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2.4 PTR Patch Notes

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
absolut senin dediğin olay 2 sene kadar önceydi :) önüne gelen rogue / warrior açardı nitekim son 1 senedir warlockların sayısında patlama var.. ortalıkta gezinen o kadar emo warlock oyuncuları var ki duel falan kaybedip dünyanın küfrünü edip ignore ediyorlar :D alışmışlar easymode kazanmaya (:P)
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben locku 15k hpsi&manası olsa da keserim. Olay o değil ki.

Tek bir nerfle warlockların hem pvpde hem pvede life tap kullanırken 2 kere düşünmesini sağlıyacaklardı. Lifetap critlerse 4k hp gidecek demişsin şu andaki haliyle critliyor mu, critleyince ne kadar hp gidiyor ?

Warlockla her duel'da Blade Flurry açıp petin anasını ağlatmayı ardından fel dominationu kicklemeyip warlocku blindlayıp 2. peti de kesmeyi bundan sonra kendime görev addedicem. İçlerinde patlasın 2 shard
Mesaj tarihi:
ya ben bişi sorcam. sanırım kaöırdım arada. şamana hangi buff gelmişti de geri alındı :o
şimdi offical 2.4 notlarını okudum evvelden yazan şeyler yazıo.

bir de önemli bişi sorucam. healing grace e gelen bu şeyi tam çözemedim. %15 thread reduction gidicek ve yerine spellerin dispellene engeli vs vs şeysi mi gelcek, yoksa, thread reduce a ek olarak mı verilicek. thread reduction kalkarsa şamanlar biraz duman da :s annamaım malsef bi el atın plx
Mesaj tarihi:
gangren kusura bakma warlock topicine dönüştürmeyin diyorsun da, bu patch noteları üstünde tartışma olacaksa life tap üstüne olu, sunwell den daha çok ilgi gören bir kısım çünkü.
Mesaj tarihi:
Xhunarion said:
Warlocklar(Abso) çıkıp gereksiz nerftü falan demese kimse ortaya atlayıp "Löy löy locklar imba" demiyor zaten.

Abi topikte kaç tane locklar OP dendi bi say allah aşkına :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Absolut said:
Xhunarion said:
Warlocklar(Abso) çıkıp gereksiz nerftü falan demese kimse ortaya atlayıp "Löy löy locklar imba" demiyor zaten.

Abi topikte kaç tane locklar OP dendi bi say allah aşkına :)

Ama doğru? Locklar imba? Herkes sayfalarca tartıştı bitti yani. Tek kahramansın şu an, ve okuyan herkes görebiliyor. Warlock QQ'yi bambaşka. Bak millet sustu, uzatmaya da gerek yok. Sen kendince lock imba değil, bize haksızlık hep nerf eyliyorlar de, ama bilgiyi kendine sakla, huzur olsun buralarda.
Mesaj tarihi:
So today after I was finished administering a good !*%*ing to my girlfriend I go to the bathroom to clean up like I always do. This time I had to take a dump so I'm about to throw the condom into the toilet to get rid of it when an idea comes to me. I put four fingers into the open end of the condom and stretch it out and hold it up to my hole and crap into the condom. A perfect smooth finely tapered poop. It slides all the way down into the bottom of the condom coming to rest in the pool of %!%#@*@@#, and displacing some of it so that it flows up the sides of the turd. Perfect! It fits like a banana in its skin.

Then I look at my creation, wondering if anything could possibly be more awesome. Then i clip my toenails and drop them in for good measure. I take the whole thing, hold the opening over the faucet and start filling it with warm water. I'm thinking of all the awesome things I could do with my newly acquired disease balloon. Running all the different scenarios through my head. Trying to select the single most awesome one. "This is going to be epic." I tell myself.
I take it off the tap, it's about the size of a softball now. I go to tie it at the end, and I have the bit stretched around my fingers, ready to put the tip through the loop and complete the knot, when it slips out of my grip because the freshly unrolled end was still lubricated. It starts spewing it's payload before it even hits the floor!

It lands on my foot, bounces a little and empties itself all over my white socks. My girlfriend, who is still in the bedroom, is startled to hear me yell "****!" from the bathroom. She then opens the door to check on me and is greeted by the sight of her boyfriend standing in a puddle of $hit stew with a limp condom at his feet. Then she just stares for a moment. Dumbfounded. Like she can't believe what's happening or she doesn't want to believe. There is poo, (you know what) and toenails on the floor. On the walls, the mirror, on me. While her brain tries to make sense of the scene in front of her, I slam the door in her face, which seems to snap her out of the daze.

"What the hell!? What the hell did you do!?" she screams, like she's about to cry. I feel regret. Not for what I did, but for what I could have done. It smells now. I dry off with her towel then drop it on the floor covering what part of the mess I can. I put on my cool face and exit the bathroom, gently shutting the door behind me. My girlfriend eyes me, I know she's waiting for an explanation. But I don't think she could handle it. So I walk past her without saying anything. I put on my coat and tell her, "It's getting kind of late. I'm going to head home." She just stares at me with that dumb look on her face. I drop my poo socks in her mailbox and walk home. That was the last time I would hear from her. But I had something better now. A dream. I would make another...

Anyway, buff Mages!

No seriously, we need a buff. Any suggestions would be great for a new spell.

P.S ~ Why does table cost two arcane powders instead of one?

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