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Mesaj tarihi:
Masquerade said:

wotlk beta ile cata beta 2-3 gün farkı saymazsak aynı tarihte başlamış.

blizzcon 2010, ekim sonunda.

sorumuz: cata blizzcon'dan önce çıkar mı? :P

İmkansız, felaket derecede eksik beta şu anda, baya da sorunlu.
Mesaj tarihi:
Q: What were Varok Saurfang's notable accomplishments prior to WoW?
A: Varok Saurfang has served with the Horde ever since he drank the blood of Mannoroth alongside Grom Hellscream. Varok led forces in the sacking of Shattrath, Stormwind, and everything between, never losing in battle until the Horde was routed at the end of the Second War. When Orgrim Doomhammer seized control of the Horde in the First War, he chose Varok Saurfang as his second-in-command after witnessing Varok's efficient and brutal tactics on the field. After the demonic bloodlust had been lifted from the orcs due to Grom Hellscream's sacrifice, Varok helped dozens of veterans come to grips with their previous atrocities, ultimately saving the lives of many great Horde soldiers. Rumor also has it that Saurfang once cleaved three men in half with one swing… of his hand.


garosh denen zibidiyi indirip saurfangi warchief yapsak la :( horde da saygi duydugum tek lider tipi adam, bi uther bi turalyon ally icin ne ise saurfang horde icin o, hatta herifin gecmisi motivasyonu oglunun olumu filan cok cok basarili

tabi uther demisken bombayi birakmadan olmaz


eger blizz sunu yaptiysa fanboy damarim patlicak, forumlarda metzen ve aleks efendinin yedi ceddine sovucem

lutfen fake olsun su
just stay dead FFS!!
Mesaj tarihi:
viktor said:
garosh denen zibidiyi indirip saurfangi warchief yapsak la :( horde da saygi duydugum tek lider tipi adam, bi uther bi turalyon ally icin ne ise saurfang horde icin o, hatta herifin gecmisi motivasyonu oglunun olumu filan cok cok basarili

artı bir
bi de dün ilk defa ventrilo vs sesi olmadan icc yaptım, daha bi süper oldu icc'deki saurfang encounterı eauh
saurfang başkaaan

yalnız o alttaki ss gerçek olmasın abi nolur ya, ne işi olabilir onun cataclysm'de
Mesaj tarihi:

invincible konusundaki tatir ve tesekkurlerimide geri aliyorum blizzden, simdi yenide dinleyince tekrar ahtirladim frozen throne sonunda caldigini >_<

yetersiz blizz
Mesaj tarihi:
As the Lich King, Ner'zhul would rule the Scourge alone until his merger with Arthas Menethil, who would later consume his spirit to become the dominant spirit of the Lich King. Ner'zhul's fate, with the death of Arthas and Bolvar Fordragon's rise as the Lich King, is currently unknown.

Öyle arthas yok etti gitti gibi basit birşekilde silinecek bi karakter değil ayıp eder blizzard.
Mesaj tarihi:
ad3m said:

As the Lich King, Ner'zhul would rule the Scourge alone until his merger with Arthas Menethil, who would later consume his spirit to become the dominant spirit of the Lich King. Ner'zhul's fate, with the death of Arthas and Bolvar Fordragon's rise as the Lich King, is currently unknown.

Öyle arthas yok etti gitti gibi basit birşekilde silinecek bi karakter değil ayıp eder blizzard.
şu bana en saçma gele kısım , bütün frozen throne ve warcraft oyununda ipleri nerzhul çekti arthas pupildi sonra birden arthas dominant oluyor he ? peh
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