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Final Fantasy 14 online

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Mesaj tarihi:
Fate farm gerisi yalan. Fyi

Ne quest ne dungeon ne levequest zirvaligi...

Fatede 3 saatte 21-30 oldum dun. Zaten cevrede quest kalmiyor ileri levelin varsa, levequestler az xp degmiyor dungeon daha berbat..

Fate harala gurele bayik biraz ama degiyor en azindan.

Fate tiyosu icin tesekkurler btw.. nicki zor olan arkadas :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi fate party için adam sürekli arıyolar zaten o kadar rağbet olmasından anladım ben mapdede süreki bir yerde fate oluyor. mantıklı aslında ama ünlemleri temizleme alışkanlığı işte, tam görev adamıyım ya lanet olsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kanuni said:

Fate farm gerisi yalan. Fyi

Ne quest ne dungeon ne levequest zirvaligi...

Fatede 3 saatte 21-30 oldum dun. Zaten cevrede quest kalmiyor ileri levelin varsa, levequestler az xp degmiyor dungeon daha berbat..

Fate harala gurele bayik biraz ama degiyor en azindan.

Fate tiyosu icin tesekkurler btw.. nicki zor olan arkadas :)

nedir bu? açabilir misin? grupla gelince fate spawn rate filan mı artıyor. olayı ne
Mesaj tarihi:
screwy said:

grubun vurduklarının xpsi de geliyo ve %99.9 gold alıyosun fateden 2 moba vursan bile sadece. baya hızlandırmıs oluyo ay vuramadım derdi olmuyo.

hmm. ben zaten aoe spam yaptığımdan çok fark yok heralde.

Masakari said:

Fate i tek başına halledemezsin zaten kalabalık lazım. Haliyle ne kadar kalabalık o kadar hızlı bitirirsin.

Daha hiç tek kalmadım ya fatelerde. hep hayvan gibi gruplar vardı.
Mesaj tarihi:
yani mara ile warrior ile yaparken bazen tum grubu cekiyosun 2 aoe ile birinin heallaması lazım oluyo falan. iyidir grup zaten bisey aramıyosun da LF FATE group yaz 3 invite geliyo her zoneda.
Mesaj tarihi:
her zone un 1 saatte bir cıkıp ucuk xp veren fatei oluyo bi de onu kacırmamak gerekiyo. o south shroudda mukemmel mesela 2 tane var cok iyi xp veren 20dakikada bir falan biri cıkmıs oluyo nerdeyse.
Mesaj tarihi:
ben acayip şanslıyım fate konusunda ya. o hayvani xp verenler paso etrafta dolanırken üzerimde spawnlanıyor. 1-2 aoe atıp sonra gelen gruba bırakıyorum sfsd.
Mesaj tarihi:
Suark said:

ya sureklı sprınt atıorm ben
sprınt her classta yok mu?

cok rahat edıorm yanı

var her classda ama sprint sonrasi combata girersen melee classlar tp kullandiklari icin sifir tp pek guzel bir baslangic olmuyor :D

mana kullananlarda sorun yok.
Mesaj tarihi:
oyunu nereden ve nasıl alabılırım ılk cıkan oyunu alsam bu yenı cıkanı A Realm Rebornu oynayabılırmıyım yardımcı olursanız cok sevınıırım
Mesaj tarihi:
The following are details regarding the maintenance operation that occurred on Sep. 11, 2013 from 4:00 p.m. to 12:55 a.m. (PDT).

[Countermeasures to Relieve Heavy Server Stress on Duty Finder]
This maintenance implemented countermeasures to further relieve heavy server stress on the Duty Finder and instance-related Worlds.

With this measure, group matching is now split among the following three groups for the selection process.

- Japan data center
- Group 1

- Group 2

- Group 3

- North American/European data center
- Group 1

- Group 2

- Group 3

*Groupings are determined by balancing levels, number of people, class/jobs, and adjusted so as to help provide a smooth matching process.

[Increased Number of Instance Worlds]
The Duty Finder and quest instance battles are handled internally in their own separate Worlds. In addition to the above measure of easing server load by splitting the selection pool amongst the above groups, we have also increased the number of instance-related Worlds on which battles occur.
This measure allows the facilitation of more instances, decreasing cases in which players must wait for an instance to become open after they have already been matched by the Duty Finder or the quest instance battle has been initiated.

[Addition of New Worlds]
We have implemented the addition of the following Worlds.

- Japan data center

- North American/European data center

Please note that, upon first opening of the new Worlds, we predict a concentrated influx of characters in the low-level zones of said Worlds. Therefore, until characters have evened out and dispersed into the various zones, we will be implementing Character Creation and login restrictions. Please be aware.

In addition, as a result of splitting the group matching for the Duty Finder into 3 groups, we are now able to expand our services easier. We will continue to monitor concurrent logins and the increase of new players in each World and, if needed, periodically add new Worlds starting from October.

We will announce details regarding this at a later time.

[Implementation of Auto-Logout]
Because there are so many users attempting to login even when the maximum allowed number of concurrent logins has already been reached (in other words, when login restrictions are in place), we have now implemented an auto-logout feature. In an attempt to provide as many users as possible a chance to login, characters that appear to be inactive for thirty minutes will be automatically logged out of the game.

[Login Restrictions Directly After Maintenance]
In the time period just after maintenance has completed, we predict a rush of characters logging in simultaneously. In order to prevent any technical difficulties due to this login rush, we will be temporarily placing severe login restrictions. These login restrictions may occur frequently, lasting from a few minutes to ten minutes; however, restrictions will be lifted in a gradual manner as login status is carefully monitored. We ask for your patience and understanding in this matter.

AFK kick gelmiş. 30 dk AFK olunabiliniyor artık.
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