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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: O-----{----------<
You: çok romantiksin osman
Your conversational partner has disconnected
Mesaj tarihi:
Stranger: selam yabancı
You: hi
You: from?
You: what does " selam yabanci" means?

Stranger: hello stranger it means
Stranger: you're from?
You: caprica
Stranger: where is it :S
You: an island
You: near china
You: where's turkey?

Stranger: it s in eastern europe, near the greece
You: oh
You: u're the barbarians
You: that attacked china many many years ago
You: turks

Stranger: barbarians? why do you think like that
You: hun turks
You: attack china

Stranger: and china still exists so?
You: are you kidding me?
Stranger: no problem right:d
You: we built a giant wall to stop you
You: all those stuff, we could built a disco or a supermarket
You: come on man

Stranger: and i think you should have done that bro

Stranger: what a shame
You: that's my friend near me says, he knows turkish

Stranger: türkçeyi de öğretmişiz arada bi faydamız dokunmuş:D
Stranger: haaa i see man
Stranger: say hi to your friedn
You: i said
You: he says aleykumselam
You: cigerim
You: now he says cekik gozlunun tokadı pek olur

Stranger: kardeşim beniö
Stranger: sözlükten miymiş sorsana
You: patidenmis
You: yalnız tepkiye bak lan

Stranger: i said ask him if he s from sözlük
You: china still exist so asdasf
You have disconnected.
Mesaj tarihi:
girmeyin bu siteye cidden çok tehlikeli

demin bi arkadaş kız diye elemanın biri ile baya muhabbete
girmiş msn falan vermiş cam da açmışlar birbirlerine
arkadaş karşısında ne görsün?

[spoiler +18]
aleti çıkarıp sallayan bi türk adasdadad

Mesaj tarihi:
of c p yapamadım

you: i need some dinamitess
str: fuck you fuckin teroristtss
str:osama fuck your self

dedi ve çıkt ahaha
Mesaj tarihi:

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi my name is hasanul muktalib
Stranger: i from iran
You: i'm from the US
You: in west philadelfia born and raised
Stranger: we will kill you all
You: on the playground where i spent most of my days
Stranger: infadels
You: chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
You: and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
Stranger: dont u hear me
You: when a couple of guys said were up in no good
Stranger: i kill u all
You: started making trouble in my neighbourhood
You: i got in one little fight and my mom got scared
You: and said youre moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air
Stranger: i kill your mom too
You: i begged and pleaded with her the other day
Stranger: i bomb bel air
You: but she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
You: she gave me a kissin and she gave me my ticket
Stranger: i place bomb in your suitcase
You: i put my walkman on and said i might aswell kick it
You: first class, yo this is bad,
You: drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
You: is this what the people of bel-air livin like,
You: hmm this might be alright!
Stranger: i can get the plane crush in us buildings
You: i whistled for a cab and when it came near the
You: licensplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror
You: if anything i could say that this cab was rare
You: but i thought now forget it, yo home to bel-air
Stranger: i bomb this taxi
You: i pulled up to a house about seven or eight
You: and i yelled to the cabby yo, home smell you later
You: looked at my kingdom i was finally there
You: to settle my throne as the prince of bel-air
You have disconnected.

Mesaj tarihi:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: abi sonra vurdum sopayı vurdum sopayı
Stranger: mal msın
You: olum öle böle değil
You: geri kalkıo puşt
Stranger: kafan mı güzel abazamısın nesin lan
Stranger: özürlü
Stranger: buraya onu anlatmayamı geliyorlar
Stranger: malsın olum sen
Stranger: abaza
You: ahauahah ney ney?
Stranger: çok mu komik
You: sopa dediğim bildiğimiz sopa lan
You: tahtadan
You: falan
Stranger: geri kalkıo puşt ne ya
Stranger: ayy pardon hahahahahahahahahaha
You: adama vurdum sopayla
You: adam geri kalktı
Stranger: haha
You: abaza diyene
Stranger: neden onu yazıosn direkki
Mesaj tarihi:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: 22/m/london
You: hello mate
You: I'm from venezuella
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: asl?
You: 19 F Vene.
Stranger: i love so much south america countrys
You: but you fail at typing in english
You: amk senin
You: :D
Stranger: bende senin amk:D
You: ahahadfkşdaşfa
Mesaj tarihi:
fransızın biri geldi, adam iyi de sizde niye fransız okulları var ki siz frankofon değilsiniz alla alla diye tutturdu.

fransızların %90 ı hıyardır tezime bir başka kanıt.
Mesaj tarihi:

Stranger: howdy, my name's steve
You: hi
You: mine is Dinan
You: i am cooler
You: :P
Stranger: not even close
You: hahah
Stranger: i'm the bees knees
You: STEVE is a village church priest name
You: hillsteve
Stranger: Dinan is a homo's name
Stranger: gaydinan
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