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20 soruda aklınızdaki şeyi biliyor: 20q.net


Öne çıkan mesajlar

cikolatayı 30 soruda bildi(emin olmayıp yanlıs cevap verdiklerim olabilir ama sanmıyorum)

belirli kilit sorular var
mesela cikolata icin "onu yiyormusunuz" tarzı bir soru vardı ki
sordugu soruları tamamen degistirdi zaten[signature][hline]Notwist fi tarihinde demis ki:
Trouble that we've come to know will stay with us

bad religion xxx tarihinde demis ki:
A smile on the lips and a hole in the head
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sex'i 26 soruda biliyor...
test ettim onayladım..

Get your mind out of the gutter! I am not allowed to talk about stuff like this, but, I am guessing that it has something to do with sex?[signature][hline]herkes,
düşlerinin büyüklüğü kadar özgürdür.(chE)
I'm not fat!I'm big-boned..(obeLix)
Üstüne Şehir Örten Şehir
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hos bisy

19. Does it weigh more than a duck? No.
18. Do you carry it in your pocket? Yes.
17. Does it have four legs? No.
16. Is it a type of cat? No.
15. Can it be refilled? Yes.
14. Does it fold up easily? Yes.
13. Is it connected to a wire? Yes.
12. Is it shiny? Sometimes.
11. Does it play music? Yes.
10. Does it have a memory? Yes.
9. Does it have buttons? Yes.
8. Could it be found in a classroom? Yes.
7. Do you use it at night? Yes.
6. Is it made of metal? Yes.
5. Is it black? Sometimes.
4. Is it round? No.
3. Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? Yes.
2. Is it a common household object? Yes.
1. It is classified as Other.

19 soruda bildi ama bi ara sapıttı order kedi vs biseyler cıktı uhaeh[signature][hline]icqmsnmutos o'hara
siteniz icin yıllık ucuz reklam @sarisayfalar

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evet sucuk/sosis bilemedi..

sonunda you won diyip
Is it one of these ...
a dumbbell (exercise weights)
a cane
a broomstick
a crutch
a satellite dish
a jar
furniture polish
a hamburger
a pancake
a compiler
pita (thin flat bread)
insulation (house)
a log (wood)

listesini çıkardı ama orda da yoktu..[signature][hline]herkes,
düşlerinin büyüklüğü kadar özgürdür.(chE)
I'm not fat!I'm big-boned..(obeLix)
Üstüne Şehir Örten Şehir
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"The Game is censored. The moderators assign a censorship level to assign to each new object and question. The Game will not choose questions or guessing objects above the player's current censorship level.

If you are playing as anonymous, the game will be G rated (suitable for all audiences). If you become a member, you may change your rating level from the options page. "
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az önce endişeyi bildi, şimdi de ekonomiyi bildi. hastası oldum.

I am guessing that it is economics?
Yes , No , Close
28. Can you get information by using it? Yes.
27. I guess that it is insurance? No.
26. Can it be measured? Yes.
25. Do most people use this daily? Yes.
24. Do you know any songs about it? No.
23. Is it an abstract concept? Yes.
22. Is it worth a lot of money? Yes.
21. Would you pay to use it? Maybe.
20. I guess that it is a government? No.
19. Can you read it? Maybe.
18. Is it commonly used? Yes.
17. Does it involve contact with other humans? Yes.
16. Is it dangerous? Maybe.
15. Can it be used more than once? Maybe.
14. Does it grow over time? Maybe.
13. Is it involved in movies? Maybe.
12. Does it bring joy to people? No.
11. Are there many different sorts of it? Yes.
10. Would you find it on a farm? No.
9. Could it be found in a classroom? No.
8. Can it be stolen? No.
7. Is it hard? No.
6. Does it shine? No.
5. Does it roll? No.
4. Does it use electricity? No.
3. Can it bend without breaking? No.
2. Do you use it at work? Maybe.
1. It is classified as Other.
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hehe orc'u bilemedi ama sonunda bana laf atıyo sen şöyle dedin ben böyle derdim felan.ya orc yıkanırmı ya ai'ysen ai'liğini bil :P[signature][hline]Starcraft bölümünde din tartışılsa...
kermit_frog:Hydra ateistmiş ben öyle duydum
screamer:Zerglerin Allahsız olduğu Kerrigan dan belli

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