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Retri Paladin Patch 3.1.1a

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Retribution DPS was too low in 3.1

At the time I said that it was true. We made changes after that point, such as fixing a bug with RV and increasing the damage of Divine Storm. Ret PvE dps seems pretty close to where we want it now. We’ll definitely keep an eye on the situation, but don’t assume that if you can’t touch the dps of warriors or shamans that it is automatically our fault. Sometimes it is. Sometimes there is more individual players can do.

Possible changes for Paladin mechanics
I already stated that we want to re-design the basic combat attacks so that paladins are just using their first few GCDs to unload with big hits (that then pay for their front-loaded burst with long cooldowns, which is small consolation to a dead opponent). The Exorcism change, largely made so that paladin damage wouldn’t decline once they moved from the undead-rich Naxxramas to the undead-poor Ulduar, gave them extra damage in PvP that we didn’t feel paladins needed. (Source)

[...] We aren't deleting the files and starting over. We changed paladins pretty substantially for Lich King and by most accounts, paladin players like the changes. It doesn't surprise me at all that the details are taking some tweaking to get just right. Consider that most of the balance problems we've had were for classes that received substantial changes or were brand new classes.

We like the new Seal / Judgement system and aren't likely to mess with that. What we would like to do is take say CS, DS and Exorcism, make one of them have no cooldown, and make the others something you want to do at the right time. Here are some dumb, mostly fake examples. They all have problems and aren't very original (because I spent all of 20 sec thinking of them) but are in the right vein. We have some actual ideas but aren't ready to share them yet.

1) Your Crusader Strike stacks something on a target. Divine Storm then does more damage per stack (but consumes the stacks?).
2) Your Divine Storm has a dot component. The closer you get a Crusader Strike to the final dot, the more damage it does, but its cooldown keeps you from spamming it.
3) When someone under the effect of your Retribution Aura (or whatever) is attacked, your Divine Storm lights up and you can then make them pay for the affront.
4) Your Divine Storm has a dot component with a very short duration. However Crusader Strike has no cooldown and extends the duration by one tick. Basically you have to hit CS three or four times in a row quickly to keep the whirlwind spinning."

"CS, DS and Exorcism, make one of them have no cooldown" divine storm u cooldown suz yaparlarsa paso ışık saçan dönen palalar olacaz her tarafta fırıldak gibi dönecez
Mesaj tarihi:
ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar bir an önce bufflasınlar bu retriyi.bıktım sürekli damage meterlerde ortalarda veya sonlara yakın olmaktan.sırf bu byüzden mage açtım.bütün dungeonlarda 1.yim şimdilik.dps yapmak isteyen arkadaşlara söylüyorum.Kesinlikle PALADİN oynamayın.bu arada HEALER olarak da çok zor pala oynamak.Kısacası nefret ettim bu klasdan.
Mesaj tarihi:
Üzgünm Beyler

"We are making a hotfix (any minute now probably) so that Replenishment in arenas will only affect the character and not the whole team. It will continue to function as it does currently outside of arenas.

We feel Replenishment is balanced for larger groups, but just makes too much of a difference on smaller arena teams. Making the rules work differently in PvP and PvE isn’t a solution we like to use often, but in this case we think it fixes the issue cleanly, while still making the talents in question useful to the character who takes them. Alternatives, such as nerfing the amount returned by Replenishment in arena or making it not function at all, seem like more punitive choices from which we want to stay away."

Ama beni benden alan cümle aşağıdadır.

"Furthermore, it's not like there is much skill involved to that rotation ("GC SEZ RETS R FACEROLLERZ"). You hit the buttons and damage happens."

Directly quoted from GC sdsds
Mesaj tarihi:
paladinlerin mele olarak vurabileceği auto attack harici bir skill daha olsa aslında başka bir şeye gerek yok. crusader strike var ama mana gidiyor. resmen komedi aslında.
Mesaj tarihi:
Mana sorunu kaldımı ki retrilerin. Arka arkaya her CD geldiğinde crusader-divine-judge-HoW-exorcism diye gittiği halde manaları bitmiyor.

Dahası paladinin manası gidiyorsa, başkalarınında enerjisi, rage'i ,rune powerı gidiyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Watershield ?

Yani elementalsan zaten senin üzerinde oturuyorlardır yoksa dağıtırsın ortalığı. O zaman da çatur çutur gelir mana diye düşünüyorum.

Restoysa mana tide falan var. Ama shamanın mana efficiency poo doğrudur.
Mesaj tarihi:
şu an lvl 70 im, ve kasarken zorlanıyorum. holy epic itemleri satıp, yeşil mavi retri pala oldum ve mana sıkıntısı çekiyorum. aslında holy itemleri satmasaydım gayet iyi idi :(
Mesaj tarihi:
BonePART said:
buyu atiyorum manam gidiyo
wandim bilem yok lan
wandim olsa ok walla koymaz yane
manam bitince oturuyorum

Abi manan nasıl bitiyor ya, bizim shamanı focusa alıyorum bazen sinirim bozuluyor valla. Adam spam modda bossa abanıyor, eğer arka arkaya 2 büyüden 1'i crit diye bir döngüye girdimi, sürekli büyü attığı halde manası azalmıyor doluyor :D (ki nerdeyse her bossta 10-15 saniyelik 2-3 göngü yakaladığı oluyor.)

Clearcast süper deli bir talent valla, 25 mana'ya shock atmak gibisi varmı :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Wispy said:

=Auto attack, Divine Storm, Crusader Strike, Judgement, Hammer of Wrath=Bumm 20k lulz

araya bi de Bloodelf racial silence'ını sokarlar hadi stundan çıktın diyelim :) baktı hala ölmüyo adam üstüne repentance. Sonra 2. dalga gelir ve geberirsin :D
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