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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Stranger: I shit on my own chest once...
You: projectile motion?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Epic
You: cool
You: universal law of attraction
You: like attracts like
Stranger: Indeed
You: I am glad you agreed
ayıp resim var burda sfdsf
Stranger: Fag
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

edit: (arada gereksiz bi mesaj vardı sildim sdf)
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You: HI
Stranger: horney girl, 17 years old wanna get layed got cam [email protected]
Stranger: horney girl, 17 years old wanna get layed got cam [email protected]
Stranger: horney girl, 17 years old wanna get layed got cam [email protected]
Stranger: horney girl, 17 years old wanna get layed got cam [email protected]
Stranger: horney girl, 17 years old wanna get layed got cam [email protected]
Stranger: ;)
You: ME WANTS SEX!1!1!!
You: U GOT SOME?!?!
Stranger: me too
Stranger: hot hot hot
Stranger: ad me
Stranger: horney girl, 17 years old wanna get layed got cam [email protected]
Stranger: oke nice
Stranger: sounds great
You: ================================================>
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Im the french girl
You: THE?
Stranger: yeah the
You: analyzing your first sentence, I compute that you have %55 probability of being turkish 16 male, %20 probability of being brazilian 15 male, %15 probability of being chinese male and %10 others
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: :]
You: hey
You: :}
Stranger: asl
You: 17 m norway
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: im 13/f/california
You: 13?
Stranger: yes
You: that is like
You: I don't know primary school
Stranger: well if ur going to be an asshole about it leave
You: I am 23 by the way lol
You: ok
You: do so
Stranger: u leave
Stranger: i dont know how
You: LOL
You: press disconnect
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hazırım
You: Cikardim
You: masaya vuruyorum simdi.
You: bak izle.
You: bak
You: 360 derece salliyorum
You: yavastan, kavisli
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: where you from
You: fransa
You: you?
Stranger: fransa
Stranger: ?
You: you dont know fransa
Stranger: no lol
You: o may god
Stranger: where the fuck is that are you talking about france
You: no
You: not france
You: it is fransa
Stranger: what continent lmfao
You: africa
You: south africa
Stranger: oh
Stranger: cool
Stranger: are you black?
You: na
You: lots of white people here
Stranger: bullshit
Stranger: theres no such thing as fransa
You: yea there is
You: small sized
Stranger: oh
Stranger: ok lol
You: u?
Stranger: do you ahve any black friends
Stranger: ???
You: where are you from
Stranger: do you have aim or msn
You: certainly I do
Stranger: im from america
You: I mean black friends
Stranger: k waht is it
Stranger: oh
You: noI dont have those
Stranger: do you have aim or msn
You: na
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: will you sing me a song?
You: maybe
Stranger: please
You: açınn kızlarrr
You: arayııııııııııı
You: salacammmmm
You: kobrayııııııııııııııııı
Stranger: God bless
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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abi cok egleniyorum ya asdmasduasfn

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ...oh
You: JEN?
Stranger: unfortuntely one is not jenny.
Stranger: sorry ;3;
You: T_T
Stranger: T_T
Stranger: i feel your pain
Stranger: sorta.
Stranger: is jenny a cool omeglegirl?
You: you can ease it
You: if your boobs are as good as my beautiful jens :(
Stranger: oh
You: baby?
Stranger: these sound like pretty awesome boobs that jen has.
Stranger: i wish i could say i have boobs but unfortunately i dont
You: breast cancer?
Stranger: no i'm a dude ):
You: omg
ciktim sonra direk sdf
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi! 21 male italian and you will probably disconnect because you are a male from turkey or any other country which has no girls in
You: lol
Stranger: ok a normal person
Stranger: i hope
You: what's normal by your standards
You: and why from turkey?
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: so many guys asking my gender and curse and disconnect
Stranger: is it normal?
You: well if normal = average, then i'm guessing that's normal
You: so you're a dude?
Stranger: so im not normal
Stranger: yes im a dude
You: fuck..
You have disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

4chan'den :)
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Dennis said:
of çok sardı ya

You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: united states?
You: no
You: ıraq
You: u?

Stranger: us
You: interesting
Stranger: what do you mean iraq
Stranger: thats bullshit
You: let me ask you something
You: what the hell are you people looking for in our country?

Stranger: ask
Stranger: why the hell do you assume a 19 year old college student has anything to do at all with stupid presidents starting stupid wars
You: good answer
You: you won
You: wars are stupid, meaningless
You: and i'm not even from ıraq, i'm just bullshiting you

Stranger: yeah no shit
Stranger: where are you from
You: vietnam
You: and let me ask you something

Stranger: hahahaha
You: what the hell were you people looking for in our country?
Stranger: that weed

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dasaaa said:
Dennis said:
of çok sardı ya

You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: united states?
You: no
You: ıraq
You: u?

Stranger: us
You: interesting
Stranger: what do you mean iraq
Stranger: thats bullshit
You: let me ask you something
You: what the hell are you people looking for in our country?

Stranger: ask
Stranger: why the hell do you assume a 19 year old college student has anything to do at all with stupid presidents starting stupid wars
You: good answer
You: you won
You: wars are stupid, meaningless
You: and i'm not even from ıraq, i'm just bullshiting you

Stranger: yeah no shit
Stranger: where are you from
You: vietnam
You: and let me ask you something

Stranger: hahahaha
You: what the hell were you people looking for in our country?
Stranger: that weed

hakkatten süpermiş :)
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You: are you jonh?
Stranger: hi 21 m rus
You: is your name john?
You: john connor?

Stranger: yeah
Stranger: why u know
You: come with me if you wanna live!
Stranger: why i love anal sex i dont wonna go anywhere
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHV6OzHjWV8&feature=fvst
You: i cannot save your sorry human ass in russia! come to usa!

Stranger: ok
Stranger: but russia have big guns
You: old.. old big guns.. which are not working..
You: come on! communism fucked up you good

Stranger: no many new big guns all worked fine
You: do you have any f35-f22 or anything new?
You: and tomahawks and starwars project

Stranger: ahah its very old we have geoweapons and use it on usa sometime
You: can you assult to the other side of the world! to another continent "to bring freedom"
You: and do that TWICE!

Stranger: ooook
You: damn we americans a re so lowlife
You: we attacked all those countries and the whole world hates us
You: dont you hate usa.. and g.w. bush?
You: we are scumbags dude
You: we need to be TERMINATED

Stranger: yeah baby u know truth)
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hai
Stranger: how are you?
You: tired and hungry ;s
You: u
Stranger: just tired
Stranger: how old are you?
You: 13
You: uk
Stranger: hey me too :D
You: lol nice
Stranger: are you girl?
You: ya
You: u too?
Stranger: I'm a boy
You: cool
Stranger: where are you?
Stranger: school?
You: no home lol
You: i m sick
Stranger: alone?
You: yea ;'s
Stranger: i know some things for a girl alone to do but... it might be rude :P
You: lol like what ;o
Stranger: you might disconnect...
You: no my connection's cool
Stranger: you can get naked and play with yourself in bed... best activity to do alone for a girl..
You: omg
You: This is Chris Hansen with the FBI, your IP has been sent to our database for attempting to have sex with minors.
Stranger: :D:D
Stranger: how do you feel about it?
Stranger: I can give you some tips
You: what tips ;s
Stranger: playing with urself ;)

bune amk ibne fbidan da korkmuyo

gozu donmus
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