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Mesaj tarihi:
Nozdormu: MS ROLL [Sword of Mediocre, Elemental Awsomeness]
Neltharion rolls 3 (1-100)
Neltharion: Fuk
Alexstraza rolls 97 (1-100)
Neltharion: Aww come on!
Ysera: GZ
Malygos: Congratulations!
Alextraza recieves loot: [Sword of Mediocre, Elemental Awsomeness]
Alextraza: Ty
Neltharion: Duude i totally needed that! thats bullshit!
Neltharion has left the raid group

To [Neltharion]: Hey this is Yogg Saron from we over here think you should totaly join our guild
From [Neltharion]: Oh Ya? Whats in it for me? You do know im the best DPS around right ?
To [Neltharion]: Well From our Knowledge, You really want to be a tank, and we can do this for you! We have the best Goblin crafters money can buy ! They will forge the best armor ever right onto your skin!
To [Neltharion]: We are also the farthest in content. Forget we own World First!
From [Neltharion]: NO WAY !? i can be a tank AND get world first ?! . sign me up just let me quit this fail guild

[Neltharion]: Im Leaving you scrubs im going to be a Tank in and get world first
[Alexstrasza]: W/e nub have fun !
[Neltharion]: I will #*!*#, BTW you were the worst DPS ive ever seen !
Neltharion Has left the guild
[Alexstrasza]: Maybe its because im a healer ? >< oh he left what a nub

To [Neltharion]: Ready for an invite ?
From [Neltharion]: No, One second going to get a name change
To [Neltharion]: ok?
From [Deathwing]: Ok im back send me a guild invite
Deathwing has joined
[Yogg-Saron]: We raid Tuesday-Thursday 6-10
[Deathwing]: WHAT !?!? .. i cant make those days ! !%!%!!
[C'Thun]: Sucks to be you, Doesn't it?

Later in their raid:
[Deathwing]: HEAL ME YOGG!
[Yogg-Saron]: Dude you cant tank worth a !%!%! >_>
[Deathwing]: Maybe if you could heal me !
[C'Thun]: You are weak
[Deathwing]: huh?
[C'Thun]: Your friends will abandon you.
Deathwing was kicked out of the guild by C'Thun
[Yogg-Saron]: Dude, we need him, remember .. the plan ?
[C'Thun]: OH @%@%!! your right, my bad
Deathwing has joined the guild
[C'thun]: hey, im sorry bud .. i loose my temper some times.. don't take it personal or nothing
[Deathwing]: well .. i guess its ok

Later When C'thun was recruiting:
[2. Trade][C'Thun]: The Guild is looking for mature players! We need all atm. Raiding time is Tuesday - Thursday 6-10.
From [Cho'gall]: Hey, we should totally merge our Guilds!
To [Cho'gall]: The ?
From [Cho'gall]: Ya.
To [Cho'gall]: Sure.
Cho'gall has joined the guild.
[Guild][Deathwing]: whos that?
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: CHO'GALL!
[Guild][Cho'gall]: YOGGY!
C'thun has promoted Cho'gall to Officer.
[Guild][Cho'gall]: Thanks
[Guild][Deathwing]: why i not get officer rank?
[Guild][C'Thun]: You are weak.
[Guild][Deathwing]: -.-
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Sorry Death.
[Guild][Deathwing]: meh ill log off now cya later
Deathwing has logged out.
[Guild][C'Thun]: Oh by the way I heard that wanted to merge with us too.

Deathwing the logged hes alt, Davelprestor, who is a part of

[Guild][Davelprestor]: Heya Bolvar! You should really kick Varian out of the guild
[Guild][Bolvar]: Why? He's our best dps? :S
[Guild][Davelprestor]: im better, i can prove it, i can link my dps meter
[Guild][Bolvar]: Last time you did that you cheat'd with it >_<.
[Guild][Davelprestor]: hehe sorry about that... but i've seen him ninja [Martin's Fury aka über sword]
[Guild][Bolvar]: WHAT!?!?!
Varian has been kicked out of the guild by Bolvar.
[Guild][Davelprestor]: and Bolvar?
[Guild][Bolvar]: ?
[Guild][Davelprestor]: You should invite my lonely daughter Katranaprestor too.
[Guild][Bolvar]: Did you say lonely?
Katranaprestor has joined the guild.
[Guild][Katranaprestor]: Hello.
[Guild][Bolvar]: Hi lonely woman.
[Guild][Katranaprestor]:So boys, How are you?
[Guild][Bolvar] Well uhh mm uhh hmm ya well im good hehe *kicks feet in dirt staring at ground*
[Guild][Katranaprestor]: Uhhh ok
[Guild][AudinWyrnn]: That onyxia you know that right ?
[Guild][Bolvar]: Shut up kid you dont know what your talking about .... shes so hawt O_o
[Guild][Davelprestor]: What did you just say about my daughter?
[Guild][Bolvar]: Shut up davel, what you gonna do about it ? .. go cry in a corner ?
[Guild][Davelprestor]: DONT MAKE ME GET MY MAIN!!! i'll own you
[Guild][Bolvar]: Dude i've seen your main .. you suck!
[Guild][Davelprestor]: I DONT SUCK! YOU DONT KNOW .. YOU HAVE NEVER RAIDED WITH ME ! .. *goes and cries in the corner*
[Guild][Bolvar]: Exactly
[Guild][Bolvar]: So, Whats up baby ? *wink* want to go back to my place ?
[Guild][Katranaprestor]: Hmm well i don't know
[Guild][Bolvar]: Oh come on you know you want to dont lie to yourself
[Guild][Katranaprestor]: Well ok i guess i could
Tirion has joined the guild
[Guild][Tirion]: /brofist
[Guild][Bolvar]: /brofist
Tirion has left the guild
[Guild][Audinwyrnn]: The *@@! was that ?
[Guild][Bolvar]: Dont worry about it kid

Back on Deathwing:

[Guild][Deathwing]: So about that Officer position
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Dude you cant be an officer you JUST joined and you dont even show up for raids
[Guild][Cho'gall]: What you gonna do about it? Cry?
[Guild][Deathwing]: *Sniff*Sniff* no !
[Guild][C'thun]: Awww da baby need a tissue ? .. dont cry baby i'll get you your nanky
[Guild][Deathwing]: @%@% YOU C'THUN! IM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU ! i can totally out dps you !
[Guild][C'thun]: ok if you think so meet me at the dummies in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.
[Guild][Deathwing]: Can't you just come to Deepholm?
[Guild][C'thun]: No dumbass. I dont have legs. And besides you have Wings you will get here fast
[Guild][Deathwing]:Fine BRT, Cho'gall can you port me to Theramore?
[Guild][Cho'gall]: 10,000 gold
[Guild][Deathwing]: F!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*%!*% ><
An Hour Later
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: So .. DPS Meters?
[Guild][C'thun]:Recount-Damage Done for Last Fight
[Guild][C'thun]:1. C'thun 4854765884 (17564.4 99.9%)
[Guild][C'thun]:2. Deathwing 800 (24.3 00.1%)
[Guild][Deathwing]: Thats bull!%!%! I owned the damage there no way he must of hacked his damage meter!
[Guild][Cho'gall]: How do you figure somone hacked their damage meters ? you're an idiot now go cry in a corner you little red headed step child!
[Guild][Deathwing]: Screw this im going to watch por ... i mean im going to work out !
Deathwing has logged out.

Deathwing has Logged on
[Guild][Deathwing]: XXX XXXX XXXXX XX ? ***hey guys whats up ?***
To Yogg-Saron: Hey Why cant I talk in guild ?
From Yogg-Saron: Oh, ya we demoted you
To Yogg-Saron: But why what did i ever do ?
From Yogg-Saron: We had an officer meeting and we decided your an annoying little punk
To Yogg-Saron: But this guild was my life, what is the point of even logging in anymore ?
From Yogg-Saron: i dunno man i'll have to talk with the others maybe we can promote you again
[Officer][Yogg-Saron]: Yo, guys can we promote deathwing again so he will leave me the hell alone in tells ? please?
[Officer][C'thun]: no way that dude annoys me so much!
[Officer][Onyxia]: oh come on guys hes not to bad once you get to know him .. he is my dad and all
[Officer][C'thun]: WTF !! how did she become an Officer ?!
[Officer][Yogg-Saron]: oh ya .. haha .. remember the other night when we all went and got shit faced well .. me and onyxia went home and well one thing lead to another and shes not an officer ..
[Officer][C'thun]: Jesus christ Yogg you're an idiot
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Screw you, im promoting him so he leaves me alone
Yogg-Saron has promoted Deathwing to Guild Bitch
[Guild][Deathwing]: Gee thanks guys, now how about that officer ?
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Jesus christ /facepalm

At Next Raid

[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: Alright.. Sending out invites in a 10 seconds, leave you groups...
Cho'Gall has joined the raid.
C'thun has joined the raid.
Onyxia has joined the raid.
Deathwing has joined the raid.
[Raid][Deathwing]: OMG GAIZ ARE YOU AS EXCITED AS I AM!?!?!!
[Raid][Yogg-Saron]: Ermmm.. Sure. Alright guys easy night ahead just Lord Morrowgar non-heroic and we can be done for the evening.
[Raid][Cho'Gull]: Sounds good.
[Raid][Deathwing]: Okay! But I gotta finish this quest rly quick !
[Raid][Onyxia]: Your in a raid silly.
[Raid][Deathwing]: Doh!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Dumbass.

[Whisper from Onyxia]: Be nice!
[Whisper to Onyxia]: Alright ....

[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Jk, lets get here ASAP.
[Raid][Deathwing]: I'm gonna need a summon...
[Raid][Cho'gall]: WTF, you are much faster than us, stop being lazy.
[Raid][Deathwing]: No guyz! I'm serious, I'm all the way in STV!
[Raid][C'thun]: I'm at the stone..
[Raid][Onyxia]: On my way.
[Raid][C'thun]: INC Summoning - Deathwing
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Lets get inside and get buffs.

2 Minutes later
[Raid][C'thun]: FFS, You had TWO whole minutes? What were you doing!?!?!
[Raid][Deathwing]: Those nudes distracted me again!..
[Officer][C'thun]: This is really get old..
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Ironic.. Just give it time!
[Raid][Onyxia]: I'm at the stone!
[Raid][Cho'gall]: INC Summon - Deathwing
[Raid][Deathwing]: THX YOU!

[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Alright .. Lets buff up!
*2 Minutes pass*
[Raid][Cho'gall]: Hey Deathwing, fucking buff so we can pull!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Yes please.
[Raid][C'thun]: Ya, lets not sit here with our tentacles up our ass!
[Raid][Deathwing]: I Forgot reagents!
[Raid][C'thun]: ...
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: AND HES THE ONE MAKING ME GO INSANE!!!
[Officer][Onyxia]: Awww.. Comon guys, he'll shape up, hes just new

---- In Yogg-saron's whisper log ----
[Whisper from Cho'Gall]: Was it worth sleeping with her now?!?
[Whisper to Cho'Gall]: I was shit-faced! GIVE ME A BREAK! FFS
[Whisper from Cho'Gall]: You disappoint me old one...
[Whisper to Cho'Gall]: Don't worry we'll make it work out, Nobody said it was gonna be easy.

---- Back in raid ----
[Raid][Deathwing]: Don't worry guyz! I can do 5 min single buffs .. I'll just have to do rebuff during the fight
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Do you think your competent enough to do that? Fuck you can hardly tank as it is......
[Raid][Deathwing]: D00d! I got a 5.5k gearscore, I GOT THIS!
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Ok, buff us and lets get this going.
[Raid][C'thun]: Seriously, I've got a group of stupid 80's to wipe after this, and they won't wait.
[Raid][Onyxia]: Yes dear Please.

*2 Minutes later*
[Raid][Deathwing]: Ok, I think I got everyone who did I miss?
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Me...
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Me, Yoggy, C'thun, YOURSELF!

*Another 2 minutes later*
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Okay.. Now we all know the fight right, its quite easy.
[Raid][C'thun]: Fucking joke IMHO.
[Raid][Deathwing]: Ermm... I don't know the encounter LOLZ >_<
[Raid][C'thun]: ...
[Raid][Onyxia]: Oh dear
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Really? You didn't even care to glance at the Tankspot videos I put on the guild forums? Hell did you even read the policies when you joined?
[Raid][Deathwing]: I would of.. But I've been busy in BG's and pwning up the DPS meterz *Pokes C'Thun*
[Raid][C'thun]: Don't touch me.
[Raid][Cho'gall]: ...
[Raid][Deathwing]: GUIZ! I got this!!! And I need like 4 upgrades off this guy, we can pwnz0r him!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: First of all.. Your "1337speak" is getting annoying and distracting, stop. Secondly, its probably safe to say that we can't do this if our tank doesn't know the encounter.
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: ^
[Raid][C'thun]: Seriously.
[Raid][Deathwing:] Just tell me what to do! My buffs are already gone!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Well.. Stay out of fire, and stayed spread during the bonestorm. Move Right - Left - Left - Keep that pattern going.
[Raid][Deathwing]: LOL! Bonestorm what a lame assz0r ability.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Got it?
[Raid][Deathwing]: I was born got it.
[Raid][C'thun]: That made no fucking sense..
[Raid][Cho'gall] Facepalm.jpg
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Okay, now lets countdown!
[Raid][Onyxia]: Yes please ^.^! I've got eggs to protect back at the lair
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Ok, go in 5, 4, 3
[Raid][C'thun]; WHAT?!?!?!
[Raid][Cho'gall]: ...
[Raid][Yogg-saron] What is it...?
[Raid][Deathwing]: I NEED TO REBUFFZ
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: No, we don't need your irrelevant buffs.

----Back in Yogg-saron's Whisper Log----
[Whisper from C'thun]: At this rate were going to lose our world first...
[Whisper to C'thun]: Don't worry, STICK TO THE PLAN!!!
[Whisper from C'thun]: I hardly think thats important anymore, were going to fall behind .. *Shutters*
[Whisper to C'thun]: It will all pay off at the end brother.
[Whisper from C'thun]: It better our I'm out and getting my own instance in Cataclysm.

----Back in the raid----
[Raid][Deathwing]: OKAY I'M READY! Got everyone dis time!
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Ya ... except your forgot to put on your helmet.
[Raid][Onyxia]: HEY! Unnecessary!
[Raid][C'thun]: Ermmm..
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: No seriously. He doesn't have anything in his head slot.
[Raid][Deathwing]: OOPS SORRY!!! Was messing with my Ruby Shades!!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Well put on your helmet.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Going in Five, Four, Three, Tw
[Yell][Deathwing]: BRB 1 sec.. Or 3 minutes!
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: NO! NO! NO!
[Raid][Onyxia]: Oh dear
[Raid][Yogg-saron] Alright.. Take a 5 minute break, Thats 10:15, anything later will result in a DKP Deduction.
[Raid][Cho'gall]: Brb - Going to blow brains out.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Lol.

*2 Minutes into the Break*
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: So.. Wanna do your heroic daily after this *wink* *wink* hehe
[Raid][Onyxia]: I've run out of room for eggs.. Maybe another time
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Ohh.. Okay, no thats cool.

----In Yogg-saron's Whisper Log----
[Whisper from Cho'Gall]: LOL DENIED! Looks like someone needs to get her tipsy first
[Whisper to Cho'gall]: Fuck off.
[Whisper from C'thun]: YOUR HEART WILL EXPLODE!
[Whisper from Cho'gall]: I should be the one mad at you IMHO.
[Whisper to C'thun]: I'm not even going to dignify that with a response...

----Back in the raid----
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Alright, its been 5 minutes.. Ready Check INC
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: [Addon Ready Check - Members not ready]: "Deathwing"
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: WTF
[Raid][Onyxia]: Oh noes
[Raid][C'thun]: LOL 50 DKP MINUS
[Raid][Yogg-saron] Whatever, Go.. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!


[Raid][Yogg-saron]: DEATHWING GO!
[Raid][C'thun]: GO GO GO
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Time to grab my Stakethrower (Gun)

*Deathwing Runs in*

C'thun has died.
[Raid][C'thun]: WHAT THE FUCK!
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Wow, and he was our best dps too.
[Raid][Deathwing]: Oops.. And i'm best dpser
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: STFU and focus, lets just keep this a controlled kill.. It'll be slow.
[Raid][C'thun]: You Deathwing remind me of all the lowly lvl 80 scrubs my beams annihilate.
[Raid][Deathwing]: Lol, UMAD!

[Yell][Deathwing]: REPORTED FOR SPAM!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Shut up and stay focused Deathwing, Only 50% more to go, HEROISM!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: AND MOVE LEFT FFS!
[Raid][C'thun]: We don't have a shaman noob.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Oh yeah. STAY FOCUSED!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Can I get a Salv? I'm 20k under you on Omen ffs
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Hello? Are you deaf?
[Raid][C'thun]: Your less efficient than Leeroy.
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: WOW, SALV ME FFS!
[Raid][Deathwing]: Its in my spellbook I'd have to look for it!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: DO IT THEN!!!
[Raid][Onyxia]: Your still in fire hun Move please.
Cho'Gall has died.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: SHH!! Only 20% more to go focus!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: DEATHWING! Move out of the fire... Seriously, your taking stupid spike damage already with your shitty GS.
[Raid][Deathwing]: HEY D00D! I'm fire type its OK! I'M IMMUNE!
[Raid][C'thun]: ...
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Lol?
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: This isn't Pokemon... And that thats actually dealing frost damage, its FROST-FIRE FFS! MOVE!
Deathwing has died.
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: /golfclap
[Raid][C'thun]: This is the darkest day ever..
[Raid][Deathwing]: WTF!!! This boss is glitched!!! I got 1 shot went from full health to 0!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: No.
Yogg-saron has died.
Onyxia has died.
[Raid][C'thun]: Trust me... Lord Morrowlewt isn't bugged. I'd know something about bugged mobs, I'm best friends with ouro.
[Raid][Deathwing]: I Dun care...
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Ok run back guys, we will give it another attempt, and we need to reflask.
[Raid][C'thun]: I can't wait.
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: ^ .. Lets go pug a tank in trade.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Ya.. It'd be better, but we don't want to ruin our reputation as world best.

----In C'thun's Whisper Log---
[Whisper to Ouro]: Yogg-saron has wiped on Lord Morrowgar 14%.
[Whisper to Ouro]: ... FFS Hogger would make a better tank.
[Whisper from Ouro]: Well.. He isn't doing anything right now.. You could ask?
[Whisper to Ouro]: Ya.. And maybe we can get Leeroy to heal!
[Whisper from Ouro]: Still be better than Deathwing...
[Whisper to Ouro]: =

----Back in raid Chat----
[Raid][Deathwing]: Guyz!! Sorry.. I gotta go, mom wants to get on Computer
[Raid][C'thun]: Do you even have a mom?
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Lol he has two dads
[Raid][C'thun]: LOL
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: LOL
[Raid][Onyxia]: ...
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: ermmm.. Sorry.
[Raid][C'thun]: WHIPPED!
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: ... But seriously, you just wasted 4 other people's time Deathwing, you will be demoted until you prove your worth.
[Raid][Deathwing]: OH COMON!!! WTF!
[Raid][C'thun]: Good.
[Raid][Onyxia]: aww
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Sorry but its in the best intrest of the guild.
[Guild]: Yogg-saron has demoted Deathwing to Muted.
[Raid][Deathwing]: FUCK YOU GUYS!
Deathwing has left the guild.
[Raid][Yogg-saron]: Don't worry.. He'll be back.
[Raid][C'thun]: I hope not. Lets recruit hogger.
[Raid][Cho'Gall]: Please don't invite him back.
[Raid][Onyxia]: Aww comon guys, give him another chance!
[Raid][C'thun]: DENIED!

----Meanwhile in General Chat----
[1. General][Edwin]: ...
[1. General][Hogger]: Aren't you their tank?
[1. General][Vanessa VanCleef]: ^
[1. General][Illidan]: Not this shit again..
[1. General][Rhonin]: Obvious Troll is obvious?
[1. General][Deathwing]: I'm not a troll! I'm a dragonkin dubass..
[1. General][Rhonin]: Yet you spell dumbass wrong? Pfft, L2P kid.
[1. General][Tirion Fordring]: Haha were gonna be world first now! LOL @ Recruiting garbage now I see.
[1. General]: STFU, I'll deal you now, and you'll lose! Or will you be to busy trapped in an iceblock?
[1. General][Tirion Fordring]: YOU GOT LUCKY ONE TIME!!
[1. General]: 2 times... I have a heroic mode.
[1. General][Ouro]: Can we take this into whispers!?!? FFS people.
[1. General][Darkspear Witch Doctor]: Trading in trade chat?!? INSANITY!
[1. General][Hogger]: Troll..
[1. General][Kel'Thuzad]: This is general nub
[1. General][Illidan]: TROLLED
[1. General][Edwin]: LOL
[1. General][Deathwing]: ANAL [Rend] HARHARHARHAR
[1. General][Kael'thas Sunstrider]: Looks like Was merely a setback!
[1. General][Ouro]: You realize that joke is old now?...
[1. General][Kael'thas Sunstrider]: Orly?

----Back in ----
[Guild][Yogg-saron]: Yikes...
[Guild][Onyxia]: What is it?
[Guild][Yogg-saron] General is insane.. And its not looking good for us... Were gonna be the butt of every joke now.
[Guild][Yogg-saron]: Were gonna need some damage control...
[Guild][C'thun]: Leave that to me...
Deathwing has join the guild
Deathwing has been promoted to Member
[Guild][Deathwing]: Hey guys, im sorry about that i'll start trying harder I'm sorry ive been such a baddie
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: At this point your not welcome back in raids, sorry we have a new tank
[Guild][Hogger]: Ya bitch they have a real tank now!
[Guild][Deathwing]: THAT guy is the one who replaced me ? .. he only has 666 hp !!! I MEAN WTF !!!
[Guild][C'Thun]: Ya but hes good so we are gonna get him geared up
[Guild][Deathwing]: WTF EVER!... bunch of bullshit
[Guild][Onyxia]: Dad Calm down you left you brought this apon yourself
[Guild][Deathwing]: but i wanted to tank! .. w/e im going to bed
Deathwing has logged off
-----Yogg-Saron's Whispers------
[From C'thun]: I hate this fucking plan
[To C'thun]: I know just play alone we will be done soon
[From C'thun]: I fucking hope so

[Guild][Onyxia]: Hey guys can my brother join the guild ?
[Guild][Cho'gal]: I guess
Nefarion has joined the guild
[Guild][Nefarion]: HI GUIZ .. HI SISSY !! .. HOW IS YOU !?
[Guild][C'thun]: W H A T .. T H E .. F U C K .. I S .. U P .. W I T H .. T H E .. M E N .. O F .. Y O U R .. F A M I L Y?!
[Guild][Onyxia]: im not quite sure the test havn't come back yet
[Guild][C'thun]: They are so annoying
[Guild][Nefarion]: Im nawt annyoing me smmart me knew huw tew depz
[Guild][Yogg-Saron]: NO WAY IN HELL
Nefarion has been kicked from the guild by Yogg-Saron
[Guild][Cho'gal]: THANK GOD

[Guild][Yogg-saron]: Okay guys, were going to raid goldshire tonight. Should be very easy if we stay focused.
[Guild][Cho'Gall]: Sounds good, should be cake with our 6k gs tank!
[Guild][Hogger]: I'll destroy those sorry sons-a-bitches!
[Guild][Yogg-sarons]: Lets not get cocky...
[Guild][Deathwing]: Hehe, you said cock.
[Guild][C'thun]: ...
[Guild][Cho'Gall]: HARHAR DURP DERP
[Guild][Yogg-saron]: Invites going out in 10 seconds, leave groups.

----In Yogg-saron's Whisper Log----
[Whisper from Deathwing]: Hey man.. Like I've been good and stuff, can I come back and Offtank??? I've read up on my class and can salv now. And pwn up some dpsz0r meters
[Whisper to Deathwing]: I'll have to have a meeting with my officers. I'll get back in contact with you ASAP.

----In officer's chat----
[Officer][Yogg-sarons]: Guys, I need you to help me make a decision.
[Officer][C'thun]: Shoot.
[Officer][Cho'Gall]: Okay.
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Its about Deathwing.
C'thun has left officer chat.
[Officer][Cho'Gall]: Well.. I looked at my calendar and its not April 1st, so .. Can I have some of what your smoking?
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: ... Seriously. This is no time for jokes, and tell C'thun to get back in here.
C'thun has entered officer chat.
[Officer][C'thun]: Is it April 1st?
{Officer][Cho'Gall]: No, I already made that joke.
[Officer][C'thun]: Oh.. well way to steal my thunder.
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Will the both of you shut the hell up, now is time to execute our plan, its the perfect opportunity to frame him for the death of Old Blanchy.
[Officer][Yogg-saron] Once the alliance races, Especially those in Stormwind and Westfall find out that Deathwing killed Old Blanchy, he will be dealed with and we will never have to deal with him again!!!
[Officer][C'thun]: True.. Hes nothing but a plague and somehow finds his way here because of Onyxia.
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: This is the perfect opportunity! Shes off on a date or something and couldn't make this raid!
[Officer][Cho'Gall]: Oh yeah.. Whose the lucky guy anyways?
[Officer][C'thun]: No idea.. She wouldn't tell us.
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Lol its probably Alexstrasza, or something.
[Officer][C'thun]: O_O
[Officer][Cho'Gall]: Woah, a man can dream...
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Anyways its set, lets execute our flawless plan!
[Officer][C'thun]: Ahhh.. I have to .. Do the laundry.. Brb 15 mins
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Yeah.. Lets start the raid in 15 mins, Got some old god stuff to attend too.
[Offcer][Cho'Gall]: What is that dear?!? Wifeaggro brb
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: You don't have a wife?

Later that night in Tradechat

[6:22][Keal'thas]: Dead or Alive!? is Recruiting newly animated, or partially animated Boss's that can raid Fri-Sat-Sun. PST!
[6:24]To Onyxia: Hey
[6:30]To Onyxia: Hey
[6:31][Keal'thas]: Dead or Alive!? is Recruiting newly animated, or partially animated Boss's that can raid Fri-Sat-Sun. PST!
[6:33]To Onyxia: Hey
[6:33]From Onyxia: AFK: Is Away From Keyboard.
[6:44][Keal'thas]: Dead or Alive!? is Recruiting newly animated, or partially animated Boss's that can raid Fri-Sat-Sun. PST!
[6:48]To Onyxia: Hey
[6:48]From Onyxia: AFK: Is Away From Keyboard.
[6:49]To Onyxia: Hey
[6:50]To Onyxia: Hey
[6:50]From Onyxia: THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?
[6:51]To Onyxia: my guild is recruiting :3
[6:52]From Onyxia: I. Know. You. Only. Spammed. Trade. A. Million. Times.
[6:52]To Onyxia: so..../ do you want to join DDD
[6:53]From Onyxia: No. Im already in a guild. L2Shiftclick.
[Onyxia][Old Gods]level 80 Blood Elf Dragon
[6:54]To Onyxia: saaaaaaaaaaadfaaaaaace
[7:00]To Onyxia: you make me a saaaaaad panda
Onyxia is ignoring you.
[7:05][Keal'thas]: Dead or Alive!? is Recruiting newly animated, or partially animated Boss's that can raid Fri-Sat-Sun. PST!
[7:10]To Nefarian: join?

Meanwhile, in

[Guild][Nozdormu]: Yo I have some bad news. I will not be able to be online for a while.
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: Aw man!
Nozdormu has logged out.
[Guild][Ysera]: Night guys cya later.
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: Night.
Ysera has logged out.
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: ...
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: I feel alone.
[Guild][Malygos]: im still here
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: Huh? You're this guilds biggest grammar ##!%, why are you suddenly not capitalizing?
[Guild][Malygos]: i dunno what ur talking about
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: OH MY GOD!
[Guild][Malygos]: ?
[Guild][Alexstrasza]: You've gone insane!!!
Malygos has been kicked out of the guild by Alexstrasza.
From [Malygos]: ill kill u and all red dragons i find!
To [Malygos]: Not if I kill you first, you senile, old, insane bastard!
From [Malygos]: ill go build an army of blue draguns in coldarra and u cant stop me!!!!!!!!!
To [Malygos]: You can't do that!
Malygos is ignoring you.
[Alexstrasza] says: Damn.
[Alexstrasza] says: Wait that makes me the only member of . I better go join that new guild, instead.
Alexstrasza has left the guild.

[Guild][Malygos]: alright i formed my own guild bitchez!
[Guild][Sindragosa]: hell yeaz we kitz ass
wg in 1 minute!
[Guild][Malygos]: alright bitch lets queue up
[Guild][Tyrigosa]: lol bitch
[Guild][Sindragosa]: shut up! *queues*

wg begins
[Deathwing]: *owns sindragosa* LAWWL NOOB

[Guild][Malygos]: alright for this new guild to work im sorry sindragosa but if a noob like deathwing can beat u i have to kick u out!
[Guild][Cyangosa]: ROFL!!!
*sindragosa has been booted from the guild by malygos*

[Sindragosa]: LFguild!
[from the LichKing]: hhheeelllooooooooo

[Jaina]: Hey guys, i just got a whisper from Alexstrasza, she says she wants to join the guild.
[Arthasmenethil]: OMG no way! i saw some naked pics of her someone sent me!
[Jaina]: ...
[Illidan]: lawl @ Arthas.
[Jaina]: Well... ima send her an invite, she's pretty much the best healer ever.
Alexstrasza joins the guild
[Arthasmenethil]: yeah, someone sent me naked pics of her and Ysera, it was awesome.
[Alexstasza]: thanks for the invite! what the...
[Maiev]: L O FREAKIN L
Arthasmenethil goes offline.
[Jaina]: dont mind him...
[Illidan]: im going to summon the naga, brb.
[Maiev] Illidan that's agaisnt the guildrules... Soz i'll have to kick you now.
[guild][illidan] I will create my own guild! and we will hack the game so that we can go to another planet and take it over so that it will be all mine! i will be an end-game raid boss! YOU... ARE NOT... PREPARED...!
Illidan kicked from guild.
[Malfurion]: ... lol i dont care, he was wierd anyway...

Illidan: LF ppl to sign my charter no noobs paying 1g
Krasus: LOL Rhonin is a ninja looter dont inv him!!
Notrhonin: but it was leather!!
Velen: LFM Random
Garrosh: [Dirge]
[Kael'thas]whispers: 1g plz?
[Vashj]whispers: inv!
Congratulations! Your guild AZEROTHIAN SUPER VILLAINS has been made!
Kael'thas has joined the guild.
Vashj has joined the guild.
[Guild]Kaelthas: weres my 1g?!?

[Illidan]: ok guys, here's the plan, we are gonna use a wallhack to hack through the atmosphere and eventually arrive to a planet called Draenor!
[Vashj]: Thank you for using recruit-a-friend on me Illidan.
[Illidan]: no problem, im surprised you go to 73 so fast, lol.
[kael'thas]: yeah, yeah, where's my 1g.
[Illidan]: we need an army... WAIT! I KNOW! we will create an army of demons!
[kael'thas]: my 1 gold?
[Illidan]: i spent all my gold buying a nice place in shadowmoon valley. i promise to pay you back though after we kill adventurers.
[kael'thas]: ... ok!
[illidan]: everyone meet in Darkshore and we will wall-hack at the old night elf ruins to outland. kael’thas, can i get a port?
[kael’thas]: i charge 1g for ports.
[illidan]: .... You’re just doing that to be an ass to me arent you, i promise to pay you after we take over outlands.
[kael’thas]: FINE!
[Illidan]: hey vashj, want me to summon you with the RaF thing?
[vashj]: Nah im already there, it used to be my hometown when we still lived on land.
[Illidan]: yeah... Actually! we all need catch phrases!
[kael’thas]: OOH! OOH! I KNOW MINE!
[illidan]: k.. what...
[kael’thas]: Tempest Keep was just a set-back!
[illidan]: what’s that...
[kael’thas]: nothing, it’s just my super-duper-secret awesome plan to take over outland after you die and are ridiculed by all the raiders.
[illidan]: lol cool story bro.

(a good year later)

[kael’thas]: can i have my 1g now?
[Illidan]: i would kill you if it wasnt for you being the only spell-caster here...
[vashj]: what about me?
[illidan]: LOL you’re a huntard without a pet, you’re bad.
[vashj]: but... im a ranger... the class that blizz forsake in their mmo!
[illidan]: lol cool story bro.

Meanwhile, in the guild

[Guild] Mind inviting my warrior?
[Guild][Varian] kk, relog.
Thrall has gone offline.
Garrosh has joined the guild
[Guild][Garrosh] Thx. Kick my shammy, this is my new main.
Thrall has left the guild
[Guild][Vol'jin] WTF, when did you level a warrior?
[Guild][Garrosh] Dinged 80 in Icecrown last night.
[Guild][Velen] Random anyone?
[Guild][Garrosh] Sure
[Guild][Garrosh] Oh crap, forgot to get training, just let me HS to Org
[Guild][Sylvanas] LOL are raiding Orgrimmar
[Guild][Tyrande] /care
[Guild][Garrosh] Silence night elf BIATCH
Lorthemar logs on
[Guild][Lorthemar] Hey guys
[Guild[Garrosh] Who the hell are you?
Lorthemar logs off
[Guild][Garrosh] Can anyone tell me who that was?
[Guild][Gallywix] Who cares, time is money friend!
[Guild][Cairne] He was a female blood elf i think
[Guild][Garrosh] Hey Cairne wanna DUEL! see who's best?
[Guild][Varian] Guys i think something is coming towards Stormwind... It's a huge thing
Lorthemar logs on
[Guild][Tyrande] /care
[Guild][Lorthemar] Sorry guys Dced
Garrosh kick Lorthemar out of the guild reason: Not a faction leader.
[Guild][Cairne] He was a faction leader, idiot
[Guild][Garrosh] really? ooh, my bad then
Lorthemar joins guild
[Guild][Garrosh] Sorry, thing, who are you again?
Lorthemar logs off
[Guild][Garrosh] noob, Cairne wanna duel or not?
[Guild][Varian] It's coming closer, damn that thing is huge!!!
[Guild][Tyrande] again /care
[Guild][Varian] Ooh, wait, sorry guys my bad, was just a necropolis.. wait
[Guild][Cairne] SUre, just gona eat brb, will take some time.
[Guild[Tyrande] /care
[Guild][Garrosh] Tyrande.. YOU ARE DISMISSED
[Guild][Tyrande] /care
Garrosh kick Tyrande from guild reason: /care
[Guild][Garrosh] That was sooo annoying
Tyrande joins guild
[Guild][Tyrande]Ha ha, you should have seen yourself Garrosh, nerdraging cus of that? ha ha.
[Guild][Garrosh] You are SOOO, gona pay for that, BIATCH.
[Guild][Tyrande]: and what are you gonna do about it ?
[Guild][Garrosh]: IM GONNA TAKE ASHENVALE !!!
[Guild][Tyrande]: /care place is a shithole anyways
[Guild][Tyrande]: Have fun getting here everything that you could possibly reach with fire is watterlogged !
[Guild][Garrosh]: W/E bitch we will see
[Guild][Tyrande]: /care
[Guild][Garrosh]: Screw you old man .. lets duel !
[Guild][Cairne]: Ok, come to Thunder Bluff
[Guild][Garrosh]: O M W
10 Minutes latter
[Guild][Garrosh]: HAHA!! I WON!! I BEAT HIM .. THE OLD COW IS DEAD !!
[Guild][Vol'jin]: Dead !??! you killed him man ? why you be doin dat ? dats is me and da other trolls are movin out of orgrimmar dis is ridiculous you be killin your own bredren man
[Guild][Garrosh]: PFFT w/e i was gonna kick you out my self anyways your a bunch of weaklings!
Baine has joined the guild
[Guild][Garrosh]: who's this scrub ?
[Guild][Varian]: hes Cairne's son his replacement
[Guild][Garrosh]: oh another Tauren .. i hope hes stronger than his father !
[Guild][Baine]: STFU Garrosh .. i will get you back for what you did to my father
[Guild][Garrosh]: W/e scrub im the best PvPer in this guild !
[Guild][Varian]: pfft he wishes that is

A few weeks latter Right after a Grim Batol run

[Guild][Garrosh] LOL that was fukin ezmode
[Guild][Sylvanas] You didnt make it any easier with all those stupid ninja pulls!
[Guild][Garrosh]Fukin MISDIRECT! You have it for a reason! L2P!
[Guild][Sylvanas]Oh ffs
Sylvanas has gone offline
[Guild][Lorthemar] LF BS
[Guild][Tyrande] ROFL, that noob Deathwing is here in Twilight Highlands
[Guild][Tyrande] hes stacking fire res...
[Guild][Garrosh]Bloody noob, he should be banned.
[Guild][Baine]lol nubb
[Guild][Velen] anymore raiding tonight?
[Guild][Varian] No
[Guild][Velen] Random anyone?

A Few Months Later

Tyrande has come online
[Guild][Varian] hey tyra, hear the news?
[Guild][Tyrande]What news?
Garrosh has come online
[Guild][Varian] have disbanded
[Guild][Baine] ive been expecting that...
[Guild][Garrosh] Bout time, bunch of scrubs. Couldnt even hold a bloody raid together.
[Guild][Sylvanas] We should try recruit some, maybe get 25 man raids started. I used to play with some of them, some arent bad.
[Guild][Garrosh] ROFL
[Guild][Sylvanas]Whats so funny?
[Guild][Garrosh] You. 'We should recruit some'. as if
[Guild][Sylvanas] Why not?
[Guild][Garrosh]Were a ten man guild. WE dont need anymore scrubs messing with our raid comp.
Genn Greymane joins the guild
Gallywix joins the guild

[Officer][Lichking]: alright guys listen up. we have a huge raid against the mortal races soon and we need to prepare our selves!
[Officer][Marrowgar]: BOOOOOONNNNNNEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSTTOOOOORRRRRRMMMMM them duh wtfnub lawl lawl roxxorboxxor
[Officer][Putricide]: gooooodddd neeewwwsss every one!
[Officer][Blood queen]: wut? u gunna stop stalking me u know im a dud in rl right
[Officer][Putricide]: oh no no the bad news is is having some drama, but GREAT NEWS EVERY ONE I GOT A NEW DK DPS and he tops the meters! ASTOUNDING!
[Officer][Lichking]: is he that noob? well he was kinda cool sure ill give him a chance
*Saurfang Jr has joined the guild*
*saurfang Jr has been promoted to deathbringer
[Guild][Saurfang Jr]: yo ty for the invite sup
[Guild][Lichking]: welcome :3
[Guild][LadyDeathwhisper]: noob
[Guild][Saurfang Jr]: thats not very nice
[Guild][Lichking]: check it i forced this other guy to join our guild!
*Bolvar joins the guild*
[Guild][Bolvar]: Whats up bitches!
[Guild][LadyDeathWhisper]: Oh Gawd not you!
[Guild][Bolvar]: Oh hey baby whats up long time no see
[Guild][LichKing]: Huh, you two know each other?
[Guild][Bolvar]: Hell ya, me and Lady go way back .. we were "roommates" in college
[Guild][LichKing]: and why are there parentheses ?
[Guild][Bolvar]: the parentheses are because we wernt just roommates .. yaknow .. she used to gargle my dangly parts
[Guild][LadyDeathWhisper]: O M F G why did you have to let him in the guild ?
Tirion has joined the guild
[Guild][Tirion]: /brofist
[Guild][Bolvar]: /brofist
Tirion has left the guild
[Guild][LichKing]: Im sorry Lady i didn't know i'll kick him for you
[Guild][Bolvar]: Screw yall then .. im going to wander around the Citadel for a while then
Bolvar has been kicked from the guild by LichKing
[Guild][LadyDeathWhisper]: Thanks Lich
[Guild][Lichking]: NP, btw wtf was up with Tirion randomly joining and leaving?
[Guild][LadyDeathWhisper]: fuck if i know, he used to show up every time we had sex and do the same thing .. was very wierd

A Few Months Later

Bolvar joins the guild
Bolvar is now Lich King
Arthas has left the guild
[Guild][Lady Deathwhisper]!
[Guild][Lich King] Yeah, weve kinda decided to disband, so... Bye
Lich King has gone offline

Elsewhere in

[Guild][Rabbit]Deathwing crushed my Burrow!
[Guild][Prairie Dog]Deathwing crushed my Kennel!
[Guild][Ron Burgundy]Milk was a...Bad choice...! *slurp*
Ron Burgundy has left the guild.
[Guild][Squirrel]Aaannnyywayyzz, Deathwing crushed my nuts!

Meanwhile in

[Guild][Nazgrel] Ever get the feeling that theres something huge going on that nobody told us about?
[Guild][Rexxar] What do you mean?
[Guild][Nazgrel] You know, some really huge mysterious world changing even that absolutely nobody told us about.
[Guild][Rexxar] But if there was something of that huge importance, why wouldnt they tell us? Surely we would be of assistance.
[Guild][Nazgrel] It really is a mystery.
[Guild][A'dal] You guys want to know an even bigger mystery?
[Guild][Rexxar] What is it?
[Guild][A'dal] How the hell am I talking? O.o

The Alliance cast in (had to relate to my strenghts)

Varian-Whoa nice set up
Jaina-Ohh! dibs on Seige Engine!!!
Magni- Quiet las' Ye know ladies cant drive worth swill!
Jaina-*sticks tounge out* meanie!
Tyrande-*gasp* what was that!?
Varian- What happened?
Tyrande-i keep hearing voices....
Velen-lol ur ears still ringing from last night *wink*
Tyrande-Shut up! you dont have to anounce it in front of the rest of the Alliance leaders!
Jaina-.....uh whats going on?
Tyrande-Nothing, nothing happened.
Varian-come on, i actualy want to down LK before the next expansion
Velen-I gave Tyrande a expansion : P
*Tyrande casts silence*
Tyrande-Anywho.....moving on...
*inside the chamber of the Yogg-Saron*
Varian-there it is, the greatest beast of all
Hemnet Nesingwary- Beast! roflmaoqwertyroxorzboxorz! you guys go ahead,i gotta tie my shoe then take all the credit.
Varian-Get out of here you
*kicks Hemnet Nesingwary*
Velen whispers Tyrande- can you unsilence me now
Tyrande whispers Velen-No, stay quiet
Jaina-So we need to AoE down mobs first then.....Hey! are you listening!
Magni-Went to get chips
Tyrande-What? i was distracted
Velen- Mrfh mrfh flerm grh
*Varian run into the boss, activating the phase one*
Jaina-OMG!!! What the #$^* did you do!
Varian- Sorry went AFK and must have hit auto run!
Tyrande-Quick just start fighting we should make it
*Magni kisses Sara*
*Tyrande dies*
*Varian dies*
*Jaina dies*
*Magni dies*
Varian-Velen! where the hell were your "1337" heals!
Velen-i was silenced : P
YoggSaron- Your heart will.....explode......
Velen-wtf? didnt your brother say that?
YoggSaron-Oh yeah, i ment....your....mind will....uh...
*Blizzard Dev joins the group*
Blizzard Dev-Sorry this boss is bugged,no lewt for you. Thatl teach you to use saronite bombs : D

Adamlar kasmış.
Mesaj tarihi:
Tirion has joined the guild
[Guild][Tirion]: /brofist
[Guild][Bolvar]: /brofist
Tirion has left the guild
[Guild][Audinwyrnn]: The *@@! was that ?
[Guild][Bolvar]: Dont worry about it kid

[Jaina]: Hey guys, i just got a whisper from Alexstrasza, she says she wants to join the guild.
[Arthasmenethil]: OMG no way! i saw some naked pics of her someone sent me!
[Jaina]: ...
[Illidan]: lawl @ Arthas.
[Jaina]: Well... ima send her an invite, she's pretty much the best healer ever.
Alexstrasza joins the guild
[Arthasmenethil]: yeah, someone sent me naked pics of her and Ysera, it was awesome.
[Alexstasza]: thanks for the invite! what the...
[Maiev]: L O FREAKIN L
Arthasmenethil goes offline.

Mesaj tarihi:
[Officer][C'thun]: True.. Hes nothing but a plague and somehow finds his way here because of Onyxia.
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: This is the perfect opportunity! Shes off on a date or something and couldn't make this raid!
[Officer][Cho'Gall]: Oh yeah.. Whose the lucky guy anyways?
[Officer][C'thun]: No idea.. She wouldn't tell us.
[Officer][Yogg-saron]: Lol its probably Alexstrasza, or something.
[Officer][C'thun]: O_O
[Officer][Cho'Gall]: Woah, a man can dream...

alextrazsa X onyxia NEEDS TO HAPPEN RIGHT NOW!!!!!1111111
Mesaj tarihi:
evet beyler.cataclysm ile alakası fazla yok,leveling ile alakası var ama cataclysmde size yardımcı olucağı için söyleyeyim dedim.her expensionda gelen level cap e hızlı ulaşma sırrımı anlatıyorum.

icecrown storm peaks falan biyerlerde yapmadıgınız quest birikintisi vardır.gidin quest log un alabildiği quest sayısı kadar hepsini yapın o bıraktıgınız questlerin.ama geri vermeyin complete vaziyette kalsın.expansion geldiğinde gider hepsini verir bayağı bi önde başlarsınız.hadi önemli değil..
Mesaj tarihi:
Mortal Strike as Fury/Protection
Correct. It is impossible for Fury or Protection to ever have Mortal Strike. (Source)

Only Fury warriors will dual-wield in Cataclysm. The Arms tree is completely built around using a two-handed weapon and the Prot tree is completely built around using a shield. There is no reason to dual-wield in those trees. (Source)

Critical Block
We haven't done much with Critical Block as mastery yet because the level cap on the beta is so low and raid content isn't available to publicly test yet. As we get closer we'll put some better numbers on it. (Source)
Mesaj tarihi:
Talent Trees "Primary Skills"
These skills are automatically learned when you pick your main talent tree at level 10. Thanks to Maldivia for this one.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
DK - Blood
A dark guardian who manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain himself/herself in the face of an enemy onslaught.
Veteran of the Third War (+stam/expertise)
Death Rune Mastery
Heart Strike

DK - Frost
An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes.
Frost Strike
Icy Talons
Blood of the North

DK - Unholy
A master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to do his/her bidding.
Master of Ghouls
Scourge Strike

Druid (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Druid - Restoration
Uses heal-over-time Nature spells to keep allies alive, taking on the form of a tree when the need is most urgent.
Restoration Druid (pushback reduction on healing spells)

Druid - Feral
Takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites or a mighty bear to absorb damage and protect allies.
Feral Druid (?)

Druid - Balance
Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance.
Balance Druid (pushback reduction on balance spells)

Hunter (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Hunter - Marksmanship
A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar.
Aimed Shot
Marksmanship Hunter (+ ranged hit, pushback reduction)

Hunter - Survival
A rugged tracker who favors using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons.
Explosive Shot
Survival Hunter (+ ranged hit, pushback reduction)

Hunter - Beast Mastery
A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist him/her in combat.
Beastmastery Hunter (+ranged hit, pushback reduction)

Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Mage - Arcane
Manipulates arcane energies, playing with the very fabric of time and space.
Arcane Barrage
Arcane Specialization (+arcane damage)

Mage - Frost
Freezes enemies in their tracks and shatters them with Frost magic.
Summon Water Elemental
Frost Specialization (+frost damage)

Mage - Fire
Ignites enemies with balls of fire and the breath of dragons.
Molten Armor
Fire Specialization (+fire damage)

Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Paladin - Holy
Invokes the power of the Light to protect and to heal.
Holy Shock
Healing Bonus

Paladin - Protection
Uses Holy magic to shield himself / herself and defend allies from attackers.
Avenger's Shield
Touched by the Light

Paladin - Retribution
A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and Holy magic.
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization
Divine Storm
Sheath of Light
Divine Purpose

Priest (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Priest - Discipline
Uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds.
Discipline Priest (pushback resistance)

Priest - Shadow
Uses sinister Shadow magic, especially damage-over-time spells, to eradicate enemies.
Mind Flay
Shadow Priest (threat and pushback reduction on shadow spells)

Priest - Holy
A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave.
Desperate Prayer
Holy Priest (pushback reduction on disc/holy spells)

Rogue (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Rogue - Combat
A swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies.
Dual Wield Specialization (+offhand damage)
Blade Fury
Vitality (+energy regen)

Rogue - Assassination
A deadly master of poisons who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikes.
Improved Poisons
Assassin's Resolve (if dagger, +max energy, +damage)

Rogue - Subtlety
A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush his/her unsuspecting prey.
Sinister Calling
Master of Sublety

Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Shaman - Elemental
A spellcaster who harnesses the destructive forces of nature and the elements.
Eye of the Storm
Elemental Fury

Shaman - Restoration
A healer who calls upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water to mend allies? wounds.
Earth Shield
Purification (+healing)
Healing Focus

Shaman - Enhancement
A totemic warrior who strikes foes with weapons imbued with elemental power.
Dual Wield
Mental Quickness
Dual Wield Specialization
Lava Lash

Warlock (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Warlock - Destruction
Calls down demonic fire to burn and demolish enemies.
Destruction Warlock (+hit, pushback reduction)

Warlock - Demonology
A warlock who uses both Fire and Shadow magic along with powerful demons.
Summon Felguard
Demonology Warlock (+hit, pushback reduction)

Warlock - Affliction
A master of Shadow magic who specializes in fear, drains and damage-over-time spells.
Unstable Affliction
Affliction Warlock (Bane and Curse GCD = 1sec, +hit, pushback reduction)

Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Warrior - Arms
Highly trained for battle with two-handed weapons, uses mobility and overpowering attacks to strike his / her opponents down.
Mortal Strike
Anger Management
Two-Handed Weapons Specialization

Warrior - Fury
A furious berserker wielding a weapon in each hand, uses a flurry of attacks to carve his / her opponents to pieces.
Dual Wield
Dual Wield Specialization

Warrior - Protection
A stalwart protector that uses a shield to protect himself/herself and his/her allies.
Shield Slam
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