Oh Ya? Whats in it for me? You do know im the best DPS around right ? To [Neltharion]: Well From our Knowledge, You really want to be a tank, and we can do this for you! We have the best Goblin crafters money can buy ! They will forge the best armor ever right onto your skin! To [Neltharion]: We are also the farthest in content. Forget we own World First! From [Neltharion]: NO WAY !? i can be a tank AND get world first ?! . sign me up just let me quit this fail guild In [Neltharion]: Im Leaving you scrubs im going to be a Tank in and get world first [Alexstrasza]: W/e nub have fun ! [Neltharion]: I will #*!*#, BTW you were the worst DPS ive ever seen ! Neltharion Has left the guild [Alexstrasza]: Maybe its because im a healer ? >< oh he left what a nub To [Neltharion]: Ready for an invite ? From [Neltharion]: No, One second going to get a name change To [Neltharion]: ok? From [Deathwing]: Ok im back send me a guild invite Deathwing has joined [Yogg-Saron]: We raid Tuesday-Thursday 6-10 [Deathwing]: WHAT !?!? .. i cant make those days ! !%!%!! [C'Thun]: Sucks to be you, Doesn't it? Later in their raid: [Deathwing]: HEAL ME YOGG! [Yogg-Saron]: Dude you cant tank worth a !%!%! >_> [Deathwing]: Maybe if you could heal me ! [C'Thun]: You are weak [Deathwing]: huh? [C'Thun]: Your friends will abandon you. Deathwing was kicked out of the guild by C'Thun [Yogg-Saron]: Dude, we need him, remember .. the plan ? [C'Thun]: OH @%@%!! your right, my bad Deathwing has joined the guild [C'thun]: hey, im sorry bud .. i loose my temper some times.. don't take it personal or nothing [Deathwing]: well .. i guess its ok Later When C'thun was recruiting: [2. Trade][C'Thun]: The Guild is looking for mature players! We need all atm. Raiding time is Tuesday - Thursday 6-10. From [Cho'gall]: Hey, we should totally merge our Guilds! To [Cho'gall]: The ? From [Cho'gall]: Ya. To [Cho'gall]: Sure. Cho'gall has joined the guild. [Guild][Deathwing]: whos that? [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: CHO'GALL! [Guild][Cho'gall]: YOGGY! C'thun has promoted Cho'gall to Officer. [Guild][Cho'gall]: Thanks [Guild][Deathwing]: why i not get officer rank? [Guild][C'Thun]: You are weak. [Guild][Deathwing]: -.- [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Sorry Death. [Guild][Deathwing]: meh ill log off now cya later Deathwing has logged out. [Guild][C'Thun]: Oh by the way I heard that wanted to merge with us too. [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: [Guild][Cho'gall]: Deathwing the logged hes alt, Davelprestor, who is a part of [Guild][Davelprestor]: Heya Bolvar! You should really kick Varian out of the guild [Guild][Bolvar]: Why? He's our best dps? :S [Guild][Davelprestor]: im better, i can prove it, i can link my dps meter [Guild][Bolvar]: Last time you did that you cheat'd with it >_<. [Guild][Davelprestor]: hehe sorry about that... but i've seen him ninja [Martin's Fury aka über sword] [Guild][Bolvar]: WHAT!?!?! Varian has been kicked out of the guild by Bolvar. [Guild][Davelprestor]: and Bolvar? [Guild][Bolvar]: ? [Guild][Davelprestor]: You should invite my lonely daughter Katranaprestor too. [Guild][Bolvar]: Did you say lonely? Katranaprestor has joined the guild. [Guild][Katranaprestor]: Hello. [Guild][Bolvar]: Hi lonely woman. [Guild][Katranaprestor]:So boys, How are you? [Guild][Bolvar] Well uhh mm uhh hmm ya well im good hehe *kicks feet in dirt staring at ground* [Guild][Katranaprestor]: Uhhh ok [Guild][AudinWyrnn]: That onyxia you know that right ? [Guild][Bolvar]: Shut up kid you dont know what your talking about .... shes so hawt O_o [Guild][Davelprestor]: What did you just say about my daughter? [Guild][Bolvar]: Shut up davel, what you gonna do about it ? .. go cry in a corner ? [Guild][Davelprestor]: DONT MAKE ME GET MY MAIN!!! i'll own you [Guild][Bolvar]: Dude i've seen your main .. you suck! [Guild][Davelprestor]: I DONT SUCK! YOU DONT KNOW .. YOU HAVE NEVER RAIDED WITH ME ! .. *goes and cries in the corner* [Guild][Bolvar]: Exactly [Guild][Bolvar]: So, Whats up baby ? *wink* want to go back to my place ? [Guild][Katranaprestor]: Hmm well i don't know [Guild][Bolvar]: Oh come on you know you want to dont lie to yourself [Guild][Katranaprestor]: Well ok i guess i could Tirion has joined the guild [Guild][Tirion]: /brofist [Guild][Bolvar]: /brofist Tirion has left the guild [Guild][Audinwyrnn]: The *@@! was that ? [Guild][Bolvar]: Dont worry about it kid Back on Deathwing: [Guild][Deathwing]: So about that Officer position [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Dude you cant be an officer you JUST joined and you dont even show up for raids [Guild][Deathwing]: I DONT CARE I WANT TO BE AN OFFICER ! [Guild][Cho'gall]: What you gonna do about it? Cry? [Guild][Deathwing]: *Sniff*Sniff* no ! [Guild][C'thun]: Awww da baby need a tissue ? .. dont cry baby i'll get you your nanky [Guild][Deathwing]: @%@% YOU C'THUN! IM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU ! i can totally out dps you ! [Guild][C'thun]: ok if you think so meet me at the dummies in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. [Guild][Deathwing]: Can't you just come to Deepholm? [Guild][C'thun]: No dumbass. I dont have legs. And besides you have Wings you will get here fast [Guild][Deathwing]:Fine BRT, Cho'gall can you port me to Theramore? [Guild][Cho'gall]: 10,000 gold [Guild][Deathwing]: F!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*% >< An Hour Later [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: So .. DPS Meters? [Guild][C'thun]:Recount-Damage Done for Last Fight [Guild][C'thun]:1. C'thun 4854765884 (17564.4 99.9%) [Guild][C'thun]:2. Deathwing 800 (24.3 00.1%) [Guild][Deathwing]: Thats bull!%!%! I owned the damage there no way he must of hacked his damage meter! [Guild][Cho'gall]: How do you figure somone hacked their damage meters ? you're an idiot now go cry in a corner you little red headed step child! [Guild][Deathwing]: Screw this im going to watch por ... i mean im going to work out ! Deathwing has logged out. Deathwing has Logged on [Guild][Deathwing]: XXX XXXX XXXXX XX ? ***hey guys whats up ?*** [Guild][Deathwing]: XXX XXX XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXX XX ***WTF WHY ISNT MY CHAT SHOWING UP*** To Yogg-Saron: Hey Why cant I talk in guild ? From Yogg-Saron: Oh, ya we demoted you To Yogg-Saron: But why what did i ever do ? From Yogg-Saron: We had an officer meeting and we decided your an annoying little punk To Yogg-Saron: But this guild was my life, what is the point of even logging in anymore ? From Yogg-Saron: i dunno man i'll have to talk with the others maybe we can promote you again [Officer][Yogg-Saron]: Yo, guys can we promote deathwing again so he will leave me the hell alone in tells ? please? [Officer][C'thun]: no way that dude annoys me so much! [Officer][Onyxia]: oh come on guys hes not to bad once you get to know him .. he is my dad and all [Officer][C'thun]: WTF !! how did she become an Officer ?! [Officer][Yogg-Saron]: oh ya .. haha .. remember the other night when we all went and got shit faced well .. me and onyxia went home and well one thing lead to another and shes not an officer .. [Officer][C'thun]: Jesus christ Yogg you're an idiot [Officer][Yogg-saron]: Screw you, im promoting him so he leaves me alone Yogg-Saron has promoted Deathwing to Guild Bitch [Guild][Deathwing]: Gee thanks guys, now how about that officer ? [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Jesus christ /facepalm At Next Raid [Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Alright.. Sending out invites in a 10 seconds, leave you groups... Cho'Gall has joined the raid. C'thun has joined the raid. Onyxia has joined the raid. Deathwing has joined the raid. [Raid][Deathwing]: OMG GAIZ ARE YOU AS EXCITED AS I AM!?!?!! [Raid][Yogg-Saron]: Ermmm.. Sure. Alright guys easy night ahead just Lord Morrowgar non-heroic and we can be done for the evening. [Raid][Cho'Gull]: Sounds good. [Raid][Deathwing]: Okay! But I gotta finish this quest rly quick ! [Raid][Onyxia]: Your in a raid silly. [Raid][Deathwing]: Doh! [Raid][Yogg-saron]: Dumbass. [Whisper from Onyxia]: Be nice! [Whisper to Onyxia]: Alright .... [Raid][Yogg-saron]: Jk, lets get here ASAP. [Raid][Deathwing]: I'm gonna need a summon... [Raid][Cho'gall]: WTF, you are much faster than us, stop being lazy. [Raid][Deathwing]: No guyz! I'm serious, I'm all the way in STV! [Raid][C'thun]: I'm at the stone.. [Raid][Onyxia]: On my way. [Raid][C'thun]: INC Summoning - Deathwing [Raid][Yogg-saron]: Lets get inside and get buffs. 2 Minutes later [Raid][Deathwing]: I NEED ANOTHER SUMMON PLEASE I MISSED IT PLEASE!!!! [Raid][C'thun]: FFS, You had TWO whole minutes? What were you doing!?!?! [Raid][Deathwing]: Those nudes distracted me again!.. [Officer][C'thun]: This is really get old.. [Officer][Yogg-saron]: Ironic.. Just give it time! [Raid][Onyxia]: I'm at the stone! [Raid][Cho'gall]: INC Summon - Deathwing
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