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2000 lerden beri faal olan, çok şukela bir paylaşım platformuyuz. Hoşgeldiniz.

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2001 senesinde en ırkçı reklam şeysi olmuş:


Ad busters ... In April, New York University's department of culture and communication presented the fifth annual "Schmio Awards," which they awarded to the worst advertising campaigns. Their "Rudyard Kipling Prize for the Year's Most Racist TV Spot" went to Fox Sports for its "Hometown News" campaign that depicted fake Indian, Russian and Turkish sports reports. In the Turkish spot, for instance, a diver walks out on a high platform at the edge of a cliff. He dives, and lands on the ground. A group of peasants applaud as judges' ratings appear on the screen. As Rob Walker wrote on www.slate.com, "The joke, such as it is, turns on the idea of a bunch of backward savages in a far-off and thoroughly uncivilized land." Sounds like a good premise for "The Simpsons."
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BaaL said:

internetten eski bu video. 1995 senesinde harddisk gezdirerek arkadaşlar dosya paylaştığımız dönemde izlemiştim ben bunu birinin "KOMİK VİDEOLAR" klasöründen

zuhauahua hatta dvdye kopyalanır üzerine komik :) yazılır... hey gidii
yutuba da 2007 de koymuş çocuk, insan ona bakar en azından burda paylaşmadan önce
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