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leaked 1.6 patch notes ..

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:

--Blackwing Lair Released!

Nefarian's sanctum, Blackwing Lair, can be found at the very height of Blackrock Spire. It is there in the dark recesses of the mountain's peak that Nefarian has begun to unfold the final stages of his plan to destroy Ragnaros once and for all and lead his army to undisputed supremacy over all the races of Azeroth. Blackwing Lair is a max-level, 40-player raid dungeon, with many new encounters and tempting rewards awaiting the intrepid adventurer that dares enter its halls.

--Darkmoon Faire!

A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, Silas Darkmoon has brought together the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends most of their time in parts unknown, they do stop from time to time in Mulgore and Elwynn forest. When the faire is on its way barkers will stop by Ogrimmar and Ironforge to announce its arrival.


There is a new way to enter the battleground queues. Battlemasters! Located in some of the cities, right-clicking on a battlemaster will allow your character to enter a battleground queue just like you normally would if you touched that battleground?s entrance portal. The functionality is exactly the same, so when it?s your character?s time to enter the chosen battleground, you will be teleported directly in. Glordrum Steelbeard stands in the Hall of Arms in Ironforge, serving as the Alliance battlemaster for Alterac Valley. Aethalas of the Silverwing Sentinels stands ready in Darnassus, next to the warrior trainers, to send Alliance characters into Warsong Gulch. And in the Hall of the Brave, located in Orgrimmar?s Valley of Honor, Brakgul Deathbringer serves as the Horde?s battlemaster for Warsong Gulch, while Kartra Bloodsnarl will send you to bring glory to the Horde in Alterac Valley. Guards in their respective cities can give you directions on how to find them.


There is a new option upon the login screen. If you click the "Remember Name" checkbox on the left side of the screen, the game will automatically fill in your account name when it starts up.
Will of the Forsaken (Undead Racial) - duration of the lasting immunity effect decreased to 5 seconds.
Cannibalize (Undead Racial) - Regeneration increased to 35% of a character's total health over 10 seconds.
Stoneform (Dwarf Racial) can now be used to cancel self-inflicted poison effects.
Fist Weapons will now have the normal chance to parry that all weapons use.
It will no longer be possible to swap any equipment while stunned.
Pets will now enter passive/follow mode when their masters mount.
The Dazed effect caused by NPCs will now stack with all other movement slowing effects. Note that the movement slowing effects will not stack, but the debuff icons will remain to ensure the full duration of these effects persist.
Damage caused by environmental effects will now cancel stealth (e.g. swimming in lava).
Several creature spells that silenced players are now properly flagged as silence effects, which will allow talents such as Unbreakable Will to provide a higher chance to resist the effects.
Spells that drain mana will now properly report the amount of mana gained in the combat log.
Clarified the error message when no corpses are available for the Cannibalize ability.
Clarified the error message when trying to attack while mounted.
Resurrection spells should now check range properly when used on targets that have released their spirit.
Spell reflection effects have greatly improved visuals and functionality.
Knockback effects are now synchronized with any associated missile impacts.
Special abilities which are parried will correctly activate abilities which are usable after parrying.
Damage shield spells no longer damage you if you use spells that damage both you and your enemies.
Fixed graphical anomalies when using channeled abilities in a group with a grounding totem.
Fixed the duration of Frostbite on pets which are dismissed and then recalled.
Fixed a bug where broken off-hand fist weapons would prevent main-hand dagger abilities from being usable.
Health leech effects no longer give you health while you are a ghost.
You no longer spout profanity when talking about sitting while drunk.


Some optimizations for terrain loading and rendering were added for the Macintosh build.
Enabled multisample support in the video options.
Fixed an issue where inspecting crafted items on other users could potentially show attributes that those items did not have.
Updated the Mac sound code to use memory more efficiently.


Honor System
There is now a progress bar on the Honor tab of your character window that displays how close you are to your next rank.
The honor screen now displays a bar indicating how far along your current rank you are (Scout, Private, etc). This will let you know whether you are moving towards your next rank or falling back towa
Mesaj tarihi:
eeee hani nerde hunter boost? küfredecem tutuyom kendimi
hayır yani warlock ve warrior'ı değiştirmişler o kadar, hunter'a dokunmamışlar. bu nası iş ya !!
[signature][hline]Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder...

[Bu mesaj LvL_Sabo tarafından 19 Haziran 2005 06:54 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Warrior un furry si acıtıcak sanırım artık :)
UD lere geçmiş olsun ^^
Bi kaç Bug fix canımı sıktı ne güzel kullanıyorduk biz onları ;)[signature][hline]Charles Rhadamantis

Nobody is perfect so I'm nobody.

Mesaj tarihi:
süper olmuş :=)
Will of the Forsaken (Undead Racial) - duration of the lasting immunity effect decreased to 5 seconds.
willoftheGG yalan oldu
warrioru gene buffladilar
60 olmam lazim acilinden bu hafta :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Improved Hamstring - Design changed. No longer improves the movement slowing effect. It is now a 3 point talent that gives a 5/10/15% chance to immobilize the target for 5 seconds.

hm baya kötü olmuş bu
Mesaj tarihi:
Nerde Bloodlust? Nerde respec yapılınca 2h axe ve 2h mace skillerinin 0 lanmaması için gelecek olay? Off blizz off... Sen git bizim fire res frost res nature res totemlerinin iconlarıyla oyna.[signature][hline][a.k.a: Sage, Bloodyblade, Gilquaril,Firebat,[Fire]Sage, [SCKF]Firebat, [SoFD]Firebat, Fire-M@n]
Bonus 05 February 2004 20:02 tarihinde demiş ki:

Siz bir de çırpıya para mı veriyorsunuz?
*casts spell:Summon iyi çırpı*
Magrin lvl60 Tauren Shaman(Skullcrusher)
Mesaj tarihi:
hahahahaahhhahaah artık warsong gulchta allylerin bi şansı olabilecek :)


Shapeshifting will now counteract the slowing effects of frost-based spells (Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Cone of Cold, etc.).[signature][hline]Still im Hunted
Still im Hated
Now my blind eyes see other Can NOT

[WoW] Valandir nightelf warrior[60]
Burning Legion
Mesaj tarihi:
Flight Paths
Added a Wind Rider Master to Camp Taurajo in The Barrens.
New Horde Flight Paths --
Camp Taurajo in The Barrens <-> Crossroads in The Barrens
Camp Taurajo in The Barrens <-> Thunder Bluff in Mulgore
Camp Taurajo in The Barrens <-> Freewind Post in Thousand Needles

en çok buna sevindim...[signature][hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
ne kadar dandik bir patch ya.. her yer şunla dolu:

Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by 's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.

çok birşey yapmış gibi hepsini ayrı satıra koymuşlar

ayrıcana mage nerflemekten sıkılmıyor mu bu adamlar?[signature][hline]en ince yerim bileğim..!?!

Syphex [WoW:Burning Legion] Undead-Mage

[Bu mesaj Mum_Chamber tarafından 19 Haziran 2005 10:48 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
aa iyi patch gelsede gidip mage kessek[signature][hline]Işık öldü karanlıkta,
Ay söndü bulutların ardında
Ve ölümcül gece çöktü
Orta-Dünya'nın Topraklarına...
Mesaj tarihi:
Azmodai, 19 Haziran 2005 12:32 tarihinde demiş ki:
shaman'a pwnage birseyler eklememisler! omfg!!!

patchin hastasi oldum.

shamanlar son 5 patch nerf yedi.ilk defa bu patch ile nerf yok.bende buna omfg diorum[signature][hline]--------------------------------------
Kam-Orc Shaman BL
Mesaj tarihi:
+ olarak bi warrior a bisi gelmis su hamstring olayı beni benden aldı :) ..magelere sen uzaktan vuracaksın adamın yanına gelip canlı cıkamayacaksın gibi dusunceye sahip galba bliz.. guzel bi patch oyuna renk getirecegine inaniyorum..

[Bu mesaj Way tarafından 19 Haziran 2005 14:17 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
güzel güzel , kalite patch[signature][hline]valandil ownz j0o!
she is the one that i adore
creed of my silent suffocation .

WoW - Kelvin , Archmage of Nerull
Mesaj tarihi:
free action potionlara gün doğdu[signature][hline]valandil ownz j0o!
she is the one that i adore
creed of my silent suffocation .

WoW - Kelvin , Archmage of Nerull
Mesaj tarihi:
25 mayıs'ta itiraf ettikleri ve düzelteceklerini söyledikleri reckoning bug'ından halen eser yok!

/moon blizzard[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
Mesaj tarihi:
undead değilim ama 5 saniye de yani şaka gibi

ayrıca 1.7'ye kadar oynamama kararım devam edecek bunu gördüm[signature][hline]Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder...
Mesaj tarihi:
Elufulec, 19 Haziran 2005 15:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
iyi Undeadlerin racial ability yalan oldu en cok buna sevindim bundan güzel bisey yok orda.

undead undead ligi kalmadi artik.race in adini falan deistirsinler.[signature][hline]--------------------------------------
Kam-Orc Shaman BL
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