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2.4 PTR Patch Notes


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Abso bu iğrençliğin anlamı (anlamsızlığı mı demeliydim acaba?) nedir şimdi?

Warlockunu, nerfünü, WoW'unu, otunu bokunu geçtim de ne gereği var yani, bir açıklar mısın?

Yani sen yapma bari, saçmalığın daniskası şu yaptığın olay, başka birşey değil...
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Kalgan said:
We definitely feel the need for warlocks to gain some sort of active defense so we don't have to try to balance them around the assumption that they're "tanking" melee classes. For example, an idea we're running with internally is the concept of a warlock being able to cast a spell that places a circle of demonic power on the ground. The warlock would be able to teleport to this location from within a relatively short range (ie: 40 yards), and would also be able to summon demons more quickly if they're standing within the circle.

Note: this idea is intended as a sneak peek, it's not something that we're planning for 2.4, it would be more likely as an expansion ability, and may change entirely before said time.


Siz daha burda nerf diyin :P
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Mages will also get a few nice things, especially when it comes to warlocks/mages balancing in PvP.
Mages will get new abilities in the expansion too, believe it or not. In fact, we intend to tone down how strong of a counter warlocks are to mages through the wotlk spells/talents.

devamını da yazsaymışın keşke :)o
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Xo said:
Mages will also get a few nice things, especially when it comes to warlocks/mages balancing in PvP.
Mages will get new abilities in the expansion too, believe it or not. In fact, we intend to tone down how strong of a counter warlocks are to mages through the wotlk spells/talents.

devamını da yazsaymışın keşke :)o

Obaaa orayı görmemiştim officiallarda. Mageler de bufflanıcakmış, artık qq olmaz heralde, hadi dağılalım (:D


Kesin water elemetale de bi spell lock verecekler :p

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Jay-Jay said:
Yoo, ben daha yeni başladım. En az 2 aydır açılan her topicte nerf warlocks diyosun, o baymadı mı sence?

Yok öyle birşey. Herkes "töbe, locktur susalım, birşey demeyelim" diye kıvranıyor, modlarla sorun olmasın diye susuyor, bi sen duramadın. Bir değil iki değil. Hem biçer döver gibi class oynayacaksın, hem insanlara ık bık. Olmuyor. İki postundan biri millete laf giydirmek. Yeterin.
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